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Kauppakorkeakoulu | Viestinnän laitos | International Business Communication | 2012
Tutkielman numero: 12862 | Opinnäyte Aaltodocissa
Online media in source-reporter relations between PR professionals and journalists - Case: Online Press Conference
Tekijä: Kujansuu, Eveliina
Otsikko: Online media in source-reporter relations between PR professionals and journalists - Case: Online Press Conference
Vuosi: 2012  Kieli: eng
Laitos: Viestinnän laitos
Aine: International Business Communication
Asiasanat: viestintä; communication; yritysviestintä; business communication; kansainvälinen; international; media; media; internet; internet; lehdistö; press; konferenssit; conferences; journalismi; journalism
Sivumäärä: 144
» hse_ethesis_12862.pdf pdf  koko: 2 MB (1195776)
Avainsanat: online media; verkkomedia; sähköinen media; online communication; verkkoviestintä; public relations; PR; suhdetoiminta; media relations; mediasuhteet; journalism; journalismi; news value; newsworthiness; uutisarvo; media coverage; medianäkyvyys; media richness
Objective of the study

The objective of this Master’s Thesis was to examine the role of online press conferences as online media services in creating media coverage and supporting the source-reporter relations between public relations (PR) professionals and journalists.

Methodology and the theoretical framework

The study used a single-case approach consisting of five qualitative interviews and a quantitative online survey with 108 respondents. The Online Press Conference (OPC), eLehdistötilaisuus, offered by Viestintätoimisto Deski Oy was chosen as the case service, as it provided PR professionals and journalists with a new communication channel by using online media. The analysis of the data was based on the theoretical framework, which was formed on the basis of a literature review and focused on PR and media relations, news value and newsworthiness in journalism, relations between PR professionals and journalists, media richness, and media coverage.

Findings and conclusions

The findings of the empirical study did not reveal a definite answer to the main research question, as the findings differed slightly across journalists. The findings of the study were, however, able to support the preset hypothesis that online press conferences had a role in creating media coverage and supporting the relationship between PR professionals and journalists. With regard to online press conferences in the relations between PR professionals and journalists, four main findings were identified. (1) Online press conferences required relevant and useful topics to attract journalists. (2) Online press conferences offered PR professionals a chance to differentiate among their competitors. (3) Promoting an organization’s interests and not trying to affect journalists directly had to be in diplomatic balance. (4) The saving of time and ease of use were the decisive factors of online press conferences in building media coverage. Finally, practical recommendations were given on how the Online Press Conference (OPC) could be further developed to increase media coverage and better support the relations between PR professionals and journalists.
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