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Kauppakorkeakoulu | Markkinoinnin laitos | Markkinointi | 2012
Tutkielman numero: 13123 | Opinnäyte Aaltodocissa
Women and body culture - Life stories, advertising experiences and cultural context in women's identity construction processes
Tekijä: Kujala, Petra
Otsikko: Women and body culture - Life stories, advertising experiences and cultural context in women's identity construction processes
Vuosi: 2012  Kieli: eng
Laitos: Markkinoinnin laitos
Aine: Markkinointi
Asiasanat: markkinointi; marketing; mainonta; advertising; naiset; women; identiteetti; identity; elämäntapa; way of life; kuluttajakäyttäytyminen; consumer behaviour
Sivumäärä: 91
» hse_ethesis_13123.pdf pdf  koko: 3 MB (2302535)
Avainsanat: women; naiset; identity; identiteetti; advertising; mainonta; culture; kulttuuri
Purpose of this study:

The purpose of this study is to understand women’s identity construction processes in cultural context. The research examines relations between women’s life experiences, advertising experiences and identity construction in patriarchal, consumerist and body-centric western society. The study aims to explain how the cultural context and women’s life experiences affect women’s advertising interpretations and, further, what is the role of these relations between cultural context, life experiences and ad experiences in women’s self and identity construction processes. Methodology The theoretical framework discusses existing literature relating to patriarchy, consumer and body culture, advertising, identity construction and interpretive social constructionism. The empirical study was conducted in a qualitative manner. Data-collection was conducted through semistructured phenomenological and life story interviews. Data analysis was conducted through narrative analysis and life story approach by linking relevant parts of interviewees’ life stories and ad experiences with cultural context and suggesting their role in identity construction processes. Findings The main findings of this study reflect existing literature; women’s life stories and advertising experiences are strongly present in self and identity construction processes, body- and appearance related issues having a central role in the formation of self-view and identity. In addition, the presence of cultural context in women’s ad experiences and the identity construction is notable.

Key words: Women, life story, advertising experiences, identity construction, western society, patriarchy, consumer culture, body culture
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