School of Business publications portal

Change in web publishing of Aalto publication series for Aalto University Business School from beginning of 2014

Information and pdf-files of Business School publications in the Aalto series are now located in the Aaltodoc publication archive

eWP - School of Business working papers

Search indexterm='Viestintä' : found 11 working papers

Merja  Halme, Outi  Somervuori  Study of internet material use in education in Finland
Working papers . Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulu, ISSN 1235-5674 ; W-465
Kirsi Kommonen  Narratives on Chinese colour culture in business contexts : the Yin Yang Wu Xing of Chinese values
Working papers / Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulu., ISSN 1235-5674 ; W-456
Miia  Äkkinen  Conceptual foundations of online communities
Working papers . Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulu, ISSN 1235-5674 ; W-387
Teemu  Santonen  Evaluating the effect of the market environment on the business success of online newspapers
Working papers . Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulu, ISSN 1795-1828 ; W-375
Hanna  Kalla Exploration of the relationship between knowledge creation, organisational learning and social capital
Working papers . Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulu, ISSN 1235-5674 ; W-360
Markku Kuula, Antoine Stam An interior point method for multi-party negotiation support
Working papers / Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulu, ISSN 1235-5674 ; W-353
Pekka  Isotalus, Hanni Muukkonen How do users of PDA's react to an animated human character in online news?
CKIR working papers, ISSN 1458-5189 ; 2
Satinder P.  Gill The engagement space and parallel coordinated movement
CKIR working papers, ISSN 1458-5189 ; 1
Leena  Louhiala-Salminen Communication and language use in merged corporations
Working papers . Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulu, ISSN 1235-5674 ; W-330
Mirjami  Fagerström Suhdemarkkinoinnin hyödyntäminen kuluttajatuotteiden markkinoinnissa
Working papers . Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulu, ISSN 1235-5674 ; W-276
Mirjaliisa  Charles, Helena  Kangasharju New orientations and developments
Working papers . Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulu, ISSN 1235-5674 ; W-269