Number | Name |
Author |
Year |
Academic subject |
Electronic publication |
14796 | Pk-yrityksen omistajanvaihdokseen valmistautuminen myyjän näkökulmasta | Toivio, Juha |
2013 |
Accounting |
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14775 | Konkurssin ennustaminen tilinpäätöstiedoilla: empiirinen tutkimus pk-yrityksillä | Lehtinen, Leo |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14758 | Management control systems in private equity investments: case study of a Finnish private equity fund | Taussi, Thomas |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14740 | Yritysten veroaggressiivisuuden vaikutus tilintarkastuspalkkioihin: kvantitatiivinen tutkimus suomalaisista pörssiyrityksistä | Kouki, Tuomas |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14739 | Aikaperusteisen toimintolaskentamallin rakentaminen. Case: Ravioli | Kunnas, Mikko |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14738 | Moving beyond potential: management accounting as activity and structure | Uusitalo, Max |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14737 | Simulated firm valuation - Monte Carlo simulation applied to the Ohlson (1995) model: Case KONE Corporation | Riikonen, Sampo |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14736 | Value relevance of goodwill: association between change in goodwill and market value | Anjala, Sami |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14735 | Tulospalkkiojärjestelmän vaikutus asiantuntijoiden työntekoon - case: Yritys X | Kankaanranta, Johanna |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14732 | Tilintarkastajien havaintoerot Tekes-projektien tilintarkastusraporteissa | Roti, Lauri |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14730 | Yritysvastuuraportoinnin hyödyt, haasteet ja merkitys yritykselle ja analyytikoille - case: Kesko Oyj | Soveri, Tuomas |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14729 | Rahoituksen konvertoinnit yritysten pelastautumiskeinona taantuman alkaessa - Case Finnvera Oyj | Sukula, Elina |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14728 | Revenue Management in Private Healthcare Services: a Case Study | Marimo, Antti |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14727 | The effect of founder CEO on earnings quality | Narinen, Saija |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14726 | Hallitustyön arviointi suomalaisissa pörssi-, valtion- ja perheyhtiöissä | Nieminen, Julius |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14705 | Arvoketjuanalyysi: Case - Suomen sianlihan arvoketjun toiminta ja instituutioiden ja henkilöstön rooli arvoketjussa | Tillanen, Kari |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14692 | Does historical cost accounting affect foundation payout policy? - Empirical evidence from Finland | Aalto, Jarkko |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14689 | Aidosti vastuullinen vai tuottavasti vastuullinen ? Työeläkevarojen vastuullinen sijoittaminen Suomessa | Väisänen, Anne |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14683 | Asiakaskannattavuuden selvittäminen ja analysointi toimintolaskennalla: Case: Yritys X | Mikkola, Kostas |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14680 | Tutkimus- ja kehitystoiminnan sekä mainonnan investointien vaikutus yrityksen markkina-arvoon | Saarinen, Juha |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14676 | Management control systems as a tool to rationalize the intelligence gathering in the front end of innovation | Toivakka, Satu |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14673 | Corporate sustainability reports and analysts' forecast dispersion: Evidence from Finnish listed companies during 2011 - 2015 | Parjo, Panu |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14664 | Performance forecasting in new product development: Case European consumer goods company | Saarnia, Rasmus |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14661 | Tilintarkastusasiakkaan taloustilanteesta aiheutuvan riskin vaikutus tilintarkastuspalkkioon | Eerikkilä, Jussi |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14659 | Rahoitusinstrumenttien käypien arvojen hierarkian yhteys sijoittajien kokemaan arvorelevanssiin | Pietilä, Suvi |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14653 | Sisäisen tarkastuksen näkökulma automatisoituun päätöksentekoon case-yrityksessä X | Pärssinen, Teresa |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14651 | Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käyttöönoton taloudelliset vaikutukset: Case SAP | Penttilä, Tero |
2015 |
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14643 | ISO-10668:2010 "Brand valuation. Requirements for monetary brand valuation" - Implementation, management control and relevance in Finnish context | Awuah-Addae, Nanayaw |
2015 |
Accounting |
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14634 | Management accounting change. Case: Finlayson Pop Up -shops | Tynninen, Laura |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14626 | Strategiakartan ja Balanced Scorecard tuloskortin luominen - Case X Oy | Tavasti, Affe |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14621 | Who really decides on accounting standards? Evidence from comment letters on IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement | Etelämaa, Anniina |
2016 |
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14615 | The effects of performance measurement in the form of research evaluation on academic professionalidentity - Case: Aalto University School of Business | Saari, Annamari |
2016 |
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14609 | Osakeyhtiölain mukainen maksukyky ja sen arviointi tilintarkastuksen näkökulmasta | Kukkola, Mira-Tuulia |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14606 | Comparing the accuracy of dividend discount model, discounted cash flow model and residual income model | Ainola, Oskar |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14603 | Micro-level diffusion of management control systems: Rolling forecasting in the Finnish Retail Ltd. | Lupari, Janne |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14599 | Effectiveness of reward system in case company | Lehto, Lauri |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14593 | Kassavirrasta puute? Kassavirtaraportoinnin rooli kunnan talouden ohjauksessa - Case Helsingin kaupunki | Nieminen, Saara |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14587 | Determinants of companies' environmental information disclosure in China | Wang, Ruiling |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14572 | Relations between media publicity, stock returns and trading volume: Empirical evidence for three Finnish companies listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki | Kivikangas, Olga |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14567 | Auditing IFRS 13: How reasonable are "reasonably possible alternative assumptions"? | Valjakka, Sakari |
2015 |
Accounting |
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14551 | Valuation of R&D projects and project portfolio - Case: Neste Oil | Jakkula, Eerikki |
2015 |
Accounting |
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14548 | Integration of information sources to improve management decision-making | Heino, Antti |
2015 |
Accounting |
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14547 | Cultural interventions in the management accountant's role formation - Case: Orange Group / Homeware | Itäinen, Matias |
2015 |
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14545 | Myyntihenkilöstön identiteetti sekä siihen vaikuttaminen laskentatoimen keinoin: Kontrollipaketin vaikutukset myyntihenkilöstön tavoiteasetannan ohjaamisessa | Köninki, Tommi |
2015 |
Accounting |
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14531 | Tilintarkastuksen ja sisäisen
tarkastuksen yhteistyö - Miten tarkastusosapuolet näkevät
yhteistyön mahdollisuudet ja haasteet | Harno, Emmi |
2014 |
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14530 | Projektiennustaminen osana projektinhallintaa - Case: IT-yritys | Miettinen, Jaakko |
2014 |
Accounting |
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14527 | Liikearvon kuluksi kirjaaminen ja segmenttikohtainen informaatio sijoittajan näkökulmasta | Tuominen, Jussi |
2014 |
Accounting |
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14525 | Disclosure quality of goodwill impairment testing and the related company factors: The evidence from Finland | Li, Rui |
2014 |
Accounting |
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14508 | Tuloskortti ja organisaatiorakenne | Kujala, Kati |
2013 |
Accounting |
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14499 | Interaction of sustainability performance measurement system and performance information use in supporting managerial work - Case global manufacturing company | Pello, Riikka |
2013 |
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14489 | Euroopan unionin virastojen tarkastustyön ulkoistamisen haasteet ja mahdollisuudet | Kylänpää, Tuomas |
2013 |
Accounting |
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14487 | Kuntobonuksen liiketaloudelliset hyödyt Case: Ravintola-alan yritys | Siirtola, Eeva |
2013 |
Accounting |
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14483 | Tuoteinnovaatioiden mittaaminen suomalaisissa elintarvikealan yrityksissä | Helaniemi, Sakari |
2013 |
Accounting |
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14469 | Liikearvon arvon alentumiset OMX-HEL-listatuissa yrityksissä tilikausina 2005-2010 | Karjalainen, Anna |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
14446 | How do the basic problems of accounting impact performance evaluation of mergers and acquisitions? | Ruuska, Lassi |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14445 | Tilintarkastuskertomuksen mukauttaminen ja laatu - KHT-tilintarkastajien mukauttamiskäytännöt Suomessa | Kuhta, Tiia |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14442 | Näkökulmia kasvuyrityksen arvonmääritykseen Suomessa - Laadullinen haastattelututkimus | Tukonen, Olli-Kristian |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14440 | Cash flow statement in financial statement analysis for small and medium sized enterprises | Hyvönen, Valtteri |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14439 | Non-articulation in the statement of cash flows: Case Microsoft Mobile Oy | Hänninen, Jussi |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14438 | Tutkimus- ja kehittämismenojen vaikutus suomalaisten pörssiyritysten tulevaan kasvuun ja kannattavuuteen | Luhtala, Jutta |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14435 | Cash flow forecasting in startup companies | Zhou, Yang |
2016 |
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14434 | The impact of corporate venture capital on startup value: Evidence from IPOs 2001-2014 | Siegfried, Sebastian |
2016 |
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14432 | Benchmark-driven earnings management: Empirical analysis of earnings management to avoid losses and earnings decreases | Ingberg, Ruben |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14429 | Strategisten IT-investointien arviointi ja IT-liiketoiminta-linjaus: Case-tutkimus | Lappalainen, Iris |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14428 | Kulttuurin vaikutus johdon ohjausjärjestelmien integrointiin - Case: suomalaisyrityksen tekemä kansainvälinen yritysosto | Jaakkola, Tiia |
2016 |
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14426 | Allocation of selling, general and administrative expenses for pricing and customer profitability measurement - Case: Finnish forest industry company | Terävä, Olli-Pekka |
2016 |
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14394 | Eroja kuntien ja yritysten tavoissa hyödyntää taloushallinnon ohjelmistoja - Case: ohjelmistot Pro Economica vs Sonet | Kielenniva, Taina |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14375 | Executive equity incentives and conditional conservatism: Evidence from SFAS 142 goodwill write-offs | Saloniemi, Sami |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14374 | How does information asymmetry affect CEO compensation? - Evidence from US public firms | Ruonala, Pinja |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14366 | Developing a strategic performance measurement system for service business: Case Building Systems | Heikkilä, Natasa |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14364 | The performance of generic strategies after the financial crisis of 2008 in the retail industry | Pirtilä, Paula |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14358 | Post-closing integration of management accounting in
mergers and acquisitions: A case study from steel industry | Vetoniemi, Laura |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14338 | Leasingsopimusten uudistuva IFRS-tilinpäätöskäsittely IFRS 16 - Vaikutuksia tilinpäätösinformaation tuottajien ja käyttäjien näkökulmasta | Pukka, Anna-Kaisa |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14337 | Henkivakuutusyhtiöiden sijoitustoimintaa ja vakavaraisuutta koskeva uudistunut Solvenssi II -lainsäädäntö matalien korkojen Euroopassa | Luukkonen, Marja |
2016 |
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14334 | Cosmetic earnings management and the Governance Indicators: an international comparison | Anjala, Klaus |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14333 | Yritysvastuuraporttien varmennus - Prosessi käytännössä ja syyt varmennuksen käyttöönottoon tarkastajan näkökulmasta | Aaltonen, Outi |
2016 |
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14331 | Ownership and capital structure in European football clubs | Ylönen, Jaakko |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14321 | Siirtohinnoitteludokumentaation laajuusvaatimusten ja veroseuraamusten ennustettavuuden tulkintaa raportoivan yrityksen näkökulmasta | Mäkelä, Karoliina |
2015 |
Accounting |
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14320 | Segmenttiraportointia koskevan IFRS 8 voimaantulon vaikutus suomalaisten pörssiyritysten tilinpäätösinformaation arvorelevanssiin | Savilampi, Kimmo |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14315 | The influence of the CFO in HR management through three roles: case study | Pelkonen, Jaakko |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14314 | Kasvuyritys käännekohdassa: Pörssilistautumisen vaikutus corporate governance -käytäntöihin | Husman, Hannu |
2015 |
Accounting |
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14313 | Description of management control practices in 10 countries - A quantitative analysis | Leikkonen, Olli |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14312 | Accrual anomaly and accounting standards - Evidence from the adoption of IFRS by publicly listed companies in Finland | Niskanen, Sami |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14311 | Mergers and acquisitions effect on R&D and capital expenditures intensity in the financial crisis context - Evidence from Europe, 2002-2014 | Suolanen, Ari |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14310 | Earnings management surrounding CEO changes - Evidence from S&P 500 companies | Haapalehto, Matias |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14309 | Value relevance of operating leases - Empirical evidence from listed companies on air transportation industry | Mikkonen, Riikka |
2016 |
Accounting |
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14294 | Fundamental risk and profitability: Evidence from high-tech companies | Peltonen, Topi |
2013 |
Accounting |
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14293 | Riskin huomioonottaminen strategisten tuotannollisten investointien arvioimisessa | Niinikoski, Arttu |
2013 |
Accounting |
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14289 | Impact of modern ERP implementation on management accounting reporting practices: Pre-implementation study, Case Neste Corporation | Vallas, Tommi |
2015 |
Accounting |
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14266 | The lack of private capital in the Finnish fashion ecosystem - A case study of Finnish fashion start-ups and investors | Tervilä, Toni |
2015 |
Accounting |
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14265 | The effect of working capital on profitability in computer and electrical equipment industry | Virkkala, Ville |
2015 |
Accounting |
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14249 | Private equity-backed IPOs and long-run market performance of Nordic firms | Pessala, Juha |
2015 |
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14235 | Management control systems in small businesses: a case study in two Finnish small companies | Niittymaa, Juha |
2015 |
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14228 | Differences in the use of CEO pay components in EU countries: A comparative study | Bergman, Maria |
2015 |
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14227 | Ohjausjärjestelmä perheyrityksessä: Case-tutkimus | Markkula, Marianne |
2015 |
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14226 | Investointipäätöksenteko yritysvastuun näkökulmasta - Case suomalainen energiayhtiö | Radek, Laura |
2015 |
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14225 | Omakustannusvuokran määrittäminen valtion tukemassa asuntotuotannossa | Kallio, Matias |
2015 |
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14224 | IFRS -standardien käyttöönoton vaikutus kosmeettiseen tuloksen ohjaukseen Euroopassa | Mäntyniemi, Tapio |
2015 |
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14201 | Tilitoimistoalan keskittyneisyyden ja kannattavuuden kehitys vuosina 2003-2012 | Tahvanainen, Tuomas |
2015 |
Accounting |
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14195 | Audit pricing, lowballing and auditor changes: evidence from US public firms | Sepponen, Laura |
2015 |
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14180 | Earnings properties in economic fluctuations. Evidence from S&P 500 -index companies | Halonen, Antti |
2015 |
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14179 | Sukupuolikiintiöiden vaikutukset hallitusnaisten kompetenssiin ja valtaan - Empiirinen analyysi Suomesta, Ruotsista sekä Norjasta | Niemi, Juha |
2015 |
Accounting |
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14178 | The impact of corporate governance on the association between goodwill write-offs and accounting conservatism | Både, Evelina |
2015 |
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14177 | Changes is value relevance of earnings and book values of assets and liabilities over the last 50 years in the USA | Nummila, Piamari |
2015 |
Accounting |
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14176 | The effect of earnings management on audit fees. Evidence from the manufacturing industry | Mussalo, Veera |
2015 |
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14175 | Tulevaisuuden ennusteiden objektiivisuus maailmantalouden muutoksessa - suomalaisten pörssiyhtiöiden tulevaisuuden näkymät vuosille 2007 - 2010 | Lehmussaari, Jukka |
2015 |
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14174 | IAASB:n standardiuudistukset tilintarkastuskertomukseen. Kyselytutkimus sijoittajille, tilintarkastajille ja yritysjohdolle | Tienari, Antti |
2015 |
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14145 | Taloushallinnon kontrolliviitekehyksen kehittäminen ja käyttöönotto. Tapaustutkimus kansainvälisessä valmistavan teollisuuden yrityksessä | Tynninen, Kristiina |
2015 |
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14144 | Pankkisääntelyn tarkoituksenmukaisuus ja sääntelyraportoinnin hyödynnettävyys suomalaisessa finanssialan yrityksessä | Larsén, Ilse |
2015 |
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14143 | Public sector decision-making in the context of public-private partnership. Case: Pneumatic waste collection | Haapanen, Pauli |
2015 |
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14137 | Vähittäiskauppayrityksen osto- ja tilaustoiminnan kehittäminen | Broman, Outi |
2015 |
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14129 | Management control system as a platform for sharing tacit knowledge and supporting the quantification of the customer - Managers' perception. Case: Usage of Pulssi at HOK-Elanto Prisma hypermarkets | Oksanen, Sampo |
2015 |
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14128 | Suoriteperusteisen kannustepalkkiojärjestelmän edellytykset tiimitasolla | Kinnunen, Joona |
2015 |
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14123 | Financial ratios as determinants for credit ratings. Case: Finnvera plc | Aaltonen, Cecilia |
2015 |
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14122 | Audit pricing in the banking industry | Piitulainen, Tiina |
2015 |
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14121 | The determinants of working capital management and its effect on profitability - evidence from Nordic listed companies during 2000-2012 | Kupiainen, Anne |
2015 |
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14120 | Goodwill impairment as a determinant of share repurchases | Reittu, Anna-Maria |
2015 |
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14113 | Voluntary audit, earnings quality, and the cost of debt: Evidence from small Finnish companies exempt from mandatory audit since 2007 | Saukola, Heikki |
2015 |
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14104 | Yritysvastuuraportointi lehdistön tietolähteenä. Case: Stora Enso Oyj | Hämäläinen, Janne |
2015 |
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14064 | Market reaction to announcement of enforcement actions against
related party transaction: Evidence from Chinese listed companies | Ren, Jie |
2015 |
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14063 | Kriisiytyneen pk-yrityksen arvonmääritysprosessi yrityskaupan yhteydessä | Koskinen, Juho |
2014 |
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14062 | Financial statements fraud of listed companies in China | Chen, Xi |
2015 |
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14061 | Budjetoinnin ja palkitsemismallin kehittäminen kasvuyrityksessä: Case Yritys X | Hämäläinen, Mikko |
2015 |
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14060 | Aikaperusteisen toimintolaskentamallin kehittäminen henkilöstöpalveluyrityksen hinnoittelun tueksi | Eskelinen, Saana |
2015 |
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14059 | Strategic investment decision-making practices - Evidence from Nordic, Anglo-Saxon and Polish companies | Kuusela, Hanna |
2015 |
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14058 | Synthesis of research studies examining prediction of bankruptcy | Linden, Heikki |
2015 |
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14057 | Suhteellinen arvonmääritys suomalaisten pk-yritysten yrityskauppatilanteissa | Weckström, Tomas |
2015 |
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14056 | Emoyhtiöiden suhteellinen merkittävyys konserneissa - Emoyhtiöiden erillistilinpäätösten ja konsernitilinpäätösten vertailua | Erkkilä, Veera |
2015 |
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14055 | Enhancing credit ratings with earnings management - Empirical analysis of real and accrual-based earnings management and their effects on credit ratings in Finnish listed companies during 2004 - 2012 | Karvonen, Konsta |
2015 |
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14054 | Is earnings performance negatively related to R&D-related disclosure? - Evidence from Finnish listed firms during 2010-2012 | Valkama, Markus |
2015 |
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14053 | Corporate governance in Africa: Comparative study | Markkanen, Sanni |
2015 |
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14052 | Does corporate governance code compliance affect audit fees? | Sievänen, Essi |
2015 |
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14051 | Pk-yrityksen ja sen omistajan yhteisverotuksen muutokset vuosina 2012-2015 | Sola, Annamaria |
2015 |
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14050 | Yrityksen veroaggressiivisuuden suhde veroilmoituksesta poikkeamiseen: Laadullinen tutkimus verovirkamiesten riskianalyysistä pk-yritysten säännönmukaisen tuloverotuksen valvonnassa | Liukkonen, Heikki |
2015 |
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14048 | Nasdaq OMX Nordic Real Estate -indeksissä listattujen kiinteistösijoitusyhtiöiden nettotasearvon ja osakkeiden markkina-arvon väliset erot ja niitä selittävät tekijät vuosina 2005-2010 | Salenius, Eero |
2015 |
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14047 | Yritysvastuuraportointi suomalaisissa yrityksissä - GRI-ohjeiston käyttö ja mittareiden valinta | Böhling, Heidi Mikaela |
2015 |
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14046 | Impact of analyst coverage initiation on information asymmetry and firm value: Evidence from U.S. publicly listed companies in 2006-2012 | Kajaani, Petri |
2015 |
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14043 | The link between budgeting and strategy - Case: a Finnish energy company | Väisänen, Elvi |
2015 |
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14042 | Johdon näkemyksiä controllerin roolista: Case-tutkimus | Hukari, Jaakko |
2015 |
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14041 | Management control without budgeting - Case: entrepreneurial growth company in Finland | Ottela, Noora |
2015 |
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14040 | Growth and management accounting in the early-stage growth company - A case study | Paavola, Aleksi |
2015 |
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14039 | Quality costing and perception of quality in Finnish manufacturing industry: case Fiskars | Tervo, Antti |
2015 |
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14038 | Exploring performance measurement in SMEs - opportunities offered by new technologies and services | Tulokas, Mikko |
2015 |
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14037 | The use of NPV in a multiyear, multiphase new product development process: Case study evidence from the pharmaceutical industry | Henttu, Samu |
2015 |
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14036 | Rahoituslaskelman julkistaminen vapaaehtoisesti: syitä ja seurauksia | Laukia, Jaakko |
2015 |
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14034 | User acquisition: Customer profitability and lifetime value in free-to-play mobile games - Case study | Patouchas, Alexander Aristoteles Charalambos |
2014 |
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13991 | CEO age and firm risk in CEO successions | Knutsson, Elina |
2015 |
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13939 | Aikaan perustuvan toimintolaskentamallin implementointiprojektin onnistumiseen vaikuttavat tekijät projektin eri vaiheissa. Case: Implementointi kahdelle osastolle | Permala, Kiia |
2015 |
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13917 | Vapaaehtoisen veroraportoinnin jalkautuminen Suomeen | Stenius, Sara |
2014 |
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13916 | The risk-based audit approach to accounting information systems - Auditor's view | Kartanen, Anastasia |
2014 |
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13913 | The effect of financial crisis on earnings quality - international evidence on changes in earnings quality during the global financial crisis around 2008-2010 | Koivistoinen, Anu |
2015 |
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13912 | Auditing fair value estimates under IFRS 13 | Fang, Allen |
2015 |
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13911 | Auditor gender and audit quality | Jäntti, Matias |
2014 |
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13904 | Agenttikustannuksien vaikutus tilintarkastajalta ostettujen tarkastuksen ulkopuolisten palveluiden kysyntään | Kivekäs, Juuso |
2015 |
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13903 | Accrual-based and real earnings management to achieve earnings benchmarks: evidence from Finnish listed companies during 2005-2012 | Jansson, Henri |
2015 |
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13895 | Developing a target-oriented performance management model for a gas company | Mäkinen, Leena |
2015 |
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13888 | Pääomarakenteen vaikutus toimitusjohtajan palkitsemiseen Yhdysvaltain pankkisektorilla | Viljanen, Tommi |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13887 | Taantuman vaikutus yritysten taloudelliseen menestykseen Euroopassa ja Pohjois-Amerikassa 2005-2013 - Tupakka- ja alkoholijuomateollisuus vs. virvoitusjuoma-, ruoka- ja autoteollisuus | Hirvinen, Jere |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13884 | Controller's changing role and the decentralised management accounting function | Levo, Harri |
2015 |
Accounting |
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13883 | Investointien jälkitarkkailu yritysvastuun näkökulmasta - Case Pohjois-Karjalan Osuuskappa, PKO | Hukkamäki, Olli |
2015 |
Accounting |
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13882 | The concept and applicability of resource consumption accounting | Pasanen, Valter |
2014 |
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13881 | Kannattaako pääomaintensiivisen yrityksen siirtyä vakuudettomasta vakuudelliseen lainaukseen finanssisektorin sääntelyn kiristyessä?
