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School of Business | Department of Accounting | Accounting | 2016
Thesis number: 14587
Determinants of companies' environmental information disclosure in China
Author: Wang, Ruiling
Title: Determinants of companies' environmental information disclosure in China
Year: 2016  Language: eng
Department: Department of Accounting
Academic subject: Accounting
Index terms: laskentatoimi; accounting; tilinpäätös; balances of books; ympäristöjohtaminen; environmental management; yhteiskuntavastuu; corporate responsibility; pörssiyhtiöt; exchange-listed companies; Kiina; China
Pages: 67
Full text:
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Key terms: environmental information disclosure; Chinese listed companies; social-political theories; content analysis index; firm value; environmental management system
Based on social-political theories, this study identifies the factors which would affect the level of environmental information report provided by Chinese companies. To evaluate the quality of corporate environmental information disclosure, the study develops a content analysis index based on Measures on Open Environmental Information, which was issued by the State Environmental Protection Administration in 2007, with a scoring method on the basis of Global Reporting Initiative sustainability reporting guidelines.

The sample comprised 154 Chinese companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange or the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2014. By applying the multiple regression analysis, this study finds that firm value and the adoption of certified environmental management system are positively significantly associated with the quality of environmental information reporting. Also, a good knowledge of environmental regulations and reporting guidelines, a well-built corporate environmental culture and values, and an existence of external assurance for environmental reporting, might help companies to improve the quality of their environmental information disclosure.

This study may be useful for the companies which are concerned with environmental issues and their public image, and the regulators in China who take action in ensuring the high quality of corporate environmental information as well as in the overall protection of the environment.
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