| | Vuoden 2013 väitöskirjat |
Paukku, Markus | | Essays on strategy, the firm and its boundaries
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, ISSN 1799-4934 ; 218/2013 | 2013 |
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Logemann, Minna | | Strategic change under construction : role of strategy narratives
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, ISSN 1799-4934 ; 216/2013 | 2013 |
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Sepulveda, Fabian L. | | The development and performance of international new ventures : links between networks, entrepreneurial orientation, and firm performance
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, ISSN 1799-4934 ; 183/2013 | 2013 |
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Luoma, Jukka | | Essays on the behavioral foundations of competitive interaction
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, ISSN 1799-4934 ; 176/2013 | 2013 |
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Huovinen, Annamari | | Poliittinen kansalaisuus intersektionaalisena identiteettinä vaaliesitteissä
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, ISSN 1799-4934 ; 175/2013 | 2013 |
| |
Oksman, Riku | | Projektijohtaminen suomalaisessa tv- ja elokuvatuotannossa : näkökulmia projektijohtamiskäytäntöjen rakentumiseen tv- ja elokuvatuottajien haastatteluissa
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, ISSN 1799-4934 ; 161/2013 | 2013 |
| |
Heikkurinen, Pasi | | Reframing strategic corporate responsibility : from economic instrumentalism and stakeholder thinking to awareness and sustainable development
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, ISSN 1799-4934 ; 156/2013 | 2013 |
| |
Majapuro, Marketta | | E-scaped medicine : kuluttaja-potilaiden identiteettikeskusteluja osallistumisen kulttuurissa
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, ISSN 1799-4934 ; 154/2013 | 2013 |
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Kuusi, Tero | | Essays on information and communications technology, structural change, and economic growth
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, ISSN 1799-4934 ; 153/2013 | 2013 |
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Mäkelä, Teea Vilhelmiina | | Information acquisition in international business : innovation in a small biotechnology firm
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, ISSN 1799-4934 ; 142/2013 | 2013 |
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Lempinen, Heikki | | Design framework for performance management systems : an ensemble approach
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 100/2013 | 2013 |
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Masalin, Leena | | Yhteisöllinen strateginen toimijuus : tapaustutkimus metsäteollisuusyrityksestä
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 95/2013 | 2013 |
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Laukkanen, Mikko | | Failure to innovate : essays on the challenges and barriers to realizing business transformation
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 74/2013 | 2013 |
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Frösén, Johanna | | Marketing metrics, marketing performance measurement, and marketing control
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 65/2013 | 2013 |
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Rajahonka, Mervi | | Towards service modularity - service and business model development
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 54/2013 | 2013 |
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Takanen, Terhi | | The power of being present at work : co-creative process inquiry as a developmental approach
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 52/2013 | 2013 |
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Lahdelma, Pirkko | | Network adjacency in shaping intra-organizational perceptions about strategic IT-business alignment
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 36/2013 | 2013 |
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Miihkinen, Antti | | Essays on corporate risk and transition disclosures in the IFRS era
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 35/2013 | 2013 |
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Heimonen, Tomi. | | Characteristics of innovative, high growth and highly successful SMEs
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 26/2013 | 2013 |
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Kilpinen, Paula. | | Capability development within the multinational corporation
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 13/2013 | 2013 |
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| | Vuoden 2012 väitöskirjat |
Anttonen, Markku | | Eco-efficient services as a route towards sustainable development : between the traditional and the radical
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4942 ; 181/2012 | 2012 |
| |
Melolinna, Marko. | | Essays on oil and the macroeconomy
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 175/2012 | 2012 |
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Laakso, Tapio | | Yrityssaneerausohjelman onnistuminen : käyttäytymistaloustieteellinen näkökulma
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 163/2012 | 2012 |
| |
Virkki, Matti | | Liiketoiminnan transformaation tuottaneet toimijaryhmät : Kemira GrowHow'n synty
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 141/2012 | 2012 |
| |
Luukkainen, Pertti | | Strateginen ryhmä toimiala-analyysin osana : empiirinen tutkimus Suomen kasvihuonetoimialalta
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 130/2012 | 2012 |
| |
Salonen, Anna | | Essays on globalization and evolving competitive strategies of Finnish MNEs : transitioning from products to services and solutions
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 127/2012 | 2012 |
| |
Leppänen, Simo | | Essays on the roles of the public and private sectors in Russia
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 126/2012 | 2012 |
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Somervuori, Outi | | Essays on behavioral pricing
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 124/2012 | 2012 |
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Obstbaum, Meri | | Essays on labour market frictions and fiscal policy
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 105/2012 | 2012 |
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Elkelä, Kari. | | Markkinointiviestinnän kanavapreferenssit kuluttajilla = Consumer preferences for marketing communication channels
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 94/2012 | 2012 |
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Saarinen, Lauri. | | Enhancing ICT supported distributed learning through action design research
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 92/2012 | 2012 |
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Jaakkola, Matti. | | Strategic orientations, market-based capabilities and business performance : the moderating effect of business context
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 79/2012 | 2012 |
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Hietanen, Joel. | | Videography in consumer culture theory : an account of essence(s) and production
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 78/2012 | 2012 |
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Handelberg, Jari. | | Aspects of top management team and firm growth
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 76/2012 | 2012 |
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Rinne, Kalle. | | Essays on price impact and provision of immediacy
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 63/2012 | 2012 |
| |
Mattila, Merja. | | The interaction between an enterprise system and a knowledge-intensive project organization : a case study of project staffing
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 59/2012 | 2012 |
| |
Ledyaeva, Svetlana. | | Empirical essays on Russia's macroeconomic and integration development in transition era
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 54/2012 | 2012 |
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Olava, Juha | | Strategiatyökalujen organisaatiopoliittinen käyttö konsernin muutostilanteessa
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4942 ; 48/2012 | 2012 |
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Jylhä, Petri. | | Essays on the economics of hedge funds
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 44/2012 | 2012 |
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Vassinen, Antti. | | Configurational explanation of marketing outcomes : a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis approach
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 39/2012 | 2012 |
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Kolehmainen, Katja. | | On the interface between strategy and management accounting : four essays
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 36/2012 | 2012 |
| |
Kohonen, Tenho. | | Tiedonsiirto ja -luonti metallialan osatoimittajien kansainvälistymisessä : lähtökohtina sosiaalinen pääoma ja oppimiskulttuuri
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 34/2012 | 2012 |
| |
Aalto, Mika. | | Strategin tragedia : suomalaisupseerit clausewitzlaisina strategeina
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 29/2012 | 2012 |
| |
Lehtinen, Marjukka. | | Episteemisen auktoriteetin ja yhteisen ymmärryksen konstruointi kokouskeskustelussa : fokuksessa -hAn-lausumat
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 27/2012 | 2012 |
| |
Kuusisto, Johanna. | | Essays on managing cultural impacts in multinational projects
VTT science, 2242-119X ; 12 | 2012 |
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Townsend, Taija. | | Women as leaders in public discourse : communication, gender and leadership
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 2/2012 | 2012 |
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Piironen, Pekka | | Epävarmuuden talous
Polemos-sarja | 2012 |
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| | Vuoden 2011 väitöskirjat |
Sasi, Viveca Anita. | | Essays on resource scarcity, early rapid internationalization and born global firms
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 142/2011 | 2011 |
| |
Kokkonen, Joni. | | Essays on asset pricing, portfolio choice, and investments
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 122/2011 | 2011 |
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Lauraéus, Theresa. | | Uncertainty in consumer online search and purchase decision making
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 121/2011 | 2011 |
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Santavirta, Torsten. | | Essays on human capital development, wage dynamics and religious participation
