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Kauppakorkeakoulu | Johtamisen laitos | Yrittäjyys | 2016
Tutkielman numero: 14631 | Opinnäyte Aaltodocissa
The slow death of PowerPoint - A case study of Seidat's service offering
Tekijä: | Brander, Kim |
Otsikko: | The slow death of PowerPoint - A case study of Seidat's service offering |
Vuosi: | 2016 Kieli: eng |
Laitos: | Johtamisen laitos |
Aine: | Yrittäjyys |
Asiasanat: | ohjelmistot; software; palvelumuotoilu; service design; innovaatiot; innovations |
Sivumäärä: | 77 |
Avainsanat: | Seidat, Presentation software, Service design, Service concept, Service innovation, PowerPoint, Thematic analysis, Case study |
Tiivistelmä: |
The presentation software market has erupted, as a result of which internet-based solutions have become available to almost anyone anywhere with an Internet connection. We can see a shift from offline based presentation software towards online based presentation software, where everything is updated easily and managed between the users. Seidat offers a presentation software and is preparing for a big launch. In order for them to be successful, Seidat needs to know exactly what they offer to their customers and why they are better than their competitors. THEORY The theory consists of service design, service concept and service innovation. In the case of Seidat, where they offer a presentation software, the success fully depends on these components. With the wrong design, you ruin many months of work of building the product, a wrong decision in the design can create losses and even lead to company wide failure, and innovation is always needed for a company to stay competitive and have the possibility to grow in a market that is highly competitive. EMPIRICAL RESEARCH The method in this research is a single case study. The analysis method is a thematic analysis. The research questions that the research tries to answer are: (i) What makes Seidat's service offering unique; and (ii) How is Seidat's service offering seen by its employees and current customers? MAIN FINDINGS The main findings are that there is a gap between what the personnel think that Seidat offers compared to what the customers' do. The identity of Seidat has been found: Seidat is a design company with an innovative presentation tool offered for companies that want to differentiate themselves from their competitors with engaging and meaningful presentations. And the main concerns have been pointed and can be further processed by Seidat. |
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