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School of Business | Department of Management Studies | MSc program in Corporate Communication | 2016
Thesis number: 14709 | Thesis in Aaltodoc
Visual Communication on Instagram - a Case Study of Outdoor Clothing Companies´ Narrative Representations
Author: Puustinen, Merja
Title: Visual Communication on Instagram - a Case Study of Outdoor Clothing Companies´ Narrative Representations
Year: 2016  Language: eng
Department: Department of Management Studies
Academic subject: MSc program in Corporate Communication
Index terms: viestintä; visuaalinen; valokuvaus; digitaalitekniikka; markkinointi; mainonta; vaatetusteollisuus; asiakkaat; kokemus; tarina; sosiaalinen media
Pages: 88
Key terms: visual communication; visual marketing communication; outdoor clothing industry; customer experience; narrative representations; social media; Instagram
Objective of the Study

The objective of the study was to examine the visual elements and the meanings of the messages in visual marketing communication of the selected case companies, Patagonia, Peak Performance and Norrøna. The aim of this study was to extend the understanding of the visual marketing communication while enabling customer experience in terms of visual marketing communication on Instagram. The visual elements on the visual communication were first studied. The study of visual elements led to the findings of similarities and differences between the visual elements of the selected case companies. In addition, based on the visual elements the meanings that the visual images convey were analysed and discussed.

Research Method and Data

The present study was a qualitative case study. Theoretical framework consisted of and combined content analysis and semiotics in order to examine the frequency of the visual elements and the meanings that are conveyed through the visual images. The study observed the visual images shared by the selected outdoor clothing companies, Patagonia, Peak Performance and Norrøna, on Instagram. The research data consisted of 20 most popular visual images of each case company, 60 visual images in total published on Instagram in 2015. The selection of the data was based on the likes and the comments. The study was primarily an interpretation based on the semiotic theory of Gunther Kress and Theo van Leeuwen (1996, 2006) and observed the research data through three functions: representational, compositional and interactional and engaging functions.

Findings and Conclusion

The study found that the outdoor clothing companies, Patagonia, Peak Performance and Norrøna, aim at using visual communication through the images to support the strategy and mission of the company, but also to strengthen the customer experience. As the present study was a case study, further research could, for example, broaden the study to affect on the whole outdoor clothing industry and also other social media channels.
Aalto University School of Business Master's Theses are now in the Aaltodoc publication archive.