Tätä sivustoa ei enää päivitetä. Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun gradujen tiedot on Aaltodocissa:
Kauppakorkeakoulu | Laskentatoimen laitos | Laskentatoimi | 2016
Tutkielman numero: 14315 | Opinnäyte Aaltodocissa
The influence of the CFO in HR management through three roles: case study
Tekijä: | Pelkonen, Jaakko |
Otsikko: | The influence of the CFO in HR management through three roles: case study |
Vuosi: | 2016 Kieli: eng |
Laitos: | Laskentatoimen laitos |
Aine: | Laskentatoimi |
Asiasanat: | laskentatoimi; accounting; johtaminen; management; taloushallinto; financial management; henkilöstöhallinto; personnel management; työ; work; organisaatio; organization; yritykset; companies |
Sivumäärä: | 88 |
Kokoteksti: | |
Avainsanat: | CFO; CHRO; HR management; HRM; role |
Tiivistelmä: |
This study examines how the CFO influences HR management and what kind of roles can be reflected in him in the case companies. The controller's role has been observed to change over time and currently it is quite extensive and has almost nothing same with the stereotypical bookkeeper image. HR management has also changed over time and the current trend is to decentralize it to the line managers and shrink HR departments. This study will explore the collision of these two phenomena in the roles of the CFO in the field of HR management.
The study method used is qualitative case study. The empirical evidence is obtained from total 10 semi-structured interviews in total 4 case companies during the fall of 2014. The case companies share the size measured by revenue (about €100M) and staff (over 100) and the main business environment (Finland). The CFOs, the CHROs and two CEOs were interviewed for the study. The results suggest the CFO has three different roles in HR management. Each role has its unique characteristics and supporting roles, which create three roles. Whilst all the roles are active simultaneously, the CFO's influence on HR management occurs in multiple ways. Through the roles, the CFO has significant influence on the HR management implementation, planning, and definition of policy. |
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