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 83/2011 | 2011 |
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Lempiälä, Tea. | | Entering the back stage of innovation : tensions between the collaborative praxis of idea development and its formal staging in organisations
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 74/2011 | 2011 |
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Niinikoski, Marja-Liisa. | | Innovation : formation of a policy field and a policy-making practice
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 40/2011 | 2011 |
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LaPointe, Kirsi. | | Moral struggles, subtle shifts : narrative practices of identity works in career transitions
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 34/2011 | 2011 |
| |
Leskinen, Raija. | | A longitudinal case study of an entrepreneurial networking process
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 32/2011 | 2011 |
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Karrus, Kaij E. | | Policy variants for coordinating supply chain inventory replenishments
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 31/2011 | 2011 |
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Storgårds, Jan Henrik. | | Brand equity of digital games : the influence of product brand and consumer experiences as sources of unique value
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 29/2011 | 2011 |
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Markkula, Annu. | | Consumers as ecological citizens in clothing markets
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 22/2011 | 2011 |
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Kostiander, Leena. | | Essays on political corporate governance and governance reforms : consequences from sociological perspectives
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 18/2011 | 2011 |
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Sinha, Ankur. | | Progressively interactive evolutionary multiobjective optimization
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 17/2011 | 2011 |
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Naarajärvi, Pia. | | International co-production and collaborative agreements, the case of the Finnish film industry
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 15/2011 | 2011 |
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Juntumaa, Miira. | | Putting consumers' IT adoption in context : failed link between attitudes and behavior
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 14/2011 | 2011 |
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Lindman, Juho. | | Not accidental revolutionaries : essays on open source software production and organizational change
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 13/2011 | 2011 |
| |
Pesola, Hanna. | | Essays on the internationalisation of firms
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 12/2011 | 2011 |
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Järventie-Thesleff, Rita. | | Building the corporate brand in a stream of collective sense-making activities : a practice perspective
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 10/2011 | 2011 |
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Kauppila, Olli-Pekka. | | Creating ambidexterity through interorganizational partnering
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 9/2011 | 2011 |
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Merisalo-Rantanen, Hilkka. | | Management of open-ended user feedback in the continuous development of information systems and e-services
Aalto University publication series. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1799-4934 ; 8/2011 | 2011 |
| |
Talvio, Pirkko. | | Häpeän tunteet kulutuksessa
Aalto-yliopiston julkaisusarja. VÄITOSKIRJAT, 1799-4918 ; 5/2011 | 2011 |
| |
Pöyhönen, Seppo. | | Omistajaoikeudet ja omistaja-arvo osuuskunnissa
| 2011 |
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| | Vuoden 2010 väitöskirjat |
Osei-Bonsu, Nana. | | An empirical analysis of the internationalization process of small-to-medium-sized manufacturing enterprises : the case of Ghana
A-378 | 2010 |
| |
Hirsto, Heidi. | | Vastuutonta puhetta? : Esseitä talouden merkityksellistämisestä
A-377 | 2010 |
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Lukkari, Pirjo. | | Relationship management and institutional interplay in business networks : essays on case studies from the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare markets
A-376 | 2010 |
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Mikkonen, Ilona. | | Consumer resistance as struggle over subjectivity : essays on consumer resistance to marketplace ideologies and marketer-constructed consumer subjectivities
A-375 | 2010 |
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Uusi-Rauva, Christa. | | The influence of communication on perceived barriers to environmental action
A-374 | 2010 |
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Tukiainen, Sampo. | | Finnishness in cross cultural interaction in international engineerins projects
A-373 | 2010 |
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Sunikka, Anne. | | Essays on personalization in multichannel financial services
A-372 | 2010 |
| |
Henttonen, Elina. | | An ethnographic study of women’s small ICT business in Finland
A-371 | 2010 |
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Huttunen, Salla | | Problematic talk : the role of multiple understandings in project meetings
A-370 | 2010 |
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Hyötyläinen, Mika | | Towards "service factory" : managing the complexity of ICT services
A-369 | 2010 |
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Väänänen, Lotta | | Human capital and incentives in the creation of inventions : a study of Finnish inventors
A-368 | 2010 |
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Vapola, Terhi Johanna. | | Battleship strategy : exploring the management of global innovation constellations in high technology industries
A-367 | 2010 |
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Järvensivu, Paavo | | Constructing a service-dominant strategy : a practice-theoretical study of a start-up company
A-366 | 2010 |
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Hiltunen, Elina. | | Weak signals in organizational futures learning
A-365 | 2010 |
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Rokka, Joonas. | | Exploring the cultural logic of translocal marketplace cultures : essays on new methods and empirical insights
A-364 | 2010 |
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Erkama, Niina. | | Critical approaches to global organizational restructuring : discursive struggles over legitimation and resistance
A-363 | 2010 |
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Pohjola, Johanna. | | Carbon sinks in mitigating climate change : evaluation with models of varying scope
A-362 | 2010 |
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Jormanainen, Irina. | | Outcomes of learning through international joint ventures for local parent firms : evidence from Russia
A-361 | 2010 |
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Chakhovich, Terhi. | | Essays on managerial myopia and subject positions in companies with different governance structures
A-360 | 2010 |
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Trux, Marja-Liisa. | | No zoo : ethnic civility and its cultural regulation among the staff of a Finnish high-tech company
A-359 | 2010 |
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Porkka, Pasi P. | | Capacitated timing of mobile and flexible service resources
A-358 | 2010 |
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| | Vuoden 2009 väitöskirjat |
Rajala, Risto | | Determinants of business model performance in software firms
A-357 | 2009 |
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Westerlund, Mika. | | Managing networked business models : essays in the software industry
A-356 | 2009 |
| |
Kourula, Arno. | | Company engagement with nongovernmental organizations from a corporate responsibility perspective
A-355 | 2009 |
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Lähteenmäki, Mirella. | | Henkilötietojen hyödyntäminen markkinoinnissa kuluttajien tulkitsemana : diskurssianalyyttinen tutkimus kuluttajan tietosuojasta
A-354 | 2009 |
| |
Mustonen, Minna. | | Strategiaviestinnän vastaanottokäytännöt : henkilöstö strategiaviestinnän yleisönä
A-353 | 2009 |
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Koria, Mikko. | | Investigating innovation in projects : issues for international development cooperation
A-352 | 2009 |
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Nikko, Tuija. | | Dialogic construction of understanding in cross-border corporate meetings
A-351 | 2009 |
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Kauppi, Olli. | | A model of imperfect dynamic competition in the Nordic power market
A-350 | 2009 |
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Pirjetä, Antti. | | Evaluation of executive stock options in continuous and discrete time
A-349 | 2009 |
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Kirjavainen, Tanja. | | Essays on the efficiency of schools and student achievement
A-348 | 2009 |
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Huikku, Jari. | | Post-completion auditing of capital investments and organizational learning
A-347 | 2009 |
| |
Vesterinen, Johanna. | | Equity markets and firm innovation in interaction : a study of a telecommunications firm in radical industry transformation
A-346 | 2009 |
| |
Leinonen, Jouni H. | | Organizational learning in high-velocity markets : case study in the mobile communications industry
A-345 | 2009 |
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Karjalainen, Katri. | | Challenges of purchasing centralization : empirical evidence from public procurement
A-344 | 2009 |
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Nordberg, Anneli. | | Pienyrityksen dynaaminen kyvykkyys : empiirinen tutkimus graafisen alan pienpainoyrityksistä
A-343 | 2009 |
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Kerkelä, Leena. | | Essays on globalization : policies in trade, development, resources and climate change
A-342 | 2009 |
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Sarvimäki, Matti. | | Essays on migration
A-341 | 2009 |
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Ahoniemi, Katja | | Modeling and forecasting implied volatility
A-340 | 2009 |
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Uotila, Timo-Jaakko. | | Patentti strategisena kilpailun välineenä : oikeudellis-liiketaloudellinen tutkimus patentista ja sen toimivuudesta yrityksen strategiassa.
