School of Business publications portal
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School of Business | Department of Communication | International Business Communication | 2012
Thesis number: 13063 | Thesis in Aaltodoc
Employer image - Creating competitive advantage in human capital markets
Author: Makkonen, Aino
Title: Employer image - Creating competitive advantage in human capital markets
Year: 2012  Language: eng
Department: Department of Communication
Academic subject: International Business Communication
Index terms: viestintä; communication; yritysviestintä; business communication; kansainvälinen; international; yritykset; companies; imago; image; brandit; brands; identiteetti; identity; asiantuntijat; specialists; tietotyö; knowledge work; henkinen pääoma; intellectual capital
Pages: 99
Key terms: employer image, employer branding, corporate identity, corporate image, knowledge workers, expert organizations, työnantajaimago, työnantajamielikuva, yritysidentiteetti, yritysimago, asiantuntijuus, asiantuntijaorganisaatiot
Employer image - Creating competitive advantage in human capital markets
Aalto University School of Business Master's Theses are now in the Aaltodoc publication archive.