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eCase Collection - abstracts

HSE_CASE_NR: 395-014 | status: active
Otsikko: DD AUDIO
Tekijät: Korhonen, Heli
Ulkoasu: 4 pages
Julkaisuvuosi: 2007  Kieli: eng
Asiasanat: R&D process; rapid internationalization; small and medium-sized enterprises
Tiivistelmä: DD Audio is a fairly recently established firm, the product of which was a HIFI amplifier. First, the company had to produce wooden amplifiers, but when soap stone amplifier patents became available they did a thorough R&D to come up with their product DD Stone, the soap stone amplifier. Just when the product design was finished, the company got a feature to a magazine, and interested phone calls started to arrive, from the Netherlands and from Germany. DD Audio had to decide whether to proceed with the internationalization of the company right away, and how it should be done.