| 2009 |
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| | Vuoden 2008 väitöskirjat |
Kautto, Petrus. | | Who holds the reins in integrated product policy? : an individual company as a target of regulation and as a policy maker
A-339 | 2008 |
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Partanen, Jukka | | Pk-yrityksen verkostokyvykkyydet ja nopea kasvu : case: tiede- ja teknologiavetoiset yritykset
A-338 | 2008 |
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Silvennoinen, Heidi | | Essays on household time allocation decisions in a collective household model
A-337 | 2008 |
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Kilpi, Jani | | Sourcing of availability services : case aircraft component support
A-336 | 2008 |
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Yli-Kauhaluoma, Sari | | Working on technology : a study on collaborative R&D work in industrial chemistry
A-335 | 2008 |
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Eskelinen, Petri | | Reference point based decision support tools for interactive multiobjective optimization
A-334 | 2008 |
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Merisavo, Marko | | The interaction between digital marketing communication and customer loyalty
A-333 | 2008 |
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Korhonen, Iikka | | Essays on commitment and government debt structure
A-332 | 2008 |
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Ruotinen, Jukka | | Essays in trade in services : difficulties and possibilities
A-331 | 2008 |
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Virta, Heli | | Essays on institutions and the other deep determinants of economic development
A-330 | 2008 |
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Kivimaa, Paula | | The innovation effects of environmental policies : linking policies, companies and innovations in the Nordic pulp and paper industry
A-329 | 2008 |
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Napari, Sami | | Essays on the gender wage gap in Finland
A-328 | 2008 |
| |
Mäkelä, Markus M. | | Essays on software product development : a strategic management viewpoint
A-327 | 2008 |
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Ali-Yrkkö, Jyrki | | Essays on the impacts of technology development and R&D subsidies
A-326 | 2008 |
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Moilanen, Teemu | | Network brand management : study of competencies of place branding ski destinations
A-325 | 2008 |
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Kinkki, Seppo. | | Essays on minority protection and dividend policy
A-324 | 2008 |
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Relander, Sami | | Towards approximate reasoning on new software product company success potential estimation : a design science based fuzzy logic expert system
A-323 | 2008 |
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Nurmi, Antti | | Essays on management of complex information systems development projects
A-322 | 2008 |
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Fifield, Brett | | A project network : an approach to creating emergent business
A-321 | 2008 |
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| | Vuoden 2007 väitöskirjat |
Laaksonen, Juha | | Managing radical business innovations : a study of internal corporate venturing at Sonera Corporation
A-320 | 2007 |
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Ritvala, Tiina | | Actors and institutions in the emergence of a new field : a study of the cholesterol-lowering functional foods market
A-319 | 2007 |
| |
Danford, Gerard L. | | Internationalization: an information-processing perspective : a study of the level of ICT use during internationalization
A-318 | 2007 |
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Granqvist, Nina | | Nanotechnology and nanolabeling : essays on the emergence of new technological fields
A-317 | 2007 |
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Ruotoistenmäki, Antti | | Condition data in road maintenance management
A-316 | 2007 |
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Vesa, Jarkko | | A comparison of the Finnish and the Japanese mobile services markets : observations and possible implications
A-315 | 2007 |
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Penttinen, Esko | | Transition from products to services within the manufacturing business
A-314 | 2007 |
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Nyrhinen, Mari | | The success of firm-wide IT infrastructure outsourcing : an integrated approach
A-313 | 2007 |
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Knüpfer, Samuli | | Essays on household finance
A-312 | 2007 |
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Vihinen, Janne | | Supply and demand perspectives on mobile products and content services
A-311 | 2007 |
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Paulamäki Jari. | | Kauppiasyrittäjän toimintavapaus ketjuyrityksessä : haastattelututkimus K-kauppiaan kokemasta toimintavapaudesta agenttiteorian näkökulmasta
A-310 | 2007 |
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Tanayama, Tanja. | | Allocation and effects of R&D subsidies : selection, screening and strategic behavior
A-309 | 2007 |
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Malo, Pekka. | | Higher order moments in distribution modelling with applications to risk management
A-308 | 2007 |
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Huurros, Milla. | | The emergence and scope of complex system/service innovation : the case of the mobile payment services market in Finland
A-307 | 2007 |
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Mäntylä, Hans | | On "good" academic work : practicing respect at close range
A-306 | 2007 |
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Kauhanen, Antti. | | Essays on empirical personnel economics
A-305 | 2007 |
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Ojala, Hannu | | Essays on the value relevance of goodwill accounting
A-304 | 2007 |
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Nojonen, Matti | | Guanxi : the Chinese third arm
A-303 | 2007 |
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Soronen, Osmo T. A. | | A transaction cost based comparison of consumers’ choice between conventional and electronic markets
A-302 | 2007 |
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Kivelä, Marianne | | Dynamic capabilities in small software firms
A-301 | 2007 |
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Hänninen, Hannu | | Negotiated risks : the Estonia accident and the stream of bow visor failures in the Baltic ferry traffic
A-300 | 2007 |
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Ahola, Eeva-Katri | | Producing experience in marketplace encounters : a study of consumption experiences in art exhibitions and trade fairs
A-299 | 2007 |
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Karhunen, Päivi | | Field-level change in institutional transformation : strategic responses to post-socialism in St. Petersburg hotel enterprises
A-298 | 2007 |
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Stenfors, Sari | | Strategy tools and strategy toys : management tools in strategy work
A-297 | 2007 |
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Horsti, Aleksi | | Essays on electronic business models and their evaluation
A-296 | 2007 |
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Huang, Chunyang | | Essays on corporate governance issues in China
A-295 | 2007 |
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Laukkanen, Sanna K. | | On the integrative role of information systems in organizations : observations and a proposal for assessment in the broader context of integrative devices
A-294 | 2007 |
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Sarpola, Sami J. | | Information systems in buyer-supplier collaboration
A-293 | 2007 |
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Aspara, Jaakko | | Emergence and translations of management interests in corporate branding in the Finnish pulp and paper corporations : a study with an actor-network theory approach
A-292 | 2007 |
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Mäkinen, Mikko | | Essays on stock option schemes and CEO compensation
A-291 | 2007 |
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Hyväri, Irja. | | Project management effectiveness in different organizational conditions
A-290 | 2007 |
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Kruhse-Lehtonen, Ulla | | Empirical studies on the returns to education in Finland
A-289 | 2007 |
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Hilli, Petri | | Riskinhallinta yksityisen sektorin työeläkkeiden rahoituksessa
A-288 | 2007 |
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Järvensivu, Timo | | Values-driven management in strategic networks : a case study of the influence of organizational values on cooperation
A-287 | 2007 |
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| | Vuoden 2006 väitöskirjat |
Bask, Anu H. | | Preconditions of successful supply chain relationships : integrated processes and differentiated services
A-286 | 2006 |
| |
Mallat, Niina | | Consumer and merchant adoption of mobile payments
A-285 | 2006 |
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Räty, Erkki | | Liiketoiminnan ja informaatiotekniikan strategisen linjakkuuden vaikutus suuryritysten IT:n tehokkuuteen
A-284 | 2006 |
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Irrmann, Olivier | | Intercultural communication and the integration of cross-border acquisitions
A-283 | 2006 |
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Carpentier, Xavier | | Essays on the law and economics of intellectual property
A-282 | 2006 |
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Kangas, Taisto | | Suomen pankkikriisin alueellinen ulottuvuus : esseitä paikallisista toimijoista ja toteuttajista
A-281 | 2006 |
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Kalla, Hanna | | Integrated internal communications in the multinational corporation
A-280 | 2006 |
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Pesonen, Sinikka | | Luonto liiketoiminnassa ja ekologia elämäntavassa : kertomuksia muutoksen mahdollisuuksista ja mahdottomuuksista
A-279 | 2006 |
| |
Pulkkinen, Pertti | | A stepwise refinement approach to approximating the Pareto surface in nonlinear multiobjective optimisation
A-278 | 2006 |
| |
Mäkelä, Kristiina. | | Essays on interpersonal level knowledge sharing within the multinational corporation
A-277 | 2006 |
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Äyväri, Anne | | Käsityöyrittäjien verkosto-osaaminen
A-276 | 2006 |
| |
Jalas, Mikko | | Busy, wise and idle time : a study of the temporalities of consumption in the environmental debate
A-275 | 2006 |
| |
Rantapuska, Elias. | | Essays on investment decisions of individual and institutional investors
A-274 | 2006 |
| |
Joutsenvirta, Maria. | | Ympäristökeskustelun yhteiset arvot : diskurssianalyysi Enson ja Greenpeacen ympäristökirjoituksista
A-273 | 2006 |
| |
Virtanen, Akseli | | Biopoliittisen talouden kritiikki
A-272 | 2006 |
| |
Karppinen, Merja. | | Cultural patterns of knowledge creation : Finns and Japanese as engineers and poets
A-271 | 2006 |
| |
Virtanen, Tuija, | | Johdon ohjausjärjestelmät muuttuvassa toimintaympäristössä
A-270 | 2006 |
| |
Oksanen-Ylikoski, Elina. | | Businesswomen, dabblers, revivalists or conmen? : representation of selling and salespeople within academic, network marketing practitioner and media discourses
A-269 | 2006 |
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Putkiranta, Antero | | Industrial benchmarks: from world class to best in class : experiences from Finnish manufacturing at plant level
A-268 | 2006 |
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Voutilainen, Raimo | | In search for the best alliance structure between banks and insurance companies
A-267 | 2006 |
| |
Henriksson, Marketta | | Essays on euro area enlargement
A-266 | 2006 |
| |
Häyrynen, Janne | | Arvopaperimarkkinoiden väärinkäyttö
| 2006 |
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| | Vuoden 2005 väitöskirjat |
Korhonen, Kristiina. | | Foreign direct investment in a changing political environment : Finnish investment decisions in South Korea
A-265 | 2005 |
| |
Kemppainen, Katariina. | | Priority scheduling revisited : dominant rules, open protocols and integrated order management
A-264 | 2005 |
| |
Sääskilahti, Pekka. | | Essays on the economics of networks and social relations
A-263 | 2005 |
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Toivonen, Harri. | | Modeling, valuation and risk management of commodity derivatives
A-262 | 2005 |
| |
Vuorela, Taina. | | Approaches to a business negotiation : case study: teamwork, humour and teaching
A-261 | 2005 |
| |
Kortelainen, Sami. | | Innovating at the interface : a comparative case study of innovation process dynamics and outcomes in the public-private context
A-260 | 2005 |
| |
Kuisma, Kirsti. | | Essays in foreign aid, conflicts, and development
A-259 | 2005 |
| |
Kinnunen, Jouko. | | Migration, imperfect competition and structural adjustment : essays on the economy of the Åland Islands
A-258 | 2005 |
| |
Lehikoinen, Mirjami. | | Kuluttajan suhdemotivaatio päivittäistavaroihin : miksi äiti liittyy Piltti-piiriin?
