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Change in web publishing of Aalto publication series for Aalto University Business School from beginning of 2014

Information and pdf-files of Business School publications in the Aalto series are now located in the Aaltodoc publication archive

School of Business other research publications

id: 126
Authors: Kyrö, Paula
Moisala, Aarni
Nyrhinen, Sari
Levikari, Niko
Title: Kohti joustavia Senioriyrittäjyyden polkuja : raportti Oma Projekti - Seniorina Yrittäjäksi Tutkimushankkeesta 2012
Series: Aalto-yliopiston julkaisusarja KAUPPA+TALOUS, ISSN 1799-4802 ; 1/2012
Year: 2012  Language: fin
Electronic publication: » document Aalto_Report_KT_2012_001.pdf pdf   size: 3616 KB [3701810]
Index terms: age; development; entrepreneurship; ikä; kehitys; yrittäjyys
Bibid: 623015
Published: Espoo : Aalto-yliopisto, 2012.
ISBN: 978-952-60-4752-2