Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuportaali

eCase Collection - abstracts

HSE_CASE_NR: 395-011 | status: active
Tekijät: Kankkunen, Arja
Leenders, Michiel (supervisor)
Mauffette-Leenders, Louise A. (supervisor)
Wallenius, Jyrki (supervisor)
Ulfvens, Viveca (supervisor)
Ulkoasu: 7 pages + 3 appendices
Julkaisuvuosi: 2001  Kieli: eng
Asiasanat: development of a new drug; Finnish pharmaceutical industry; licensing vs. own manufacturing
Tiivistelmä: Orion Group, a Finnish pharmaceuticals company founded in 1917 consisted of six divisions. Two divisions belong to Orion Pharma; Orion-Farmos was the largest Finnish manufacturer and marketer of pharmaceuticals with a 27 per cent domestic market share, whereas Orion Pharma International concentrated on the export of pharmaceuticals, bulk drug substances and international operations. The products of Orion Pharma International were marketed through subsidiaries and a network of representatives. Orion has been developing a new drug, recosderine, and in 1994 at the final phase of the development, the company has to decide between two options, whether it should proceed with the project and later conclude marketing agreements with another company, or obtain a partner or partners for licensing.

Opetus-materiaali (teaching note):
Huomautukset: 4 pages
Julkaisuvuosi: 2001  Kieli: eng

Case on saatavilla ecch case collection:in kautta:
» ecch case info (21268)
[reference nr 301-132-1]