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Kauppakorkeakoulu | Tieto- ja palvelutalouden laitos | MSc program in Information and Service Management | 2015
Tutkielman numero: 14023 | Opinnäyte Aaltodocissa
Review of modern business intelligence and analytics in 2015: How to tame the big data in practice?: Case study - What kind of modern business intelligence and analytics strategy to choose?
Tekijä: Kulin, Samu
Otsikko: Review of modern business intelligence and analytics in 2015: How to tame the big data in practice?: Case study - What kind of modern business intelligence and analytics strategy to choose?
Vuosi: 2015  Kieli: eng
Laitos: Tieto- ja palvelutalouden laitos
Aine: MSc program in Information and Service Management
Asiasanat: tietotalous; knowledge economy; business intelligence; business intelligence; tietämyksenhallinta; knowledge management; data warehousing; data warehousing
Sivumäärä: 84
Avainsanat: modern business intelligence, data warehouse, big data, Hadoop, strategy
The objective of this study was to find out the state of art architecture of modern business intelligence and analytics. Furthermore the status quo of business intelligence and analytics' architecture in an anonymous case company was examined. Based on these findings a future strategy was designed to guide the case company towards a better business intelligence and analytics environment. This objective was selected due to an increasing interest on big data topic. Thus the understanding on how to move on from traditional business intelligence practices to modern ones and what are the available options were seen as the key questions to be solved in order to gain competitive advantage for any company in near future.

The study was conducted as a qualitative single-case study. The case study included two parts: an analytics maturity assessment, and an analysis of business intelligence and analytics' architecture. The survey included over 30 questions and was sent to 25 analysts and other individuals who were using a significant time to deal with or read financial reports like for example managers. The architecture analysis was conducted by gathering relevant information on high level. Furthermore a big picture was drawn to illustrate the architecture. The two parts combined were used to construct the actual current maturity level of business intelligence and analytics in the case company. Three theoretical frameworks were used: first framework regarding the architecture, second framework regarding the maturity level and third framework regarding reporting tools. The first higher level framework consisted of the modern data warehouse architecture and Hadoop solution from D'Antoni and Lopez (2014). The second framework included the analytics maturity assessment from the data warehouse institute (2015). Finally the third framework analyzed the advanced analytics tools from Sallam et al. (2015).

The findings of this study suggest that modern business intelligence and analytics solution can include both data warehouse and Hadoop components. These two components are not mutually exclusive. Instead Hadoop is actually augmenting data warehouse to another level. This thesis shows how companies can evaluate their current maturity level and design a future strategy by benchmarking their own actions against the state of art solution. To keep up with the fast pace of development, research must be continuous. Therefore in future for example a study regarding a detailed path of implementing Hadoop would be a great addition to this field.
Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun gradujen tiedot on Aaltodocissa: Aaltodoc-julkaisuarkisto