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School of Business | Department of Accounting and Finance | Accounting | 2009
Thesis number: 12206 | Thesis in Aaltodoc
Research of Inspecta Ltd’s acquisition’s integration practices and suggestions how to improve those
Author: Niskanen, Juho-Erik
Title: Research of Inspecta Ltd’s acquisition’s integration practices and suggestions how to improve those
Year: 2009  Language: eng
Department: Department of Accounting and Finance
Academic subject: Accounting
Index terms: laskentatoimi; accounting; yrityskaupat; corporate acquisitions; integraatio; integration; prosessit; processes; suunnittelu; planning; fuusiot; mergers
Pages: 82
Key terms: acquisition; corporate acquisition; integration; integration process; integration planning; merger; M&A
Research of Inspecta Ltd’s acquisition’s integration practices and suggestions how to improve those

Motivation to the study

Mergers and acquisitions have grown substantially in the last two decades and today they play quite a large role at many companies’ strategy. For that reason it is very essential to execute the made deals well. Because integration is a solid part of acquisition and it often plays very important role on the total success, this study concentrates on how to ensure the success of the integration.

Objective of the study

The objective of this study is to ensure the realisation of forecasted added value from corporate acquisition. This study investigates the integration process of Inspecta Ltd, and its integration process’s successfulness in the past. The aim of this research is to develop Inspecta’s integration process so that the calculated added value at the moment of the deal realises will actualise via good integration practices.

Research method of the study

The study’s research method is an enquiry directed to the key personnel of the acquired company. The questions are aggregated from the best practices academic literature concerning the integration process of an acquired company. The enquiry was sent to 19 employees from three acquisitions executed between the years 2000 and 2008. The respondents represented management of the acquired companies and they have also taken part to the integration process.

Main results of the study

Main results of this study are suggestions to which areas of integration Inspecta Ltd should concentrate on coming integrations to ensure the calculated added value is created. Main points to focus more in the forthcoming integrations are communication toward employees, organising more joint encounters to combined companies’ personnel, and involving the acquired company’s personnel to the integration process more.
Aalto University School of Business Master's Theses are now in the Aaltodoc publication archive.