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School of Business | Department of Management and International Business | International Business | 2011
Thesis number: 12585 | Thesis in Aaltodoc
Finnish born globals’ network development – A quantitative study
Author: Apunen, Ilkka
Title: Finnish born globals’ network development – A quantitative study
Year: 2011  Language: eng
Department: Department of Management and International Business
Academic subject: International Business
Index terms: kansainväliset yhtiöt; international companies; yritykset; companies; kansainvälistyminen; internationalization; verkostot; networks
Pages: 76
Key terms: born global; international new venture; network attractiveness; tie strength; network content; quantitative analysis

This study investigates Born Global companies’ network behavior in terms of how strong the network ties are, how attractive the firm is in the network and how strategic content is drawn from the network. First, a theoretical framework including the aforementioned variables is constructed based on previous research and literature. The framework consists of three research hypotheses. Second, empirical evidence is introduced to test the research hypotheses. Finally, the theoretical framework is partly verified through the test of hypotheses.


The methodology used in this study was quantitative research. The data used in this study was collected through first contacting the company by phone and then sending them a web based questionnaire. The target was Finnish Born Global companies. The questionnaire was sent to 1408 companies, of which 563 completed the survey. Finally, 210 companies filled the qualifications to be included in the sample data. Two data analysis techniques were used to address the research questions in empirical part of the study. First, a measurement model was constructed through use of factor analysis. Second, a linear multiple regression model was built to test the hypotheses.


The findings of this study support the importance of strong ties in gaining attractiveness in the network and bringing in strategic network content, i.e. strategic resources. It is indicated that the more attractive position in the network is wanted, the stronger the ties should be. Also, the more strategic content from the network is desired, the stronger the ties should be. The findings of this study support even further the importance of business relationship networking. Especially the effect that the strength of business relationship ties have on the attractiveness of the firm, as well as on the content, gives clear indications for managers. To gain high attractiveness in the network, managers should seek close relationships with their network partners and maintain them close as the firm grows. According to the results of this study it would be beneficial from the managerial point of view to have close relationships that can enhance their position in the network and thus give them more options for choosing with whom to do business.
Aalto University School of Business Master's Theses are now in the Aaltodoc publication archive.