Change in web publishing of Aalto publication series for Aalto University Business School from beginning of 2014
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eDiss - School of Business dissertations
List of opponents
You can sort the opponent list by clicking the column title-links
(opponent, university, country, year)
Opponent | Title | University | Country | Dissertation | Year |
Falk, Tomas | professor | Germany | Laukkanen, Mikko | 2013 | |
Rossi, Reino | docent | Finland | Vaivio, Fedi | 1959 | |
Räsänen, Keijo | professor | LaPointe, Kirsi. | 2011 | ||
Seppälä, Yrjö | professor | Näykki, Pertti | 1974 | ||
Eriksson, Tor | professor | Aarhus School of Business | Denmark | Kruhse-Lehtonen, Ulla | 2007 |
Strandskov, Jesper | professor | Aarhus School of Business | Denmark | Stenberg, Esa | 1992 |
Ellerup Nielsen, Anne | professor | Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University | Denmark | Uusi-Rauva, Christa. | 2010 |
Tourish, Dennis | professor | Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University | Great Britain | Kalla, Hanna | 2006 |
Roslin, Bertil | docent | Abo Akademi University | Finland | Larjavaara, Tuomas | 1978 |
Hoen, Hans Fredrik | professor | Agricultural University of Norway | Norway | Heikkinen, Veli-Pekka | 2001 |
Kjellman, Anders | doctor | Anders Kjellman Consulting Ltd | Finland | Kangas, Taisto | 2006 |
Rosenbröijer, Carl-Johan | doctor | Arcada | Finland | Aspara, Jaakko | 2007 |
Tagaras, George | professor | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | Kilpi, Jani | 2008 |
Firat, Fuat | professor | Arizona State University | USA | Valtonen, Anu | 2004 |
Jarzabkowski, Paula | professor | Aston Business School | Great Britain | Järventie-Thesleff, Rita. | 2011 |
Kerttunen, Mika | docent | Baltic Defence College | Estonia | Aalto, Mika. | 2012 |
Harkka, Jukka | doctor | Bank of Finland | Finland | Murto, Risto | 1996 |
Hyytinen, Ari | docent | Bank of Finland | Finland | Rantapuska, Elias. | 2006 |
Jokivuolle, Esa | docent | Bank of Finland | Finland | Knüpfer, Samuli | 2007 |
Kilponen, Juha | doctor | Bank of Finland | Finland | Henriksson, Marketta | 2006 |
Kuusterä, Antti | doctor | Bank of Finland | Finland | Kangas, Taisto | 2006 |
Takalo, Tuomas | doctor | Bank of Finland | Finland | Carpentier, Xavier | 2006 |
Vilmunen, Jouko | Doctor of Social Sciences | Bank of Finland | Finland | Obstbaum, Meri | 2012 |
Kirpalani, V.H. (Manek) | professor | Bloomsburg University | USA | Vapola, Terhi Johanna. | 2010 |
Pagani, Margherita | professor | Bocconi University | Italy | Huurros, Milla. | 2007 |
Napier, Nancy | professor | Boise State University | USA | Irrmann, Olivier | 2006 |
Herreiner, Dorothea | professor | Bowdoin College | USA | Virrankoski, Juha | 2004 |
Kertesz, Janos | professor | Budapest University of Technology and Economics | Hungary | Malo, Pekka. | 2007 |
Barr, Brenton M. | professor | Calgary University | Canada | Eronen, Jarmo | 1984 |
Michalowski, Wojek | professor | Carleton University, Ottawa | Canada | Yu, GuangYuan | 1998 |
Lyytinen, Kalle | professor | Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH | USA | Tuunanen, Tuure | 2005 |
Lyytinen, Kalle | professor | Case Western Reserve University, Weatherhead School of Management | United States | Juntumaa, Miira. | 2011 |
Lyytinen, Kalle | professor | Case Western University | United States | Mattila, Merja. | 2012 |
Kleymann, Birgit | professor | Catholic University of Lille | France | Naarajärvi, Pia. | 2011 |
Bouwen, René | professor | Centre for Organizational and Personnel Psychology, K.U. Leuven | Netherlands | Kivisaari, Sirkku | 1992 |
Saurio, Simo | Doctor of Social Sciences | CI City Image Oy | Finland | Ylikerälä, Juhani | 2005 |
Chatterjee, Samir | professor | Claremont Graduate University | USA | Relander, Sami | 2008 |
Ryan, Terry | professor | Claremont University | United States | Saarinen, Lauri. | 2012 |
Kato, Takao | professor | Colgate University | USA | Kauhanen, Antti. | 2007 |
Joy, Annamma | professor | Concordia University | Canada | Moisander, Johanna | 2001 |
Kirpalani, V.H. Manek | professor | Concordia University | Canada | Gabrielsson, Mika. | 1999 |
Kirpalani, V.H. Manek | professor | Concordia University, Montreal | Canada | Seristö, Hannu | 1995 |
Damsgaard, Jan | professor | Copenhagen Business School | Denmark | Mallat, Niina | 2006 |
Hazard, Heather A. | professor | Copenhagen Business School | Denmark | Bragge, Johanna | 1997 |
Hedman, Jonas | professor | Copenhagen Business School | Denmark | Rajala, Risto | 2009 |
Holden, Nigel | professor | Copenhagen Business School | Denmark | Koivisto, Jussi V | 1998 |
Karnoe, Peter | professor | Copenhagen Business School | Denmark | Kortelainen, Sami. | 2005 |
Kreiner, Kristian | professor | Copenhagen Business School | Denmark | Aaltio-Marjosola, Iiris | 1991 |
Kreiner, Kristian | professor | Copenhagen Business School | Denmark | Eriksson, Marja | 1995 |
Kristensen, Peer Hull | professor | Copenhagen Business School | Denmark | Lovio, Raimo | 1993 |
Mouritsen, Jan | professor | Copenhagen Business School | Denmark | Chakhovich, Terhi. | 2010 |
Pedersen, Torben | professor | Copenhagen Business School | Denmark | Mäkelä, Kristiina. | 2006 |
Westenholz, Ann | professor | Copenhagen Business School | Denmark | Yli-Kauhaluoma, Sari | 2008 |
De Cieri, Helen | professor | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY | USA | Tahvanainen, Marja | 1998 |
Pataki, György | professor | Corvinus University of Budapest | Hungary | Heikkurinen, Pasi | 2013 |
Alamdari, Fariba | professor | Cranfield University | Great Britain | Kleymann, Birgit | 2002 |
Edwards, Chris | professor | Cranfield University | Great Britain | Tinnilä, Markku | 1997 |
Peppard, Joe | professor | Cranfield University School of Management | United Kingdom | Lahdelma, Pirkko | 2013 |
Watters, Carolyn | professor | Dalhousie University, Halifax | Canada | Lauraéus, Theresa. | 2011 |
Helfat, Constance E. | professor | Dartmouth College | USA | Leiponen, Aija | 2000 |
Gibbin, Allan A. | professor | Durham University Business School | Great Britain | Haahti, Antti Juhani | 1989 |
