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Aalto University School of Business Master's Theses are now in the Aaltodoc publication archive (Aalto University institutional repository)
School of Business | Department of Accounting | Accounting | 2012
Thesis number: 13061
The association between brand strength and the riskiness of a company
Author: Aalto, Jenni
Title: The association between brand strength and the riskiness of a company
Year: 2012  Language: eng
Department: Department of Accounting
Academic subject: Accounting
Index terms: laskentatoimi; accounting; riskienhallinta; risk management; riski; risk; markkinat; markets; yritykset; companies; brandit; brands
Pages: 88
Full text:
» hse_ethesis_13061.pdf pdf  size:2 MB (1145455)
Key terms: market risk; markkinariski; systematic risk; systemaattinen riski; business risk; liikeriski; brand strength; brand equity; brändin markkinavahvuus
The association between brand strength and the riskiness of a company
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