A-257 | 2005 |
| |
Juntunen, Arla | | The emergence of a new business through collaborative networks : a longitudinal study in the ICT sector
A-256 | 2005 |
| |
Sperling, Gilad. | | Product, operation and market strategies of technology-intensive born globals : the case of Israeli telecommunication born globals
A-255 | 2005 |
| |
Laine, Jouni. | | Redesign of transfer capabilities : studies in container shipping services
A-254 | 2005 |
| |
Tossavainen, Päivi J. | | Transformation of organizational structures in a multinational enterprise : the case of an enterprise resource planning system utilization
A-253 | 2005 |
| |
Andersen, Atso | | Essays on Stock Exchange Competition and Pricing
A-252 | 2005 |
| |
Skurnik, Samuli. | | Suomalaisen talousmallin murros : suljetusta sääntelytaloudesta kaksinapaiseen globaalitalouteen
A-251 | 2005 |
| |
Tuunanen, Tuure | | Requirements Elicitation for Wide Audience End-Users
A-250 | 2005 |
| |
Ylikerälä, Juhani | | Yrityshautomokokemuksen vaikutukset tradenomiopiskelijan yrittäjäuran syntyyn ja kehittymiseen: yrityshautomotoiminta liiketalouden alan ammattikorkeakoulun yrittäjäkoulutuksessa
A-249 | 2005 |
| |
Killström, Pekka. | | Strategic groups and performance of the firm : towards a new competitive environment in the Finnish telecommunications industry
A-248 | 2005 |
| |
| | Vuoden 2004 väitöskirjat |
Sorjonen, Hilppa | | Taideorganisaation markkinaorientaatio : markkinaorientaation edellytykset ja ilmeneminen esitystaideorganisaation ohjelmistosuunnittelussa
A-247 | 2004 |
| |
Ruuskanen, Olli-Pekka | | An Econometric Analysis of Time Use in Finnish Households
A-246 | 2004 |
| |
Kettunen, Erja | | Regionalism and the Geography of Trade Policies in EU-ASEAN Trade
A-245 | 2004 |
| |
Mäkinen, Jukka | | John Rawlsin oikeudenmukaisuuskäsityksen merkitys normatiiviselle taloustieteelle
A-244 | 2004 |
| |
Svahn, Senja | | Managing in Different Types of Business Nets: Capability Perspective
A-243 | 2004 |
| |
Santonen, Teemu | | Four Essays Studying the Effects of Customization and Market Environment on the Business Success of Online Newspapers in Finland
A-242 | 2004 |
| |
Seppola, Rauni | | Social Capital in International Business Networks: Confirming a Unique Type of Governance Structure
A-241 | 2004 |
| |
Virrankoski, Juha | | Essays in Search Activity
A-240 | 2004 |
| |
Salonen, Petri I. | | Evaluation of a Product Platform Strategy for Analytical Application Software
A-239 | 2004 |
| |
Järvinen, Sami | | Essays on Pricing Commodity Derivatives
A-238 | 2004 |
| |
Lauri, Pekka | | Human Capital, Dynamic Inefficiency and Economic Growth
A-237 | 2004 |
| |
Valtonen, Anu | | Rethinking Free Time : a Study on Boundaries, Disorders and Symbolic Goods
A-236 | 2004 |
| |
Vaittinen, Risto | | Trade Policies and Integration - Evaluations with CGE -Models
A-235 | 2004 |
| |
Koivu, Matti | | A Stochastic Optimization Approach to Financial Decision Making
A-234 | 2004 |
| |
Helander, Anton | | Customer Care in System Business
A-233 | 2004 |
| |
Kuisma, Mika | | Erilaistuminen vai samanlaistuminen? : vertaileva tutkimus paperiteollisuusyhtiöiden ympäristöjohtamisesta
A-232 | 2004 |
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Kuronen, Marja-Liisa | | Vakuutusehtotekstin uudistaminen : matkalla alamaisesta asiakkaaksi
A-231 | 2004 |
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Nurmi, Satu | | Essays on Plant Size, Employment Dynamics and Survival
A-230 | 2004 |
| |
Gabrielsson, Peter | | Globalising Internationals : Product Strategies of ICT Companies
A-229 | 2004 |
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Hoppu, Kari | | Sijoitustuotteiden markkinoinnin sääntely
| 2004 |
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| | Vuoden 2003 väitöskirjat |
Koiso-Kanttila, Nina | | Essays on Consumers and Digital Content
A-228 | 2003 |
| |
Maliranta, Mika | | Micro Level Dynamics of Productivity Growth: an Empirical Analysis of the Great Leap in Finnish Manufacturing Productivity in 1975-2000
A-227 | 2003 |
| |
Tuusjärvi, Eiren | | Multifaceted Norms in SMC Export Cooperation: a Discourse Analysis of Normative Expectations
A-226 | 2003 |
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Siitonen, Silja | | Impact of Globalisation and Regionalisation Strategies on the Performance of the World's Pulp and Paper Companies
A-225 | 2003 |
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Hämäläinen, Erkki | | Evolving Logistic Roles of Steel Distributors
A-224 | 2003 |
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Syrjänen, Mikko | | Data Envelopment Analysis in Planning and Heterogeneous Environments
A-223 | 2003 |
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Riipinen, Toni | | The Interaction of Environmental and Trade Policies
A-222 | 2003 |
| |
Kahra, Hannu | | Consumption, Liquidity and Strategic Asset Allocation
A-221 | 2003 |
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Salimäki, Markku | | Suomalaisen design-teollisuuden kansainvälinen kilpailukyky ja kansainvälistyminen : strateginen ryhmä -tutkimus design-aloilta
A-220 | 2003 |
| |
Linnainmaa, Juhani | | Essays on the Interface of Market Microstructure and Behavioral Finance
A-219 | 2003 |
| |
Välimäki, Tuomas | | Central Bank Tenders : Three Essays on Money Market Liquidity Auctions
A-218 | 2003 |
| |
Pietala, Jorma. | | Päivittäistavarakaupan dynamiikka ja ostoskäyttäytyminen pääkaupunkiseudulla
A-217 | 2003 |
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Böckerman, Petri. | | Empirical studies on working hours and labour market flows
A-216 | 2003 |
| |
Hallikainen, Petri | | Evaluation of Information System Investments
A-215 | 2003 |
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Ylikoski, Teemu | | Access Denied: Patterns of Consumer Internet Information Search and the Effects of Internet Search Expertise
A-214 | 2003 |
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Kaustia, Markku | | Essays on Investor Behavior and Psychological Reference Prices
A-213 | 2003 |
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Niemi, Lasse | | Essays on Audit Pricing
A-212 | 2003 |
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Kasurinen, Tommi | | Exploring Management Accounting Change in the Balanced Scorecard Context - Three Perspectives
A-211 | 2003 |
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| | Vuoden 2002 väitöskirjat |
Kajalo, Sami | | Deregulation of Retail Hours in Finland: Historical and Empirical Perspectives
A-210 | 2002 |
| |
Epstein, Mikael | | Risk Management of Innovative R&D Project. Development of Analysis Model. A Systematic Approach for the Early Detection of Complex Problems (EDCP) in Order to Increase Succes in Enterprises
A-209 | 2002 |
| |
Kleymann, Birgit | | The Development of Multilateral Alliances. The Case of the Airline Industry
A-208 | 2002 |
| |
Pietiläinen, Tarja | | Moninainen yrittäminen. Sukupuoli ja yrittäjänaisten toimintatila tietoteollisuudessa
A-207 | 2002 |
| |