Bergman, Mats | PhD | ECON - Centre for Economic Analysis | Norway | Kallio, A. Maarit I. | 2001 |
Calori, Roland | professor | European Business School France E.M. Lyon | France | Vaara, Eero | 1999 |
Bartolini, Leonardo | doctor | Federal Reserve Bank of New York | USA | Välimäki, Tuomas | 2003 |
Tunkelo, Eino | professor | Finnish Academy of Technology | Finland | Epstein, Mikael | 2002 |
Kuuluvainen, Jari | doctor | Finnish Forest Research Institute | Finland | Tahvonen, Olli | 1989 |
Knight, Gary | professor | Florida State University | United States | Sasi, Viveca Anita. | 2011 |
Cuhls, Kerstin | doctor | Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology | Germany | Kuusi, Osmo | 1999 |
Roome, Nigel J. | professor | Free University of Brussels | Belgium | Kourula, Arno. | 2009 |
Bartelsman, Eric | professor | Free University, Amsterdam | Netherlands | Maliranta, Mika | 2003 |
Groenewegen, Peter | doctor | Free University, Amsterdam | Netherlands | Heiskanen, Eva | 2000 |
Earle, John S. | professor | George Mason University | United States | Leppänen, Simo | 2012 |
Ernst, Ricardo | professor | Georgetown University, Washington, DC | USA | Inkiläinen, Aimo | 1998 |
Jacobs, Geert | professor | Ghent University | Belgium | Townsend, Taija. | 2012 |
Loikkanen, Heikki A. | docent | Governent Institute for Economic Research | Finland | Niininen, Petri | 1999 |
Honkatukia, Juha | dcotor | Government Institute for Economic Research | Finland | Riipinen, Toni | 2003 |
Honkatukia, Juha | docent | Government Institute for Economic Research | Finland | Ruotinen, Jukka | 2008 |
Kangasharju, Aki | professor | Government Institute for Economic Research | Finland | Ali-Yrkkö, Jyrki | 2008 |
Evrard, Yves | professor | Groupe HEC | France | Jyrämä, Annukka | 1999 |
Vahlne, Jan-Erik | professor | Göteborg University | Sweden | Korhonen, Heli | 1999 |
Landström, Hans | professor | Halmstad University | Sweden | Virtanen, Markku | 1996 |
Korkeamäki, Timo | professor | Hanken School of Economics | Finland | Rinne, Kalle. | 2012 |
Lindell, Martin | professor | Hanken School of Economics | Finland | Tukiainen, Sampo. | 2010 |
Mäkelä, Kristiina | professor | Hanken School of Economics | Finland | Kauppila, Olli-Pekka. | 2011 |
Spens, Karen | professor | Hanken School of Economics | Finland | Rajahonka, Mervi | 2013 |
Rivard, Suzanne | professor | Hec Montreal | Canada | Nurmi, Antti | 2008 |
Raninen, Huugo | professor | Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Saario, Martti | 1945 |
Artto, Eero | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Pitkänen, Eero | 1969 |
Helle, Reijo | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Laulajainen, Risto | 1970 |
Honko, Jaakko | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Jääskeläinen, Veikko | 1966 |
Jääskeläinen, Veikko | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Kettunen, Pertti | 1970 |
Jääskeläinen, Veikko | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Salmi, Timo | 1975 |
Kaskimies, Mika | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Saarsalmi, Meeri | 1972 |
Kaskimies, Mika | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Urrila, Matti | 1975 |
Laaksonen, Oiva | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Pulkkinen, Kyösti | 1976 |
Laaksonen, Oiva | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Tainio, Risto | 1977 |
Lahti, Arto | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Home, Niilo | 1989 |
Lassila, Jaakko | docent | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Artto, Eero | 1968 |
Lehtovuori, Jouko | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Riistama, Veijo | 1978 |
Lehtovuori, Jouko | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Prihti, Aatto | 1975 |
Leivo, Veikko | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Särkisilta, Martti | 1967 |
Leivo, Veikko | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Keloharju, Raimo | 1968 |
Leivo, Veikko | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Lehtinen, Uolevi | 1975 |
Manninen, Jouko | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Jääskeläinen, Veikko | 1966 |
Nyberg, Aarni | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Lehtonen, Pekka | 1976 |
Nyberg, Aarni | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Kettunen, Pertti | 1970 |
Nyberg, Aarni | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Saarsalmi, Meeri | 1972 |
Nyberg, Aarni | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Urrila, Matti | 1975 |
Nyberg, Aarni | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Keto, Jaakko | 1974 |
Paakkanen, Jouko | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Pitkänen, Eero | 1969 |
Pihkala, Erkki | professor | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Keto, Jaakko | 1974 |
Pitkänen, Eero | docent | Helsinki School of Economics | Finland | Ruuhela, Reijo | 1972 |
Airaksinen, Timo | docent | Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Summa, Timo | 1986 |
Eriksson, Päivi | professor | Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Meriläinen, Susan | 2001 |
Hildén, Kaarlo | professor | Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Pohjanpalo, Jorma | 1949 |
Kaitila, Ilmari Verner | Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Nurmilahti, Vilho | 1937 | |
Lahdenpää, Markku | docent | Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Lehti, Matti | 1990 |
Louhivuori, O.W. | professor | Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Virtanen, Unto | 1949 |
Lähdenpää, Markku | docent | Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Lahti, Arto | 1983 |
Okko, Paavo | professor | Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Asp, Kari | 1988 |
Prihti, Aatto | professor | Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Asp, Kari | 1988 |
Raninen, Huugo | professor | Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Pasanen, Jorma | 1953 |
Raninen, Huugo | professor | Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Heino, Reino | 1948 |
Raninen, Huugo | professor | Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Kaskimies, Mika | 1955 |