Yrityksen rahoitusjohdon ja rahoittajien edustajien asiantuntijahaastatteluihin perustuva case-tutkimus. | Moilanen, Jyrki |
2014 |
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13880 | Alikapitalisointi, veroparatiisit ja siirtohinnoittelu suomalaisten pörssiyhtiöiden verosuunnittelun välineinä - Empiirinen tutkimus vuosilta 2006-2011 | Kurhila, Anu |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13879 | Controllerista businessnavigaattoriksi?
Controllerin kehittyvä rooli keskitetyssä controller -funktiossa - Case suomalainen palveluyritys | Saulamaa, Joachim |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13878 | Tilintarkastuspalkkioiden jäykkyys Helsingin pörssin listayrityksissä | Mehtonen, Arto |
2014 |
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13877 | Liikearvon arvonalentumiskirjausten oikea-aikaisuus yhdysvaltalaisissa pankeissa | Castrén, Hilla |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13876 | Arvionvaraisen erän tilintarkastuksen ongelmallisuus - haastattelututkimus liikearvon arvonalentumistestauksen tilintarkastuksesta | Peltola, Aleksi |
2014 |
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13875 | The use of management control systems in terms of radical and incremental innovation in the new product development process | Tiainen, Jussi |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13874 | Reporting of Basel Capital Adequacy Ratios and market values of Nordic financial institutions | Liestalo, Juha |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13872 | Implementing the monitoring activities component of the COSO framework | Vollbehr, Liisa |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13871 | Talousrikoksia koskeva tilintarkastajan vastuu ja raportointivelvollisuus | Westerberg, Sina |
2014 |
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13870 | Yhteisö- ja osinkoverouudistuksen vaikutus listaamattomien osakeyhtiöiden verosuunnitteluun | Vuori, Jenni |
2014 |
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13869 | Tilintarkastuksen kehitys Venäjällä | Ahlroth, Tiina |
2014 |
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13868 | Verosuunnittelu ja maantieteellisen tuloksen raportointi: Helsingin pörssiin listatuissa suomalaisissa yhtiöissä | Tamminen, Pepe |
2014 |
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13867 | Mihin mikroyrittäjät pyrkivät laadukkailla tuotteilla ja halvoilla hinnoilla? Tapaustutkimus: Hammastekninen ala | Kostiainen, Annu |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13866 | The impact of high quality audit on the association between goodwill and future cash flows | Waldmann, Kiira |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13864 | The challenges faced when starting from scratch: baking GRI G4 sustainability reporting into existing organizational practices | Multanen, Juho |
2014 |
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13863 | Tilintarkastajan vahingonkorvausvastuu lakisääteisessä tarkastuksessa - Kyselytutkimus tilintarkastajille, yritysjohdolle ja sijoittajille | Ristevirta, Joni |
2014 |
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13843 | PK - yritysten kannattavuuden ja rahoituksen saatavuuden ongelmatiikka finanssikriisissä | Nordberg-Lainonen, Ada |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13828 | Fair value adoption in Central and Eastern Europe - Do firms apply fair value accounting to tangible non-current assets under IFRS? | Koiranen, Jukka |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13811 | Liikearvon vaikutus tilintarkastuspalkkioihin Yhdysvalloissa finanssikriisin kontekstissa | Haukka, Aleksis |
2014 |
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13802 | Budjetoinnin kehittäminen monikansallisessa yrityksessä - Case-tutkimus | Perinne, Petri |
2014 |
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13801 | Innovaatioihin kannustava pörssipohjainen ohjausjärjestelmä pelialan yrityksessä | Penttinen, Santtu |
2014 |
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13798 | Tilintarkastajan asiakasportfolion kokoon vaikuttavat tekijät sekä tilintarkastusalan ominaispiirteet Suomessa | Rögård, Peter |
2014 |
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13797 | Steering and motivating professors with performance-based pay and other rewards - case: Aalto University | Palo, Jaana |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13789 | Yritysvastuuraportoinnin vaikutus tilintarkastuspalkkioon | Halkosaari, Ville |
2014 |
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13787 | Time-driven activity-based costing - An implementation in a ceramic factory | Savola, Juho |
2014 |
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13786 | Exploring management control systems in incremental innovative settings - Case Finnish mobile games industry | Mettälä, Saara |
2014 |
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13785 | Rullaavan ennustamisen ja budjetointiprosessin kehittäminen - Case kansainvälisen pankkikonsernin IT -divisioona | Mikkonen, Joonas |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13773 | Stakeholder perspective on valuation of a start-up company:
Empirical case study examining approaches of different stakeholders to a start-up company valuation | Raininko, Miikka |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13738 | Facebook -tykkäysten yhteys osakkeen vaihtomääriin
ja epänormaaleihin tuottoihin Helsingin Pörssin
kulutustuotteita ja -palveluita tarjoavissa yhtiöissä | Rekonen, Jukka |
2014 |
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13713 | Value relevance of the book value and the earnings - Finnish public companies 2001-2012 | Mikkola, Jarmo |
2014 |
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13710 | Improving forecast accuracy and reliability by judgmental methods | Backström, Christian |
2014 |
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13708 | JOUKKORAHOITUS - Suomalaisen startup-ympäristön näkemykset uudesta rahoitusmuodosta | Oksanen, Tuomas |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13705 | Fundamental difficulties of employing standard costing - Case study from manufacturing industry | Välimäki, Julius |
2014 |
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13704 | Vuosibudjetoinnin tarkoituksenmukaisuus | Huttunen, Anna |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13681 | Management accountant's modern role and barriers to role change - Case Tech Inc. | Voipio, Juha |
2014 |
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13680 | Applying default prediction models to determine credit ratings for transfer pricing purposes in a group of companies | Ollila, Arttu |
2014 |
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13676 | Jääkiekon Liiga-organisaatioiden kannattavuus ja vakavaraisuus | Lähdesmäki, Olli |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13675 | Budjetointi ja rullaavat ennusteet pelialalla
- Case: Suomalainen videopelialan yritys | Ottela, Emilia |
2014 |
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13671 | The value relevance of intangible assets and R&D expenditures during the financial crisis - empirical evidence from EU countries | Hölttä, Matti |
2013 |
Accounting |
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13668 | Discontinued operations reporting and earnings management in European listed companies | Pukki, Jussi |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13645 | Mikä motivoi yrityksiä vastuullisuuteen?
Kyselytutkimus vastuullisuuden tavoitteista ja niiden saavuttamisesta suomalaisissa yrityksissä | Westman, Vivi |
2014 |
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13643 | Kohti hyödyllisempiä budjetointiratkaisuja - case monipalveluyritys | Eklin, Matti |
2014 |
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13642 | Examining control in operational level microcultures | Lehtola, Antti |
2014 |
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13641 | Board of directors and owners as monitors of CEO compensation - Empirical investigation of Finnish panel data from 2007 to 2012 | Tapiala, Kari |
2014 |
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13639 | Enhancing the efficiency of trade credit management - Case: multinational industrial corporation | Holopainen, Anna-Sofia |
2014 |
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13636 | Taloudellisen raportointiprosessin sisäinen valvonta - kontrollimalli ORSA-raportoinnille
LähiTapiola-ryhmässä | Ropo, Essi |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13623 | Tilintarkastuksen oheispalvelut Suomessa - Oheispalveluiden kehitys vuosina 2009-2012 ja yrityskohtaisten tekijöiden vaikutus oheispalveluiden kysynnän määrään | Leino, Oskari |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13622 | Tasapainotettu päätöksenteko radikaaleissa ja inkrementaaleissa innovaatioissa -Kyselytutkimus suomalaisille yrityksille | Tulonen, Tommi |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13620 | Business Intelligence -investoinnit: Kehitysmahdollisuudet johdon laskentatoimen näkökulmasta - Case: Vantaan Energia | Saavalainen, Joanna |
2014 |
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13619 | Who nominates the board? - Implications on board diversity and turnover | Viskari, Milla |
2014 |
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13618 | Corporate governance ja toimitusjohtajan palkitseminen Suomessa, Ruotsissa ja Norjassa | Ekonen, Pauli |
2014 |
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13617 | Fundamental analysis and future firm performance - Nordic evidence | Ranta, Olli |
2014 |
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13616 | Vastuulliset investoinnit Suomessa - kyselytutkimus suomalaisyrityksissä | Kåla, Johanna |
2014 |
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13614 | Measuring and managing process performance in a contemporary multinational organization: a case study | Mäkilä, Marko |
2014 |
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13613 | Pharmaceutical NPD investment process: Use of accounting information - Case Pharma | Wäck, Anna |
2014 |
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13612 | Risk-based evaluation of internal controls in case company's sales process - case company X | Halonen, Petteri |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13611 | The meaning of management accounting in postmerger integration - empirical insights from the case company | Heikkilä, Karoliina |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13610 | Pricing of additional features in mobile telecommunication networks | Reijonen, Antti |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13609 | Tilinpäätösinformaatioon perustuvien automatisoitujen luottoluokitus- ja luottorajamallien rakentaminen toimialatekijät huomioon ottaen - konstruktiivinen tapaustutkimus | Kuisma, Susanna |
2014 |
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13608 | Lobbauksen vaikutus IFRS 8 -standardiin - Tutkimus lobbaajien kommenttikirjeistä ja niiden laadusta | Tervonen, Miia |
2014 |
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13607 | Tilinpäätösraportoinnin muutoksen yhteys olennaisen virheellisyyden esiintymiseen
- Pk-IFRS:n käyttö Suomen kirjanpitolainsäädännön sijaan tilintarkastajan näkökulmasta | Chan, Kwun Chuen |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13606 | Tuloksen laatu kehittyvillä markkinoilla - IFRS:n ja sijoittajansuojan
yhteisvaikutus | Wikholm, Salla |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13601 | Logistiikkatoimialan asettamat erityisvaatimukset yritysten kustannuslaskentaprosesseille: Case-tutkimus | Henriksson, Mikael |
2014 |
Accounting |
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13568 | A cost-benefit analysis of a shared finance service center - Case: International Consumer Goods Company | Koistinen, Heikki |
2013 |
Accounting |
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13492 | Valuation of unlisted direct investment equity and the impact on Finnish international investment position | Kronholm, Mikael |
2013 |
Accounting |
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13486 | Taloushallinnon palveluntarjoajan arviointi ja valinta - pienen tilitoimiston asiakashankinnan näkökulma | Rove, Katariina |
2013 |
Accounting |
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13484 | A multiple case study examining the adaptive processes of beyond budgeting | Nick, Atte |
2013 |
Accounting |
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13482 | Performance-based compensation for white-collar workers and firm performance | Saari, Outi |
2013 |
Accounting |
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13481 | Suomalaiset yritys- ja luottoluokitusmallit
- Periaatteet ja toimivuus yrityksien taloudellisen menestyksen ennustamisessa | Palo, Jukka |
2013 |
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13480 | The Effect of auditor-provided non-audit services on auditor independence and Sarbanes-Oxley: What separates tax services from other non-audit services? | Leino, Lasse |
2013 |
Accounting |
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13479 | Markkinatiedon hallinnan kehittäminen - Case Liikennevirasto | Mäkinen, Joni |
2012 |
Accounting |
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13478 | The effect of managers' and directors' share ownership on long-term earnings-returns association - Evidence from Finland in 2010 - 2012 | Tulamo, Virve |
2013 |
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13477 | Ulkopuolisen hallituksen jäsenen vaikutus pk-perheyritysten hallitustyöskentelyyn | Juvonen, Joonas |
2012 |
Accounting |
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13476 | Tilintarkastajan raportointikäytäntö Suomessa - Pienten suomalaisten osakeyhtiöiden vuosina 2001-2006 saamat mukautetut tilintarkastuskertomukset | Korpelainen, Anna |
2010 |
Accounting |
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13475 | Management accounting in early-stage growth companies -
A comparative case study of 5 Finnish early-stage growth companies | Janatuinen, Juhana |
2013 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
13474 | Balanced Scorecard with integrated corporate social responsibility - Case: 3StepIT Oy | Vikkula, Sami |
2013 |
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13473 | Ylimmän johdon palkitsemisjärjestelmät suomalaisissa pörssiyhtiöissä - Kyselytutkimus omistajien näkemyksistä | Mäkelä, Lauri |
2013 |
Accounting |
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13471 | The effects of IFRS 8 on segment disclosure - evidence from Finnish listed companies | Saariluoma, Susanna |
2013 |
Accounting |
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13470 | Board diversity and earnings management during the financial crisis | Pixner, Carina |
2013 |
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13469 | Determinants of goodwill impairments | Flinkman, Anna |
2013 |
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13468 | The role of family governance and family councils as a success factor for long lasting family companies | Weiste, Lotta |
2013 |
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13467 | Tilintarkastusyhteisön kannustin- ja palkitsemisjärjestelmien vaikutus tilintarkastuksen laatuun - tilintarkastajien näkökulma | Ylätalo, Anna |
2013 |
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13466 | Siirtohinnoittelukäytänteet suomalaisissa tukku- ja vähittäiskaupoissa sekä valmistusyhtiöissä | Forss, Petra |
2013 |
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13465 | Sulautumisen hyödyntäminen listaamattomien pienosakeyhtiöiden nettovarallisuuden ja rahoitusaseman suunnittelussa - Case X Oy | Salmela, Jaakko |
2013 |
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13464 | The contemporary controller's profile in a Chinese manufacturing context: The case of W company in China | Liu, Jing |
2013 |
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13463 | Osakeperusteisten palkitsemis- ja kannustinjärjestelmien käyttö ja laajuus Eurostoxx 600 yhtiöissä 2005-2010 - IFRS 2 -kulukirjauksen käyttöön ja määrään vaikuttavat tekijät | Roine, Harri |
2013 |
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13462 | The impact of R&D expenditures on future growth and profitability: empirical evidence from Europe | Lappalainen, Lauri |
2013 |
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13461 | Kannattavuuden, kasvun ja toimitusjohtajan valta-aseman yhteys pakotettuihin toimitusjohtajavaihdoksiin suomalaisissa pörssiyhtiöissä | Piironen, Lumikki |
2013 |
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13460 | Tilinpäätösinformaation sisällön
vaikutus markkinoihin -
suomalaisten pörssiyhtiöiden
tulevaisuudennäkymät vuosille 2008-2012 | Ovaska, Kati |
2013 |
Accounting |
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13459 | ATK-avusteisten tarkastusmenetelmien käyttö ja IT:n vaikutukset tilintarkastajan näkökulmasta | Kautonen, Jose |
2013 |
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13458 | Finance strategies of Finnish entrepreneurial fashion companies | Hasi, Linda |
2013 |
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13457 | Palkitsemisjärjestelmän kehittäminen - Case: teollisuuden tukkukauppa | Oksala, Sanna |
2013 |
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13456 | Standardization efforts in globalization of local management accounting practices | Karttunen, Anna-Kaisa |
2013 |
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13455 | Influencing capital investment decisions through issue selling: Case new business investment in the forest industry. | Pajunen, Elisa |
2013 |
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13454 | Tilintarkastuksen sääntely, ISA-standardit ja pienten yritysten tilintarkastus Suomessa - tilintarkastajien näkemyksiä | Penttilä, Olli |
2013 |
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13453 | Uudistuvan vuokrasopimuksia koskevan tilinpäätösstandardin vaikutukset case-yrityksen vuokrasopimusten tilinpäätöskäsittelyyn ja avaintunnuslukuihin vuokralle ottajan näkökulmasta | Huhkamo, Marianna |
2013 |
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13452 | Earnings management as a scope of art - Empirical analysis of accrual-based and real earnings management in Finnish listed companies during 2001-2010 | Tirkkonen, Miia |
2013 |
Accounting |
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13451 | The association of IPO underpricing with fundamental risk - Empirical evidence from an international sample of high-tech IPOs during 1990-2011 | Valsta, Jussi |
2013 |
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13450 | Tarkastuksen ulkopuolisten palveluiden vaikutus tilintarkastajan riippumattomuuteen suomalaisissa listatuissa osakeyhtiöissä | Mikkola, Ville |
2013 |
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13448 | International differences in executive compensation: Geographical and cultural analysis | Häsä, Anni |
2013 |
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13447 | Complexity approach on internal control over financial instruments - case of a SOX-compliant non-financial sector player | Tuomainen, Krista |
2013 |
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13358 | Corporate social responsibility in compensation systems: empirical insights | Lehtinen, Martti |
2013 |
Accounting |
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13357 | IAS 17 Vuokrasopimukset -standardiin tulevat muutokset ja niiden vaikutukset järjestelyjen osapuolille | Rantakallio, Heli |
2013 |
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13352 | Value based pricing in outsourcing
- a case study from the vendor's perspective | Ojanen, Karoliina |
2013 |
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13351 | Kenestä tilintarkastaja? - Kyselytutkimus Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun opiskelijoiden halukkuudesta työskennellä tilintarkastusalalla | Grönroos, Janne |
2013 |
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13349 | Miten liitetietoraportointi on muuttunut IFRS -raportoinnin käyttöön oton jälkeen: Empiiriset tulokset vuosilta 2006 ja 2011 | Miettinen, Esa |
2013 |
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13319 | Konsernin sisäisen ja ulkoisen laskennan välinen erolaskenta - Case Rautaruukki Oyj | Vehko, Pekka |
2013 |
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13313 | The effect of recession on the operational performance of luxury goods companies - Empirical evidence from the global luxury market between 2007 and 2010 | Salakari, Hanna |
2013 |
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13305 | Laskentatoimen muutosprosessi monimutkaisessa julkishallinnollisessa organisaatiossa:
Case Kustannuslaskennan kehittäminen Suomen valtionhallinnossa | Kiviranta, Annemaria |
2013 |
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13297 | Kyselytutkimus taloushallinnon työnkuvista, ajankäytöstä sekä kompetenssivaatimuksista | Perksalo, Laura; Vaalasranta, Jaakko |
2013 |
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13278 | Johdon palkitsemisen raportointi suurissa Euroopan Unionin yrityksissä ajalla 2007-2011 | Ehrsten, Petri |
