sql: SELECT vaitoskirja.* from diss.vaitoskirja LEFT JOIN diss.asiasanat USING (dissid) LEFT JOIN diss.aine USING (dissid) WHERE (indexterm = 'Innovaatiot') GROUP BY dissid ORDER BY publyear desc,series_sort desc
eDiss - School of Business dissertations: Search
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Change in web publishing of Aalto publication series for Aalto University Business School from beginning of 2014

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eDiss - School of Business dissertations

Search index term= Innovaatiot : found 29 dissertations

Mäkelä, Teea Vilhelmiina   Information acquisition in international business : innovation in a small biotechnology firm
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, ISSN 1799-4934 ; 142/2013
Heimonen, Tomi.   Characteristics of innovative, high growth and highly successful SMEs
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 26/2013
Lempiälä, Tea.   Entering the back stage of innovation : tensions between the collaborative praxis of idea development and its formal staging in organisations
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 74/2011
Niinikoski, Marja-Liisa.  Innovation : formation of a policy field and a policy-making practice
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 40/2011
Leskinen, Raija.   A longitudinal case study of an entrepreneurial networking process
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 32/2011
Kauppila, Olli-Pekka.  Creating ambidexterity through interorganizational partnering
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 9/2011
Väänänen, Lotta   Human capital and incentives in the creation of inventions : a study of Finnish inventors
Vapola, Terhi Johanna.  Battleship strategy : exploring the management of global innovation constellations in high technology industries
Koria, Mikko.   Investigating innovation in projects : issues for international development cooperation
Vesterinen, Johanna.   Equity markets and firm innovation in interaction : a study of a telecommunications firm in radical industry transformation
Partanen, Jukka  Pk-yrityksen verkostokyvykkyydet ja nopea kasvu : case: tiede- ja teknologiavetoiset yritykset
Kivimaa, Paula   The innovation effects of environmental policies : linking policies, companies and innovations in the Nordic pulp and paper industry
Laaksonen, Juha   Managing radical business innovations : a study of internal corporate venturing at Sonera Corporation
Tanayama, Tanja.   Allocation and effects of R&D subsidies : selection, screening and strategic behavior
Huurros, Milla.  The emergence and scope of complex system/service innovation : the case of the mobile payment services market in Finland
Aspara, Jaakko   Emergence and translations of management interests in corporate branding in the Finnish pulp and paper corporations : a study with an actor-network theory approach
Carpentier, Xavier   Essays on the law and economics of intellectual property
Kortelainen, Sami.  Innovating at the interface : a comparative case study of innovation process dynamics and outcomes in the public-private context
Juntunen, Arla  The emergence of a new business through collaborative networks : a longitudinal study in the ICT sector
Epstein, Mikael   Risk Management of Innovative R&D Project. Development of Analysis Model. A Systematic Approach for the Early Detection of Complex Problems (EDCP) in Order to Increase Succes in Enterprises
Inkinen, Kari  Diffuusio ja fuusio. Osuuskauppainnovaation levinneisyys ja sen dynamiikka 1901 - 1998 : alueellisesti tulostuva näkökulma suomalaisen osuuskauppatoiminnan kehityksen ja sisällön muutokseen.
Lintunen, Liisa  Who is the Winner Enterpreneur? An Epistemological Study of the Schumpeterian Enterpreneur
Leiponen, Aija  Essays in the Economics of Knowledge: Innovation, Collaboration, and Organizational Complementarities
Kauko, Karlo  The Microeconomics of Innovation: Oligopoly Theoretic Analyses with Applications to Banking and Patenting
Kuusi, Osmo  Expertise in the Future Use of Generic Technologies. Epistemic and Methodological Considerations Concerning Delphi Studies
Uusitalo, Olavi  A Revolutionary Dominant Design. The Float Glass Innovation in the Flat Glass Industry
Kuitunen, Kimmo  Innovative Behavior and Organizational Slack of a Firm. A Case Study on the Development of Production Technology in a Finnish Clothing Firm
Kivisaari, Sirkku  Management as a Divided Actor in Product Innovation. The Case of Diversified Finnish Corporation
Hölttä, Risto  Multidimensional diffusion of innovation