Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuportaali
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Kauppakorkeakoulu | Tieto- ja palvelutalouden laitos | Tietojärjestelmätiede | 2014
Tutkielman numero: 14112
A longitudinal study on the factors affecting mobile phone switching intensions in the Finnish consumer market
Tekijä: Rantala, Minna
Otsikko: A longitudinal study on the factors affecting mobile phone switching intensions in the Finnish consumer market
Vuosi: 2014  Kieli: eng
Laitos: Tieto- ja palvelutalouden laitos
Aine: Tietojärjestelmätiede
Asiasanat: tietojärjestelmät; information systems; kuluttajakäyttäytyminen; consumer behaviour; matkapuhelimet; cellular phones; ekosysteemit; ecosystems
Sivumäärä: 87
Avainsanat: mobile device; service platform; mobile ecosystem; longitudinal research

The objective of this thesis is to investigate the behavioral changes regarding consumers' mobile phone switching intentions. Specifically, the aim is to identify the most important reasons determining the switch from one service platform to another and to observe longitudinal shift patterns in this behavior. Different stakeholder perspectives will be taken into account in order to form a comprehensive view on the topic.


The methodological approach has been set to a qualitative inductive format. The main strength of this approach is that it utilizes empirical findings for building theoretical contribution instead of focusing on mere theory testing. The research focuses on the Finnish consumer sector and the research data was collected during two consecutive years.


The mobile phone switch is typically based on multiple reasons and selection criteria. The success of a mobile brand is not determined by the popularity gained in the technology acceptance stage. Based on the empirical evidence, functional, design, performance and usability related reasons were the most important factors influencing the selection of a mobile phone. The switch occurs most likely because of rational and inevitable reasons. With regard to longitudinal findings, changes could be observed in terms of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with devices owned and in terms of estimations of the past and future switch questions. Shifts in the longitudinal findings were not drastic, but could be expected to shed light on the future development within the industry.
Graduja säilytetään Oppimiskeskuksessa Otaniemessä.