2013 |
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13274 | ERP-Järjestelmän tuomat mahdollisuudet ja haasteet yrityksen taloushallintoon - Pienet ja keskisuuret tukkukaupan yritykset | Mattinen, Ville |
2013 |
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13272 | Harmonisation of global production and supply chain performance measurement
- Case: personal care industry | Pieviläinen, Riikka |
2013 |
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13270 | Controller´s role formation: interplay between self-perceptions and organizational discourse
CASE: ABB OY | Lindfors, Mia |
2013 |
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13268 | Bank earnings quality and auditor industry specialization during the global financial crisis | Salminen, Noora |
2013 |
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13267 | Controllerin rooli perheyrityksessä - Case Etola-yhtiöt | Wilska, Emmi |
2013 |
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13262 | IFRS-standardien vaikutus
tilinpäätösraportoinnin laatuun | Järvinen, Aleksi |
2013 |
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13261 | Johdon ohjausjärjestelmien paketti ulkoistamissuhteen hallinnoinnissa -Case sähköverkkoyhtiö | Vessonen, Riikka |
2013 |
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13258 | Sisäisen tarkastuksen ja sisäisen valvonnan vaikutus tilintarkastuksen laajuuteen Suomessa | Aho, Ari; Toivanen, Laura |
2013 |
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13256 | Riskienhallinta eurooppalaisissa corporate governance -suosituksissa: Suositusten kehitys ja maaspesifien muuttujien vaikutus | Romppanen, Anne |
2013 |
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13255 | Raha- ja ei-rahamääräiset mittarit - lyhytnäköisen osaoptimoinnin haaste | Matilainen, Tuomas |
2013 |
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13254 | Mikroyritysten vapaaehtoisen tilintarkastuksen kysyntään vaikuttavat tekijät | Nerg, Hanna |
2013 |
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13253 | Yrityksen johdon vaihtumisen vaikutus liikearvon alaskirjauksiin | Torkko, Anu |
2013 |
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13251 | Kolme syyryhmää strategisten tutkimus- ja tuotekehitysinvestointien keskeytymiselle toteutusvaiheessa-
Case Orion: Miksi alkuperälääketutkimus keskeytyy toteutusvaiheessa? | Savolainen, Kaisa |
2013 |
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13250 | Pankkien pääomatasojen raportointi EU-alueella vuosina 2008-2011 - Basel-standardin mukaiset vakavaraisuusvaatimukset | Katainen, Saara |
2013 |
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13249 | Tilintarkastajan keinot havaita väärinkäytöksiä ja väärinkäytösten raportointi | Rönkkö, Kaisa |
2013 |
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13248 | Understanding timeliness and quality of financial reporting in a Finnish public company | Lehtinen, Tiia |
2013 |
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13247 | Tilintarkastusvirheen vaikutus
tilintarkastajan ansiokehitykseen | Juslén, Mick |
2013 |
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13237 | Taloudellisen tiedon raportointi ja kehitys yksityisessä terveyspalveluorganisaatiossa | Moilanen, Sanna |
2012 |
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13167 | Translaatioriskin hallinta metsäteollisuuden pörssiyhtiössä | Ahlberg, Anttu |
2013 |
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13159 | Liquidity management practices in SMEs in the IT service industry - A case study | Laivonen, Eero |
2013 |
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13157 | Tilintarkastuksen vaikutus tilinpäätöksen laatuun suomalaisissa mikroyrityksissä | Laitinen, Sanna |
2013 |
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13155 | Adjusting components of management control system for strategic change - Case: A real estate service provider in Finland | Savolainen, Jenni |
2013 |
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13154 | Liikearvon arvonalentumistestauksen IAS 36:n mukaisten raportointisäännösten noudattaminen Helsingin pörssissä listatuissa yhtiöissä vuosina 2007-2011 | Valjakka, Terhi |
2013 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
13153 | Laskennallisen verosaamisen kirjaaminen verotuksellisesta tappiosta IAS 12 mukaan: Case-tutkimus | Salmenhaara, Hanna |
2013 |
Accounting |
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13152 | Talousohjausjärjestelmän kehittäminen rakennusteollisuudessa toimivalle pienelle kotimaiselle yritykselle - Case: X Oy | Forsberg, Teemu |
2013 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
13151 | XBRL from audit companies' perspective | Suosalo, Sonja |
2013 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
13150 | The critical factors in the harmonization of the mandatory payroll reporting | Borg, Mika |
2013 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
13148 | Budgeting at a crossroads - The viability of traditional
udgeting - A case study | Hänninen, Vili |
2013 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
13147 | Toimintolaskentamallin rakentaminen - Case X Oy | Luoma, Niklas |
2012 |
Accounting |
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13146 | Analyst optimism before and after the financial crisis of 2008 | Mörä, Mikko |
2013 |
Accounting |
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13090 | Kansainvälisen konsernin sisäisten palveluiden siirtohinnoittelu | Wessman, Anna |
2012 |
Accounting |
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13061 | The association between brand strength and the riskiness of a company | Aalto, Jenni |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
13059 | Yhteiskunnallisen keskustelun heijastuminen yhteiskuntavastuuseen ja siitä raportointiin energia-alalla vuosina 1990-2010
- vertaileva case-tutkimus: Fortum ja Helsingin Energia | Vaskisalmi, Laura |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
13051 | Outcome, process and operating environment characteristic CSFs and evaluation of success in shared services - Case Schiedel | Tanhua, Laura |
2012 |
Accounting |
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13050 | The value relevance of financial statements among hard-to-value firms: Listing year and after-listing development | Hietanen, Saara |
2012 |
Accounting |
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13048 | Kokonaisvaltainen riskienhallinta yritysten toiminnassa: vertaileva case-tutkimus | Hagman, Noora |
2012 |
Accounting |
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13047 | Accounting quality and terms of debt: Evidence from IFRS firms | Hirvonen, Heidi |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
13046 | The compliance of budgeting and forecasting methods with organization design | Aalto, Hannele |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
13042 | XBRL and the qualitative characteristics of useful financial statement information | Lindfors, Klaus-Johan |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
13002 | Pienten suomalaisten tilitarkastusyhteisöjen kohtaamat haasteet 2010-luvun alun tilintarkastus- ja sääntely-ympäristössä | Tiainen, Eini |
2012 |
Accounting |
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13001 | Tuloksenohjaus suomalaisissa listaamattomissa yhtiöissä | Konttila, Joonas |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12995 | Taloudellisten ja yritysjohtoon liittyvien tekijöiden vaikutus liikearvon arvonalentumiskirjauksiin pohjoismaisissa pörssiyhtiöissä | Vuojala, Juhana |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12994 | Management control systems in international joint ventures: Contingencies, design, and implications in a multinational company - Case X | Siukonen, Lauri |
2012 |
Accounting |
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12970 | Julkisen talouden tilanteen vaikutus yksityisen sektorin liikearvon arvonalentumiskirjauksiin eurooppalaisissa pörssiyhtiöissä vuosina 2005-2010 | Paakkari, Niko |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12963 | Perustajaurakoinnin tilinpäätöskäsittely ja verotus - Tilinpäätöksen laatijan näkökulma | Hytönen, Matti |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12962 | Taantuman vaikutus tulevaisuudennäkymien raportoinnin laatuun osavuosikatsauksissa | Koponen, Tuula |
2012 |
Accounting |
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12961 | Corporate governance suurissa suomalaisissa listaamattomissa perheyrityksissä | Pesso, Aki |
2012 |
Accounting |
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12960 | Usefulness of financial statement information in forecasting earnings of high-technology companies | Leppähaara, Raakel |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12958 | The effects of research & development and sales & marketing expenses on a company’s future market share in the mobile industry | Degerman, Nils Joonas |
2012 |
Accounting |
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12954 | Johdon talousraportointi ja sen kehittäminen oikeusministeriössä | Patrikainen, Kaarina |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12949 | Changes in the role of a management accountant in an ERP environment - A case study | Liljeström, Inka |
2012 |
Accounting |
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12945 | Controller in a multidimensional matrix organization - Case multinational engineering group | Rantala, Emilia |
2012 |
Accounting |
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12944 | Euroopan komission vuoden 2009 palkka- ja palkkiosuositukset eurooppalaisten pankkien raportoinnissa | Siivonen, Saana-Maria |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12943 | Hallituksen ominaisuuksien vaikutus toimitusjohtajan palkitsemiseen | Immonen, Jenni |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12942 | Developing sustainability reporting - Case Cargotec | Ahonen, Ilona |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12939 | Osakepalkitsemisen pitkäjänteisyys sidosryhmien näkökulmasta | Niiva, Tytti-Maaria |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12938 | OECD:n siirtohinnoitteluohjeen soveltaminen kansallisissa lainsäädännöissä | Myllysilta, Juha |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12937 | Onko verotus esteenä Pk-IFRS:n etenemiselle Euroopassa?
Case: Suomi, Saksa, Ruotsi ja Iso-Britannia | Lehtiniemi, Minna |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12936 | Transfer pricing of intangible assets - Implications of Finnish intellectual property case law on valuation of intangible assets | Laine, Anne |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12934 | Driving sales performance in knowledge-intensive business services companies: A single-case study from Finland | Haavisto, Annabella |
2012 |
Accounting |
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12933 | Tilintarkastuksen odotuskuilu Suomessa Keskuskauppakamarin tilintarkastuslautakunnan vuosina 2000-2010 ratkaisemien toimenpiteisiin johtamattomien kanteluiden perusteella | Wirén, Suvi |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12925 | Arvonalentumiskirjaukset autoteollisuusyrityksissä Euroopassa
vuosina 2006–2010 | Koponen, Pauliina |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12922 | Uudistettu IFRS 3 ja määräysvallattomien omistajien osuuden arvostusmenetelmän valinta | Heino, Satu |
2012 |
Accounting |
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12903 | Strategiset investoinnit majoitusalalla
Case-tutkimus | Matero, Mikko |
2012 |
Accounting |
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12901 | Henkilöstökyselyt – saatko sen mitä mittaat?
Case työeläkevakuutusyhtiö | Lönnroth, Outi |
2012 |
Accounting |
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12885 | Segmenttiraportoinnin laatu
IFRS 8 vaikutukset Suomen pörssiyrityksissä | Sjöman, Hannu |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12866 | Characteristics of control system design in joint venture context - Case Tech Inc. | Lojander, Joonas |
2012 |
Accounting |
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12863 | Ympäristövastuu johdon ohjausjärjestelmissä:
Tutkimus neljästä ISO 14001 -standardia käyttävästä yrityksestä | Järvinen, Marianne |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12859 | On decision-relevant costing for pricing decisions: Case Nordea Merchant Acquiring | Ruoppa, Suvi |
2012 |
Accounting |
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12846 | Johdon palkitsemisraportointi pohjoismaisissa pörssiyhtiöissä ajalla 2007-2010 | Tuomela, Laura |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12845 | Johdon ohjausjärjestelmät strategian muuttamisen tukena
-Case Nokia | Lavonsalo, Jussi |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12844 | Konsernin strategisen ohjaustyylin edut ja
haitat erilaisten yksiköiden näkökulmasta
Case Vähittäiskaupan konserni | Alaluusua, Viivi |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12843 | Developing investment story during a crisis - A case study | Forsell, Vilma |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12799 | Omistustyypin ja corporate governance – mekanismien vaikutus tilintarkastajan palveluiden kysyntään | Timisjärvi, Lotta |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12790 | Brändijohtaminen ja brändipääoman mittaaminen: kehittäminen ja edellytykset - Case -tutkimus | Kaitala, Jouni |
2012 |
Accounting |
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12768 | Payout policy and its effect on future earnings growth - Evidence from Finnish listed companies 2000-2010 | Luomanperä, Anette |
2012 |
Accounting |
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12745 | The role of investment appraisal methods and versatility of expertise in energy efficiency investment decisions | Halttunen, Anne |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12737 | What are the impacts of the global financial crisis on Islamic banking system and how Islamic bank spared from the crisis? | Addawe, Salad |
2012 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12736 | Positiivinen luottotietorekisteri:
uhka liiketoiminnalle vai tie parempaan riskienhallintaan?
Suomalaisten sidosryhmien näkemyksiä. | Pohjala, Mikko |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12734 | Tarkastusvaliokunnan ja sen ominaisuuksien vaikutus tilintarkastajalle maksettaviin palkkioihin | Sammalisto, Petri |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12732 | Financial statement adjustments in credit rating analysis: evidence from IFRS and U.S. GAAP companies | Laitila, Mira |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12682 | Ei-rahamääräisten suorituskykymittareiden vaikutus lentoyhtiöiden toimitusjohtajien palkkioihin | Oudi, Dan |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12680 | Johdon ohjausjärjestelmän kehittäminen muutoskontekstissa | Vilén, Marianne |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12674 | Controllerin rooli organisaation legitimaatiossa | Jaakkola, Matti |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12671 | On the pricing effect of earnings quality | Westerholm, Mikko |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12669 | Länsimaisten johdon ohjausjärjestelmien käyttö ja käytettävyys itäeurooppalaisessa kulttuurikontekstissa - Pohjoismaisen case-yrityksen opit Venäjän liiketoimintojen johtamiseen | Kajanto, Eero |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12654 | Kehitysmaahankkeiden taloudellisten ennusteiden osuvuus ja poikkeamien syiden analysointi | Pentikäinen, Markus |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12641 | Asiakasvaratilit, rahanpesu ja tilintarkastajan rooli | Tauriala, Timo |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12633 | IAS 39 mukaisen rahoitusinstrumenttien uudelleenluokittelun vaikutukset eurooppalaisten pankkien tilinpäätöksiin: Empiirisiä havaintoja vuosilta 2009 ja 2010 | Mäntylä, Varpu |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12632 | Liikearvon arvonalentumistestaus IFRS-standardien mukaan suomalaisten pörssiyhtiöiden tilinpäätöksissä | Keith, Johanna |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12624 | Rullaava budjetointi kasvuyrityksessä -
Case pieni "uuden talouden" yritys | Lahtinen, Martti |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12619 | The impacts of corporate social responsibility on the society and economy at large
- A Meta-Analysis of Found Impacts and Discourses Used in the Literature | Toni, Johanna |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12612 | Näkökantoja investointien jälkitarkkailun suorittajaan liittyen - Case-tutkimus | Pirinen, Sanni |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12595 | Valtionyhtiöt yhteiskunnallisina toimijoina - Sidosryhmä näkökulma | Nissinen, Tuulia |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12594 | Measuring marketing performance - A case study | Laakso, Vesa-Pekka |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12579 | IAS 36 -standardin mukaan esitettävät herkkyysanalyysit ja niiden tilintarkastus | Taimisalo, Tiina |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12578 | An exploratory framework for implementing IFRS standard changes: Case Financial Statement Presentation | Tammenpää, Tiina |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12575 | The development and harmonization of the audit report - Evidence from Europe | Riisla, Katrin |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12570 | Tulospalkkaus ja taloudellisen riskin jakaminen henkilöstön ja yritysten kesken Suomessa 2002-2009 | Enäjärvi, Satu |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12568 | Uudistuva vuokrasopimusten kansainvälinen tilinpäätöskäsittely | Rautia, Matti |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12567 | Yrityskohtaisten tekijöiden vaikutus vaihto-omaisuuden määrään | Isosaari, Markus |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12566 | Segmenttiraportointi IFRS 8:n mukaan - Eurooppalaisten yritysten IFRS 8:n ja IAS 14:n mukaisen raportoinnin vertailu | Väisänen, Jari |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12563 | Strategisten investointien ei-rahamääräisten hyötyjen toteaminen investointien jälkitarkkailuvaiheessa | Kari, Teemu |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12562 | Rahoitusinstrumenttien uudistuva tilinpäätössääntely – IFRS 9 | Yli-Ristaniemi, Henri |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12551 | Intangible assets and time to profitability of newly listed high-tech companies | Koskela, Jani |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12549 | Profit Driver Based Forecasting, Case Rautaruukki Oyj | Nikkola, Janne |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12548 | IFRS:n käyttöönoton vaikutukset tutkimus- ja kehittämismenojen tilinpäätöskäsittelyssä suomalaisissa pörssiyrityksissä | Bogdanoff, Olli |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12546 | Taloudellisten tekijöiden vaikutus liikearvon arvonalentumiskirjauksiin suomalaisissa pörssiyhtiöissä | Hyvönen, Kirsi |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12541 | Henkilöstön asennoituminen tulospalkkioita kohtaan eri organisaatiotasoilla - Motivaatio- ja sitoutumisnäkökulma | Pirinen, Miia |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12540 | Examining the nature of management control system interrelationships | Pollari, Henna |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12539 | Taloudellisen mittariston rakentaminen kunnalliselle yksikölle - Case Espoon kaupungin työväenopisto | Laakso, Arttu mikael |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12537 | PK-yritysten rahoituslaskelmien täsmäämisestä | Saarinen, Timo |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12535 | Tulospalkkaukseen suhtautuminen suomalaisissa yrityksissä
- Vertailu henkilöstön ja organisaation näkökulmien välillä | Setälä, Maria |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12520 | Developing a proactive credit risk management tool – A case study | Kapanen, Juliaana |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12517 | The relevance of accounting versus market information in credit risk measurement - European credit default swap evidence | Sivonen, Antti |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12499 | Investointilaskentamenetelmien käyttö suomalaisissa pörssiyrityksissä | Jaakko, Niemelä |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12496 | Lopputuloksien mittaamisesta prosessin johtamiseen – asiakaskokemus pankkikonttorissa:
Case Säästöpankkiliitto | Kämäri, Sanna |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12479 | The Value relevance of the IFRS 7 fair value hierarchy:
Evidence from the European banking sector | Laakso, Roni |
2011 |
Accounting |
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12463 | Pk-ifrs:n vaikutukset tilitoimistojen työhön Suomessa | Ylipekkala, Kaisa |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12462 | Tulospalkkaus finanssialalla: Henkilöstön, organisaation ja viranomaisvalvonnan näkökulmat.
