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School of Business | Department of Information and Service Economy | MSc program in Information and Service Management | 2016
Thesis number: 14590 | Thesis in Aaltodoc
Experiences in process mapping and responsibility charting
Author: Linna, Annamari
Title: Experiences in process mapping and responsibility charting
Year: 2016  Language: eng
Department: Department of Information and Service Economy
Academic subject: MSc program in Information and Service Management
Index terms: tietotalous; knowledge economy; prosessit; processes; johtaminen; management
Pages: 66
Key terms: Process Flowchart map, SIPOC, RA(S)CI, responsibility charting
Processes are the backbone for business and need to be managed well. Processes have been in the focus since 1990's when Michael Hammer released an article about re-engineering the processes. Available material published afterwards focuses on process management through mapping and improvement of the process. Responsibility charting is seen as important aspect increasing the knowledge regarding the roles among the participants.

This study examines the interdependence of process maps and responsibility charts. By comparing different options available it is indicated how process management needs to take into account both process mapping and responsibility charting in order to achieve the overall understanding of the process. In the literature there are not studies combining these and comparing different tools available. Several options from the process mapping point of view are examined to identify the differences. From responsibility assignment aspect the RA(S)CI tool is in focus as it is the most in depth tool.

The key contribution of this study is the analysis of alternative methods, resulting in a tool com-parison. Advantages and disadvantages are identified for process mapping solutions with the di-mensions coming from the RA(S)CI charting. Findings are applied to a case study, where one pro-cess is defined with process flowchart map, SIPOC tool and responsibility charting. This is done to improve the understanding of the process.

Case Company have recognized challenges due to participants not knowing the whole chain involved in the process and what each piece of information does in the following phases. Aim is to offer a process related solution which minimizes the costs arising from the non-conformances, lack of process and responsibility knowledge. Qualitative understanding of the process in question is gathered through interviews, participant observation, templates and instructions.

Created material leads to a better understanding of the process among the participants, this de-creases misunderstandings and non-conformances. When the number of non-conformances de-creases it has the same effect on the financial losses caused by them. Both can be measured through a system available in the Case Company.

In addition to process mapping and responsibility charting, study could be extended by combining the Lean Six Sigma and TIMWOOD theories into the process. These would improve the process onwards and result in changes in the current mappings.
Aalto University School of Business Master's Theses are now in the Aaltodoc publication archive.