Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuportaali

eCase Collection - abstracts

HSE_CASE_NR: 194-010 | status: active
Tekijät: Jylhä, Tiina
Reiniharju, Päivi
Cho, Dong-Sung (supervisor)
Ulkoasu: 8 pages + 4 exhibits
Julkaisuvuosi: 2001  Kieli: eng
Asiasanat: geographic expansion; service company; strategy for a small company
Tiivistelmä: Medident is a private dental clinic. The clinic has been operating 15 years but a few years ago the two owners started to formulate a strategy for their service company. They had realized that even a dental clinic cannot survive without a strategy. They also discuss expansion strategies. One is in favor of the Baltic countries and Russia as a potential market. Another option was expansion within Finland. The objective of this Medident case is to familiarize students with the service sector, especially with dental health care services. The most appropriate audiences would be MBA and EMBA students who are studying a strategy course. The case could be used in the beginning of the course to show students the importance of a strategy in every industry. The case would be helpful for courses, which are aimed at managers working in hospitals and private clinics.

Opetus-materiaali (teaching note):
Huomautukset: 4 pages
Julkaisuvuosi: 2001  Kieli: eng

Case on saatavilla ecch case collection:in kautta:
» ecch case info (21944)
[reference nr 301-116-1]