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Kauppakorkeakoulu | Kielten ja viestinnän laitos | International Business Communication | 2010
Tutkielman numero: 12452
From global to local markets: The role of communication consultancies in localizing the launch communication of MNCs
Tekijä: Ruotsalainen, Anni
Otsikko: From global to local markets: The role of communication consultancies in localizing the launch communication of MNCs
Vuosi: 2010  Kieli: eng
Laitos: Kielten ja viestinnän laitos
Aine: International Business Communication
Asiasanat: viestintä; communication; yritysviestintä; business communication; kansainvälinen; international; paikallisuus; locality
Sivumäärä: 113
» hse_ethesis_12452.pdf pdf  koko: 2 MB (1886381)
Avainsanat: launch communication, localization, communication consultancies, integrated corporate communication, international business communication, press releases
Objectives of the Study This study focused on identifying the role of communication consultancies in localising the launch communication of MNCs and investigating how this communication is localized in practise. The main research question of what is the role of communication consultancies in the process of localizing MNCs? launch communication was divided into three research sub-questions: 1) What is the relationship between a communication consultancy and an MNC in a launch communication process like? 2) How do communication consultants localize MNCs? international launch communication? 3) How do communication consultants localize press releases to address the Finnish media?

Methodology and the Theoretical Framework The empirical part of this study consisted of five theme interviews with Finnish communication consultants and a supportive genre-analysis of six press releases. The theme interviews were divided into two sets according to the focus: a pilot study and focused interviews. To illustrate the localization of the communication materials in practice, original and localized press releases were compared by using some tools of genre analysis. The theoretical framework of the study illustrated the localization process of the launch communication. It consisted of three different levels: 1) the participants in the process, 2) the process of localization and 3) the concrete communication materials localized in the process.

Findings and Conclusions Launch communication as well as localization seemed both client and case dependent. The role of communication consultancies in the launch process depended on the status of the consultancy in the international network of communication consultancies in each case. Typically, there were two kinds of positions in the network: a lead consultancy and a local consultancy. The localization process seemed as a natural and inherent part of the consulting work since in any given communication case, not just localization, consultants evaluated and adjusted the plan to ensure the best possible outcome for the client. When considering if and how to localize launch communication, communication consultancies typically considered seven aspects: 1) current Finnish market conditions and operational environment, 2) industry sector, 3) client organizations, 4) product or service that would be launched, 5) possible cultural differences between the markets internationally, 6) differences in the media, and 7) language. The localization of press releases depended, as all consultant work, on the client MNC?s budget, time limit and policies. Typically, the communication consultants analyzed the original press releases carefully and revised them to make them effective in the Finnish market. It seemed that the original versions were used as master documents providing the key information which was then edited to fit the local needs.
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