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Kauppakorkeakoulu | Markkinoinnin laitos | Markkinointi | 2015
Tutkielman numero: 14549
Conceptualizing customer-company patronizing behavior: Nostalgia-charged experiences driving prosocial behavior and commitment
Tekijä: | Filippovits, Diana & Jokela, Iiris |
Otsikko: | Conceptualizing customer-company patronizing behavior: Nostalgia-charged experiences driving prosocial behavior and commitment |
Vuosi: | 2015 Kieli: eng |
Laitos: | Markkinoinnin laitos |
Aine: | Markkinointi |
Asiasanat: | markkinointi; marketing; kuluttajat; consumers; kuluttajakäyttäytyminen; consumer behaviour; identiteetti; identity; asenteet; attitudes; yritykset; companies |
Sivumäärä: | 74 |
Kokoteksti: | |
Avainsanat: | Patronizing, nostalgic consumption, customer loyalty, prosocial behaviour, extra-role behaviour, identity, self-coherence, temporality, extended-self, consumer research |
Tiivistelmä: |
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to examine customer-company patronization i.e. the phenomenon in which customers decide to voluntarily patronize, support and promote companies. Currently the phenomenon of customer-company patronization is not well understood nor conceptualized in the marketing and consumer research disciplines. Our study aims to extend the current literature of extra-role behaviors by exploring this phenomenon from the perspectives of customers' experiences as well as identity-construction processes, outlining the main motivations for customers' patronizing behavior as well as explore how it occurs in their behavior and choices. In order to better understand the phenomenon, it is essential to explore the different underlying motivations that drive this kind of consumer behavior by analyzing the meanings that customers attach to their patronizing experiences.
Research Method The research was conducted using qualitative methods. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were used as a data collection technique for studying consumers' underlying motivations and experiences relating to their patronizing behavior in attempting to understand the real meanings of this kind of committed behavior. Data was analysed through content analysis to gain deeper insights and describe the meanings that patrons hold regarding their patronizing experiences. Findings Customer-company patronization can be conceptualized as being a constructive consumer behavior that contributes to patrons' senses of identities of who they are or who they aspire to be. As such, patronizing represents a behavior that functions as a mechanism to construct one's self-concept. More specifically, the patrons' pursuit for security was identified as the main underlying motivator for patronization behavior. Through various different mechanisms, such as through nostalgic consumption and routinizing visits, the patrons unconsciously strove to maintain stability and identity continuity, especially under the cicumstances of dealing with the life changing events. In a broader sense, nostalgically charged patronizing experience can be seen as a way to cope with the insecurities of the modern world by creating a psychological shelter and meaningfulness into one's life. |
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