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Kauppakorkeakoulu | Liiketoiminnan teknologian laitos | Logistiikka | 2010
Tutkielman numero: 12260 | Opinnäyte Aaltodocissa
Governance in business process outsourcing: case study on call center outsourcing
Tekijä: Rantakari, Lauri
Otsikko: Governance in business process outsourcing: case study on call center outsourcing
Vuosi: 2010  Kieli: eng
Laitos: Liiketoiminnan teknologian laitos
Aine: Logistiikka
Asiasanat: logistiikka; logistics; palvelut; service; ulkoistaminen; outsourcing; prosessit; processes; arviointi; evaluation
Sivumäärä: 93
» hse_ethesis_12260.pdf pdf  koko: 3 MB (2614060)
Avainsanat: outsourcing; ulkoistaminen; service; palvelut; services outsourcing; palvelujen ulkoistaminen; outsourcing governance; ulkoistamisen hallinta; business process outsourcing; liiketoiminnan prosessien ulkoistaminen; evaluation of service provider; palveluntoimittajan arvointi
GOVERNANCE IN BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING: Case study on call center outsourcing RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The main research question in this study is: what factors influence the governance of business process outsourcing? This study focuses on how to evaluate service provider capabilities in different service types and how to utilize this information in outsourcing vendor selection and governance. Theoretical basis for the study is built by reviewing latest theories on the subject. Using this theoretical basis, a framework for evaluation of service providers is built. RESEARCH SAMPLE For the theoretical review, most recent theories on governance of business process outsourcing were examined. The empirical research section consists of a case study on a business process outsourcing case. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY In this thesis, a qualitative research method was utilized. The data gathered for the case study consists of interviews as well as additional written material. Interviews were conducted with two methodologies: semi-structured interviews and thematic interviews. MAIN FINDINGS In the analyzed business case, several influencing factors on governance were found. These factors are present in all phases of an outsourcing venture, in the evaluation phase, the contract forming phase and the operational phase of the relationship. Successful governance also depends on correctly matching the expected levels of partnership between the client and the vendor. KEYWORDS Services outsourcing, outsourcing governance, business process outsourcing, evaluation of service provider
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