Saario, Martti | professor | Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Virkkunen, Henrik | 1951 |
Tainio, Risto | professor | Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Lahti, Arto | 1983 |
Tamminen, Mikko | professor | Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Paakkanen, Jouko | 1962 |
Urmas, Heikki | docent | Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Lilja, Kari | 1983 |
Vaivio, Fedi | professor | Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Lassila, Jaakko | 1966 |
Virkkunen, Henrik | professor | Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Honko, Jaakko | 1955 |
Ripatti, Antti | professor | Helsinki University | Finland | Kuusi, Tero | 2013 |
Hukkinen, Janne | professor | Helsinki University of Technology | Finland | Kuisma, Mika | 2004 |
Hämäläinen, Matti | professor | Helsinki University of Technology | Finland | Vihinen, Janne | 2007 |
Kaitala, Veijo | docent | Helsinki University of Technology | Finland | Tahvonen, Olli | 1989 |
Laamanen, Tomi | professor | Helsinki University of Technology | Finland | Matikainen, Esa | 1998 |
Lehtinen, Uolevi | professor | Helsinki University of Technology | Finland | Lahdenpää, Markku | 1977 |
Niini, Eino | professor | Helsinki University of Technology | Finland | Virkkunen, Henrik | 1951 |
Nonaka, Ikujiro | professor | Hitostubashi University, Tokio | Japan | Kulkki, Seija | 1996 |
Marer, Paul | professor | Indiana University | USA | Hirvensalo, Inkeri | 1996 |
Brimm, Michael | professor | INSEAD | France | Kosonen, Paavo | 1994 |
Doz, Yves | professor | INSEAD | France | Siitonen, Silja | 2003 |
Murshed, Mansoob | professor | Institute of Social Studies | The Netherland | Kuisma, Kirsti. | 2005 |
Iusem, Alfredo | doctor | Instituto Nacional de Matematica Pura e Aplicada de Rio de Janeiro | Brazil | Soismaa, Margareta | 1988 |
Leleux, Benoit | professor | International Institute for Management Development (IMD), Lausanne | Switzerland | Koski, Toivo | 2000 |
Gherardi, Silvia | doctor honoris causa | Italia | Italy | Henttonen, Elina. | 2010 |
Wierzbicki, Andrzej P. | professor | JAIST, Japan Advances Institute of Science and Technology | Japan | Eskelinen, Petri | 2008 |
Asakawa, Kazuhiro | professor | Keio University | Japan | Salonen, Anna | 2012 |
Nakayama, Hirotaka | professor | Konan University | Japan | Heiskanen, Pirja. | 2000 |
Johnes, Jill | professor | Lancaster University | Great Britain | Kirjavainen, Tanja. | 2009 |
Shove, Elisabeth | professor | Lancaster University | Great Britain | Jalas, Mikko | 2006 |
Araujo, Luis | professor | Lancaster University Management School | Great Britain | Järvensivu, Paavo | 2010 |
Aaltio, Iiris | professor | Lappeenranta University of Technology | Finland | Tuusjärvi, Eiren | 2003 |
Aaltio, Iiris | professor | Lappeenranta University of Technology | Finland | Ylikerälä, Juhani | 2005 |
Ahola, Jyrki | professor | Lappeenranta University of Technology | Finland | Markkanen, Tuula-Riitta | 1998 |
Juuti, Pauli | professor | Lappeenranta University of Technology | Finland | Aalto, Mika. | 2012 |
Juuti, Pauli | professor | Lappeenranta University of Technology | Finland | Olava, Juha | 2012 |
Juuti, Pauli | professor | Lappeenranta University of Technology | Finland | Masalin, Leena | 2013 |
Lukka, Anita | professor | Lappeenranta University of Technology | Finland | Kuula, Markku | 1993 |
Lukka, Markku | professor | Lappeenranta University of Technology | Finland | Ylä-Liedenpohja, Jouko | 1976 |
Martikainen, Minna | professor | Lappeenranta University of Technology | Finland | Huang, Chunyang | 2007 |
Neilimo, Kari | professor | Lappeenranta University of Technology | Finland | Rännäri, Osmo | 1992 |
Saarenketo, Sami | professor | Lappeenranta University of Technology | Finland | Danford, Gerard L. | 2007 |
Saarenketo, Sami | professor | Lappeenranta University of Technology | Finland | Partanen, Jukka | 2008 |
Sierilä, Pentti | docent | Lappeenranta University of Technology | Finland | Lehtomaa, Ahti | 1995 |
Tienari, Janne | professor | Lappeenranta University of Technology | Finland | Skurnik, Samuli. | 2005 |
Tuominen, Markku | professor | Lappeenranta University of Technology | Finland | Talvinen, Jari | 1995 |
Blomqvist, Kirsi-Marja | professor | Lappeenrata University of Technology | Finland | Leinonen, Jouni H. | 2009 |
Linnanen, Lassi | professor | Lappeeranta University of Technology | Finland | Anttonen, Markku | 2012 |
Talonen, Pentti | professor | Lappenranta University of Technology | Finland | Järvikare, Kai | 1996 |
Miller, Jonathan | doctor | Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York | USA | Saarinen, Timo | 1993 |
Sandkull, Bengt | professor | Linköping University | Sweden | Räsänen, Keijo | 1985 |
Sakakibara, Kiyonori | professor | London Business School | Great Britain | Ainamo, Antti | 1996 |
Voss, Chris | professor | London Business School | Great Britain | Putkiranta, Antero | 2006 |
Voss, Chris | professor | London Business School | Great Britain | Rajahonka, Mervi | 2013 |
Van Reenen, John | professor | London School of Economics | Great Britain | Tanayama, Tanja. | 2007 |
Cadogan, John | professor | Loughborough University | Great Britain | Jaakkola, Matti. | 2012 |
Milner, Chris | professor | Loughborough University of Technology | Great Britain | Parjanne, Marja-Liisa. | 1992 |
Stewart, David | professor | Loyola Marymount University | United States | Frösén, Johanna | 2013 |
Wolf, Patricia | professor | Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts | Switzerland | Kuusisto, Johanna. | 2012 |
Jacobsson, Bengt | professor | Lund University | Sweden | Tiittula, Pertti | 1994 |
Larsson, Rikard | professor | Lund University School of Economics and Management | Sweden | Nupponen, Pertti | 1995 |
Czarniawska-Joerges, Barbara | professor | Lund University School of Economics and Management, LUSEM | Sweden | Pantzar, Mika | 1991 |
Ericsson, Jan | professor | McGill University | Canada | Kokkonen, Joni. | 2011 |
Jörgensen, Jan | professor | McGill University, Montreal | Canada | Inkiläinen, Raimo | 1994 |
Köksalan, Murat | professor | Middle East Technical University | Turkey | Pulkkinen, Pertti | 2006 |