Söderqvist, Minna | | Internationalisation and its Management at Higher-Education Institutions. Applying Conceptual, Content and Discourse Analysis
A-206 | 2002 |
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Laamanen, Tomi | | Essays on Technology Investments and Valuation
A-205 | 2002 |
| |
Kortelainen, Mika | | EDGE: a Model of the Euro Area with Applications to Monetary Policy
A-204 | 2002 |
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Mikkola, Hennamari | | Empirical Studies on Finnish Hospital Pricing Methods
A-203 | 2002 |
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Karhunen, Jussi | | Essays on Tender Offers and Share Repurchases
A-202 | 2002 |
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Tuominen, Matti | | Market-Driven Capabilities and Operational Performance. Theoretical Foundations and Managerial Practices
A-201 | 2002 |
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Suhonen, Susanne | | Industry Evolution and Shakeout Mechanisms: The Case of the Internet Service Provider Industry
A-200 | 2002 |
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Kosonen, Riitta | | Governance, the Local Regulation Process and Enterprise Adaptation in Post-Socialism. The Case of Vyborg
A-199 | 2002 |
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Matikka, Ari | | Measuring the Performance of Owner-Managed Firms: A Systems Approach
A-198 | 2002 |
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Öörni, Anssi | | Consumer Search in Electronic Markets
A-197 | 2002 |
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| | Vuoden 2001 väitöskirjat |
Pautola-Mol, Niina | | The Baltic States' Integration into the European Union - Institutional Approach
A-196 | 2001 |
| |
Heikkinen, Veli-Pekka | | Modelling Timber Harvesting Decisions as a Part of the Management of a Mixed Asset Portfolio
A-195 | 2001 |
| |
Euro, Kalevi. | | Location changes of headquarters of multinational corporations : a theoretical study on the motives and reasons for relocating Finnish divisional headquarters abroad
A-194 | 2001 |
| |
Kallio, A. Maarit I. | | Studies on Competition in the Finnish Wood Market
A-193 | 2001 |
| |
Meriläinen, Susan | | Changing Gendered Practices: A PAR Project within an Academic Work Community
A-192 | 2001 |
| |
Sulamaa, Pekka. | | Essays in deregulated Finnish and Nordic electricity markets
A-191 | 2001 |
| |
Rohweder, Liisa | | Ympäristökasvatus ammattikorkeakoulussa. Opetussuunnitelmateoreettisen mallin kehittäminen liiketalouden koulutukseen.
A-190 | 2001 |
| |
Teikari, Ismo | | Poisson Mixture Sampling in Controlling the Distribution of Response Burden in Longitudinal and Cross Section Business Surveys
A-189 | 2001 |
| |
Kuosmanen, Timo | | The Role of Production Assumptions in Data Envelopment Analysis
A-188 | 2001 |
| |
Juntunen, Arja | | Audience Members' Goals of Media Use and Processing of Advertisements
A-187 | 2001 |
| |
Vaivio, Juhani | | Non-financial Measurement in an Organizational Context. Three Perspectives
A-186 | 2001 |
| |
Moisander, Johanna | | Representation of Green Consumerism: A Constructionist Critique
A-185 | 2001 |
| |
Vesala, Jukka | | Technological Transformation and Retail Banking Competition: Implications and Measurement
A-184 | 2001 |
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| | Vuoden 2000 väitöskirjat |
Heiskanen, Pirja. | | On decentralized computation of Pareto-optimal solutions in multi-party negotiations
A-183 | 2000 |
| |
Hyytinen, Ari | | Essays on Bank Screening and Market Power in Loan Markets
A-182 | 2000 |
| |
Inkinen, Kari | | Diffuusio ja fuusio. Osuuskauppainnovaation levinneisyys ja sen dynamiikka 1901 - 1998 : alueellisesti tulostuva näkökulma suomalaisen osuuskauppatoiminnan kehityksen ja sisällön muutokseen.
A-181 | 2000 |
| |
Lintunen, Liisa | | Who is the Winner Enterpreneur? An Epistemological Study of the Schumpeterian Enterpreneur
A-180 | 2000 |
| |
Torstila, Sami | | Essays on Gross Spreads in Initial Public Offerings
A-179 | 2000 |
| |
Heiskanen, Eva | | Translations of an Environmental Technique: Institutionalization of the Life Cycle Approach in Business, Policy and Research Networks
A-178 | 2000 |
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Koski, Toivo | | Success Potential of a Venture Capital Investment : A Model to Simulate Venture Capitalists' Perception Using Fuzzy Set Theory
A-177 | 2000 |
| |
Vehnämäki, Mika | | Political Elite's Ideology, Economic Policy and Regional Economic Development in Ghana
A-176 | 2000 |
| |
Leiponen, Aija | | Essays in the Economics of Knowledge: Innovation, Collaboration, and Organizational Complementarities
A-175 | 2000 |
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Katila, Saija | | Moraalijärjestyksen rajaama tila: maanviljelijä-yrittäjäperheiden selviytymisstrategiat
A-174 | 2000 |
| |
Lahti-Nuuttila, Kimmo | | Geneeriset ympäristöstrategiat ja Suomen paperiteollisuuden ympäristökilpailukyvyn edellytykset
A-173 | 2000 |
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Lindroos, Marko | | Cooperation and Conflicts in High Seas Fisheries
A-172 | 2000 |
| |
Joro, Tarja | | Incorporating Preference Information in Data Enveloment Analysis
A-171 | 2000 |
| |
Nyberg, Martti | | Interaction Between the Economy and Politics in Finland. A Study on Popularity of Parties and Political Business Cycles
A-170 | 2000 |
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Granlund, Peik | | Rättsliga utvärderingsstudier i USA och Norden : orsaker till skiljaktigheter mellan studierna
A-169 | 2000 |
| |
Kukkonen, Matti | | Capitals Gains Taxation and Realization Behaviour: Evidence from Finnish Panel Data
A-168 | 2000 |
| |
Salo, Saku | | Information Technology Enabled Change. Dramatic Improvement and Perceived Succes
A-167 | 2000 |
| |
Kauko, Karlo | | The Microeconomics of Innovation: Oligopoly Theoretic Analyses with Applications to Banking and Patenting
A-166 | 2000 |
| |
Lohivesi, Kari | | Managerial and Organisational Mechanisms for Corporate Failure. Ekomen Group Case
A-165 | 2000 |
| |
Sorjonen, Pasi | | Essays on Dividends and Taxes
A-164 | 2000 |
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| | Vuoden 1999 väitöskirjat |
Gabrielsson, Mika. | | Sales channel strategies for international expansion : the case of large companies in the European PC industry
A-163 | 1999 |
| |
Aalto-Setälä, Ville | | Economies of Scale, Product Differentiation, and Market Power
A-162 | 1999 |
| |
Seppänen, Harri J. | | Discretionary disclosure and external financing : evidence from a relationship financing environment.
A-161 | 1999 |
| |
Jyrämä, Annukka | | Contemporary Art markets: Structure and Practices. A Study on Art Galleries in Finland, Sweden, France, and Great Britain
A-160 | 1999 |
| |
Kuusi, Osmo | | Expertise in the Future Use of Generic Technologies. Epistemic and Methodological Considerations Concerning Delphi Studies
A-159 | 1999 |
| |
Niininen, Petri | | High Technology Investment, Growth and Productivity. Empirical Studies of Finnish Data.
