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eCase Collection - abstracts

HSE_CASE_NR: 195-006 | status: active
Otsikko: MARIMEKKO – The post –turnaround direction
Tekijät: Kauranen Ilkka,
Kasanen, Eero
Kaila, Martti M. (supervisor)
Rajala, Kati (supervisor)
Palepu, Krishna G. (supervisor)
Julkaisuvuosi: 2001  Kieli: eng
Asiasanat: design industry; entrepreneurship; Finnish textile industry; internationalization; marketing; strategy; succession
Tiivistelmä: At the end of the year 1994, Marimekko, a Finnish design and textile company has been under the reign of CEO Kirsti Paakkanen for three years. During that time, she has managed a turnaround of Marimekko from a subsidiary of a large conglomerate to an independent, financially strong company known for its refreshing, high quality clothing and apparel. Now that the company is back in black, she can direct the company to new areas. Options that need to be analyzed are launching new product lines, luring new customer segments, entering new geographical markets, what modes of operation and what financing options to select for the growth.

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» ecch case info (21942)
[reference nr 301-114-1]