Pukkila, Tarmo | doctor | Ministry of Social Affairs and Health | Finland | Hilli, Petri | 2007 |
Poynter, Tomas A. | doctor | MIT Sloan School of Management | USA | Kosonen, Heikki M. | 1991 |
Tahvonen, Risto | professor | MTT Agrifood Research Finland | Finland | Luukkainen, Pertti | 2012 |
Raijas, Anu | docent | National Consumer Research Centre | Finland | Elkelä, Kari. | 2012 |
Whittington, Richard | professor | New College, Oxford University | Great Britain | Ala-Härkönen, Martti | 1997 |
Mata, José | professor | New University of Lisbon | Portugal | Nurmi, Satu | 2004 |
Gronhaug, Kjell | professor | Norwegian School of Economics | Norway | Fifield, Brett | 2008 |
Kunze, Astrid | professor | Norwegian School of Economics | Norway | Napari, Sami | 2008 |
Falkenberg, Joyce | professor | Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration | Norway | Kotsalo-Mustonen, Anna | 1996 |
Gronhaug, Kjell | professor | Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration | Norway | Rajala, Arto | 1997 |
Gronhaug, Kjell | professor | Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration | Norway | Tikkanen, Irma | 1994 |
Gronhaug, Kjell | professor | Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration | Norway | Uusitalo, Olavi | 1995 |
Hope, Einar | professor | Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration | Norway | Sulamaa, Pekka. | 2001 |
Arndt, Johan | professor | Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen | Norway | Uusitalo, Liisa | 1979 |
Jörnsten, Kurt Ossian | professor | Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen | Norway | Porkka, Pasi P. | 2010 |
Stabell, Charles | professor | Norwegian School of of Management | Norway | Laukkanen, Mauri | 1989 |
Solem, Olav | professor | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | Norway | Hämäläinen, Erkki | 2003 |
Sohngen, Brent | professor | Ohio State University | USA | Pohjola, Johanna. | 2010 |
Cooper, Martha | professor | Ohio State University, Fisher College of Business | USA | Bask, Anu H. | 2006 |
Färe, Rolf | professor | Oregon State University | USA | Kuosmanen, Timo | 2001 |
Garud, Raghu | professor | Pennsylvania State University | United States | Lempiälä, Tea. | 2011 |
Novack, Robert A. | professor | Pennsylvania State University | USA | Laine, Jouni. | 2005 |
Darling, John R. | professor | Pittsburg State University | USA | Al-Obaidi, Zuhair | 1999 |
Martins, Pedro S. | professor | Queen Mary, University of London | Great Britain | Pesola, Hanna. | 2011 |
Sund, Kristian J. | professor | Roskilde University | Denmark | Paukku, Markus | 2013 |
Mitchell, Andrew A. | professor | Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto | Canada | Koiso-Kanttila, Nina | 2003 |
van de Velde, Steef | professor | Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University | Netherlands | Kemppainen, Katariina. | 2005 |
Hutchings, Raymond | doctor | Royal Institute of International Affairs, London | Great Britain | Dahlstedt, Roy | 1980 |
Enlund, Nils | professor | Royal Institute of Technology | Sweden | Nordberg, Anneli. | 2009 |
Bogetoft, Peter | professor | Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University | Denmark | Syrjänen, Mikko | 2003 |
Van Heck, Eric | professor | RSM Erasmus University | The Netherlands | Laukkanen, Sanna K. | 2007 |
Wynstra, J.Y.F. | professor | RSM Erasmus University | The Netherlands | Sarpola, Sami J. | 2007 |
Ravid, S. Abraham | professor | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey | USA | Karli-Ivanto, Krista | 1999 |
Whittington, Richard | professor | Said Business School, University of Oxford | Great Britain | Stenfors, Sari | 2007 |
West, Joel | professor | San Jose State University | USA | Vesterinen, Johanna. | 2009 |
Flood, Lennart | professor | School of Economics and Commercial Law, Göteborg University | Sweden | Ruuskanen, Olli-Pekka | 2004 |
Westney, Eleanor | professor | Schulich School of Business at York University | Canada | Kilpinen, Paula. | 2013 |
Keil, Thomas | professor | Schulich School of Business, York University | Canada | Suhonen, Susanne | 2002 |
Park, Sam Ock | doctor | Seoul National University | Etelä- Korea | Korhonen, Kristiina. | 2005 |
O'Reilly, Jacqueline | doctor | Social Science Research Center Berlin | Germany | Tienari, Janne | 1999 |
Apte, Uday | professor | Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas | USA | Tuunainen, Virpi Kristiina | 1999 |
Darling, John R. | professor | Southwest Texas State University | USA | Gabrielsson, Peter | 2004 |
Toyne, Brian | professor | St. Mary's University, Texas | USA | Seppola, Rauni | 2004 |
Toyne, Brian | professor | St. Mary´s University, Texas | USA | Söderqvist, Minna | 2002 |
Axelsson, Björn | professor | Stockholm School of Economics | Sweden | Karjalainen, Katri. | 2009 |
Julander, Claes-Robert | professor | Stockholm School of Economics | Sweden | Anttila, Mai | 1990 |
Mattson, Lars-Gunnar | professor | Stockholm School of Economics | Sweden | Salmi, Asta | 1995 |
Mattsson, Lars-Gunnar | professor | Stockholm School of Economics | Sweden | Svahn, Senja | 2004 |
Näslund, Bertil | professor | Stockholm School of Economics | Sweden | Wallenius, Jyrki | 1975 |
Simonov, Andrei | professor | Stockholm School of Economics | Sweden | Linnainmaa, Juhani | 2003 |
Sjöberg, Örjan | professor | Stockholm School of Economics | Sweden | Kettunen, Erja | 2004 |
Sjöstrand, Sven-Erik | professor | Stockholm School of Economics | Sweden | Veranen, Jyrki | 1987 |
Stenbacka, Rune | professor | Stockholm School of Economics | Sweden | Hyytinen, Ari | 2000 |
Stymne, Bengt | professor | Stockholm School of Economics | Sweden | Vanhala, Sinikka | 1991 |
Zander, Udo | professor | Stockholm School of Economics | Sweden | Mäkelä, Kristiina. | 2006 |
Guillet de Monthoux, Pierre | professor | Stockholm University | Sweden | Vainio, Tiina | 1997 |
Korvajärvi, Päivi | professor | Suomi | Finland | Henttonen, Elina. | 2010 |
Strandvik, Tore | professor | Svenska handelshögskolan | Finland | Hyötyläinen, Mika | 2010 |
Vaara, Eero | professor | Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Joutsenvirta, Maria. | 2006 |
