Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuportaali

eCase Collection - abstracts

HSE_CASE_NR: 399-029 | status: active
Tekijät: Pärssinen, Marjaliisa
Leenders, Michiel (supervisor)
Mauffette-Leenders, Louise A. (supervisor)
Ulkoasu: 4 pages + 3 exhibits
Julkaisuvuosi: 2001  Kieli: eng
Asiasanat: export; internationalization; IT company
Tiivistelmä: On October 22nd 1998, Mrs. Tuula Puntila, managing director of Twin Systems Oy, a Finnish software company located in Helsinki, received a telephone call from the managing director of another member in the export network to which Twin Systems belonged. “Tuula, we are pulling out of the network”, he said. Mrs. Puntila wondered how this decision would impact on her company’s export strategy.

Case on saatavilla ecch case collection:in kautta:
» ecch case info (21948)
[reference nr 301-120-1]