Case-tutkimus yrityksen palkitsemisjärjestelmästä Suomessa | Juntunen, Johanna |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12455 | Toiminnan muuttaminen strategisen ohjausjärjestelmän avulla - Case: tuloskortin kehittäminen | Hakansuu, Paula |
2011 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12450 | Rahoitusinstrumenttien standardiuudistus - IFRS 9:n vaikutukset tilinpäätöksiin asiantuntijoiden mukaan | Antikainen, Ville |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12447 | Future orientation of narrative information in European half-yearly financial reports | Tiainen, Heli |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12426 | Vaikuttaako johtoryhmän ja hallituksen monimuotoisuus yrityksen kannattavuuteen? | Komscha, Anne |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12424 | Toiminnan ohjaus finanssisektorilla toimivassa asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa - Case X | Korpela, Minna-Stina |
2010 |
Accounting |
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12423 | Valtion talous- ja henkilöstöhallinnon palvelukeskusmallin tuottavuus - Tapaustutkimus talous- ja henkilöstöhallinnon kokonaisprosessin tuottavuudesta | Kinnula, Petra |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12421 | The effect of balanced scorecard on strategy participation | Seppälä, Jenni |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12420 | Golfosakeyhtiöiden suorituskykymittarit ja niiden vertaaminen benchmarkingin avulla | Salmirinne, Kim |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12419 | Liikearvon arvonalentumistestauksen raportointi suomalaisissa pörssiyhtiöissä | Nylund, Niklas |
2010 |
Accounting |
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12417 | IFRS 3 -standardi ja siihen tehdyt muutokset | Vartiainen, Teemu |
2010 |
Accounting |
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12415 | Johdon ohjausjärjestelmä yrityskaupan jälkeisen integraation apuna | Grannenfelt, Mona |
2010 |
Accounting |
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12414 | Sisäisen tarkastuksen vaikutus tilintarkastuksen määrään - tilintarkastajan näkökulma | Kostamo, Anna |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12405 | Controller-palvelun kehittäminen pk-yrityksille ulkoistetussa taloushallinnossa | Topp, Juuli |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12386 | Kokonaiskustannusmallin käyttöönotto yhteisrahoitteisessa toiminnassa - Case Aalto-yliopisto | Takkinen, Johanna |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12378 | Yrityksen perusominaisuudet, corporate governance ja toimitusjohtajan palkitsemisen taso suomalaisissa pörssiyhtiöissä | Holopainen, Henna |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12377 | Tilinpäätösoikaisujen vaikutus tunnuslukujen kykyyn ennustaa maksuhäiriöitä suomalaisissa pk-yrityksissä | Virtanen, Vilma |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12376 | Tutkimus- ja kehittämismenojen vapaaehtoinen raportointi
- NASDAQ OMX Nordic -listatut yhtiöt vuonna 2008 | Liikanen, Lauri |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12349 | Offshoring managed services: A case study with a cost accounting perspective | Karstila, Katariina |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12320 | Osakeperusteisen palkitsemisen selittävät tekijät - Suomi, Ruotsi ja Tanska 2006-2009 | Korosuo, Ilkka |
2010 |
Accounting |
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12318 | IAS 40 -standardin käyvän arvon mallin soveltaminen Euroopan kiinteistösijoitusyhtiöissä nousu- ja laskukaudella | Tulenheimo, Kaisa |
2010 |
Accounting |
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12317 | The Interplay between Internal Governance Structures, Audit Fees and Earnings Management in Finnish Listed Companies | Ratsula, Olli-Pekka |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12314 | Tulospalkkauksen leviäminen ja vaikutukset suomalaisissa yrityksissä | Mähönen, Noora |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12312 | Validating the contextual framework for strategic investment decision making practices: quantitative evidence from the Nordic countries | Ansio, Juho |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12304 | Automatisoidun taloushallinnon vaikutukset tilintarkastukseen | Kemppi, Minni |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12302 | Private company discounts in mergers and acquisitions. evidence from U.S.A | Björklund, Janne |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12295 | Suorituskyvyn mittaamisen haasteet johdon näkökulmasta - Case: TeliaSonera Finland - Customer Experience -yksikkö | Lundell, Teija |
2010 |
Accounting |
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12294 | Business risk audit -lähestymistapa Suomen suurissa tilintarkastusyrityksissä | Horko, Hannu |
2010 |
Accounting |
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12292 | Pricing of logistics services - Case HUB logistics Oy | Kallio, Henri |
2010 |
Accounting |
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12291 | The factors impacting the diffusion of innovation in digitalising accounting | Mäkinen, Henna |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12290 | Corporate social responsibility in management control systems - Case: Financial services industry in Finland | Kivivirta, Veera |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12287 | Controllerin rooli johtamisen tukena - Liikkeenjohdon näkökulmia controllerin työhön | Karhunen, Katri |
2010 |
Accounting |
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12286 | Sisäisen tarkastuksen kysyntä - Suomalaiset listayhtiöt vuonna 2007 | Ahokas, Jonne |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12285 | Effects of continuous and voluntary disclosures on information asymmetry - Evidence from the financial crisis | Hanni, Sofia |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12253 | IFRS 8 ja segmenttiraportin laadinnan haasteet | Kettunen, Niina |
2010 |
Accounting |
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12250 | Rekrytointipäätöksenteko investointiviitekehyksessä: case-tutkimus | Romo, Aino |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12249 | MA wanted: The role construction and socialization of the management accountant in job advertisements | Simola, Satu |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12246 | Liikearvon arvonalennukset Euroopan unionin ja Yhdysvaltain talousalueilla 2007-2008. | Sivula, Ilkka |
2010 |
Accounting |
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12232 | Yritysten maksukyvyttömyyden ennustaminen kriisitaloudessa | Allonen, Henrik |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12231 | Sijoittajaviestintä osakemarkkinoiden ja yrityksen välisenä vuorovaikutusmekanismina - Case-tutkimus kriisiyhtiössä | Sälli, Laura |
2010 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12227 | Neuvontapalkkiot tilintarkastajan riippumattomuuden mittarina Suomessa | Alaoutinen, Sini |
2010 |
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12225 | Tarkastusvaliokunnan taloudellisen asiantuntemuksen vaikutus liikearvon arvonalennuskirjauksiin | Vilppula, Katriina |
2010 |
Accounting |
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12224 | Osakeyhtiölain muutoksen ja tilintarkastuksen laadun vaikutus voitonjakoon heikon maksukyvyn yhtiöissä | Saarelainen, Päivi |
2009 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12223 | Rahoitusvarojen uudelleenluokittelun vaikutus vuoden 2008 tilinpäätöksiin - EU-maiden julkisesti noteeratut pankit | Veijalainen, Rosi |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12222 | Do financial statement adjustments matter in credit analysis?
Evidence from the global telecommunications industry | Savolainen, Mari |
2009 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12217 | Earnings reporting lead-time, evidence from Finland | Siuko, Saara |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12216 | Analysing the future orientation of narrative information in UK annual reports around IFRS adoption | Kuusela, Anna-Lotta |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12215 | Sisältöanalyysi listayhtiöiden riskiraportoinnista vuosina 2007 ja 2008 | Ylä-Jääski, Hanna |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12214 | Goodwill impairment testing under IAS 36: study of EU area listed companies in 2006-2007 | Laitinen, Miika |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12213 | Determinants of executive pay satisfaction | Piekkari, Reeta |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12212 | Tilinpäätösoikaisujen arvorelevanssi telekommunikaatiotoimialalla | Autio, Hanna |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12211 | A case study of resistance towards management accounting change i a cross-border acquisition | Katko, Mia |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12210 | Asunto-osakeyhtiön taloussuunnitelma - strategista toimintaa | Piia, Tervonen |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12208 | Yritystason tuloskortti - Case: VISMA SOFTWARE OY | Roine, Laura |
2009 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12207 | Vapaaehtoiset eläkevakuutukset ja niiden läpinäkyvyys - Tarkastelussa Suomi Ja Iso-Britannia | Rannikko, Noora |
2009 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12206 | Research of Inspecta Ltd’s acquisition’s integration
practices and suggestions how to improve those | Niskanen, Juho-Erik |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12165 | Liikearvo ja arvonalennus suomalaisissa listayhtiöissä | Granqvist, Kenneth |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12164 | Managing energy efficiency in the process industry with performance measurement and rewarding - Case Borealis Polymers Oy | Pentti, Emilia |
2009 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12154 | Yrityskauppojen kaatumiseen vaikuttaneet tekijät taloudellisen due diligence havaintojen perusteella | Pakarinen, Päivi |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12153 | Suomalaisten pörssiyritysten lähipiiriliiketoimet:
intressiristiriitojen luojia vai tehokkaita liiketoimia? | Johansson, Terhi |
2009 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12152 | Helsingin Pörssissä listattujen yhtiöiden IAS 36:n mukaiset arvonalentumistappiot 2006-2008 | Dahlberg, Annika |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12131 | Kontekstuaalinen analyysi johtoryhmän monimuotoisuudesta ja sen vaikutuksesta kannattavuuteen | Hallvar, Essi |
2009 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12127 | IAS 39 - Analyytikoiden osakekohtaisen tuloksen ennustetarkkuus käypien arvojen
maailmassa: Ovatko käyvät arvot lisänneet tilinpäätöksen informatiivisuutta? | Westerlund, Klaus |
2009 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12126 | Re-examining the levers of control-framework: from interactive controls towards "interactive transparency". Case Rautaruukki Oyj. | Tero, Joanna |
2009 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12125 | Käypä arvo aineellisten käyttöomaisuushyödykkeiden ja sijoituskiinteistöjen arvostuksessa - empiirinen tutkimus pohjoismaisilla listatuilla yhtiöillä | Sailas, Anna |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12124 | Yritysostojen rahoitus listaamattomissa kasvuyrityksissä | Heikkilä, Petri |
2009 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12121 | Value relevance of acquired intangible assets and accounting discretion in purchase price allocation | Takala, Katja |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12120 | Examining management control systems packages and organisational ambidexterity - case Tekla Oyj | Sorsanen, Joni |
2009 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12115 | Analyzing energy efficiency investments in the process industry - Case Sachtleben Pigments Oy | Härus, Niklas Christian |
2009 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12113 | Development of cost accounting in a service business network | Laaksonen, Mikko |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12112 | Immateriaalioikeudet suomalaisten pörssiyritysten tilinpäätöksissä | Piha, Elina |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12111 | Integroitujen tietojärjestelmien vaikutuksista johdon laskentatoimeen:
miten erilaiset integroidut tietojärjestelmät tukevat johdon laskentatoimea neljässä eri toimialaa edustavassa yrityksessä? | Terho, Jussi |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12110 | Open book accounting in a mechanical engineering network -
Case Business Park Concept in Hämeenlinna | Wuoristo, Tuomas |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12109 | Negatiivisen liikearvon syntyminen ja käsittely IFRS-tilinpäätöksessä - Case Rapala VMC Oyj | Saarenheimo, Jaana |
2009 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12107 | The value relevance of brand value estimates | Talvia, Tiina |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12106 | Sisäisen tarkastuksen panos listayhtiöiden ulkoisessa raportoinnissa | Anto, Herki |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12096 | Liikearvon arvonalentumisiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä pohjoismaisissa pörssiyrityksissä | Pöntinen, Olli |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12078 | Interplay of control in a contemporary organization | Koskiniemi, Tuomas |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12070 | Strategisten IT-investointien ongelmat ja epäonnistumisen aiheuttavat syyt | Mattila, Tapio |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12069 | Tutkimus- ja kehittämismenojen vaikutus tuloksen vaihteluun ja kannattavuuteen suomalaisissa pörssiyrityksissä | Ahola, Sari-Hannele |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12066 | The influence of IFRS implementation on business management in Finnish Born Globals. | Wirtanen, Jonna |
2009 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12064 | Corporate governance-suositusten mukaisen hallituksen vaikutus yrityksen arvostukseen? | Ilveskoski, Tuomas |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12063 | Talousrikokset ja tilintarkastajan rooli. | Hartlin, Hanna |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12061 | Asiakaskannattavuuden analysointi toimintolaskentamallin avulla: case X Oy. | Pajukoski, Maija |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12060 | Yritysten ominaispiirteiden vaikutus IFRS 7 -standardin mukaisen liitetietoraportoinnin tasoon -
Tutkimus suomalaisella aineistolla | Heiskanen, Heidi |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12054 | Johdon ohjausjärjestelmät kansainvälisessä tietoliikenneyrityksessä: case Nokia Siemens Networks | Ratsula, Heikki |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12050 | Corporate governance välillisessä valtionhallinnossa.
Case Kela, RAY ja SPR | Sundström, Jarmo |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12044 | Yrityksen investointiprosessin muodollisuus: case tutkimus | Koykka, Timo |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12042 | Suorituskykymittaristo osaksi toiminnan tehokasta johtamista Case: Elisa Oyj, Yritysasiakkaiden Palvelutuotanto -tulosyksikkö | Johansson, Mikko |
2009 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12036 | Tarkastusvaliokunnan rooli, tehtävät ja jäsenten valintakriteerit suomalaisissa pörssiyhtiöissä | Haarala, Sanna |
2009 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12029 | Supporting sales and operations planning through finanace involvement | Heinonen, Turkka |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12027 | Tarkastuvaliokunnan ja sen ominaisuuksien vaikutus tilintarkastuspalkkioon: suomalaiset listayhtiöt vuosina 2006 ja 2007 | Westerling, Karsten |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12026 | Keskuskauppakamarin tilintarkastuslautakunnan vuosien 1997-2006 ratkaisut hyvän tilintarkastustavan säätelijänä | Katz, Jenni |
2009 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12023 | Yrityskohtaisten tekijöiden vaikutukset suomalaisten
pörssiyritysten suojauslaskennan raportoimisen lajuuteen | Kokko, Karoliina |
2008 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12022 | Yritysvastuu hankinnoissa riskienhallinnan näkökulmasta : Suomalaisten teollisuusyritysten hankinnat | Loisamo, Riikka |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12020 | Tilintarkastuspalkkioiden vaikutus tuloksenjärjestelyyn | Saxell, Marko |
2009 |
Accounting |
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12019 | Accounting Discretion in purchase price allocation: Finnish evidence | Tuomola, Jyri |
2009 |
Accounting |
[pdf] |
12016 | The role of performance management in managing the tensions in integrating a global organisation - case Outokumpu Oyj | Katara, Markus |
2008 |
Accounting |
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14785 | Perintö- ja lahjavero: hyöty vai haitta Suomelle? Pohjoismaat vertailussa | Pekuri, Anna |
2016 |
Business Law |
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14741 | AIFMD Impact on European Hedge Fund Industry | Kokkila, Aatu |
2016 |
Business Law |
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14632 | Poikkeuksellisen alhaisten tarjousten oikeudellinen sääntely julkisissa hankinnoissa | Keränen, Joel |
2016 |
Business Law |
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14586 | Tulos tai ulos! Työntekijän alisuoriutuminen työsuhteen päättämisperusteena | Halonen, Katja |
2016 |
Business Law |
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14541 | OYL:n mukaisen velkojiensuojan toteutuminen osakeyhtiön varojenjaossa | Heikkilä, Minni |
2014 |
Business Law |
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14484 | Tavaramerkin arvonmäärityksestä siirtohinnoittelussa | Aro, Hanna |
2013 |
Business Law |
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14471 | Neuvottelumenettelyt julkisissa hankinnoissa | Ratsula, Jussi |
2012 |
Business Law |
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14470 | Kaivosomaisuuden pantti- ja muut vakuusoikeudet: Varallisuusoikeudellinen tutkimus vakuuskäytön edellytyksistä | Tikkanen, Tuomas |
2012 |
Business Law |
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14467 | Vientikaupan sopimussuhteiden suunnittelu ja sopimusten tekeminen | Ojala, Eveliina |
2011 |
Business Law |
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14465 | Maatilan osakeyhtiöittäminen | Pettersson, Harri |
2010 |
Business Law |
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14436 | Lentoliikenteen harjoittajan vastuu ylivarausasetuksen mukaisissa lennon epäsäännöllisyystilanteissa | Tynkkynen, Ilkka |
2016 |
Business Law |
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14430 | Pysäköinnin arvonlisäverotus | Korhonen, Susanna |
2016 |
Business Law |
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14423 | Elinkeinoverotuksen kirjanpitosidonnaisuus: FAS- ja IFRS-standardien eroavaisuuksien aiheuttamat haasteet | Vellonen, Essi |
2016 |
Business Law |
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14363 | Rajoitetusti verovelvollisten tekemien kiinteistöluovutusten verotus | Mölsä, Emmi |
2016 |
Business Law |
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14359 | Pilvipalveluiden tuloverokysymykset kansainvälisessä liiketoiminnassa | Laakso, Oona |
2016 |
Business Law |
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14330 | Sijoitusrahastojen hallinnointi arvonlisäverotuksessa | Laine, Pauliina |
2015 |
Business Law |
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14284 | Svop-rahastosta jaettavien varojen verotus - näkökulmia ja havaintoja uudistuneen lainsäädännön valossa | Puranen, Aurelia |
2015 |
Business Law |
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14270 | Yritysperintä ulosottomiehen näkökulmasta - Havaintoja arkipäivän todellisuudesta | Ollilainen, Minna |
2015 |
Business Law |
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14267 | Taxation of hybrid instruments and the impact of the amended Parent-Subsidiary Directive in Finland | Salminen, Susanna |
2016 |
Business Law |
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14233 | Legal risks at foreign business agreements | Leppäkoski, Mika |
2015 |
Business Law |
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14229 | Etuyhteysliiketoimen uudelleenluonnehdinta siirtohinnoittelussa: Tutkielma OECD:n malliverosopimuksen tulonoikaisuartiklan ja VML 31 §:n soveltasmisalasta uudelleenluonnehdintaa koskevan ilmiön näkökulmasta | Taalas, Jaki |
2015 |
Business Law |
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14223 | Kovenanttipohjaisten luottosopimusten sovittelu ja takaisinsaanti | Lehtola, Jukka |
2015 |
Business Law |
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14219 | Vero- ja yhtiöoikeuden väliset jännitteet osakeyhtiölain mukaisten yritysjärjestelyiden sääntelyssä | Linkoneva, Ilkka |
2015 |
Business Law |
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14049 | Työnantajayhtiön osakkeet yritysjohdon palkitsemisen verotuksessa | Rantanen, Elina |
2015 |
Business Law |
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14045 | Organisaation hallintaan tulevien ohjelmistojen hankintasopimukset | Mikkola, Tiina |
2015 |
Business Law |
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14044 | Earnings management in the mining industry | Arponen, Elina |
2015 |
Business Law |
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14035 | Sijoituspalveluiden arvonlisäverotus | Virrankari, Saara |
2014 |
Business Law |
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14033 | Pankin hintariskin hallinta yritysluottosopimuksissa | Koskela, Anne |
2014 |
Business Law |
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13966 | Yritysjuridiset välineet liikesopimustoiminnan tehostamiseksi. Ennakoivalla sopimisella kilpailuetua yrityksille | Lumia, Margit |
2015 |
Business Law |
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13927 | EU-oikeuden ja verosopimusoikeuden asettamat rajoitteet väliyhteisölainsäädännölle | Rajala, Laura |
2015 |
Business Law |
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13886 | Urheilijan verosuunnittelun mahdollisuudet niin kotimaisessa kuin ulkomaisessa kontekstissa | Louhi, Jyrki |
2015 |
Business Law |
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13885 | New generic top-level domain names and trademark protection - The expanding Internet in the light of UDRP and URS cases | Sedig, Anna |
2015 |
Business Law |
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13873 | Maatilan sukupolvenvaihdoksen verohuojennus | Vapola, Laura |
2014 |
Business Law |
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13865 | Suomesta ulkomaille maksettavien osinkojen lähdeverotus | Päivinen, Heli |
2014 |
Business Law |
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13862 | Omistajaohjaus listatuissa valtio-omisteisissa yhtiöissä | Kyläkoski, Karoliina |
2014 |
Business Law |
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13803 | Rahoitusmarkkinoiden hybridi-instrumentit verotuksessa | Niemi, Jari |
2014 |
Business Law |
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13800 | Holdingyhtiön käyttämisestä luonnollisen henkilön sijoitustoiminnassa
/ pääomatulo- ja yhteisöverokantojen eriytymisen näkökulmasta | Mertala, Laura |
2014 |
Business Law |
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13799 | Osakevaihtoon liittyvä maastapoistumisverotus suomalaisessa verolainsäädännössä ja EU-tuomioistuimen ennakkoratkaisuissa | Tunkelo, Riikka |
2014 |
Business Law |
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13757 | Kuluttajan asemassa olevan kortinhaltijan vastuu maksukortin oikeudettomasta käytöstä | Heino, Sasu |
2014 |
Business Law |
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13644 | Merkintäsopimukset asunto-osakeyhtiössä | Elovuori, Ville |
2014 |
Business Law |
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13640 | Markkinaehtoperiaatteen tulevaisuus: Säilyykö markkinaehtoperiaate myös tulevaisuudessa ensisijaisena menetelmänä verotettavan tulon määrittelyyn rajat ylittävissä etuyhteysliiketoimissa? | Rapo, Petteri |
2014 |
Business Law |
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13625 | Päästövähennystavoitteiden optimaalinen sektorikohtainen kohdentaminen sekä valmisteilla olevan ilmastolain vaikutukset tehokkaaseen allokointiratkaisuun | Sajaniemi, Anna-Mari |
2014 |
Business Law |
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13624 | Veronkierto yritysjärjestelyissä: Elinkeinoverolain 52 a - 52 g §:n mukaisten yritysjärjestelyjen tarkastelu veronkiertosäännösten näkökulmasta | Kallela, Heidi |
2014 |
Business Law |
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13621 | Onnistunut yhteistoiminta Suomen parhaat työpaikat -yrityksissä | Laine, Sari |
2014 |
Business Law |
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13615 | Korkovähennysrajoitussäännös - Rajoituksen taustasta ja tarkoituksesta | Lahdenperä, Laura |
2014 |
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13493 | Velkojan asema konkurssimenettelyssä | Harri, Ilkka |
2014 |
Business Law |
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13472 | Vuokratyön käyttö -
Käyttäjäyrityksen oikeudet ja velvollisuudet | Ohvo, Niko |
2013 |
Business Law |
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13449 | Työntekijän asema työnantajan konkurssissa | Äijälä, Noora |
2013 |
Business Law |
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13279 | Yrityskiinnityksen alainen omaisuus ja sen luovuttaminen | Kulju, Anna |
2013 |
Business Law |
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13275 | Operatiivisen riskin hallinta luottolaitoksissa | Patrikainen, Riitta |
2013 |
Business Law |
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13260 | Korkovähennysrajoitus: EU-vero-oikeus, verosopimukset, verosuunnittelu ja Suomen korkovähennysrajoituksen ongelmakohdat | Kärkkäinen, Jari |
2013 |
Business Law |
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13259 | Lääkekorvausjärjestelmä - Patenttilaki osana suomalaista sosiaali- ja lääkeoikeutta | Lehtovirta, Erno |
2013 |
Business Law |
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13257 | Tasa-arvo ja yhdenvertaisuus työhönotossa | Hämäläinen, Tiia |
2013 |
Business Law |
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13252 | Välirahoitusinstrumentit - käsittely yhtiö-, kirjanpito- ja vero-oikeudessa sekä rahoituksessa | Åkerberg, Markus |
2013 |
Business Law |
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13173 | Kestosopimus - yrityksen riskienhallinnan haaste | Mansikkamäki, Toni |
2013 |
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13158 | Siirtohinnoittelu suomalaisessa käytännössä | Finér, Lauri |
2012 |
Business Law |
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13156 | Työntekijän yleisen lojaliteettivelvollisuuden rajalliset ulottuvuudet | Kajander, Elias |
2012 |
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13082 | Asuntokaupan virheet ja niiden käsittely | Säynäslahti, Antti |
2012 |
Business Law |