Berglund, Tom | professor | Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Karhunen, Jussi | 2002 |
Berglund, Tom | professor | Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Keloharju, Matti | 1992 |
Heinonen, Kristina | professor | Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Merisavo, Marko | 2008 |
Högholm, Kenneth | professor | Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Torstila, Sami | 2000 |
Junnelius, Christian | docent | Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Ahlstedt, Leo | 1978 |
Kovalainen, Anne | professor | Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Katila, Saija | 2000 |
Liljeblom, Eva | professor | Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Ihamuotila, Mika | 1994 |
Liljeblom, Eva | professor | Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Schadewitz, Hannu | 1997 |
Liljeblom, Eva | professor | Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Seppänen, Harri J. | 1999 |
Lindell, Martin | professor | Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Uusitalo, Olavi | 1995 |
Löflund, Anders | rofessor | Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Kaustia, Markku | 2003 |
Löflund, Anders | professor | Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Suhonen, Antti | 1999 |
Stenius, Marianne | professor | Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Löyttyniemi, Timo | 1991 |
Strandvik, Tore | professor | Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Lehikoinen, Mirjami. | 2005 |
Knif, Johan | Professor | Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Vasa | Finland | Virolainen, Kimmo | 1998 |
Aavik, Andrus | professor | Tallinn University of Technology | Estonia | Ruotoistenmäki, Antti | 2007 |
Inayatullah, Sohail | professor | Tamkang University | China | Hiltunen, Elina. | 2010 |
Maula, Marjatta | professor | Tampere University of Technology | Finland | Tossavainen, Päivi J. | 2005 |
Miettinen, Asko | professor | Tampere University of Technology | Finland | Handelberg, Jari. | 2012 |
Pekkola, Samuli | professor | Tampere University of Technology | Finland | Merisalo-Rantanen, Hilkka. | 2011 |
Uusitalo, Olavi | professor | Tampere University of Technology | Finland | Salimäki, Markku | 2003 |
Uusitalo, Olavi | professor | Tampere University of Technology | Finland | Kohonen, Tenho. | 2012 |
Kähkönen, Kalle | PhD | Technical Research Center of Finland | Finland | Hyväri, Irja. | 2007 |
Hyötyläinen, Raimo | professor | Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT | Finland | Virkki, Matti | 2012 |
Gemuenden, Hans Georg | professor | Technical University of Berlin | Germany | Helander, Anton | 2004 |
Fiegenbaum, Avi | doctor | Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa | Israel | Vikkula, Kaisa | 1993 |
Trajtenberg, Manuel | professor | Tel Aviv University | Israel | Väänänen, Lotta | 2010 |
Almor-Ellemers, Tamar | doctor | Tel Aviv University, College of Management | Israel | Sperling, Gilad. | 2005 |
Luukkonen, Terttu | doctor | The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy | Finland | Niinikoski, Marja-Liisa. | 2011 |
Vartia, Pentti | doctor | The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy | Finland | Korpela, Asko | 1982 |
Alho, Kari | docent | The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy ETLA | Finland | Kerkelä, Leena. | 2009 |
Tombak, Mihkel M. | professor | The University of British Columbia | Canada | Kela, Ali | 1993 |
Meyer, Klaus | professor | The University of Reading Business School | Great Britain | Karhunen, Päivi | 2007 |
Anderson, Erin | professor | The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | USA | Hyvönen, Saara | 1990 |
Kleindorfer, Paul R. | professor | The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | USA | Nikali, Heikki | 1998 |
Raaij, W. Fred van | professor | Tilburg University | Netherlands | Ylikoski, Teemu | 2003 |
Paasio, Antti | professor | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Killström, Pekka. | 2005 |
Sillanpää, Matti | professor | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Häyrynen, Janne | 2006 |
Granlund, Markus | professor | Turku School of Economics | Finland | Kostiander, Leena. | 2011 |
Paasio, Antti | professor | Turku School of Economics | Finland | Handelberg, Jari. | 2012 |
Puhakainen, Jussi | professor | Turku School of Economics | Finland | Horsti, Aleksi | 2007 |
Salmela, Hannu | professor | Turku School of Economics | Finland | Nyrhinen, Mari | 2007 |
Aalto-Setälä, Ville | research director | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Andersen, Atso | 2005 |
Alvarez, Luis | Professor | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Laamanen, Tomi | 2002 |
Granlund, Markus | professor | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Kasurinen, Tommi | 2003 |
Kovalainen, Anne | professor | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Pietiläinen, Tarja | 2002 |
Lukka, Kari | professor | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Vaivio, Juhani | 2001 |
Marjanen, Heli | professor | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Kajalo, Sami | 2002 |
Mäkinen, Helena | professor | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Sorjonen, Hilppa | 2004 |
Olkkonen, Rami | doctor | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Lehikoinen, Mirjami. | 2005 |
Panula, Juha | professor | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Oksanen-Ylikoski, Elina. | 2006 |
Pihlanto, Pekka | docent | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Virtanen, Kalervo | 1979 |
Salmela, Hannu | professor | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Hallikainen, Petri | 2003 |
Widgren, Mika | professor | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration | Finland | Vaittinen, Risto | 2004 |
Gallo, Gampiero | professor | Universita di Firenze | Italy | Ahoniemi, Katja | 2009 |
Bisbe, Josep | professor | Universitat Ramon Llull | Spain | Kolehmainen, Katja. | 2012 |
Davies, Ronald | professor | University College Dublin | Ireland | Ledyaeva, Svetlana. | 2012 |
Uusitalo, Outi | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Lähteenmäki, Mirella. | 2009 |
