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eCase Collection - abstracts

HSE_CASE_NR: 193-008 | status: active
Tekijät: Muir, Robert
Cho, Dong-Sung (supervisor)
Ulkoasu: 9 pages + 13 exhibits
Julkaisuvuosi: 2001  Kieli: eng
Asiasanat: European integration; international business; telecommunications
Tiivistelmä: Helkama Cable is a Finnish manufacturer of fibre optic cable, telecommunications cable, control cable, marine cable, and high frequency cable. It was a relatively small Finnish company with 1992 sales of FIM 82 million and 115 employees. About 75% of sales were domestic. Efforts were being made to market the products internationally and the share of sales abroad was increasing. Recently, however, several large foreign companies had made deliveries to Finland. In addition, the involvement of Finland in the EU would create changes in the business environment. Another challenge lay ahead with technological changes expected in the business. Students’ task is to analyze the industry, and recommend a strategy for Helkama Cable in order to grow and prosper with the various opportunities and threats in sight.

Case on saatavilla ecch case collection:in kautta:
» ecch case info (21947)
[reference nr 301-119-1]