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School of Business | Department of Information and Service Economy | Information Systems Science | 2013
Thesis number: 13180 | Thesis in Aaltodoc
Collaboration software adoption: Factors affecting adoption of collaboration software in organizations
Author: Ikäläinen, Sakari
Title: Collaboration software adoption: Factors affecting adoption of collaboration software in organizations
Year: 2013  Language: eng
Department: Department of Information and Service Economy
Academic subject: Information Systems Science
Index terms: tietojärjestelmät; information systems; ohjelmistot; software; yhteistyö; cooperation; tietämyksenhallinta; knowledge management; käytettävyys; usability
Pages: 81
Full text:
» hse_ethesis_13180.pdf pdf  size:782 KB (800753)
Key terms: collaboration; collaboration software; groupware; knowledge management
Objectives of the Study The objective of the study was to find out what kind of factors was influencing the adoption of collaboration software. The study included two different social groups that were examined and compared with each other. The first group was formed by young university and high school students, the other was professionals working in the IT-industry. The different possible factors were also compared with each other to see which one had a larger effect. A case study of moving away from email in order to use other types of collaboration software was taken to illustrate the transfer of one system to another.

Methodology A theoretical model was built based on the literature review. The theoretical model consisted of four different factors, constructs that were affecting the adoption of collaboration software. The empirical data was collected in December 2012 by conducting a web-based questionnaire for the two groups in question, and it gathered a total of 109 responses. The data was analyzed with quantitative statistical methods; more precisely the method chosen was partial least squares analysis (PLS).

Findings and conclusions From the four factors ease of use and usefulness of email seemed to have the largest effect towards adopting other collaboration software. Also the attitudes towards technology usage had a significant effect with the group of professionals. Social norms in the other hand couldn't be backed up with the data extracted.
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