Robinson, Sherman | professor | University of Sussex | Great Britain | Kinnunen, Jouko. | 2005 |
Medlin, Christopher | associate head | University of Adelaide | Australia | Westerlund, Mika. | 2009 |
Sein, Maung K. | professor | University of Agder | Norway | Lempinen, Heikki | 2013 |
Lounsbury, Michael | professor | University of Alberta | Canada | Granqvist, Nina | 2007 |
Townley, Barbara | professor | University of Alberta, Edmonton | Canada | Peltonen, Tuomo | 1998 |
Murray, Jeff | professor | University of Arkansas | United States | Hietanen, Joel. | 2012 |
Michailova, Snejina | professor | University of Auckland Business School | New Zealand | Jormanainen, Irina. | 2010 |
Tuunanen, Tuure | professor | University of Auckland Business School | New Zealand | Mäkelä, Markus M. | 2008 |
Elliott, Richard | professor | University of Bath | Great Britain | Ahola, Eeva-Katri | 2007 |
Fineman, Stephen | professor | University of Bath | Great Britain | Mäntylä, Hans | 2007 |
Child, John | professor | University of Birmingham | Great Britain | Nojonen, Matti | 2007 |
Brady, Tim | principal research fellow | University of Brighton | Great Britain | Koria, Mikko. | 2009 |
Thrift, Nigel | professor | University of Bristol | Great Britain | Oinas, Päivi | 1998 |
Joy, Annamma | professor | University of British Columbia | Canada | Markkula, Annu. | 2011 |
Ziemba, William T. | professor | University of British Columbia | USA | Hakala, Tuula | 1996 |
Ziemba, William T. | professor | University of British Columbia | USA | Koivu, Matti | 2004 |
Card, David | professor | University of California | USA | Sarvimäki, Matti. | 2009 |
Brancheau, James C. | professor | University of Colorado | USA | Heikkilä, Jukka | 1995 |
Kuhn, Timothy R. | professor | University of Colorado at Boulder | USA | Huttunen, Salla | 2010 |
Laine, Pikka-Maaria | docent | University of Eastern Finland | Finland | Lehtinen, Marjukka. | 2012 |
Niskanen, Mervi | professor | University of Eastern Finland | Finland | Laakso, Tapio | 2012 |
Leavey, John P., Jr. | professor | University of Florida | USA | Vainio, Tiina | 1997 |
Lovell, Knox | professor | University of Georgia | USA | Joro, Tarja | 2000 |
Stam, Antonie | professor | University of Georgia | USA | Haapalinna, Ilkka | 1996 |
Steuer, Ralph | professor | University of Georgia | USA | Halme, Merja | 1992 |
Dimitratos, Pavlos | professor | University of Glasgow | Great Britain | Sepulveda, Fabian L. | 2013 |
Ito, Kiyohiko | professor | University of Hawaii at Manoa | United States | Sasi, Viveca Anita. | 2011 |
Ahonen, Pertti | professor | University of Helsinki | Finland | Gahmberg, Henrik | 1986 |
Autio, Minna | university lecturer | University of Helsinki | Finland | Majapuro, Marketta | 2013 |
Bruun, Niklas | professor | University of Helsinki | Finland | Uotila, Timo-Jaakko. | 2009 |
Eräsaari, Risto | professor | University of Helsinki | Finland | Virtanen, Akseli | 2006 |
Heinonen, Visa | professor | University of Helsinki | Finland | Pautola-Mol, Niina | 2001 |
Hemmo, Mika | Professor LL.D. | University of Helsinki | Finland | Hoppu, Kari | 2004 |
Honkapohja, Seppo | docent | University of Helsinki | Finland | Santamäki-Vuori, Tuire | 1986 |
Hyvönen, Saara | professor | University of Helsinki | Finland | Tuominen, Matti | 2002 |
Juslin, Heikki | Docent | University of Helsinki | Finland | Möller, Kristian | 1979 |
Juslin, Heikki | professor | University of Helsinki | Finland | Rohweder, Thomas | 1993 |
Kanniainen, Vesa | professor | University of Helsinki | Finland | Kari, Seppo | 1999 |
Katila, Saija | docent | University of Helsinki | Finland | Hirsto, Heidi. | 2010 |
Kivikkokangas-Sandgren, Ritva | docent | University of Helsinki | Finland | Vehnämäki, Mika | 2000 |
Koskela, Erkki | professor | University of Helsinki | Finland | Kukkonen, Matti | 2000 |
Koskela, Erkki | professor | University of Helsinki | Finland | Nyberg, Martti | 2000 |
Koskela, Markku | professor | University of Helsinki | Finland | Niemi, Lasse | 2003 |
Lehto, Markku | docent | University of Helsinki | Finland | Lehtinen, Uolevi | 1975 |
Loikkanen, Heikki A. | professor | University of Helsinki | Finland | Silvennoinen, Heidi | 2008 |
Löytönen, Markku | docent | University of Helsinki | Finland | Hölttä, Risto | 1989 |
Nyman, Göte | professor | University of Helsinki | Finland | Euro, Kalevi. | 2001 |
Ollikainen, Markku | professor | University of Helsinki | Finland | Lindroos, Marko | 2000 |
Palokangas, Tapio | professor | University of Helsinki | Finland | Lauri, Pekka | 2004 |
Peltonen, Arvo | docent | University of Helsinki | Finland | Rohweder, Liisa | 2001 |
Sihvola, Juha | professor | University of Helsinki | Finland | Mäkinen, Jukka | 2004 |
Temmes, Markku | professor | University of Helsinki | Finland | Seppänen, Tapani | 1998 |
Vaattovaara, Mari | professor | University of Helsinki | Finland | Pietala, Jorma. | 2003 |
Vartia, Pentti | professor | University of Helsinki | Finland | Airaksinen, Timo | 1977 |
Wiio, Osmo A. | professor | University of Helsinki | Finland | Urmas, Heikki | 1975 |
Coupland, Christine | professor | University of Hull | Great Britain | LaPointe, Kirsi. | 2011 |
Monroe, Kent | professor | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | United States | Somervuori, Outi | 2012 |
Komppula, Raija | professor | University of Joensuu | Finland | Äyväri, Anne | 2006 |
Komppula, Raija | professor | University of Joensuu | Finland | Moilanen, Teemu | 2008 |
Tykkyläinen, Markku | professor | University of Joensuu | Finland | Kosonen, Riitta | 2002 |
Aaltio, Iiris | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Leskinen, Raija. | 2011 |
Heikkilä, Jukka | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Salo, Saku | 2000 |
Heimonen, Kari | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Korhonen, Iikka | 2008 |
Järvenpää, Marko | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Virtanen, Tuija, | 2006 |
Järvenpää, Marko | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Huikku, Jari. | 2009 |
Kettunen, Pertti | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Koskela, Markku | 1984 |
Kettunen, Pertti | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Lehtonen, Pekka | 1976 |