A-158 | 1999 |
| |
Karli-Ivanto, Krista | | Centralized Cost and Risk Management in a Diversified Portfolio of Contract Guarantees
A-157 | 1999 |
| |
Niskanen, Mervi | | Corporate Borrowing Patterns With Bank Equity Ownership
A-156 | 1999 |
| |
Saarikivi, Maj-Lis | | Tilintarkastajan riippumattomuus
A-155 | 1999 |
| |
Maula, Marjatta | | Multinational Companies as Learning and Evolving Systems. A Multiple-Case Study of Knowledge-Intensive Service Companies. An Application of Autopoiesis Theory.
A-154 | 1999 |
| |
Tuunainen, Virpi Kristiina | | Different Models of Electronic Commerce. Integration of Value Chains and Business Processes
A-153 | 1999 |
| |
Tienari, Janne | | Through the Ranks, Slowly. Studies on Organizational Reforms and Gender in Banking
A-152 | 1999 |
| |
Al-Obaidi, Zuhair | | International Technology Transfer Control. A Case Study of Joint Ventures in Developing Countries
A-151 | 1999 |
| |
Borsos-Torstila, Julianna | | The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Operations of Finnish MNCs in Transition Economies 1990-1995
A-150 | 1999 |
| |
Vaara, Eero | | Towards a Rediscovery of Organizational Politics: Essays on Organizational Integration Following Mergers and Acquisitions
A-149 | 1999 |
| |
Kari, Seppo | | Dynamic Behaviour of the Firm under Dual Income Taxation
A-148 | 1999 |
| |
Korhonen, Heli | | Inward-Outward Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises
A-147 | 1999 |
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Suhonen, Antti | | Three Essays on the Finnish Fixed Income Markets
A-146 | 1999 |
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| | Vuoden 1998 väitöskirjat |
Markkanen, Tuula-Riitta | | Corporate Identity: A Process of Strategic Interpretation in an MNC
A-145 | 1998 |
| |
Koivisto, Jussi V | | Cultural Heritages and Cross-Cultural Management : Cross-Cultural Synergy and Fiction in Finno-Japanese Management
A-144 | 1998 |
| |
Oinas, Päivi | | The Embedded Firm? Prelude for a Revived Geography of Enterprise
A-143 | 1998 |
| |
Seppänen, Tapani | | Redesign of Public Sector Organizations and Operating Processes
A-142 | 1998 |
| |
Matikainen, Esa | | Efficient Governance of Interorganizational Business Relationships
A-141 | 1998 |
| |
Inkiläinen, Aimo | | Managerial Views on Distribution Systems. Heuristic Justification of Centralization and Postponement
A-140 | 1998 |
| |
Peltonen, Tuomo | | Expatriate Experience and Career: Sudies on Cross-Cultural Transfers, Modern Ordering and the Limits of Career Management in Multinational Corporations
A-139 | 1998 |
| |
Puumalainen, Pertti | | Becoming an Innovative High-Tech Entrepreneur
A-138 | 1998 |
| |
Virolainen, Kimmo | | Tax Incentives and Corporate Borrowing: Evidence from Finnish Company Panel Data
A-137 | 1998 |
| |
Nikali, Heikki | | The Substitution of Letter Mail in Targeted Communication
A-136 | 1998 |
| |
Yu, GuangYuan | | An Approach to Multiple Objective Quadratic-Linear Programming, with an Application to Portfolio Selection
A-135 | 1998 |
| |
Tahvanainen, Marja | | Expatriate Performance Management. The Case of Nokia Telecommunications
A-134 | 1998 |
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| | Vuoden 1997 väitöskirjat |
Poesche, Jürgen | | Choice of Technology in a Natural Resource-Based Industry: Business Ethics in the Pulp and Paper Industry
A-133 | 1997 |
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Tinnilä, Markku | | Division of Service and Business Processes
A-132 | 1997 |
| |
Brunila, Anne | | Fiscal Policy and Private Consumption - Saving Decisions: European Evidence
A-131 | 1997 |
| |
Bragge, Johanna | | Premediation Analysis of the Energy Taxation Dispute in Finland
A-130 | 1997 |
| |
Liski, Matti | | On the Regulation of Pollution and Polluters' Long-Term Compliance Strategies
A-129 | 1997 |
| |
Malmi, Teemu | | Adoption and Implementation of Activity-Based Costing: Practice, Problems and Motives
A-128 | 1997 |
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Vainio, Tiina | | Managing Design Getting Lost Writing Touch. A Study Questioning Naming in Oikonomia, Metaphysics and Spacing Sense
A-127 | 1997 |
| |
Käppi, Jari | | The Term Structure of Interest Rates and Fixed Income Securities
A-126 | 1997 |
| |
Honkatukia, Juha | | The Transmission and Effects of Monetary Fluctuations under Intraindustry Trade
A-125 | 1997 |
| |
Schadewitz, Hannu | | Financial and Nonfinancial Information in Interim Reports. Determinants and Implications
A-124 | 1997 |
| |
Rajala, Arto | | Marketing High Technology. Organising Marketing Activities in Process Automation Companies.
A-123 | 1997 |
| |
Pulkkinen, Matti | | The Breakthrough of Nokia Mobile Phones
A-122 | 1997 |
| |
Ala-Härkönen, Martti | | Diversification Paths and Performance in the Global Base Metals Industry
A-121 | 1997 |
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| | Vuoden 1996 väitöskirjat |
Hirvensalo, Inkeri | | Strategic Adaptation of Enterprises to Turbulent Transitionary Markets. Operative Strategies of Finnish in Russia and the Baltic States During 1991-95
A-120 | 1996 |
| |
Murto, Risto | | Valuing Banks and Fixed Income Instruments
A-119 | 1996 |
| |
Pirnes, Hannu | | Managing Efficiency and Effectiveness from a Time-Based Action Perspective. Time-Based Action in Fashion Clothing Retailing and Manufacturing
A-118 | 1996 |
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Kotsalo-Mustonen, Anna | | Diagnosis of Business Success. Perceptual Assessment of Success in Industrial Buyer-Seller Business Relationship
A-117 | 1996 |
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Koskinen, Antero | | Pienyritysten kehityskaaret ja areenat
A-116 | 1996 |
| |
Kulkki, Seija | | Knowledge Creation of Multinational Corporations. Knowledge Creation Through Action
A-115 | 1996 |
| |
Järvikare, Kai | | On the Determinants of Corporate Business Interruption Insurance Purchases. Evidence from the Manufacturing Firms in Finland
A-114 | 1996 |
| |
Virtanen, Markku | | Enterpreneurial Finance and Venture Capital Advantage
A-113 | 1996 |
| |
Ainamo, Antti | | Industrial Design and Business Performance. A Case Study of Design Management in a Finnish Fashion Firm
A-112 | 1996 |
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Hakala, Tuula | | A Stochastic Optimization Model for Multi-Currency Bond Portfolio Management
A-111 | 1996 |
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Marschan, Rebecca | | New Structural Forms and Inter-Unit Communication in Multinationals. The Case of Kone Elevators
A-110 | 1996 |
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Haapalinna, Ilkka | | Decision Support for Resource Allocation in Procurement of Army Materiel
| 1996 |
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| | Vuoden 1995 väitöskirjat |
Nupponen, Pertti | | Post-Acquisition Performance. Combination, Management, and Performance Measurement in Horizontal Intregation
A-109 | 1995 |
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Uusitalo, Olavi | | A Revolutionary Dominant Design. The Float Glass Innovation in the Flat Glass Industry
A-108 | 1995 |
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Seristö, Hannu | | Airlane Performance and Costs. An Analysis of Performance Measurement and Cost Reduction in Major Airlanes
A-107 | 1995 |
| |
Salmi, Asta | | Institutionally Changing Business Networks. An Analysis of Finnish Company's Operations in Exporting to the Soviet Union, Russia and the Baltic States
A-106 | 1995 |
| |
Eriksson, Marja | | Rise and Fall of National Forestry Network in Postwar Finland
A-105 | 1995 |
| |
Heikkilä, Jukka | | The Diffusion of a Learning Intensive Technology into Organisations. The Case of Personal Computing
A-104 | 1995 |
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Talvinen, Jari | | Marketing Information Systems. Concepts, Usage and Effectiveness
A-103 | 1995 |
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Vainio, Matti | | Traffic Noise and Air Pollution. Valuation of Externalities with Hedonic Price and Contingent Valuation Methods
A-102 | 1995 |
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Lehtomaa, Ahti | | Yrittäjän menestymismielikuva. Sahayrittäjän näkemyksen ja laskennallisen arvion vastaavuus yrityksen taloudellisesta tilasta
A-101 | 1995 |
| |
Laurila, Juha | | Social Movements in Management. Making a Technological Leap in the Case of the Anjala Paper Mill
A-100 | 1995 |
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| | Vuoden 1994 väitöskirjat |
Tikkanen, Irma | | Competitive Behavior of a Firm. Environment, Competitive Strategy, and Competitive Advantage in the Finnish Clothing Industry
A-99 | 1994 |
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Kosonen, Paavo | | Corporate Transformation and Management
A-98 | 1994 |
| |
Ihamuotila, Mika | | Corporate Ownership, Capital Structure and Investment. A Theory and Evidence
A-97 | 1994 |
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Inkiläinen, Raimo | | Transformation Beyond Skill. A Process of New Capabilities Development in a Trading Company
A-96 | 1994 |
| |
Tiittula, Pertti | | Farewell to Bureaucracy: Technical Research Centre of Finland as a Pathfinder in Management Change
A-95 | 1994 |
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Menzler-Hokkanen, Ingeborg | | Quality Change and Competitiveness in International Trade
A-94 | 1994 |
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| | Vuoden 1993 väitöskirjat |
Rohweder, Thomas | | Product Reorientation in the Finnish Paper Industry. Process and Performance
A-93 | 1993 |
| |
Lovio, Raimo | | Evolution of Firm Communities in New Industries. The Case of the Finnish Electronics Industry
A-92 | 1993 |
| |
Kela, Ali | | Assessment and Coordination of Manufacturing Capabilities. Case Studies in Finnish Corporations
A-91 | 1993 |
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Kuula, Markku | | Multiple Criteria Decision Aid for the Strategic Management of Flexible Manufacturing
A-90 | 1993 |
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Vikkula, Kaisa | | Strategic Choice and Performance in the Securities Intermediation Industry. An Empirical Analysis of Strategic Groups in Scandinavia
A-89 | 1993 |
| |
Saarinen, Timo | | Success of Information Systems: Evaluation of Development Projects and the Choice of Procurement and Implementation Strategies
A-88 | 1993 |
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Kuitunen, Kimmo | | Innovative Behavior and Organizational Slack of a Firm. A Case Study on the Development of Production Technology in a Finnish Clothing Firm
A-87 | 1993 |
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| | Vuoden 1992 väitöskirjat |
Parjanne, Marja-Liisa. | | Econonometric analyses of intra-industry trade : evidence from Finnish cross-sectional data.
