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Kauppakorkeakoulu | Johtamisen ja kansainvälisen liiketoiminnan laitos | Kansainvälinen liiketoiminta | 2012
Tutkielman numero: 13105
The linkage between a functioning management system and efficient and value-adding top management meetings in a multibusiness context - Case Vaisala Oyj
Tekijä: Hakkarainen, Jutta
Otsikko: The linkage between a functioning management system and efficient and value-adding top management meetings in a multibusiness context - Case Vaisala Oyj
Vuosi: 2012  Kieli: eng
Laitos: Johtamisen ja kansainvälisen liiketoiminnan laitos
Aine: Kansainvälinen liiketoiminta
Asiasanat: organisaatio; organization; johtaminen; management; strategia; strategy; suunnittelu; planning; kokoukset; meetings; ohjausjärjestelmät; control systems; monialayritykset; conglomerate companies
Sivumäärä: 169
Avainsanat: johtaminen; management; systeemit; systems; kokoukset; meetings; monialayritykset; conglomerate companies; strategia; strategy
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The challenge of creating a single inclusive management system in a multibusiness context has been widely discussed in the strategic management literature. Similarly, the impact of efficient and value-adding meetings on a greater business performance has been recognized. However, the previous research has not addressed the linkage between a functioning management system and efficient and value-adding top management meetings in a multibusiness context. This thesis contributes to the existing literature by drawing a linkage between a functioning management system and efficient and value-adding top management meetings in a multibusiness context in theory and in the context of a case study company, Vaisala Oyj.

METHODOLOGY This research applied a single case study design in which Vaisala Oyj provided the setting for the study. Data collection involved two rounds of semi-structured interviews with each Vaisala top management member and an extensive document analysis. The researcher also acted as an observer in the top management meetings during the time of the study. Additionally, the study involved document analysis and benchmarking interviews with six other companies. This data provided the basis for constructing a management system concept which, in addition to its functionality, is expected to result in efficient and value-adding top management meetings in Vaisala Oyj.

FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The research shows that the logic applied in strategic planning can be turned into the logic in strategic control which is eventually crystallized in the value-adding content and purpose of top management meetings. Specifically, the logic in translating the ultimate goal of the company into objectives, metrics and initiatives can be turned into the value-adding meeting content which is, however, in a multibusiness context affected by the magnitude of the headquarter's influence in planning and controlling the businesses.
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