Kettunen, Pertti | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Lehtovuori, Jouko | 1972 |
Koiranen, Matti | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Koskinen, Antero | 1996 |
Koiranen, Matti | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Matikka, Ari | 2002 |
Koiranen, Matti | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Paulamäki Jari. | 2007 |
Köppä, Tapani | docent | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Home, Niilo | 1989 |
Luukka, Minna-Riitta | professori | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Kuronen, Marja-Liisa | 2004 |
Lyytinen, Kalle | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Maula, Marjatta | 1999 |
Näsi, Juha | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Lahti-Nuuttila, Kimmo | 2000 |
Näsi, Juha | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Lehtomaa, Ahti | 1995 |
Näsi, Juha | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Poesche, Jürgen | 1997 |
Pahkinen, Erkki | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Teikari, Ismo | 2001 |
Pehkonen, Jaakko | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Mäkinen, Mikko | 2007 |
Pietikäinen, Sari | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Hirsto, Heidi. | 2010 |
Tervo, Hannu | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Böckerman, Petri. | 2003 |
Vehmanen, Petri | professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Malmi, Teemu | 1997 |
Tanninen, Hannu | professor | University of Kuopio | Finland | Virta, Heli | 2008 |
Meriläinen, Susan | professor | University of Lapland | Finland | Mustonen, Minna. | 2009 |
Meriläinen, Susan | professor | University of Lapland | Finland | Huovinen, Annamari | 2013 |
Puhakka, Mikko | profesor | University of Lapland | Finland | Honkatukia, Juha | 1997 |
Valtonen, Anu | professor | University of Lapland | Finland | Majapuro, Marketta | 2013 |
Usunier, Jean-Claude | professor | University of Lausanne | Switzerland | Karppinen, Merja. | 2006 |
Gouldson, Andrew | professor | University of Leeds | Great Britain | Kautto, Petrus. | 2008 |
Varblane, Urmas | PhDdoctor | University of London | Great Britain | Borsos-Torstila, Julianna | 1999 |
Axsäter, Sven | professor | University of Lund | Sweden | Karrus, Kaij E. | 2011 |
Walsh, Vivien | doctor | University of Manchester | Great Britain | Pulkkinen, Matti | 1997 |
Litvin, Deborah R. | PhD. | University of Massachusetts-Boston | USA | Trux, Marja-Liisa. | 2010 |
Martin, Vance L | professor | University of Melbourne | Australia | Kahra, Hannu | 2003 |
Prahalad, C.K. | professor | University of Michigan | USA | Kosonen, Paavo | 1994 |
Batra, Rajeev | professor | University of Michigan Business School | USA | Juntunen, Arja | 2001 |
Savage, Grant T. | professor | University of Missouri School of Medicine | Unites States | Lukkari, Pirjo. | 2010 |
Bird, Allan | professor | University of Missouri, St. Louis | USA | Karppinen, Merja. | 2006 |
Klein, Stefan | professor | University of Muenster | Germany | Öörni, Anssi | 2002 |
Klein, Stefan | professor | University of Munster | Germany | Penttinen, Esko | 2007 |
Peffers, Ken | professor | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | USA | Soronen, Osmo T. A. | 2007 |
Hoel, Michael | professor | University of Oslo | Norway | Liski, Matti | 1997 |
Korsvold, Pål-E. | professor | University of Oslo | Norway | Korhonen, Antti | 1977 |
Svennevig, Artium Jan | professor | University of Oslo | Norway | Nikko, Tuija. | 2009 |
von der Fehr, Nils | professor | University of Oslo | Norway | Kauppi, Olli. | 2009 |
Alajoutsijärvi, Kimmo | professor | University of Oulu | Finland | Juntunen, Arla | 2005 |
Kallunki, Juha-Pekka | Professor | University of Oulu | Finland | Laamanen, Tomi | 2002 |
Kallunki, Juha-Pekka | professor | University of Oulu | Finland | Ojala, Hannu | 2007 |
Oinas-Kukkonen, Harri | professor | University of Oulu | Finland | Sunikka, Anne. | 2010 |
Perttunen, Jukka | professor | University of Oulu | Finland | Sorjonen, Pasi | 2000 |
Sahlström, Petri | professor | University of Oulu | Finland | Miihkinen, Antti | 2013 |
Seppänen, Veikko | professor | University of Oulu | Finland | Salonen, Petri I. | 2004 |
Svento, Rauli | professor | University of Oulu | Finland | Brunila, Anne | 1997 |
Blois, Keith | doctor | University of Oxford, Templeton College | Great Britain | Tuusjärvi, Eiren | 2003 |
Kogut, Bruce | professor | University of Pennsylvania | USA | Euro, Kalevi. | 2001 |
Liesch, Peter W. | professor | University of Queensland | Australia | Salonen, Anna | 2012 |
Stockman, Alan C. | professor | University of Rochester | USA | Puumanen, Kari | 1986 |
Macdonald, Stuart | professor | University of Sheffield | Great Britain | Marschan, Rebecca | 1996 |
Kostova, Tatiana | professor | University of South Carolina | USA | Ritvala, Tiina | 2007 |
Sapienza, Harry | professor | University of South Carolina | USA | Virtanen, Markku | 1996 |
Mason, Robin | professor | University of Southampton | Great Britain | Sääskilahti, Pekka. | 2005 |
Petersen, Nies Christian | professor | University of Southern Denmark | Denmark | Kuosmanen, Timo | 2001 |
Laamanen, Tomi | professor | University of St. Gallen | Switzerland | Luoma, Jukka | 2013 |
Samuelsson, Lars | docent | University of Stockholm | Sweden | Alaluusua, Seppo | 1982 |
van der Heijden, Hans | professor | University of Surrey | Great Britain | Storgårds, Jan Henrik. | 2011 |
Freeman, Christopher | professor | University of Sussex | Great Britain | Lovio, Raimo | 1993 |
Senker, Jacqueline | professor | University of Sussex, SPRU | Great Britain | Mäkelä, Teea Vilhelmiina | 2013 |
Wilkinson, Ian | professor | University of Sydney | Australia | Vassinen, Antti. | 2012 |
Eriksson, Päivi | professor | University of Tampere | Finland | Jyrämä, Annukka | 1999 |
Haahti, Antti | professor | University of Tampere | Finland | Puumalainen, Pertti | 1998 |
Haahti, Antti | professor | University of Tampere | Finland | Tikkanen, Irma | 1994 |
Heiskala, Risto | professor | University of Tampere | Finland | Piironen, Pekka | 2012 |
Järvinen, Pertti | professor | University of Tampere | Finland | Räty, Erkki | 2006 |
