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eCase Collection - abstracts

HSE_CASE_NR: 398-023 | status: active
Tekijät: Kim, Si-Ho
Wallenius, Jyrki (Supervisor)
Ulkoasu: 6 pages + 8 exhibits
Julkaisuvuosi: 2001  Kieli: eng
Asiasanat: growth; innovation management; steel company in Korea
Tiivistelmä: At the end of 1996, Chairman Mahn-Je Kim was reflecting over his management performance during the last 3 years since he had been inaugurated as new chairman of POSCO, the second largest steel company in Korea, in March of 1994. The rapid pace of environmental change had a decisive impact on the company’s survival. He had thought it was his main job to build the foundation for POSCO’s continuing growth.

Opetus-materiaali (teaching note):
Huomautukset: 6 pages
Julkaisuvuosi: 2001  Kieli: eng

Case on saatavilla ecch case collection:in kautta:
» ecch case info (21263)
[reference nr 301-127-1]