School of Business publications portal

Change in web publishing of Aalto publication series for Aalto University Business School from beginning of 2014

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eDiss - School of Business dissertations

Search index term= Yritykset : found 36 dissertations

Paukku, Markus  Essays on strategy, the firm and its boundaries
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, ISSN 1799-4934 ; 218/2013
Sepulveda, Fabian L.  The development and performance of international new ventures : links between networks, entrepreneurial orientation, and firm performance
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, ISSN 1799-4934 ; 183/2013
Heikkurinen, Pasi   Reframing strategic corporate responsibility : from economic instrumentalism and stakeholder thinking to awareness and sustainable development
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, ISSN 1799-4934 ; 156/2013
Lahdelma, Pirkko   Network adjacency in shaping intra-organizational perceptions about strategic IT-business alignment
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 36/2013
Heimonen, Tomi.   Characteristics of innovative, high growth and highly successful SMEs
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 26/2013
Laakso, Tapio  Yrityssaneerausohjelman onnistuminen : käyttäytymistaloustieteellinen näkökulma
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 163/2012
Virkki, Matti   Liiketoiminnan transformaation tuottaneet toimijaryhmät : Kemira GrowHow'n synty
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 141/2012
Handelberg, Jari.   Aspects of top management team and firm growth
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 76/2012
Olava, Juha   Strategiatyökalujen organisaatiopoliittinen käyttö konsernin muutostilanteessa
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4942 ; 48/2012
Sasi, Viveca Anita.  Essays on resource scarcity, early rapid internationalization and born global firms
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 142/2011
Pesola, Hanna.   Essays on the internationalisation of firms
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 12/2011
Järventie-Thesleff, Rita.  Building the corporate brand in a stream of collective sense-making activities : a practice perspective
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 10/2011
Chakhovich, Terhi.   Essays on managerial myopia and subject positions in companies with different governance structures
Vesterinen, Johanna.   Equity markets and firm innovation in interaction : a study of a telecommunications firm in radical industry transformation
Uotila, Timo-Jaakko.  Patentti strategisena kilpailun välineenä : oikeudellis-liiketaloudellinen tutkimus patentista ja sen toimivuudesta yrityksen strategiassa.
Kautto, Petrus.   Who holds the reins in integrated product policy? : an individual company as a target of regulation and as a policy maker
Aspara, Jaakko   Emergence and translations of management interests in corporate branding in the Finnish pulp and paper corporations : a study with an actor-network theory approach
Räty, Erkki  Liiketoiminnan ja informaatiotekniikan strategisen linjakkuuden vaikutus suuryritysten IT:n tehokkuuteen
Sperling, Gilad.   Product, operation and market strategies of technology-intensive born globals : the case of Israeli telecommunication born globals
Ylikerälä, Juhani  Yrityshautomokokemuksen vaikutukset tradenomiopiskelijan yrittäjäuran syntyyn ja kehittymiseen: yrityshautomotoiminta liiketalouden alan ammattikorkeakoulun yrittäjäkoulutuksessa
Kosonen, Riitta  Governance, the Local Regulation Process and Enterprise Adaptation in Post-Socialism. The Case of Vyborg
Matikka, Ari  Measuring the Performance of Owner-Managed Firms: A Systems Approach
Lintunen, Liisa  Who is the Winner Enterpreneur? An Epistemological Study of the Schumpeterian Enterpreneur
Niskanen, Mervi  Corporate Borrowing Patterns With Bank Equity Ownership
Oinas, Päivi  The Embedded Firm? Prelude for a Revived Geography of Enterprise
Matikainen, Esa  Efficient Governance of Interorganizational Business Relationships
Järvikare, Kai  On the Determinants of Corporate Business Interruption Insurance Purchases. Evidence from the Manufacturing Firms in Finland
Virtanen, Markku  Enterpreneurial Finance and Venture Capital Advantage
Lehtomaa, Ahti  Yrittäjän menestymismielikuva. Sahayrittäjän näkemyksen ja laskennallisen arvion vastaavuus yrityksen taloudellisesta tilasta
Tikkanen, Irma  Competitive Behavior of a Firm. Environment, Competitive Strategy, and Competitive Advantage in the Finnish Clothing Industry
Inkiläinen, Raimo  Transformation Beyond Skill. A Process of New Capabilities Development in a Trading Company
Lovio, Raimo  Evolution of Firm Communities in New Industries. The Case of the Finnish Electronics Industry
Vikkula, Kaisa  Strategic Choice and Performance in the Securities Intermediation Industry. An Empirical Analysis of Strategic Groups in Scandinavia
Pantzar, Mika  A Replicative Perspective on Evolutionary Dynamics : the Organizing Process of the US Economy Elaborated through Biological Metaphor
Veranen, Jyrki  The ownership function and the performance of the firm : a study of the renewal processes of the firm
Ruuhela, Reijo  Yrityksen kasvu ja kannattavuus