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Kauppakorkeakoulu | Laskentatoimen laitos | Laskentatoimi | 2013
Tutkielman numero: 13248 | Opinnäyte Aaltodocissa
Understanding timeliness and quality of financial reporting in a Finnish public company
Tekijä: Lehtinen, Tiia
Otsikko: Understanding timeliness and quality of financial reporting in a Finnish public company
Vuosi: 2013  Kieli: eng
Laitos: Laskentatoimen laitos
Aine: Laskentatoimi
Asiasanat: laskentatoimi; accounting; yritykset; companies; raportit; reports; laatu; quality
Sivumäärä: 93
» hse_ethesis_13248.pdf pdf  koko: 2 MB (1157699)
Avainsanat: timeliness; financial statements; quality; information content; transparency
The objective of this study is to understand the reporting practices of the case company in terms of timeliness and quality. The study aims to explain and describe the factors behind the reporting behavior, both motivational factors and those affecting the quality and reporting lag. In addition, it aims to observe and analyze the case company's perceptions of reporting lag and quality of financial information. This study does not particularly aim to look for a generalization to a wider array of companies but the goal is to understand and interpret the phenomenon in this specific case company, eventually offering us a better comprehension of its reporting practices.

The empirical part of the study is conducted in a case company by doing a qualitative research. The qualitative research was executed as interviewees. The case company was chosen based on the fact that it has gone through major changes in its reporting environment recently and these changes have concerned especially the fastening of financial reporting and improvements of quality. This offers a great basis for analyzing the reporting behavior.

The main outcomes of this study present that the size and multinationality affect the reporting lag as well as taxation and other internal determinants stated in the study. The board and CFO's role can be seen as important factor contributing to faster reporting and the employees also affect this practice by executing the changes. On the motivational side, company image is a major reason for faster reporting in the case company. In addition, the welfare of employees and management capability are important motivators behind case company's reporting behavior. Lastly, the good quality of financial reporting indicates better transparency and best practice behavior which ultimately improves the company image.
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