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13052 | Valtionavustuksesta yritystoiminnan kehittämiseksi annetun lain mukaisten avustusten takaisinperintä kansallisen ja EU -sääntelyn nojalla | Ojala, Mikko |
2012 |
Business Law |
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13049 | Osakeyhtiösääntely oikeudellisten riskien näkökulmasta | Ojala, Tiina |
2012 |
Business Law |
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13044 | Vähemmistöosakkaan suoja agentin opportunismilta julkisten osakeyhtiöiden fuusiossa | Oksaharju, Jukka |
2012 |
Business Law |
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13043 | Vallan uusjakoa säädösteitse
- Tasa-arvolaki ja corporate governancen kiintiösääntely sukupuolten tasa-arvon edistäjinä | Vartia, Sanna |
2012 |
Business Law |
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12964 | Tax treatment of Chinese foreign direct investments in Finland | Räsänen, Ville |
2012 |
Business Law |
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12959 | Yhteinen määräävä markkina-asema ja sen merkitys kilpailuoikeudessa | Hollo, Justus |
2012 |
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12957 | Sähköisen maksamisen sääntelyyn liittyvät erityiskysymykset ja vastuunjako | Kangaspunta, Janne |
2011 |
Business Law |
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12956 | Yrityssalaisuuden suojaamisen merkitys yrityskaupassa ja liiketoiminnassa | Lautjärvi, Heidi |
2011 |
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12955 | Vastuu vuokratyöntekijn aiheuttamasta vahingosta | Harjunpää, Marika |
2011 |
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12935 | Tappiot yritysjärjestelyissä | Nyström, Johan |
2012 |
Business Law |
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12919 | Konsernin sisäisten korkojen markkinaehtoisuus | Kärnä, Ossi |
2012 |
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12908 | Sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluiden arvonlisäverotus | Nikkanen, Pirjo |
2012 |
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12890 | Yrityksen avainhenkilöiden holding-yhtiöt palkitsemisjärjestelmissä | Sukari, Annukka |
2012 |
Business Law |
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12871 | Basel III ja pankkien vakavaraisuussääntely globaalin finanssikriisin jälkeen | Jafar, Lilli |
2012 |
Business Law |
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12869 | Incoterms-ehdot riskienhallintavälineenä ja kilpailukeinona
– esimerkkinä vienti kehittyville markkinoille | Ivanova, Aleksandra |
2012 |
Business Law |
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12842 | EU-oikeudellisia näkökohtia henkilöverotukseen: Schumacker doktriinin varjossa | Kjellberg, Peter |
2012 |
Business Law |
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12841 | Sijoituspalveluyrityksen vastuu ja väärinkäytökset asiakassuhteessa ei-ammattimaiseen sijoittajaan nähden | Riisla, Ossian |
2012 |
Business Law |
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12840 | Yrityssaneeraus - edellytykset onnistuneelle rehabilitaatiolle | Vihavainen, Anniina |
2012 |
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12788 | Arvopapereiden lyhyeksimyynti | Makkonen, Jannika |
2011 |
Business Law |
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12735 | Rajat ylittävien tappioiden verokohtelu EU-tuomioistuimen ennakkoratkaisuissa: Suhteellisuusperiaate muutosten tuulissa | Joensuu, Markus |
2012 |
Business Law |
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12712 | Luksustuotteiden suojaaminen immateriaalioikeuksien avulla | Nieminen, Bettina |
2011 |
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12694 | PS-tilit verotuksessa | Matilainen, Tiina |
2011 |
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12693 | Kansainvälisten konsernien sisäisen hybridirahoituksen verotus | Pitkänen, Sami |
2011 |
Business Law |
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12684 | Sisäpiirikaupoista johtuva vahingonkorvausvastuu | Aarikka, Riikka |
2011 |
Business Law |
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12662 | Osakeyhtiön rajat ylittävä sulautuminen Euroopan unionin sisällä Suomen ja Ruotsin verolainsäädännöissä | Alppivuori, Suvi |
2011 |
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12565 | Ulkomaille suuntautuvien konsernin sisäisten korkomaksujen verokohtelu Suomessa | Hautamäki, Hansi |
2011 |
Business Law |
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12547 | Tilintarkastus osaksi talousrikosten torjuntajärjestelmää - esitys tilintarkastuslain muutokseksi | Hautala, Matti |
2011 |
Business Law |
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12482 | Osinkoverotuksen kehittäminen - tasapainoilua neutraalisuuden ja yrittäjyyden tukemisen välillä | Arpiainen, Aleksi |
2011 |
Business Law |
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12427 | Sopimuksellinen riskienhallinta ohjelmistotoimituksissa | Autere, Jaakko |
2008 |
Business Law |
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12425 | Kohdeyhtiön hallituksen siviilioikeudellinen vastuu julkisesta ostotarjouksesta annetusta lausunnosta | Rautiainen, Olli |
2010 |
Business Law |
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12412 | Sijoitetun vapaan oman pääoman rahaston jakaminen osinko- ja luovutusvoittoverotuksen sääntöjen näkökulmista | Salojuuri, Jyri |
2010 |
Business Law |
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12403 | Tulon kohdistaminen kiinteään toimipaikkaan: osinkojen verotus | Ström, Kim |
2010 |
Business Law |
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12369 | IAS/IFRS -standardien ja kansallisen lainsäädännön keskinäiset eroavaisuudet sekä niistä johtuvat ongelmat rahoitusvälineiden verotuskohtelussa | Julkunen, Joel |
2010 |
Business Law |
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12303 | Tieliikenteen verotus Suomessa ja EU:ssa - Haasteet ja ongelmat | Pajunen, Lauri |
2010 |
Business Law |
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12289 | Suomen yhteiskunnan siirtyminen maailman öljyntuotannon huipun jälkeiseen aikakauteen -veropoliittinen näkökulma | Miilunpohja, Antti |
2010 |
Business Law |
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12288 | Maksukyvyttömyys käsitteenä ja sen liittyminen osakeyhtiön varojen jakoon | Launne, Pia |
2009 |
Business Law |
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12219 | Mallisuoja teollisessa muotoilussa - Case Iittala Group Oy Ab | Hakkarainen, Noora |
2009 |
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12163 | Kohdeyhtiön johdon vastuu yritysvaltaustilanteessa | Lindholm, Laura |
2009 |
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12123 | Luotonantajavastuu ja luotonantajan velvollisuudet henkilöasiakasluotonannossa | Valppu, Markus |
2009 |
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12116 | Sijoituspalveluyrityksen ja arvopaperinvälittäjän tiedonantovelvollisuudet asiakasta kohtaan | Leiramo, Anna |
2009 |
Business Law |
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12079 | Liiketoimintasiirron verokohtelu kotimaisissa sekä rajat ylittävissä yritysjärjestelyissä | Ollikainen, Lasse |
2009 |
Business Law |
- |
12062 | Suomen yhtiö- ja vero-oikeuden vaikutus suomalaisen yhtiön tekemiin tuotannonsijoituspäätöksiin. | Talvitie, Ossi |
2009 |
Business Law |
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12039 | Julkisten hankintojen kilpailuttaminen | Karvinen, Sanna |
2009 |
Business Law |
[pdf] |
12015 | Ympäristöverot ympäristöpolitiikan välineenä | Lohikko, Tobias |
2008 |
Business Law |
[pdf] |
14783 | Price Dispersion on Payday Loan Market in Finland, a Descriptive Study | Mäenpää, Antti |
2016 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14779 | Gender and corruption: do women bribe less and why? | Hietikko, Mikko |
2016 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14774 | Characterizing Nonlinearities in US Business Cycles Using A Two-regime Switching STAR Model - Empirical Motivation from Dynamic Real Business Cycle and New Keynesian Paradigms | Xu, Peng |
2016 |
Economics |
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14773 | Are secondary markets beneficial for a virtual world operator? | Joas, Eino |
2016 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14772 | Use of Auctions in Spectrum Awards | Jääskeläinen, Jan |
2016 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14771 | Effectiveness of Piotroski F-Score for Finnish Stocks | Kansanen, Antti |
2016 |
Economics |
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14770 | Macroeconomic forecasting and data revisions: linear univariate GDP forecasting when revision process is characterized by news or noise: theory and evidence for Finland | Kolehmainen, Roope |
2016 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14769 | Central Bank Functions and the Unconventional Operations and Their Effectiveness During the Financial Crisis in 2007-2012 - a Literature Review | Krankkala, Ossi |
2016 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14768 | Understanding liquidity in the euro area sovereign bond market | Nieminen, Sakari |
2016 |
Economics |
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14767 | Are foreign exchange rate shocks affecting the trade balance? An empirical analysis of Brazil, the Eurozone, Japan and United States between 2000 and 2012 | Leskinen, Eero |
2016 |
Economics |
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14766 | Does smart mean rational? A study of cognitive dispositions, heuristics and rationality | Nisula, Juuso |
2016 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14765 | Spillover effects of ECB's and FED's monetary policies
on the developing countries in Africa | Pikkarainen, Ville |
2016 |
Economics |
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14764 | Determinants of replacement purchase of sport watches | Saari, Maija |
2016 |
Economics |
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14763 | Is Green Paradox really a probable outcome of climate policies? | Solkinen, Jenny |
2016 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14645 | Kuluttajan inflaatioarvioiden ja -odotusten rationaalisuus finanssikriisissä: sukupuolen ja sosioekonomisen aseman mukaan ryhmiteltyinä | Mannfors, Markus |
2014 |
Economics |
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14568 | Suorat ulkomaiset investoinnit Euroopan puoleisen Venäjän tehdasteollisuuteen | Ukkonen, Juha |
2015 |
Economics |
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14559 | Varallisuuden jakautuminen historiassa: Aikasarjojen rakentaminen varallisuudenjaon tutkimuksessa | Perthuis, Stefan |
2015 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14498 | Comparison of risk measures: Value at risk versus expected shortfall | Uimonen, Tommi |
2013 |
Economics |
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14490 | Incentive traps in the Finnish unemployment benefit system | Linkama, Sara |
2013 |
Economics |
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14485 | Yleisen tasapainon mallien vertailu:
Biopolttoainemandaattien ympäristövaikutukset | Varhimo, Marjo |
2013 |
Economics |
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14460 | Julkisten sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluiden ulkoistusten kustannusvaikutukset: esimerkkinä lääkäripäivystyspalvelut ja vanhusten asumispalvelut | Bergman, Markus |
2010 |
Economics |
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14448 | Choosing an index for the US residential real estate capital guaranteed index-linked note - An empirical study | Kivipelto, Kaisa |
2009 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14370 | Machine learning in applied econometrics: Deriving personal income drivers with randomized decision forests | Ikonen, Henri |
2016 |
Economics |
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14291 | Construction of an economic model of resource use: Research and development of substitutes for non-renewable resources and waste | Lehtonen, Karri |
2013 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14288 | The effect of reduced value added tax rates for labor-intensive services: Evidence from hairdressers in Finland during years 2007-2011 | Vane-Tempest, Maria |
2016 |
Economics |
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14282 | Recent trends in the ETF industry - Factors affecting net asset flows to physical and synthetic ETFs | Kadak, Joosep |
2016 |
Economics |
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14277 | Mismatch unemployment in the Finnish labour market | Hakola, Timopekka |
2016 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14275 | Measuring inflation expectations and the effect of monetary policy: Euro area inflation compensation and ECB policy announcements | Cowen, David |
2016 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14248 | An economic value chain analysis of Namibian diamonds | Palander, Daniel |
2015 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14234 | The bottle and the damage done: Alcohol supply and related crime. Estimating the effects of Keskiolutlaki and subsequent crime rates | Luukkonen, Juha |
2015 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14232 | Access to public transport and housing prices: the case of a metro line extension in the Helsinki region | Kajova, Milla |
2015 |
Economics |
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14231 | The potential impact of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank on economic growth in Asian developing countries: opportunities and challenges | Xu, Kanying |
2015 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14222 | Global factors in country equity index pricing | Kiviranta, Tuomas |
2015 |
Economics |
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14221 | Kilpailullinen tasaisuus joukkueurheilun ammattilaisliigoissa: Empiirinen tutkimus Pohjoismaiden jalkapalloliigoista | Wilén, Toni |
2015 |
Economics |
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14220 | Digitalization and work life: How new technologies are changing task content and skill demand for five selected occupations. | Jääskeläinen, Aino |
2015 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14218 | The quantity-quality trade-off under the one-child policy in urban China: the gender differences in the effects on human capital and income | Hentilä, Emmi |
2015 |
Economics |
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14217 | The determinants of Chinese outward foreign direct investment: The case of Africa and South America | Montonen, Sara |
2015 |
Economics |
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14216 | Nuorisorikollisuuden ja työttömyyden välinen yhteys Suomessa 90- ja 2000-luvulla | Ilmaniemi, Sarianna |
2015 |
Economics |
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14202 | The economic effects of network neutrality: a policy perspective | Eerola, Kasper |
2015 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14169 | Paikallisten julkishyödykkeiden kapitalisoituminen asuntojen hintoihin | Jaalivaara, Janne |
2015 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14150 | Saalistushinnoittelu: Rationaalinen ja kannattava kilpailukeino? Case: Valio | Kuki, Irina |
2015 |
Economics |
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14149 | Econometric analysis of impacts of immigration on Finnish bilateral trade flows | Kekäläinen, Antti |
2015 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14138 | Terveyshyötyjen diskonttaaminen terveydenhuollon taloudellisissa arvioinneissa ja MPR-rokotusohjelman kustannusvaikuttavuus vuosina 1995-2015 | Karppinen, Tuuli |
2015 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14116 | Democracy and Development: causality analysis using fsQCA | Belai, Yonas Embaye |
2015 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14115 | Austrian Business Cycle Theory: examination of theory and evidence | Merinen, Jukka |
2015 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14106 | Increase of VAT on newspaper subscriptions: effects on the Finnish newspaper market | Luostarinen, Alpo |
2015 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14021 | Demand forecasting in a railway revenue management system | Helve, Valtteri |
2015 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14019 | On group boundaries and cooperation: Economic viability of new nuclear power in Finland | Inkeroinen, Riku |
2015 |
Economics |
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14013 | A nested Stackelberg game between the government, a mining firm, and a travel resort: an application of bilevel programming | Frantsev, Anton |
2015 |
Economics |
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14011 | Income inequality in the OECD area: On measuring its possible effects on economic growth | Siiteri, Martti |
2015 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14010 | The relationship between pro-poor growth and residential demand for energy | Keinänen, Janika |
2015 |
Economics |
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14006 | The economics of Tropical deforestation: Reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation | Ilvesniemi, Santeri |
2015 |
Economics |
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14002 | A review of foreign exchange translation exposure and related economic implications | Saarinen, Juho |
2015 |
Economics |
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14001 | Kiinteistöt osana sijoitusportfoliota: Haasteet strategisen allokaation määrityksessä | Alestalo, Henrik |
2015 |
Economics |
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13994 | Numerical methods in real option analysis | Sorsimo, Arto |
2015 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13992 | Profitability of Technical Analysis: Back-test from 1994 to 2014: S&P 500,FTSE 100 and Russell 2000 | Pomell, Ville |
2015 |
Economics |
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13985 | Salary caps in professional team sports - Balancing competition or balancing costs in the National Hockey League? | Lipasti, Antti |
2015 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13984 | The Lucas paradox revisited: a study on upstream capital flows and global imbalances | Chen, Xi |
2015 |
Economics |
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13910 | Analysis of China's current account: evidence based on inter-temporal current account model | Zhang, Yu |
2015 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13906 | Revenue-sharing mechanisms in airline alliance revenue management problems | Alahuhta, Jari |
2015 |
Economics |
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13891 | Efficient use of radio spectrum: the Administrative Incentive Pricing (AIP) approach | Taskinen, Salla Emilia |
2015 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13852 | Determinants of CEO remuneration: Study of Finnish publically listed companies | Mölsä, Tiina |
2015 |
Economics |
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13850 | How does productivity affect manufacturing employment in Sub-Saharan Africa? | Laaksonen, Mika |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13848 | Foreign aid and economic growth:
The impact of aid on determinants of growth - The case of Vietnam | Trinh, Tra |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13846 | Do high-involvement management practices enhance employees' innovative behavior? | Voipio, Anssi |
2015 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13841 | Foreign direct investments in agricultural land in Africa: 1-2-3-4 CGE model study for Ghana | Kauttu, Topi |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13840 | Relationship between homeownership and unemployment - evidence from Finland | Forsberg, Rikumatti |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13839 | Strategic bidder behavior of consumers in open-ascending Internet auctions | Pekkonen, Kalle |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13745 | Corruption as a field of economics: Experimental
approach and design | Kyyrönen, Risto |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13743 | Unilateral market power in wholesale electricity markets - A Cournot based analysis | Punkanen, Lotta |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13741 | Automated system trading, algorithms and programming - To buy or to sell the trend? | Kirves, Jussi |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13725 | Investment and stock returns: Evidence from the Finnish stock market | Ikonen, Tuomas |
2014 |
Economics |
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13722 | The business models of the patent market: an empirical analysis of IP business model characteristics | Seissonen, Julia |
2014 |
Economics |
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13714 | Forecasting Finnish inflation with commodity indexes | Koskinen, Juhani |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13712 | Godley-tyyppiset SFC-mallit | Oksanen, Kai |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13703 | Is there a bubble in Chinese housing market? Empirical study on Chinese major housing markets | Xu, Xiaogeng |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13695 | Musta on uusi vihreä - Varantokaupan kautta kohti optimaalista ympäristöpolitiikkaa hiilimarkkinoilla | Soria Ruiz-Ogarrio, Jorge |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13694 | Value-at-risk - models in extreme market conditions | Jämsä, Mikael |
2014 |
Economics |
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13693 | Hedonic modeling of residential rents in Helsinki | Melakari, Kauri |
2014 |
Economics |
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13692 | ICT and educational outcomes | Ryu, Jin |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13691 | Estimating technical efficiency in Finnish industry: A stochastic frontier approach | Hokkanen, Topi |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13690 | Onko talouskasvu ohi? Gordonin kasvuennusteen hidastavien tekijöiden teoreettinen ja empiirinen tarkastelu | Tanskanen, Simo |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13689 | Money view or credit ciew - Reasons for financial crises: How money view and credit view are seen in great depression and great recession in Finland, Sweden and the United States | Jussila, Tuula |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13688 | Health and welfare development in Finland 1950-2009 | Aranko, Taru Aurora |
2014 |
Economics |
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13667 | The world's most important number is broken - review of reference interest rates | Koukkunen, Joonas |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13666 | Socioeconomic impacts of gambling | Huovila, Antti |
2014 |
Economics |
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13665 | A critical analysis of two recent ambiguity models | Mononen, Lasse |
2014 |
Economics |
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13664 | ECB crisis response - a view from the engine room | Kuusisto, Minna |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13544 | The effect of good institutions on the economic consequences of ethnic fractionalization | Ahti, Miro |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13485 | Adoptee studies and transmission of education | Kallioniemi, Maria |
2014 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13426 | Tuulivoiman syöttötariffijärjestelmän toimivuus ja tuulivoiman esteet Suomessa | Urho, Aleksi |
2013 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13423 | Why framing your question is important? - A simple experiment with text messages | Amanolahi, Bagher |
2013 |
Economics |
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13403 | Horizontal mergers - profitability, welfare effects and merger control | Hämäläinen, Elias |
2013 |
Economics |
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13396 | Epätavanomainen rahapolitiikka finanssikriisin aikana - Vertailu Euroopan ja Yhdysvaltain keskuspankkien välillä 2008-2012 | Tarvainen, Henri |
2013 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13394 | Contested economics | Kallioniemi, Pertti |
2013 |
Economics |
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13393 | Corporate default prediction with financial ratios and macroeconomic variables | Stenbäck, Tomi |
2013 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13390 | Project complexities in a public sector IS project: Case Peppi | Salonen, Janne |
2013 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13382 | Area price differences in the Nordic electricity spot market | Kaila, Mikko |
2013 |
Economics |
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13367 | Jääkiekon pelaajamarkkinat - Vuoden 2005 työehtosopimuksen asettamien muutosten vaikutus NHL-pelaajien työmarkkinoihin | Kaijalainen, Katariina |
2013 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13362 | Hyvä paha mikrorahoitus: Alan kaupallistuminen tarjonnan ja kysynnän näkökulmasta | Rasmus, Emmi Anniina |
2013 |
Economics |
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13344 | An intertemporal current account
model for EA-12/
Are recent current accounts imbalances in the
EA-12 reasonable in terms of intertemporal
consumption smoothing? | Machi, Samuele |
2013 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13326 | Term structure models and zero bound | Nokso-Koivisto, Ilkka |
2013 |
Economics |
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13325 | Gravity model of trade and Russian exports | Weckström, Antti |
2013 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13324 | Word of mouth in social learning: The effects of word of mouth advice in the smartphone market | Head, Mikael |
2013 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13323 | Price formation of consumer loans:
A theoretical view of Finnish consumer credit market | Niiranen, Juho |
2013 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13322 | Three models of trendy goods | Mäkinen, Ville |
2013 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13321 | Economic approach to advertising and consumer choice - comparison of advertising elasticities in the smartphone handset market between countries, media and advertisers | Parkkonen, Aapo |
2013 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13320 | The influence of the WTO accession on Russian trade through improved institutional quality | Zubtsova, Marina |
2013 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13212 | Consumer valuations of fuel
economy - A study of the Finnish automobile market | Saarinen, Emma |
2012 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13201 | Vakuutusalan uudet säännökset osana finanssivalvontaa
- valvonnan kansantaloudellisten vaikutusten tarkastelua | Tuononen, Tapio |
2013 |
Economics |
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13197 | Pharmaceutical price regulation and competition | Skippari, Anneli |
2013 |
Economics |
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13103 | Implied crash risk in foreign exchange options - Analysis of EUR-USD volatility curves | Karhapää, Henna |
2012 |
Economics |
