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Kauppakorkeakoulu | Laskentatoimen laitos | Laskentatoimi | 2013
Tutkielman numero: 13452 | Opinnäyte Aaltodocissa
Earnings management as a scope of art - Empirical analysis of accrual-based and real earnings management in Finnish listed companies during 2001-2010
Tekijä: Tirkkonen, Miia
Otsikko: Earnings management as a scope of art - Empirical analysis of accrual-based and real earnings management in Finnish listed companies during 2001-2010
Vuosi: 2013  Kieli: eng
Laitos: Laskentatoimen laitos
Aine: Laskentatoimi
Asiasanat: laskentatoimi; accounting; ohjausjärjestelmät; control systems; tulos; return; suunnittelu; planning; tilinpäätös; balances of books; standardit; standards
Sivumäärä: 68
» hse_ethesis_13452.pdf pdf  koko: 2 MB (1112414)
Avainsanat: earnings management, real earnings management, sales manipulation, overproduction, accruals, the Jones model, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs)
This study examines whether mandatory IFRS adoption in 2005 has affected earnings management practices in Finnish publicly quoted companies. Earnings management is analyzed by covering both accrual-based and real earnings management. The study also explores whether there are annual changes in the level of earnings management which do not relate to IFRS adoption.

The study is quantitative in nature and applies OLS regression to explore changes in the level of earnings management. Real earnings management is studied by examining sales manipulation and overproduction. The sample consists of companies publicly quoted in Helsinki Stock Exchange in 2001-2010.

The results suggest that accrual-based earnings management and overproduction have increased after IFRS adoption. Additionally, study results offer some support for increased level of sales manipulation after IFRS. In relation to the yearly analysis, the results indicate that there are annual changes in the levels of all three earnings management types during the sample period which are not explained by IFRS adoption.
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