A-86 | 1992 |
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Keloharju, Matti | | Three Essays on Initial Public Offerings
A-85 | 1992 |
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Halme, Merja | | Local Characterization of Efficient Solutions in Interactive Multiple Objective Linear Programming
A-84 | 1992 |
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Rännäri, Osmo | | Electricity Pricing Behavior in Finland
A-83 | 1992 |
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Stenberg, Esa | | Steering of Foreign Subsidiaries : an Analysis of Steering System Development in Six Finnish Companies
A-82 | 1992 |
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Kivisaari, Sirkku | | Management as a Divided Actor in Product Innovation. The Case of Diversified Finnish Corporation
A-81 | 1992 |
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| | Vuoden 1991 väitöskirjat |
Aaltio-Marjosola, Iiris | | Cultural Change in a Business Enterprise. Studying a Major Organizational Change and Its Impact on Culture
A-80 | 1991 |
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Löyttyniemi, Timo | | Essays on Corporate Capital Structure Decisions
A-79 | 1991 |
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Kosonen, Heikki M. | | The Internationalization of Industrial Systems Suppliers. A Case Study of the Internationalization Process of Industrial Systems Suppliers with Special Emphasis on Strategy and Organization
A-78 | 1991 |
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Dahlberg, Tomi | | Effectiveness of Report Format and Aggregation. An Approach Matching Task Characteristics and the Nature of Formats
A-76 | 1991 |
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Vanhala, Sinikka | | Labor Flows in the Corporate Context. A case study of the managerial use of human resources and employee mobility
A-75 | 1991 |
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Eriksson, Päivi | | Managerial Processes Behind Long-term Product Mix Changes. An Historical Study on Fazer Confectionary 1950-1990
A-74 | 1991 |
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Pantzar, Mika | | A Replicative Perspective on Evolutionary Dynamics : the Organizing Process of the US Economy Elaborated through Biological Metaphor
| 1991 |
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| | Vuoden 1990 väitöskirjat |
Anttila, Mai | | Consumer Price Perception and Preferences. A Reference Price Model of Brand Evaluation and a Conjoint Analysis of Price Utility Structures
A-73 | 1990 |
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Hyvönen, Saara | | Integration in Vertical Marketing Systems : power and contractual relationships between wholesalers and retailers
A-72 | 1990 |
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Niskanen, Jyrki | | On the information content of accrual-based and cash-based accounting income numbers : their ability to predict investment risk
A-69 | 1990 |
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Lehti, Matti | | The formation of resource allocation strategy of the firm and the underlying performance related mechanisms : an empirical study of Finnish consumer goods trade
A-68 | 1990 |
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| | Vuoden 1989 väitöskirjat |
Tahvonen, Olli | | On the dynamics of renewable resource harvesting and optimal pollution control
A-67 | 1989 |
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Hölttä, Risto | | Multidimensional diffusion of innovation
A-66 | 1989 |
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Laukkanen, Mauri | | Understanding the formation of managers' cognitive maps : a comparative case study of context traces in two business firm clusters
A-65 | 1989 |
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Haahti, Antti Juhani | | Entrepreneurs' strategic orientation : modeling strategic behavior in small industrial owner-managed firms
A-64 | 1989 |
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Home, Niilo | | Kyläkaupan kuolema ja eloonjääminen : valikoituminen lopettavaksi tai jatkavaksi myymäläksi maaseudun päivittäistavarakaupassa
A-63 | 1989 |
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| | Vuoden 1988 väitöskirjat |
Soismaa, Margareta | | Game theoretic analyses of the Finnish timber market
A-62 | 1988 |
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Asp, Kari | | Rahoitustuki yrityksen investointiprosessissa
A-61 | 1988 |
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Kinnunen, Juha. | | The time series properties of accrual versus cash-based income variables : empirical evidence from listed Finnish firms.
A-58 | 1988 |
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| | Vuoden 1987 väitöskirjat |
Veranen, Jyrki | | The ownership function and the performance of the firm : a study of the renewal processes of the firm
A-54 | 1987 |
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Kivijärvi, Hannu | | Implementing Model-Oriented Decision Support Systems
A-53 | 1987 |
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| | Vuoden 1986 väitöskirjat |
Gahmberg, Henrik | | Symbols and values of strategic managers : a semiotic approach
A-47 | 1986 |
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Santamäki-Vuori, Tuire | | Cyclical adjustment of hours and employment : an optimal control approach to the behaviour of the firm
A-46 | 1986 |
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Summa, Timo | | Intra-Industrial Technical Progress and Structural Change : an Application of the Frontier and Short-Run Industry Production Functions Based on Micro Data
| 1986 |
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Puumanen, Kari | | Three Essays on Money, Wealth and the Exchange Rate
| 1986 |
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| | Vuoden 1985 väitöskirjat |
Räsänen, Keijo | | Tensions in management : a study of managerial work processes and firm performance
A-45 | 1985 |
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Leppiniemi, Jarmo | | Rahoituspäätösten markkinaperusteinen informaatiomekanismi
A-44 | 1985 |
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| | Vuoden 1984 väitöskirjat |
Koskela, Markku | | Osakkeen kassaperusteinen arvonmääritys
A-43 | 1984 |
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Eronen, Jarmo | | Location strategy and patterns : an empirical investigation of the Soviet pulp and paper industry
A-42 | 1984 |
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| | Vuoden 1983 väitöskirjat |
Lahti, Arto | | Strategy and performance of a firm : an empirical investigation in the knitwear industry in Finland 1969-1981
A-41 | 1983 |
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Lilja, Kari | | Workers' workplace organisations : their conceptual identification, historically specific conditions and manifestations
A-39 | 1983 |
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| | Vuoden 1982 väitöskirjat |
Alaluusua, Seppo | | Structural determinants of the budgeting process : an approach with application to Finnish firms
A-37 | 1982 |
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Korpela, Asko | | AJKA, an econometric model for Finland
A-36 | 1982 |
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| | Vuoden 1981 väitöskirjat |
Korolainen, Sakari | | On the conceptual and logical foundations of the general theory of human organizations : a cybernetic approach
A-34 | 1981 |
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Hämäläinen, Sirkka | | Suomalaisten palkansaajatalouksien säästämiskäyttäytyminen: poikkileikkausanalyysi säästämiseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä
| 1981 |
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| | Vuoden 1980 väitöskirjat |
Kyläkoski, Kalevi. | | Yrityksen strategiasuunnittelu systeeminä ja prosessina.