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13102 | Pohjoismaisten sähkömarkkinoiden integraatio - Suunnitellut siirtoverkkoinvestoinnit | Rinne, Sami |
2012 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13086 | Aineeton pääoma taloudellisen kasvun lähteenä Suomessa | Otonkoski, Anna |
2012 |
Economics |
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13077 | How to buy a nuclear power plant:
Procurement contracting in risky long-term projects | Parviainen, Tiina |
2012 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13076 | A Survey into private equity: with a case Study of private equity allocation in Stanford endowment | Liimatainen, Jussi |
2012 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13075 | Tuloveromuutosten hyvinvointivaikutukset - Empiirinen tutkimus ansiotuloveron kevennyksen itserahoittavuudesta Suomessa | Turunen, Joonas |
2012 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13074 | Inflation dynamics in Finland 1990Q1-2012Q1 | Turunen, Pauliina |
2012 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13073 | Systemic banking crises and bank capitalization - Evidence from the UK | Vuorilehto, Paavo |
2012 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
13072 | How does corruption affect FDI? A cross-sectional study on global FDI inflows and intra-OECD bilateral FDI | Helsingius, Mikke |
2012 |
Economics |
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13071 | Modeling commodity prices using the competitive storage model | Käyhkö, Joona |
2012 |
Economics |
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13070 | Varasto- ja hintakäyttäytyminen turkismarkkinoilla | Keisanen, Paavo |
2012 |
Economics |
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13069 | Should intergenerational transfers of family firms have tax alleviations? | Kaari, Jari |
2011 |
Economics |
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13068 | Institutional Differences in Provision of Credit to Women in Developing Countries - Evidence from Uganda | Hintsa, Annastiina |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12907 | The impact of international trade on Guangdong's industrial agglomeration
-An empirical analysis of manufacturing industry in Guangdong Province, China | Feng, Xiaoying |
2012 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12893 | Motives, channels and migration for remittances: Evidence from Uganda, Senegal and Nigeria | Ansala, Laura |
2012 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12874 | Property crime and income inequality in Finland | Huhta, Arto |
2012 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
Estimating driving forces | Hirvelä, Joni |
2012 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12838 | Vihreä paradoksi ja sen taloustieteellinen mallintaminen | Hellas, Leena |
2012 |
Economics |
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12833 | Valuuttakurssien ennustaminen monetarististen mallien avulla ja ennusteiden arviointikriteerien valinta | Merinen, Teemu |
2012 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12832 | The minimum biofuel requirement and the oil monopolist | Sillasto, Eero |
2012 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12823 | The role of High Frequency trading in limit order book activity: Evidence from Helsinki Stock Exchange | Tuominen, Antti |
2012 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12800 | Sijoittajakäyttäytyminen ja Finanssikriisi | Viinanen, Inga |
2012 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12766 | Yhteiskunnan kulutusekvivalentti hyvinvointi - Erään hyvinvointi-indeksin kriittinen analyysi | Räisänen, Katri |
2012 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12763 | Changing family structure and income inequality in Finland 1990-2009 - a decomposition analysis | Jokimäki, Hanna |
2012 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12761 | Competition between emission exchanges - A review of the European system | Kemppainen, Ossi |
2011 |
Economics |
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12759 | Yield differentials in EMU government bonds - Evidence from 1993-2011 | Pirkkalainen, Matleena |
2012 |
Economics |
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12757 | Reference price and price competition - Evidence from the Finnish pharmaceutical market | Pohjolainen, Laura |
2012 |
Economics |
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12756 | Financial development and volatility of growth rates: Cross-country evidence on the link between insurance market activity and the volatility of GDP per capita growth rate | Riukula, Krista |
2012 |
Economics |
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12751 | VAT reduction and tax incidence:
Evidence from a Finnish VAT reform on restaurant services | Simola, Salla |
2012 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12750 | Heating mode choices of Finnish households and the Energy Paradox | Pippuri, Paula |
2012 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12748 | Paltamon täystyöllisyyskokeilu osana aktiivista työvoimapolitiikkaa - Taloudellisten vaikutusten arviointia | Takala, Kosti |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12733 | Reference comparison and decision making - effects of reference point salience on decision making under risk | Saviluoto, Antti |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12731 | Green electricity pricing in the Finnish retail market | Kauppi, Kristiina |
2011 |
Economics |
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12730 | Asuntojen hinnanmuodostus hedonisella menetelmällä | Brotherus, Juhana |
2011 |
Economics |
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12717 | Dynamic effects of total debt and GDP: A time-series analysis of the United States | Lainà, Patrizio |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12716 | Economics of auctions; principles, theory and practice | Puranen, Antti |
2012 |
Economics |
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12714 | Why do firms collect data on customers? A behavior-based price discrimination approach | Helminen, Leena |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12698 | Diversification benefits for bond portfolios - Evidence from the euro-denominated investment grade bond market | Tanhua-Tyrkkö, Katariina |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12692 | Kehitys pääomasijoitustoimialalla - Vertailussa Suomi ja Ruotsi | Laine, Rasmus |
2011 |
Economics |
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12683 | Treatment of whistleblowers in minimizing cartel damage | Koskela, Antti |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12677 | The influence of regional trade agreements on trade flows - The review of BIC-countries | Kainulainen, Jenni |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12673 | The relationship between alcohol use and earnings | Syvänen, Henri |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12661 | Itselle ja muille signalointi valintatilanteissa | Pesola, Pauliina |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12660 | Exchange rate changes and net positions of speculators in the EuroFX futures market - Does market size matter? | Pequeno, Dayla |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12644 | Some approaches for assessing the sustainability of public finances | Sarvi, Tuukka |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12639 | Kuntien välinen yhteistyö infrastruktuuripalvelujen järjestämisessä – Tapaustutkimus Lahden ja Turun seuduilla | Leppisaari, Elli |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12636 | Valtion omistukset valtionyhtiöissä ja niiden vaikutus valtion joukkovelkakirjalainan hintaan | Jaatinen, Joona |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12626 | Aineettomat investoinnit taloudellisen kasvun lähteenä: Nokia Oyj:n taloudellinen kasvu ja sen osatekijät vuosina 1995-2008 | Laine, Heini |
2011 |
Economics |
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12616 | Excessive government debt in the euro area: How it affects the value of the euro? | Värttö, Hanna |
2011 |
Economics |
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12582 | Aasian kehittyvien talouksien valuuttakurssipolitiikka – valuuttainterventiot ja -steriloinnit | Sallinen, Minttu |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12581 | Genuine Savings –indikaattori kansantalouden kestävyyden arvioinnissa, esimerkkinä Suomi. | Lemmetyinen, Inka |
2011 |
Economics |
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12573 | The activity and performance of Finnish equity funds - Applying the active share method | Pirinen, Samu |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12564 | Estimating the demand and market power of a firm in sawn wood markets | Olsson, Otto |
2011 |
Economics |
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12550 | Polttoaineveron ja muiden ympäristöverojen tulonjakovaikutukset | Tuuli, Jukka |
2011 |
Economics |
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12543 | Explaining gender gap in labor force participation | Jääskeläinen, Tuomo |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12523 | Asuntojen hintojen muodostuminen ja kotitalouksien velkaantumisen rooli: Onko pääkaupunkiseudulla asuntokupla? | Luukkonen, Pauliina |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12507 | Taitovinoutunut tekninen muutos palkkaerojen kehityksen selittäjänä
Vertailu Yhdysvalloista, Ranskasta ja kehittyneistä maista yleisesti | Pyykönen, Sami |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12497 | Agency theory and ownership
structure - Estimating the effect of ownership
structure on firm performance | Laiho, Tuomas |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12495 | Size of the government spending multiplier in the recent financial crisis | Louhelainen, Anna |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12494 | Consumers' relative preferences for meat attributes and the impact of carbon footprint information on consumer choice | Koistinen, Laura |
2010 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12493 | Microenterprises as the growth engines in economies
- The modeling of microenterprises in the existing growth theories and the real life survival from an innovation to a successful entrepreneurial venture | Myötänen, Minna |
2010 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12492 | Public R&D and business support in Finland - objectives and impact | Laakso, Jenni |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12491 | Kasinomonopolin purkamisen kansantaloudelliset vaikutukset | Vekkilä, Juha |
2010 |
Economics |
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12490 | Time-inconsistent preferences and excessive smoking - cigarette taxation as a self-control device | Aarnio, Antti |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12489 | From accusations towards analysis - A method for analyzing firm-level market power in Nord Pool Spot electricity market | Rajakaski, Aleksi |
2011 |
Economics |
- |
12488 | Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) | Mäkäräinen, Kati |
2010 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12487 | Gibrat's law revisited -
A study on Gibrat's law with models of industry dynamics | Relander, Philip |
2011 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12402 | Macroeconomics in interest rate term structure modelling | Immonen, Panu |
2010 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12401 | Predicting failures of large U.S. commercial banks | Vilen, Markus |
2010 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12400 | Kansainvälisen ulkoistamisen ja teknologiakehityksen vaikutukset suhteellisiin palkkaeroihin | Sierla, Ville |
2010 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12399 | Interplay of aid and fiscal policy: Does budget support induce greater fiscal discipline? | Puonti, Päivi |
2010 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12398 | Information and communications technology in health care | Ranta, Paula |
2010 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12397 | Determinants of trade union membership in Finland 1975–2008 | Komsi, Vesa-Matti |
2010 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12396 | Empiirinen analyysi markkinaoikeuden julkisia hankintoja koskeviin ratkaisuihin vaikuttavista tekijöistä | Kasso, Jouni |
2010 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12395 | Family firms, share liquidity, and the effect on firm value | Laihomäki, Maija |
2010 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12394 | Development impacts of FDI - Some firm level evidence of development impacts of subsidised business partnerships in developing countries | Lehtovaara, Liina |
2010 |
Economics |
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12393 | Models of network formation:
Implications of network approach in labor markets | Tiilimäki, Elisa |
2010 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12392 | Laskusuhdanteet Suomessa: 1990-luvun laman ja 2008 taantuman vertailua. | Hellman, Sari |
2010 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12391 | Consumer-owned retail cooperative in duopoly with horizontally differentiated goods: a Finnish experience | Kronqvist, Tuomas |
2010 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12248 | Profitability and outreach of microfinance: Mission drift theory and evidence from Uganda | Ylinen, Tuuli |
2010 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12243 | Työkyvyttömyyseläkejärjestelmän kannustimet - Yrityksen näkökulma | Soikkanen, Annaliina |
2009 |
Economics |
- |
12181 | The price elasticity of demand of Fair Trade coffee | Niemi, Niina |
2009 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12160 | Competition in the Finnish banking sector - the case of cooperative banks | Korhonen, Nita |
2009 |
Economics |
- |
12092 | Impacts of large-scale wind power production on the Finnish electricity markets | Fränti, Henna |
2009 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12091 | Evaluation of the European Central Bank's reactions to the recent financial crisis within the two-pillar framework | Lehtimäki, Olli |
2009 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12080 | Irtisanomisen palkkavaikutus kansainvälisessä vertailussa | Utti, Irene |
2009 |
Economics |
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12076 | Analysis of apartment prices with hedonic price method | Huttunen, Timo |
2009 |
Economics |
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12067 | A review of factors determining crude oil prices. | Happonen, Janne |
2009 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12065 | Credit crunch in the U.S. interbank money market 2007-2008: issues in bank funding markets and federal reserve responses. | Suutala, Elina |
2009 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12058 | Työn tuottavuuden ja sen osatekijöiden kehitys kaupan alalla vuosina 1975-2006. | Luotonen, Elisa |
2009 |
Economics |
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12057 | The Russian forest industry: a case of competitiveness and export taxes | Mäkelä, Tuomas |
2009 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12056 | Asuntojen hintojen muutosten vaikutus kotitalouksien kulutukseen | Salo, Pia |
2009 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12051 | Infektiotautien ehkäisyn talousteoriaa - influenssarokotteen ottamiseen vaikuttavat tekijät Suomessa | Tuovinen, Mikko |
2009 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12049 | Backtesting Value-at-Risk Models | Nieppola, Olli |
2009 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12043 | Special interest groups and endogenous policies - a review of common agency models | Oljemark, Emilia |
2009 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
12025 | The binding constraints of economic growth in Ghana | Parviainen, Elina Parviainen |
2009 |
Economics |
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12024 | Maahanmuuttajien poismuutto Suomesta | Karvinen, Anni-Mari |
2009 |
Economics |
[pdf] |
14721 | Self-efficacy in new product development teams | Jerkku, Martti |
2016 |
Entrepreneurship |
[pdf] |
14687 | How does high growth look like in theory and practice? Netnographic study | Hujanen, Atte |
2016 |
Entrepreneurship |
[pdf] |
14631 | The slow death of PowerPoint - A case study of Seidat's service offering | Brander, Kim |
2016 |
Entrepreneurship |
- |
14546 | Healthcare centre outsourcings as a source for innovations | Kaarnasaari, Janne |
2015 |
Entrepreneurship |
- |
14511 | Exploring the impact of higher entrepreneurship education:
Critical experiences as triggers or deterrents for career perceptions of graduates | Pokidko, Daniil |
2013 |
Entrepreneurship |
[pdf] |
14251 | How to avoid brain drain? Knowledge management as a competitive advantage. Case: Finnish SME growth companies | Ahlbäck, Markus |
2015 |
Entrepreneurship |
[pdf] |
14210 | Institutions, foreign direct investment and development of local entrepreneurship in emerging economies | Junttila, Petri |
2015 |
Entrepreneurship |
- |
14209 | Does entrepreneurship contribute to sustainable development? A systematic literature review | Moshina, Vera |
2015 |
Entrepreneurship |
[pdf] |
13976 | Maintaining legitimacy and financial viability in the sustainable entrepreneurship journey | Ginting-Carlström, Carmelita Euline |
2015 |
Entrepreneurship |
[pdf] |
13975 | From depths to new bloom: Transforming the paradigm of failure recovery through the lessons learned from lean start-up entrepreneurs | Pölönen, Olli |
2015 |
Entrepreneurship |
[pdf] |
13943 | Managing profitable B2B customer relationships - Lessons from the Hidden Champions | Mäkijärvi, Mea |
2015 |
Entrepreneurship |
- |
13933 | Adaptation of corporate brand development models in the SME context | Lebedev, Dmitry |
2015 |
Entrepreneurship |
- |
13925 | Mobile money as an enabler for entrepreneurship: case Eastern Africa | Jussila, Aarno |
2015 |
Entrepreneurship |
[pdf] |
13921 | Exploring the social prestige of Finnish entrepreneurs | Huurinainen, Hanna |
2015 |
Entrepreneurship |
[pdf] |
13784 | Finnish passive house entrepreneurs' motivators to start sustainable enterprises | Puhakainen, Sanna |
2014 |
Entrepreneurship |
[pdf] |
13766 | Finding key performance indicators and forecasting project performance in construction industry - Case EMC Talotekniikka | Jääskeläinen, Arto |
2014 |
Entrepreneurship |
- |
13751 | The effects of internationalisation on the entrepreneurial opportunity process - The case of Management Events Oy | Müller, Iris |
2012 |
Entrepreneurship |
[pdf] |
13635 | Finnish hidden champions: analysis on strategy and performance of market leader SMEs | Mäkeläinen, Risto |
2014 |
Entrepreneurship |
[pdf] |
13598 | On the road to understanding social entrepreneurial opportunity process - a multiple case study in Finnish context | Meriläinen, Julius |
2014 |
Entrepreneurship |
- |
13562 | Entrepreneurial marketing in the B2C mobile application business: A netnographic study across four expert blogs | Haapajoki, Aleksi |
2014 |
Entrepreneurship |
[pdf] |
13536 | Comparing sense-making of identities of mompreneurs in Malta and Finland | Casteleijn-Osorno, Regina |
2014 |
Entrepreneurship |
[pdf] |
14756 | Does the measure matter when evaluating mutual fund performance? Evidence from U.S. | Kaukonen, Olli |
2016 |
Finance |
- |
14747 | Stairway to heaven - do angels build it? The realized impact of angel groups on Finnish firm performance | Gois, Martim |
2016 |
Finance |
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14744 | Industry effect on capital structure decisions: predictors of capital structure and determinants of financing decisions in European listed companies in 1999-2013 | Rauramo, Joonas |
2016 |
Finance |
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14742 | Google Search Queries and Their Impact on Mutual Fund Performance and Flow | Dao, Anh |
2016 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14734 | Momentum in Weekly Returns: Evidence from the German Stock Market | Kivimäki, Jussi |
2016 |
Finance |
- |
14731 | Corporate cash holdings, leverage and bank credit ratings: Nordic evidence | Saarelainen, Teemu |
2016 |
Finance |
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14725 | Determinants of Cash Holdings and the Effect of Internationalization | Numminen, Juuso |
2016 |
Finance |
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14713 | Sin Stock Returns on European Markets | Troberg, Karita |
2016 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14710 | Board of Diretor Education and Firm Performance: a Dynamic Approach | Phan, Hung |
2016 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14699 | Impact of excess cash reserves on M&A: Evidence from Europe | Nguyen, Quang Huy |
2016 |
Finance |
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14686 | Currency risk management: A case study on hedging Russian ruble | Blomster, Jesper |
2016 |
Finance |
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14681 | Timing and functional form of the disposition effect | Lehtinen, Antti |
2016 |
Finance |
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14679 | Does public bond market access affect mergers and acquisitions in Europe? | Kuusela, Tuomas |
2016 |
Finance |
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14675 | Who are the smart investors and how do they trade - evidence from institutions' trades | Kilpinen, Samu |
2016 |
Finance |
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14657 | Do investors underreact to stock swap merger announcements that are made on Fridays and high-distraction days? Evidence of transactions made between U.S. firms from 1994 to 2014 | Pönniö, Matias |
2016 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14648 | Determinants of primary market pricing of contingent convertibles | Tiainen, Ville |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14636 | Performance of buyout-backed initial public offerings:
Evidence from the United States | Virtanen, Tuomas |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14635 | The magical four days of the month - Turn-of-the-month effect and equity returns: International evidence | Mäkilä, Niina |
2014 |
Finance |
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14620 | Acquiring acquirers: Evidence from Europe | Valtonen, Antti |
2016 |
Finance |
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14618 | Value creation from spin-offs and equity carve-outs: Evidence from Europe and USA between 2004 and 2014 | Lehtinen, Lauri |
2016 |
Finance |
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14614 | Peer valuation effects of seasoned equity offerings | Virtanen, Niklas |
2016 |
Finance |
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14613 | Factors of value-based selling that explain company value | Kujala, Miikka |
2016 |
Finance |
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14605 | Economic policy uncertainty and stock return synchronicity in the increasingly integrated European Union | Palomäki, Roope |
2016 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14602 | The asset growth of firms and stock price momentum | Long, Emilia |
2016 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14596 | Does trading in lottery stocks increase after a stretch of negative market returns? | Koivumaa, Villeveikka |
2016 |
Finance |
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14592 | Equity market reactions to the unconventional monetary policy announcements of the ECB: Evidence from Germany between 2008 and 2015 | Penttilä, Juuso |
2016 |
Finance |
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14589 | Abnormal returns in an efficient market? Statistical and economic weak form efficiency of online sports betting in European soccer | Tiitu, Tero |
2016 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14585 | Financing decisions and firm-level cost of capital | Salonen, Rami |
2016 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14584 | One man consensus: Can the only stock analyst covering a company move the markets? | Heikkilä, Atte |
2016 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14577 | Cross-asset time series momentum | Pitkäjärvi, Aleksi |
2016 |
Finance |
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14561 | The effects of overvalued equity to firms' financing choice: Evidence from the UK | Pyykönen, Veli |
2015 |
Finance |
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14560 | Sharing behaviour of bitcoin investors - evidence of confirmation bias? | Perä, Miika |
2015 |
Finance |
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14557 | Economic development and equity: Evidence from Nepal | Lind, Tove |
2015 |
Finance |
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14553 | Financing the growth of wind power with project finance: Challenges and opportunities in the Finnish market | Antikainen, Harri |
2015 |
Finance |
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14540 | CEO self-promotion and firm risk profile | Yli-Koski, Kalle |
2014 |
Finance |
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14537 | The effect of surnames on the odds of becoming and succeeding as a CEO | Kakkola, Roope |
2014 |
Finance |
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14535 | Estimating investment without asset prices - European evidence | Nguyen, Tuan |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14532 | Are stock returns elevated under left-wing governments in Finland? The evidence from 1917-2007 | Isoranta, Tero-Tapio |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14521 | The strategic role of cash in R&D competition | Kulju, Maria |
2014 |
Finance |
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14507 | Ownership structure and corporate diversification: Empirical study of Chinese small and medium enterprises | Wang, Dong |
2013 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14503 | Sports career as an investment: Evidence from the Finnish athletes | Laaksonen, Emma |
2013 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14502 | The term structure of bond liquidity: Evidence from the UK government bond market | Zhao, Junting |
2013 |
Finance |
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14500 | The neighbourhood effect in diffusion of reverse mortgages | Urtti, Jukka |
2013 |
Finance |
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14493 | Innovation for sale: New perspectives on what motivates mergers and acquisitions | Hasu, Essi |
2013 |
Finance |
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14478 | Study of special dividend announcements: Finnish evidence | Liira, Antti |
2013 |
Finance |
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14476 | Acquirers performance persistence in acquisitions - European evidence | Chen, Yu |
2013 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14474 | The role of cross-selling in business banking relationships: Finnish evidence | Paula, Arno |
2013 |
Finance |
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14473 | Analysis of expected sale time and behavior on the Finnish housing market | Oinonen, Pontus |
