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Kauppakorkeakoulu | Tieto- ja palvelutalouden laitos | MSc program in Information and Service Management | 2016
Tutkielman numero: 14574 | Opinnäyte Aaltodocissa
What makes a satisfying user experience in the context of human-computer interaction?
Tekijä: Pärnänen, Karoliina
Otsikko: What makes a satisfying user experience in the context of human-computer interaction?
Vuosi: 2016  Kieli: eng
Laitos: Tieto- ja palvelutalouden laitos
Aine: MSc program in Information and Service Management
Asiasanat: tietojärjestelmät; information systems; käytettävyys; usability; tietokoneet; computers
Sivumäärä: 131
» hse_ethesis_14574.pdf pdf  koko: 4 MB (3899470)
Avainsanat: HCI; use experience; usability; user interface aesthetics; ISO; PLS-SEM
The purpose of this research is to study the relations of user interface aesthetics, usability, and user experience in the context of human-computer interaction (HCI). This study aims to discover the key factors contributing to a satisfying user experience from the user's perspective.

We present a novel user experience model that connects perceived usability, and its subcharacteristics, into perceived user experience, and to the emotional responses it evokes. The ISO/IEC 205010:2011 standard of the International Standardization Organization will act as a framework for the constructed user experience model, combining characteristics from both Product Quality and Quality-in-Use.

An empirical study including 149 participants, consisting mostly of young, Finnish university students, will be conducted, in which the respondents evaluate three European festival websites by 28 different user experience aspects per each website. A partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) will be used as a statistical methodology in order to discover the structural relations between usability subcharacteristics (Appropriateness Recognizability, User Interface Aesthetics, Learnability and Operability) and Satisfying User Experience in HCI.
Verkkojulkaisut ovat tekijänoikeuden alaista aineistoa. Teokset ovat vapaasti luettavissa ja tulostettavissa henkilökohtaista käyttöä varten. Aineiston käyttö kaupallisiin tarkoituksiin on kielletty.