A-33 | 1980 |
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Dahlstedt, Roy | | Cyclical fluctuation under central planning : an inquiry into the nature and causes of cyclical fluctuation in the Soviet economy
A-32 | 1980 |
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| | Vuoden 1979 väitöskirjat |
Virtanen, Kalervo | | Yritysoston suunnittelu prosessina
A-31 | 1979 |
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Luostarinen, Reijo | | Internationalization of the firm : an empirical study of the internationalization of firms with small and open domestic markets with special Emphasis on lateral rigidy as a behavioral characteristics in strategic decision making
A-30 | 1979 |
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Möller, Kristian | | Perceived uncertainty and consumer characteristics in brand choice : investigation with durable and nondurable products
A-29 | 1979 |
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Ollonqvist, Pekka | | Optimal investment behaviour in putty-clay-clay technology
A-28 | 1979 |
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Uusitalo, Liisa | | Consumption style and way of life : an empirical identification and explanation of consumption style dimensions
A-27 | 1979 |
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| | Vuoden 1978 väitöskirjat |
Larjavaara, Tuomas | | Suomen metalliteollisuuden kansainvälinen erikoistuminen
A-26 | 1978 |
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Ahlstedt, Leo | | Erikoistuminen ja liikkuvuus liikkeenjohtajan urakehitystekijöinä
A-25 | 1978 |
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Riistama, Veijo | | Inflaatiovaraus : tutkimus inflaation vaikutuksesta ansaintataloudellisen yrityksen jakokelpoiseen voittoon
A-24 | 1978 |
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| | Vuoden 1977 väitöskirjat |
Korhonen, Antti | | Stock prices, information and the efficiency of the Finnish stock market : empirical tests
A-23 | 1977 |
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Lahdenpää, Markku | | Multiple criteria decision making : with empirical study on choice of marketing strategies
A-22 | 1977 |
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Tainio, Risto | | Determinants of labour turnover in a firm
A-21 | 1977 |
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Airaksinen, Timo | | A dynamic model of interrelated demand for capital and labour : a theoretical model with an application to time-series cross-section data for Finnish breweries in 1954-1972
A-20 | 1977 |
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| | Vuoden 1976 väitöskirjat |
Lehtonen, Pekka | | On the Estimation of Statistical Cost Functions : An Empirical Study of Production and Cost Functions of Finnish Restaurants
A-19 | 1976 |
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Ylä-Liedenpohja, Jouko | | On optimal financing, dividends, and investment of the firm
A-18 | 1976 |
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Pulkkinen, Kyösti | | Instituutiot ja virallistaminen organisaation rakennetta ja toimintaa säätelevässä hallintoprosessissa
A-17 | 1976 |
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| | Vuoden 1975 väitöskirjat |
Lehtinen, Uolevi | | Merkinvalintamalli : mallin muodostaminen sekä sen selityskyvyn ja sovellutusmahdollisuuksien tarkastelu
A-15 | 1975 |
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Wallenius, Jyrki | | Interactive multiple criteria decision methods : an investigation and an approach
A-14 | 1975 |
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Prihti, Aatto | | Konkurssin ennustaminen taseinformaation avulla
A-13 | 1975 |
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Urmas, Heikki | | Työrauhajärjestelmä yhteiskunnan osajärjestelmänä : tarkasteltuna SAK-laisen ammattiyhdistysliikkeen hajaannuksen aikana
A-12 | 1975 |
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Salmi, Timo | | Joint determination of trade, production and financial flows in the multinational firm assuming risky currency exchange rates : a two-stage linear programming model building approach
A-11 | 1975 |
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Urrila, Matti | | A Dynamic Marketing Program for New Convenience Brands
| 1975 |
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| | Vuoden 1974 väitöskirjat |
Keto, Jaakko | | Elokuvalippujen kysyntä ja siihen vaikuttaneet tekijät Suomessa 1915-1972
A-10 | 1974 |
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Näykki, Pertti | | Tarjoushinnoittelu tilaustuotantoa harjoittavissa yrityksissä
| 1974 |
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| | Vuoden 1972 väitöskirjat |
Lehtovuori, Jouko | | Kirjanpidon perusteet yrityksen tiedotuspolitiikan kannalta -
A-9 | 1972 |
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Ruuhela, Reijo | | Yrityksen kasvu ja kannattavuus
A-8 | 1972 |
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Laaksonen, Oiva | | Yrityskuva ja työpaikan valinta
A-7 | 1972 |
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Saarsalmi, Meeri | | Consumer purchases of major durables
A-6 | 1972 |
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| | Vuoden 1970 väitöskirjat |
Laulajainen, Risto | | The base location as a factor of efficiency for mobile activity : based on a study of the mobile stores in Southwest Häme in 1962
A-5 | 1970 |
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Kettunen, Pertti | | Anniskeluravintoloiden kannattavuus 1965-1967
A-4 | 1970 |
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| | Vuoden 1969 väitöskirjat |
Pitkänen, Eero | | Tuotostavoitteiden operationaalisuus julkisessa hallinnossa
A-3 | 1969 |
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| | Vuoden 1968 väitöskirjat |
Keloharju, Raimo | | Markkinointiin orientoitunut tuotannonsuunnittelu monituoteyrityksessä : informaatiotarpeeltaan erilaisen malliparin vertailu
A-2 | 1968 |
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Artto, Eero | | Yrityksen rahoitus, systematiikka ja mukauttamistavat
A-1 | 1968 |
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| | Vuoden 1967 väitöskirjat |
Särkisilta, Martti | | Vähittäiskaupan dimensioita selittävät muuttujat kuntatason keskuksissa
| 1967 |
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| | Vuoden 1966 väitöskirjat |
Lassila, Jaakko | | Rahalaitosten käyttäytymisestä ja luottoekspansiosta yksinkertaisilla rahoitusmarkkinoilla
| 1966 |
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Jääskeläinen, Veikko | | Optimal Financing and Tax Policy of the Corporation
| 1966 |
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| | Vuoden 1962 väitöskirjat |
Paakkanen, Jouko | | Komparatiivinen statiikka ja kilpailuprosessi
| 1962 |
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| | Vuoden 1959 väitöskirjat |
Vaivio, Fedi | | Liikepankin likviditeettiongelma koko pankkijärjestelmää silmällä pitäen
| 1959 |
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| | Vuoden 1955 väitöskirjat |
Honko, Jaakko | | Koneen edullisin pitoaika ja investointilaskelmat. Taloudellinen tutkimus
| 1955 |
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Kaskimies, Mika | | Kulutustavaroiden jakeluteiden rakenne erityisesti tarkasteltuna niiden pituuteen vaikuttavien tekijöiden kannalta
| 1955 |
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| | Vuoden 1953 väitöskirjat |
Pasanen, Jorma | | Remburssi kansainvälisessä kaupassa
| 1953 |
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| | Vuoden 1951 väitöskirjat |
Virkkunen, Henrik | | Teollisuuden kertakustannukset. Niiden degressio sekä käsittely kustannuslaskennassa
| 1951 |
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| | Vuoden 1949 väitöskirjat |
Virtanen, Unto | | Suomen teollisuuden kustannusten rakenne v. 1944 ja sen kehityksen yleispiirteitä
| 1949 |
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Pohjanpalo, Jorma | | Suomen kauppamerenkulku ja erityisesti linjaliikenteen osuus siinä
| 1949 |
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| | Vuoden 1948 väitöskirjat |
Heino, Reino | | Vähittäismaksukaupan organisaatio ja rahoitus
| 1948 |
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| | Vuoden 1945 väitöskirjat |
Saario, Martti | | Realisointiperiaate ja käyttöomaisuuden poistot tuloslaskennassa
| 1945 |
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| | Vuoden 1937 väitöskirjat |
Nurmilahti, Vilho | | Der formale Aufbau der Jahresvermögensbilanz
| 1937 |
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