2013 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14468 | Incentives in fundraising: Evidence from a large scale natural field experiment in Finland | Ojantakanen, Annika Saija Sofia |
2011 |
Finance |
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14464 | Consumer attitudes, expectations, and financial market participation | Bassam, Nabila |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14463 | Drivers of individual investors' mutual fund flow | Mustonen, Olli |
2010 |
Finance |
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14462 | Factors influencing customers' usage of internet banking: An application of extended technology acceptance model | Li, Wei |
2010 |
Finance |
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14456 | Target premium variation in leveraged buyout club deals:
Comparison of the US and European targets | Pirttimäki, Pekka |
2010 |
Finance |
- |
14454 | Success factors in reorganization: What firms rise from the brink of liquidation? - A study of the firm-specific cross-sectional determinants of Chapter 11 duration and outcome | Nordström, Richard |
2009 |
Finance |
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14453 | Dividend yield strategies in Europe 1988 – 2008: Performance in bull and bear markets | Hietanen, Ilari |
2009 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14452 | IPO valuation using peer multiples -
Evidence of overvaluation from Europe 1990-2008 | Pöyhönen, Santtu Mikael |
2009 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14451 | Wealth and liquidity effects of share repurchases - Evidence from Finland 1998 - 2008 | Roikonen, Dennis |
2009 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14406 | Who is in charge of layoffs? The impact of CEO education on the likelihood of layoffs | Haakana, Anna-Lotta |
2016 |
Finance |
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14405 | Does the discussion in social media predict the returns of Helsinki Stock Exchange? | Kajasmaa, Janne |
2016 |
Finance |
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14403 | The impact of mergers on analysts' forecast accuracy | Honkanen, Emma |
2016 |
Finance |
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14400 | Credit spread anchoring in the U.S. syndicated loan markets: Post financial crisis | Ikonen, Vertti |
2016 |
Finance |
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14395 | Syndicated loan spreads and composition of syndicates: Evidence from Eurozone countries | Zhang, Wan |
2016 |
Finance |
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14389 | Do mergers create value for acquirers? - Evidence from U.S. merger contests | Nokelainen, Karoliina |
2016 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14388 | Does operating leverage explain the gross profitability premium? | Savolainen, Mikko |
2016 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14387 | Girls will be girls: The impact of gender on Active Share | Leusko, Laura |
2016 |
Finance |
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14383 | Prolonged private equity holding periods: European evidence | Mäkiaho, Juho |
2016 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14382 | CEO compensation and managerial investment decision | Lano, Heidi |
2016 |
Finance |
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14380 | Portfolio management implications of the Finnish solvency law for pension funds | Kauppi, Aleksi |
2016 |
Finance |
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14379 | The impact of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect on the pricing dynamics of A-H shares | Zhang, Junming |
2016 |
Finance |
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14378 | Do corporate sale and leaseback transactions expand debt capacity - Evidence from Europe | Järvinen, Jaakko |
2016 |
Finance |
- |
14373 | Earnings management before seasoned equity offerings and
share repurchases: Empirical analysis during 1990-2008 using U.S. companies | Hautaniemi, Eero |
2016 |
Finance |
- |
14372 | Pension investment in China | Zhu, Wenpei |
2016 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14357 | Corporate governance and firm performance: Evidence from top 500 in China | Wang, Qiushuang |
2016 |
Finance |
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14347 | The long-run performance of PE and VC backed IPOs - Evidence from the Nordic and German markets | Lammi, Juho |
2016 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14339 | Cost of capital for a natural gas transmission business operating under the Finnish regulation framework | Jäntti, Henri |
2016 |
Finance |
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14336 | Is "low volatility effect" that anomalous? | Nguyen, Thi Ngoc Anh |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14335 | Falling behind or catching up? The impact of conglomerates' capital allocation activeness on profitability | Kaijalainen, Olli |
2016 |
Finance |
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14332 | Does the Federal Reserve cause market bubbles by diverging from Taylor rule? | Ahonen, Iisakki |
2016 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14319 | The impact of physically-backed ETPs on precious metal prices | Pajunen, Tanja |
2015 |
Finance |
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14318 | The effect of functional diversification on the credit risk of financial institutions | Nurmi, Jani |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14317 | Centrality, influence and selective communication in an online investor network: Case Shareville | Virtanen, Jaakko |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14316 | CEO age effect on M&A propensity - Evidence from the US | Hemanus, Miro |
2015 |
Finance |
- |
14297 | Does local dividend demand affect firms' dividend payout policy? - Nordic evidence | Hiltunen, Suvi |
2012 |
Finance |
- |
14269 | The effect of overvalued equity on financing decisions - European evidence | Partanen, Pauliina |
2015 |
Finance |
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14215 | Investment cash flow sensitivity still exists among private European companies. New evidence from Western Europe | Hauru, Matias |
2015 |
Finance |
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14208 | The effect of manager gender on hedge fund risk and performance | Pham, Trung |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14207 | Dual-class share structures in Finnish practice: Why do Finnish publicly listed companies have dual-class share structures? | Nurminen, Juha |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14206 | CEO overconfidence effects on mergers and acquisitions | Nguyen, Thanh Thuy |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14205 | Does property-type diversification in REITs provide superior risk-adjusted returns if compared to specialized REITs? Evidence from the U.S. during different market conditions | Oikarinen, Katja |
2015 |
Finance |
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14198 | Target stock price runups prior to acquisitions and relation to takeover premiums - Evidence from the U.K. | Tiiri, Kalle |
2015 |
Finance |
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14197 | The impact of credit ratings on the information content of earnings announcements: Evidence from the US stock market | Leppänen, Samuli |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14173 | Political uncertainty and domestic M&A activity. Evidence from national elections | Väisänen, Tuukka |
2015 |
Finance |
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14172 | Yield curve arbitrage in the EUR swap rates market. Replicating the strategies of quantitative arbitrageurs | Karsimus, Lassi |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14171 | Value investing: Shiller CAPE and Piotroski F-Score | Aimola, Erkka |
2015 |
Finance |
- |
14168 | Leveraged finance: The role of private equity group reputation in the terms and choice of debt financing. Evidence from leveraged finance transactions in Europe and the US between 2000 and 2014. | Mäkitalo, Matilda |
2015 |
Finance |
- |
14167 | Firm liquidity around seasoned equity offerings and precautionary motives: UK and Nordic evidence | Rönnholm, Minna |
2015 |
Finance |
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14166 | Are target fund shareholders really the winners in mutual fund mergers? | Lapatto, Anni |
2015 |
Finance |
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14165 | Multiple lead underwriters and IPO visibility - European evidence | Holopainen, Jussi |
2015 |
Finance |
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14164 | Share liquidity following an IPO: determinants, alternative market listings, and lockup expiration | Kyöstilä, Ari |
2015 |
Finance |
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14163 | Price deviations of exchange-traded funds from their net asset values: Evidence from the U.S. market 2014-2015 | Samaletdin, Aki |
2015 |
Finance |
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14162 | Predicting asset growth discount and profitability premium | Lindfors, Nicolas |
2015 |
Finance |
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14117 | Measuring financial stress - A country specific stress index for Finland | Huotari, Jarkko |
2015 |
Finance |
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14109 | Momentum's got style: style investing and momentum in foreign exchange markets | Karlsson, Joona |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14087 | Bank ownership and lending pattern during 2008 - 2009 financial crisis - Evidence from China | Tang, Mengshu |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14086 | Information and liquidity: The dynamics of new corporate bond underpricing | Leppelmeier, Kai |
2015 |
Finance |
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14085 | Market orientation and stock-based incentives | Kylmänen, Ville |
2015 |
Finance |
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14084 | Low volatility anomaly and mutual fund allocations - Evidence from the U.S. | Saarimaa, Matti |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14083 | Is more competition always desirable? - Evidence from public construction procurements in Finland | Forsberg, Tuomas |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14082 | Informational value and follow-on activity of daily short interest announcements: Evidence from the UK market | Kytö, Samuli |
2015 |
Finance |
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14081 | Discovering behavioral biases in practice: Evidence from Finnish mutual fund managers | Rahkamaa, Mikko |
2015 |
Finance |
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14080 | How is goodwill associated with acquisition premiums before and after IFRS? - Evidence from U.K. listed acquisitions of control | Mäkinen, Marko |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14079 | Information asymmetry effect on tranching of syndicated loans in emerging markets | Suutala, Johanna |
2015 |
Finance |
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14078 | Who trusts investment advisors and why? | Nieminen, Tiina |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14077 | Value of financial releases' textual content: Evidence from OMX NASDAQ Helsinki | Kasurinen, Tomi |
2015 |
Finance |
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14076 | Betting against beta and investor sentiment | Hakala, Miikka |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14075 | The effect of cognitive debiasing and APR on consumer loan demand | Fager, Johan |
2015 |
Finance |
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14074 | Tails, volatility risk premium, and equity index returns | Niemeläinen, Leo |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14073 | Seasoned equity offerings and use of issue proceeds - Evidence from the Nordics | Heinonen, Tuomo |
2015 |
Finance |
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14072 | Relation between past stock market returns and trading volume in Europe | Aarnikoivu, Monariina |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14071 | Operating leverage and corporate financial policies: European evidence | Saarela, Jesse |
2015 |
Finance |
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14070 | Acquirer return at cross-border acquisition announcement by emerging market companies: Observations from BRICS countries | Hämäläinen, Yanxin |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14069 | Beta gets better with age | Tomunen, Tuomas |
2015 |
Finance |
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14068 | Boardroom diversity and company's financial performance: Evidence from China | Wang, Ziwei |
2015 |
Finance |
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14067 | Directors' and officers' liability insurance and acquirer returns | Lehtonen, Petri |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
14066 | Does market beat history? A comparison of implied volatility and GARCH models in crude oil volatility prediction | Airaksinen, Pipsa |
2015 |
Finance |
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13989 | Benefits of corporate spin-offs for companies and their shareholders - Evidence from US markets | Sihvola, Mika |
2014 |
Finance |
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13961 | IPO effects on the issuing firm's closest peers | Ståhle, Michael |
2015 |
Finance |
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13929 | Does ownership disclosure matter? Mandatory ownership disclosures and stock price response: evidence from Finland | Luhtala, Antti |
2015 |
Finance |
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13923 | Determinants of corporate board tenure in Finnish public companies - Evidence from 2005-2012 | Wuolle, Janica |
2015 |
Finance |
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13908 | Credit rating changes and credit default swaps: evidence from financial institutions during the financial crisis | Kokko, Teemu |
2015 |
Finance |
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13907 | Value creation or superior selection? Evidence on Private Equity firms' impact on the operational performance of Nordic portfolio companies | Pulkkinen, Leevi |
2015 |
Finance |
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13894 | Home bias in currency carry trade | Väänänen, Jussi-Petteri |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13859 | Adverse effect of outflows and flow volatility on fund managers' stock picking ability | Isto, Eetu |
2013 |
Finance |
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13858 | Determinants of bankruptcies in leveraged buyouts | Virkkala, Otto-Ville |
2015 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13855 | The impact of CEO's education on acquisitiveness - Evidence from Germany | Raveala, Terhi |
2015 |
Finance |
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13831 | Post-acquisition inventory levels | Morath, Roland |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13829 | Forward premium puzzle and firm-Level idiosyncratic volatility | Palenius, Lari |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13817 | Hedge fund styles in the financial crisis | Yu, Meng |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13816 | Do parties matter for economic outcomes? Case: Finnish municipalities | Vuorenmaa, Marko |
2014 |
Finance |
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13810 | Unbiased forward rate and time horizon in emerging economies and implications to hedging practices | Varetsalo, Veli-Rasmus |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13796 | Who gets the alpha? - The disparity between hedge fund alpha and hedge fund fees | Virintie, Visa-Veikko |
2014 |
Finance |
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13795 | Impact of credit derivatives on the firm's cost of borrowing: the case of CDS | Long, Feiran |
2014 |
Finance |
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13793 | Influence of club ownership structure on football player transfer fees | Marmo, Eerika |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13792 | Discussions about reflective IR practices among Finnish publicly listed companies | Lehto-oksa, Antti |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13790 | Determinants of buyout fundraising:
Credit market conditions as a driver of capital commitments into buyout funds | Vatiska, Katrin |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13783 | Credit spread discrepancies between European rated and unrated corporate bonds | Tuominen, Minna |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13776 | Are text message reminders effective in debt collection? Randomized controlled trial in debt collection in Finland | Pekonen, Piia |
2014 |
Finance |
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13775 | Empirical analysis of relation between credit premia and government yield term structure | Pehkonen, Pauli |
2014 |
Finance |
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13771 | Efficiency of the exchange betting market for men's professional tennis: is there a favourite-longshot bias? | Valtonen, Ville-Veikko |
2013 |
Finance |
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13765 | Business angel investment decision-making criteria | Ahtila, Olli-Pekka |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13739 | Fundamental trading strategies in frontier markets | Jantunen, Anton |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13735 | Monetary policy announcements of the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve System in 2008 - 2013: Impacts on CDS spreads and equity markets | Lehto, Eemeli |
2014 |
Finance |
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13734 | Should you sell your condominium via auction? | Kaakkunen, Boris |
2014 |
Finance |
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13717 | Stock price behavior on and around the ex-dividend day: Evidence from the Finnish stock market | Sopanen, Kiri |
2014 |
Finance |
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13715 | "Boutique" financial advisors vs. full-service investment banks: An analysis of advisor choice and deal outcomes in mergers and acquisitions | Kurkela, Mikko |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13711 | Straight debt issuance announcement effects on credit default swap spreads | Kaarela, Ilari |
2014 |
Finance |
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13709 | Pairs trading profits, overall market conditions and short-term reversals | Saksa, Ilkka |
2014 |
Finance |
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13702 | Imitate the masters: Do foreign institutional investors improve the informational efficiency of stock prices in China? | Li, Yijie |
2014 |
Finance |
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13679 | What determines post-CEO board memberships - Evidence from Finland | Prajogo, Natan |
2014 |
Finance |
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13678 | Portfolio manager ownership and mutual fund risk taking - Evidence from Finland | Lindfors, Tommi |
2014 |
Finance |
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13672 | The spillover effect of macroeconomic news on bond yields - Evidence from Scandinavian government bond markets and European corporate bond index | Lebedeff, Antti |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13669 | Stability of dividends in european companies - determining factors of dividend smoothing | Riikonen, Veera |
2014 |
Finance |
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13651 | Agency conflicts and company valuation: A study on dual-class shares, supervisory boards, staggered boards and board independency | Tervo, Markku |
2014 |
Finance |
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13650 | Disappearing dividends: Catering managers or increased growth opportunities | Halme, Olli |
2014 |
Finance |
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13649 | Hedging media sales cash flow at otavamedia - A risk management method for closely held companies | Reenpää, Joonas |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13648 | Driven by energy: Commodity prices and corporate financing decisions | Saarinen, Reeti |
2014 |
Finance |
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13647 | The effect of initial offer precision on takeover contests | Hukkanen, Petri |
2014 |
Finance |
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13638 | Withdrawn IPOs returning to market: The role of underwriters | Röynä, Antti-Olavi |
2014 |
Finance |
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13637 | Reversal of picture superiority effect: System 1 and system 2 triggers in saving | Paananen, Niku |
2014 |
Finance |
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13626 | Bitcoin as a monetary system: Examining attention and attendance | Huhtinen, Timo-Pekka |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13605 | The net stable funding ratio: an empirical analysis from European perspective | Häkkinen, Matti |
2014 |
Finance |
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13604 | Related party transactions and value impact on minority shareholders: evidence from Chinese companies listed in the Shanghai stock exchange | Geng, Xiaolan |
2014 |
Finance |
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13603 | Basel II correlation estimates in light of empirical evidence and literature | Vänttinen, Aleksi |
2014 |
Finance |
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13602 | Credit supply and SME corporate capital structure in Finland: evidence from the financial crisis | Lundström, Jesse |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13600 | Pricing errors in ginnish rights offerings? - Implications for market efficiency in NASDAQ OMX Helsinki | Rissanen, Ville |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13599 | Reverse termination fees and mergers and acquisitions outcomes; evidence from the United States | Häkämies, Juuso |
2014 |
Finance |
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13595 | Earnings management and strategic timing of earnings releases | Loisa, Jari |
2013 |
Finance |
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13552 | Time-varying correlation and volatility linkages between the Euro Stoxx 50 and the Bund futures | Kallio, Tatu |
2014 |
Finance |
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13551 | Shareholder value creation in emerging market acquisitions: value of control and spillover of corporate governance standards | Kalliokoski, Joona |
2014 |
Finance |
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13548 | Liquidity and anomalies: study on stock market liquidity and its affect on momentum and value investment returns. | Saali, Taneli |
2014 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13547 | Exchange rate exposure of Finnish firms 2002-2012 and the impact of the financial crisis | Poikolainen, Leena |
2014 |
Finance |
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13540 | In search of earnings: Investor attention around earnings announcements | Eloranta, Mikko |
2014 |
Finance |
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13539 | Impact of commodity index rolls on the futures term structure | Roslander, Risto-Matti |
2013 |
Finance |
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13538 | Adverse selection in lit markets and dark pools: evidence from OMX Helsinki 25 stocks | Sänkiaho, Saku |
2014 |
Finance |
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13534 | The persistence of bank performance in crises: European evidence | Kajova, Karoliina |
2014 |
Finance |
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13529 | Do companies manage earnings ahead of stock-for-stock acquisitions? Recent evidence from the UK | Klobut, Henrik |
2014 |
Finance |
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13498 | Origins of illiquidity shocks and their impact on yields in the euro area government bond market | Valtanen, Kaisa |
2013 |
Finance |
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13491 | Do the country risk and the tax haven status of the target country play a role in Russian outward cross-border acquisitions? | Osmanov, Rafael |
2013 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13488 | The dual-track harvesting strategy in private company sell-outs | Kangas, Matti |
2013 |
Finance |
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13487 | Do Finnish private equity portfolio companies engage in tax planning activities more than their peer companies? | Alahuhta, Ville |
2013 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13425 | The impact of vertical relations in explaining the division of gains in mergers - European evidence | Ekström, Mikko |
2013 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13386 | Strategic alliances and firm value creation in China | Zhang, Huawei |
2013 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13385 | Development and characteristics of the Finnish retail derivative markets during 2003-2012 - Empirical evidence and market professionals' views | Mielonen, Mikko |
2013 |
Finance |
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13384 | What explains the association between R&D increases and excess stock returns? | Ilvonen, Joonas |
2013 |
Finance |
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13383 | Debt-driven leverage jumps and post-jump capital structure adjustment: European evidence | Pyykkönen, Hilla |
2013 |
Finance |
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13377 | Anatomy of performance fees in Finnish mutual funds | Pohjanpalo, Timo |
2013 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13376 | Trade level delivery failures - New evidence from the Finnish market | Ahvenainen, Riku |
2013 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13361 | Are speculative futures traders behind coffee price trends? | Pakarinen, Teemu |
2013 |
Finance |
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13360 | Value creation in private equity backed companies: European evidence over the last private equity boom | Remes, Markus |
2013 |
Finance |
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13356 | Worker layoffs, shareholder wealth and operating performance in different legal environments | Rantio, Tomi |
2013 |
Finance |
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13355 | Management compensation in Finnish portfolio companies | Korelin, Heikki-Johannes |
2013 |
Finance |
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13354 | What drives earnings acceleration and does it convey valuable information? | Kuronen, Anna-Maija |
2013 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13353 | Price negotiations and the division of gains in M&A transactions: Strategic acquirer's perspective | Wirman, Janne |
2013 |
Finance |
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13338 | The impact of anchoring bias in the UK equity market | Koskinen, Matti |
2013 |
Finance |
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13318 | Is media just noise?
