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School of Business | Department of Marketing and Management | International Business | 2011
Thesis number: 12456 | Thesis in Aaltodoc
Willingness to work abroad: Students at Aalto University School of Economics
Author: Lavonen, Sirje
Title: Willingness to work abroad: Students at Aalto University School of Economics
Year: 2011  Language: eng
Department: Department of Marketing and Management
Academic subject: International Business
Index terms: kansainväliset yhtiöt; international companies; ulkomailla työskentely; working abroad; työ; work; kansainvälinen; international; opiskelijat; students; Aalto-yliopisto; Aalto University; kauppakorkeakoulut; schools of economics; HSE; HSE
Pages: 138
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Key terms: expatriates; ulkomailla asuvat kansalaiset; working abroad; ulkomailla työskentely; students; opiskelijat; expatriate willingness; ulkomaillemuuttohalukkuus; self-directed foreign work experience; oma-aloitteinen työskentely ulkomailla; expatriate spouses; ekspatriaattipuolisot
This study examines the willingness of Aalto University School of Economics students to move abroad in the future, and factors affecting it. First, three types of international moves are presented based on previous literature: traditional expatriates, self-directed foreign experience (SFE) and trailing spouse. The factors found to affect the willingness to relocate internationally in literature are discussed and a theoretical framework constructed based on them. The second part of this thesis discusses the statistical analysis and the results of the study.

Altogether 158 ASE students responded to a web-based questionnaire on background factors and their willingness to move abroad in the future. Correlation analysis and t-tests were run on the data. The results indicate a high willingness among ASE students to move abroad either as an expatriate, SFE or a working spouse. However, the willingness to move abroad as a spouse if no job is available in the target location was very low. It was also apparent that the students do not consider the different move types as similar, as indicated by their changing willingness scores and different affecting factors for each move type.

Gender was not found to affect the willingness for international moves, and previous international experience only affected the willingness to move as a non-working spouse. Instead, having intrinsic motivation for international moves was correlated with all move types and international study background with all but non-working spouse move. Positivity of previous international experiences was related to willingness to accept expatriate or SFE moves.

The most influential factors when considering an international move were family-related variables and variables related to the respondent?s own career. Geographical location was especially important in the cases of expatriate and SFE moves. In case the trailing spouse is not able to find a job in the host location, it is important that there are other self-development possibilities available.
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