Kasvio, Antti | professor | University of Tampere | Finland | Kuitunen, Kimmo | 1993 |
Loikkanen, Heikki A. | professor | University of Tampere | Finland | Vainio, Matti | 1995 |
Mäkinen, Vesa | professor | University of Tampere | Finland | Kyläkoski, Kalevi. | 1980 |
Mäkinen, Vesa | professor | University of Tampere | Finland | Leppiniemi, Jarmo | 1985 |
Neilimo, Kari | professor | University of Tampere | Finland | Koski, Toivo | 2000 |
Nuolimaa, Risto | professor | University of Tampere | Finland | Saarikivi, Maj-Lis | 1999 |
Rissanen, Pekka | professor | University of Tampere | Finland | Mikkola, Hennamari | 2002 |
Ropo, Arja | professor | University of Tampere | Finland | Pesonen, Sinikka | 2006 |
Tyrni, Ilari | professor | University of Tampere | Finland | Ylä-Liedenpohja, Jouko | 1976 |
Ylä-Liedenpohja, Jouko | professor | University of Tampere | Finland | Niskanen, Mervi | 1999 |
Ranta, Jukka-Pekka | Doctor | University of Technology | Finland | Salimäki, Markku | 2003 |
Salo, Ahti | professor | University of Technology | Finland | Voutilainen, Raimo | 2006 |
Tanskanen, Kari | professor | University of Technology | Finland | Inkiläinen, Aimo | 1998 |
Tamuz, Michal | professor | University of Tennessee | USA | Hänninen, Hannu | 2007 |
Järvenpää, Sirkka-Liisa | professor | University of Texas at Austin | USA | Dahlberg, Tomi | 1991 |
Järvenpää, Sirkka | professor | University of Texas at Austin | USA | Salo, Saku | 2000 |
Herbst, Anthony F. | professor | University of Texas at el Paso | USA | Käppi, Jari | 1997 |
Järvenpää, Sirkka | professor | University of Texas, Austin | USA | Vesa, Jarkko | 2007 |
Ainamo, Antti | professor | University of Turku | Finland | Leinonen, Jouni H. | 2009 |
Kivikari, Urpo | professor | University of Turku | Finland | Hämäläinen, Sirkka | 1981 |
Malinen, Pasi | professor | University of Turku | Finland | Heimonen, Tomi. | 2013 |
Mähönen, Jukka | professor | University of Turku | Finland | Pöyhönen, Seppo. | 2011 |
Salonen, Hannu | professor | University of Turku | Finland | Vesala, Jukka | 2001 |
Vuorela, Esko | professor | University of Turku | Finland | Ollonqvist, Pekka | 1979 |
Kuhlmann, Stefan | professor | University of Twente | The Netherlands | Niinikoski, Marja-Liisa. | 2011 |
Wassenaar, Arjen | professor | University of Twente | Netherlands | Santonen, Teemu | 2004 |
Wijnhoven, Fons | professor | University of Twente | Netherlands | Kivelä, Marianne | 2007 |
Jakobsson, Matti | professor | University of Vaasa | Finland | Dahlberg, Tomi | 1991 |
Koivunen, Niina | associate professor | University of Vaasa | Finland | Oksman, Riku | 2013 |
Laaksonen, Martti | professor | University of Vaasa | Finland | Pirnes, Hannu | 1996 |
Laaksonen, Pirjo | professor | University of Vaasa | Finland | Talvio, Pirkko. | 2011 |
Laitinen, Erkki K. | Professor | University of Vaasa | Finland | Pirnes, Hannu | 1996 |
Lehtinen, Esa | professor | University of Vaasa | Finland | Lehtinen, Marjukka. | 2012 |
Mikkonen, Kauko | professor | University of Vaasa | Finland | Inkinen, Kari | 2000 |
Okko, Paavo | professor | University of Vaasa | Finland | Menzler-Hokkanen, Ingeborg | 1994 |
Pynnönen, Seppo | professor | University of Vaasa | Finland | Järvinen, Sami | 2004 |
Pynnönen, Seppo | professor | University of Vaasa | Finland | Pirjetä, Antti. | 2009 |
Sahlström, Petri | professor | University of Vaasa | Finland | Toivonen, Harri. | 2005 |
Salminen, Ari | professor | University of Vaasa | Finland | Seppänen, Tapani | 1998 |
Tolonen, Juha | professor | University of Vaasa | Finland | Granlund, Peik | 2000 |
Yli-Olli, Paavo | professor | University of Vaasa | Finland | Kinnunen, Juha. | 1988 |
Yli-Olli, Paavo | professor | University of Vaasa | Finland | Niskanen, Jyrki | 1990 |
Whipp, Richard | professor | University of Wales | Great Britain | Eriksson, Päivi | 1991 |
Hyman, Richard | doctor | University of Warwick | Great Britain | Lilja, Kari | 1983 |
Tsoukas, Haridimos | doctor | University of Warwick | Great Britain | Laurila, Juha | 1995 |
Waterson, Michael | professor | University of Warwick | Great Britain | Aalto-Setälä, Ville | 1999 |
Ainamo, Antti | professor | Universty of Turku | Finland | Hiltunen, Elina. | 2010 |
Ebeling, Kari | doctor | UPM-Kymmene | Finland | Siitonen, Silja | 2003 |
Carlsson, Sune | professor | Uppsala University | Sweden | Luostarinen, Reijo | 1979 |
Lindahl, Mikael | professor | Uppsala University | Sweden | Santavirta, Torsten. | 2011 |
Södersten, Jan | professor | Uppsala University | Sweden | Virolainen, Kimmo | 1998 |
Åkerfalk, Pär | professor | Uppsala University | Sweden | Lindman, Juho. | 2011 |
Hosking, Dian Marie | professor | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Takanen, Terhi | 2013 |
Hughes Hallett, Andrew | professor | Vanderbilt University | USA | Kortelainen, Mika | 2002 |
Ruohonen, Matti | professor | Veritas Life Insurance | Finland | Voutilainen, Raimo | 2006 |
Riad, Sally | PhD | Victoria Management School, University of Wellington | New Zealand | Erkama, Niina. | 2010 |
Pichler, J. Hanns | professor | Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration | Austria | Lintunen, Liisa | 2000 |
Berkhout, Frans | professor | VU University | The Netherlands | Kivimaa, Paula | 2008 |
Cornelissen, Joep | professor | VU University Amsterdam | the Netherlands | Logemann, Minna | 2013 |
Baliga, B. Ram | professor | Wake Forest University | USA | Lohivesi, Kari | 2000 |
Branke, Juergen | professor | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | Great Britain | Sinha, Ankur. | 2011 |
Belk, Russell | professor | York University | Canada | Hietanen, Joel. | 2012 |
Kozinets, Robert V. | professor | York University, Schulich School of Business | Canada | Rokka, Joonas. | 2010 |
Carlsson, Christer | professor | Åbo Akademi University | Finland | Kivijärvi, Hannu | 1987 |
Carlsson, Christer | professor | Åbo Akademi University | Finland | Korolainen, Sakari | 1981 |
Törnroos, Jan-Åke | professor | Åbo Akademi University | Finland | Järvensivu, Timo | 2007 |
Willner, Johan | professor | Åbo Akademi University | Finland | Kauko, Karlo | 2000 |
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