The link between media factors and stock performance | Takala, Pyry; Lappalainen, Iivari |
2013 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13273 | Study of share repurchases and cash holdings: Nordic evidence | Frilander, Juho |
2013 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13246 | Return differences between night and day: Evidence from global futures markets | Kallionpää, Pekka |
2013 |
Finance |
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13245 | Crude oil price formation process: Insights into exotic methods | Tarvainen, Vilppu |
2013 |
Finance |
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13241 | A new method to estimate implied equity risk premiums: The level of premiums and their explanatory power | Lindroos, Mikko |
2013 |
Finance |
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13240 | Relationship banking with private equity customers - How do loan officers and private equity borrowers interact | Keränen, Hannu |
2013 |
Finance |
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13239 | Student attitudes to student debt and possible improvements to Finland's student loan system | Tikkanen, Harri |
2013 |
Finance |
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13234 | From smile to smirk: The relevance Of implied volatility skew changes in swaption VaR estimation | Juutilainen, Ilkka |
2013 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13232 | Algorithmic pairs trading: empirical investigation of exchange traded funds | Sipilä, Miika |
2013 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13213 | Relative performance evaluation in performance share plans:
Evidence from Finland | Rokkonen, Mira Marjut Elina |
2013 |
Finance |
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13206 | Information and volatility linkages between European bond, equity and money market futures | Häjänen, Samuli |
2013 |
Finance |
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13203 | Futures pricing in the Nordic electricity market | Peljo, Janne |
2013 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13192 | Revaluation of targets and the method of payment - evidence from European unsuccessful M&A deals | Sinelnikova, Inga |
2013 |
Finance |
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13185 | Takeovers and divergence of investor opinion in Europe | Haaksluoto, Pekko |
2013 |
Finance |
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13178 | Employee preferences for compensation practices in the Finnish setting | Railosvuo, Jenni |
2013 |
Finance |
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13177 | Shareholder activism as a measure of responsibility-orientation in SRI funds and its impact on fund flows | Källström, Nina |
2013 |
Finance |
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13172 | Real options' effects on stock returns - European evidence | Rintanen, Marko |
2013 |
Finance |
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13171 | Dividends as reference points
-Evidence from EU15 countries | Nissim, David |
2013 |
Finance |
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13169 | Operating lease or purchase - analysis, Case: An acquisition of Airbus A330-300 for Finnair | Allonen, Mikko |
2013 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13168 | High frequency price impact of order book events - Evidence from Nordic equity markets | Toivonen, Ville-Matti |
2013 |
Finance |
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13141 | The impact of unscheduled earnings guidance on pre-earnings announcement information asymmetry - Finnish evidence from 2005-2011 | Leskinen, Vesa |
2013 |
Finance |
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13138 | Modeling Intraday Implied Volatility: Evidence From EURO STOXX 50 | Tikanoja, Juuso |
2013 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13136 | Leverage and firm growth: The European evidences | Wu, Yichen |
2013 |
Finance |
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13135 | Do credit rating announcements have informational value?: European evidence | Heikkilä, Timo |
2013 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13133 | The relationship between the CDS market and credit rating changes:
European evidence | Lyytikäinen, Päivi |
2013 |
Finance |
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13132 | Does international experience influence CEOs? The effect of CEOs' international exposure on corporate policies: a study on US takeovers. | Sulin, John |
2013 |
Finance |
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13126 | Empirical evidence on theoretical relationship between corporate credit default swaps and bond spreads | Simola, Lassi |
2013 |
Finance |
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13100 | Home bias and distribution of bond mandates - Evidence from international corporate bond market during 2008 financial crisis | Anttila, Valtteri |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13099 | CEO appearance, compensation, and firm performance - Evidence from Sweden | Lähdevuori, Suvi |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13098 | Can you google the future? A study on the predictive power of Google Trends on company shares in the UK. | Wuoristo, Leo |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13096 | The use of corporate ledger information in payment behavior prediction
- Evidence from the Finnish construction industry | Shun, Tuuli |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13094 | Style migration: evidence from the European equity markets | Mikkonen, Jussi |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13081 | Trading volume and information asymmetries in index option markets: An empirical investigation | Mehtäläinen, Antti |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13080 | Trade-off between profitability and poverity outreach in the microfinance industry depending on institution type | Hovi, Hanna |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13078 | The rationale of using convertible securities in public M&A transactions: Evidence from United States | Helenius, Joonas |
2012 |
Finance |
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13060 | Reference price formation under reverse market conditions: Evidence from IPO trading volume | Bigler, Anna |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13058 | Behind the scenes - What happens in management buyouts? | Lehmus, Mikko |
2012 |
Finance |
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13053 | How Finnish retail investors choose stock mutual funds -
A qualitative study with an added emphasis on passive vs. active funds | Talvio, Tuomas |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13036 | Determinants of microinsurance demand: evidence from a micro life scheme in Indonesia | Huber, Fabian |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13035 | Precautionary cash savings and equity issuances - European evidence | Mustonen, Matti |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13030 | How does loss in reputation affect financial intermediaries? Cross-border evidence from European loan syndication markets | Toiviainen, Veli-Pekka |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
13028 | The determinants of zero-leverage firms: International evidence | Poikela, Petra |
2012 |
Finance |
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13011 | Determinants affecting the magnitude of bid premium: Evidence from European Union 2000-2011 | Parmanne, Tomi |
2012 |
Finance |
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13010 | The association between accounting and market-determined measures of systematic equity risk | Kinnunen, Jesse |
2012 |
Finance |
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13009 | The insurance role of corporate diversification | Roine, Antti |
2012 |
Finance |
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12998 | An empirical analysis of sovereign CDS - Bond relation before and during financial crisis | Lehtonen, Maria |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12969 | Private equity firms and the benefits of specialisation:
Nordic evidence pre and during the financial crisis | Viitala, Joonas |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12968 | The combined effect of market for corporate control and product market competition on acquirer shareholders' wealth | Karikko, Laura |
2012 |
Finance |
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12951 | How adverse selection of cash holdings affect corporate and investor behavior in M&A cases: Evidence from fully stock financed European acquisitions | Söderström, Stefan |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12947 | Deviation from the target capital structure and acquisition behavior - European evidence | Mattsson, Jussi |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12941 | Determinants and consequences of net asset value discounts in listed private equity entities | Toiviainen, Tuomas |
2012 |
Finance |
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12927 | Do mutual funds time market liquidity?
A study on US mutual fund performance | Pukki, Maria |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12911 | The role of interbank lending market liquidity in corporate cash holdings | Ariluoto, Jani |
2012 |
Finance |
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12910 | Investment decision making: The role of information and asset performance | Tala, Teemu |
2012 |
Finance |
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12905 | Scandinavian investor sentiment and net asset value discounts of closed-end investment companies | Lahti, Niklas |
2012 |
Finance |
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12904 | Realization of cost synergies in the acquisitions of an industrial acquirer | Löfman, Anders |
2012 |
Finance |
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12902 | Banking relationships, physical distance, and bargaining power - Evidence from Finnish corporate banking market | Prami, Jouko |
2012 |
Finance |
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12899 | Compensation committee composition and CEO compensation – Finnish evidence | Uusitalo, Mikael |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12891 | The role of buyout backing in the mitigation of IPO-related information asymmetries | Nilsson, Oscar |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12889 | Relationship banking in Finnish
small and medium-sized enterprise
M&As | Hämäläinen, Lassi |
2012 |
Finance |
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12877 | Effect of dividends on information asymmetry and announcement-day returns: evidence from UK | Sjögren, Ilpo |
2012 |
Finance |
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12876 | Abnormal trading by advisory banks before M&A announcements: coincidence, skills or insider trading? | Chu Ngoc, Trung |
2012 |
Finance |
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12875 | Statistical pairs trading and analyst recommendations | Karvinen, Matti |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12837 | Cross-predictability of stock returns: A study of the limited-information model | Nilsson, Oliver |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12836 | The effect of owner identity and investor protection on unrelated corporate diversification | Soikkanen, Katariina |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12802 | Easy as ABC? Political connections and zoning of service station stores | Huvinen, Heli |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12787 | Value at risk for equities | Kauppi, Tommi Johannes |
2011 |
Finance |
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12785 | Creditor rights and risk-taking | Tawast, Ilkka |
2012 |
Finance |
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12777 | Issuer quality and the credit cycle,
European evidence | Myllärinen, Antti |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12776 | Desire to acquire - Acquisition appetite of newly public firms, European evidence | Seraste, Milla |
2012 |
Finance |
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12775 | Trade credit and a financial crisis
–Evidence from the Nordic countries | Lundmark, Matias |
2012 |
Finance |
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12765 | Implications of corporate cash holdings and financial constraints on companies’ investment decisions | Tikkala, Ilari |
2012 |
Finance |
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12762 | Cross-listing and valuation differences between the Hong Kong and the Chinese stock markets | Berg, Marko |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12752 | Estimating the value and interest rate risk of demand deposits in concentrated markets | Tynys, Lauri |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12749 | Hot debt market - Adverse selection costs as a debt issue driver | Itkonen, Maria |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12747 | The effect of smooth performance in firm value – European evidence | Mäkelä, Mikko |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12746 | Determinants of risk taking and investment decision delegation - Empirical evidence from private banking customers | Laukkanen, Tiina |
2012 |
Finance |
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12744 | Market reactions to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)-news: evidence from European markets | Länsilahti, Sini |
2012 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12729 | Hedging corporate income tax revenue volatility in Finnish municipalities | Rekola, Iris |
2011 |
Finance |
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12727 | Do investment advisors’ personal perceptions affect customers’ investments? | Paulanto, Visa |
2012 |
Finance |
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12720 | Dynamic asymmetric adjustments towards target capital structure
evidence from UK, Germany and France | Li, Xiaohan |
2012 |
Finance |
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12713 | Determinants of takeover success and the role of investor protection in cross-border tender offers | Puolakka, Anssi |
2011 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12702 | Private equity funds and the financial crisis | Laiterä, Mikko |
2011 |
Finance |
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12695 | Measuring systematic cashflow risk using analysts’ earnings forecast revisions: European evidence | Pomoell, Jemina |
2011 |
Finance |
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12685 | How non-financial customer based metrics are associated with company performance?
An analysis of customer satisfaction, customer retention and Net Promoter Score in Telecommunications Industry | Husgafvel, Lasse |
2011 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12658 | The economic consequences of executive compensation disclosure: evidence from Germany | Lofruthe, Hendrik |
2011 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12657 | Non-parametric volatility estimation using ultra-high frequency data | Saadetdin, Timur |
2011 |
Finance |
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12653 | Media Coverage and the Cross Section of Stock Returns : Evidence from UK markets | Loukusa, Päivi |
2011 |
Finance |
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12646 | Flights and CAViaR - Financial market stability and the stock-bond return relation | Viitanen, Tero |
2011 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12645 | Asset growth anomaly in the UK stock market | Slotte, Pontus |
2011 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12642 | What factors cause cash ratios to increase in Western European and Nordic countries? | Xi, Bin |
2011 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12640 | Demand of structured products in a prospect utility framework
Utility increase from capital protected index linked products | Mithiku, Elias |
2011 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12625 | The effect of anti-takeover provisions on executive compensation in Finland | Kauppinen, Terhi |
2011 |
Finance |
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12623 | Cash holdings and market share growth. European evidence | Lehtinen, Heini |
2011 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12618 | The expectations and realizations of non-financial value-added in portfolio companies | Kekki, Eero |
2011 |
Finance |
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12611 | Does the stock market fully value intangibles? - Brands and global equity prices | Vesanen, Virva |
2011 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12605 | Operational performance of Nordic private equity backed buyouts in the recession of 2007-2009 | Jääskeläinen, Joona |
2011 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12603 | The effect of information problems and growth opportunities on the valuation of cash. | Lankinen, Samuli |
2011 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12580 | Are firms credit constrained? The supply effect of bond market access on firm leverage | Soini, Aleksi |
2011 |
Finance |
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12574 | When payout of disposal proceeds unlocks value: European evidence | Kinanen, Jaakko |
2011 |
Finance |
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12572 | Home bias effect: evidence from industry portfolios | Makkonen, Ville |
2011 |
Finance |
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12538 | The effect of adopting sustainability reporting on financial media visibility, analyst coverage, and valuation | Tavakka, Kai |
2011 |
Finance |
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12533 | West Metro’s effect on housing prices | Joutsiniemi, Juha |
2011 |
Finance |
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12524 | The effect of pipe repairs on housing prices | Nikola, Natalia |
2011 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12522 | Effect of business education and personality on retirement saving | Korhonen, Julia |
2011 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12513 | Agent-based modeling as an approach to evaluate price discovery process in double auction markets | Jahnsson, Niklas |
2011 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12512 | Riding the yield curve in the U.S. Treasury market - An attractive strategy for fixed income speculators? | Paasi, Ossi |
2011 |
Finance |
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12475 | Mutual fund activity and performance in the Finnish equity market: Evidence from active share measure | Hyytiäinen, Johannes |
2011 |
Finance |
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12449 | Analyst forecasting bias: Comparing the U.S. and the Eurozone markets | Hakkarainen, Tero |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12448 | Diversification benefits in Finnish housing markets | Ansinn, Harri |
2010 |
Finance |
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12446 | Does corporate diversification affect cash holdings and the value of cash? European evidence | Aniszewski, Sebastian |
2010 |
Finance |
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12411 | Firm leverage and its effects on future growth | Hurme, Susanna |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12390 | Who are the activists? Investor characteristics and corporate improvements | Joel, Davidkin |
2010 |
Finance |
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12388 | Trade credit use during a financial crisis:
Evidence from the U.K. of a non-existing trade credit channel | Alatalo, Riikka |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12387 | Seasonal customer demand and hedging in the Nordic electricity markets | Vitie, Matias |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12385 | Stock market participation and household characteristics in Europe | Laakso, Elina |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12379 | Activity-based costing meets Lean management | Kaukomaa, Veli |
2010 |
Finance |
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12375 | The effect of government bond supply on term structure and corporate debt maturity: Evidence from euro area | Pohja, Olli |
2010 |
Finance |
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12374 | The price of patents, liquidity, and information:
Evidence from acquisitions of unlisted European high-tech targets | Saari, Antti |
2010 |
Finance |
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12373 | Information transfers in Nordic stock exchanges - Market underreaction to interim report information | Mäkinen, Kasper |
2010 |
Finance |
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12372 | The effect of financial crisis on the flow determinants of Finnish fixed income funds | Mäkinen, Jesper |
2010 |
Finance |
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12371 | Market trends and trading in
options versus stocks | Ermolov, Andrey |
2010 |
Finance |
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12370 | Does financial distress risk drive the momentum anomaly? -Evidence from the U.S. market | Wu, Yajuan |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12368 | European corporate bond liquidity and yield spreads | Pukka, Juhamatti |
2010 |
Finance |
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12367 | Insider trading in the Nasdaq OMX Helsinki between 2005-2010 – On the market timing ability of Finnish corporate insiders | Kannisto, Mika |
2010 |
Finance |
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12354 | Cross-sectional variation of rental yields in the housing
market - evidence from Finland | Moilanen, Iikka |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12353 | Cross-sectional variation of rental yields in the housing market : evidence from Finland | Terho, Tomi |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12350 | Performance-driven risk taking in Finnish equity mutual funds | Paukkeri, Iivo |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12321 | The Implications of Financial Distress | Nevalainen, Riku |
2010 |
Finance |
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12319 | Does ownership structure affect diversification discount? European evidence | Martinez, Aleksi |
2010 |
Finance |
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12315 | Role of psychological reference points in mergers and acquisitions: 52-week high as a reference price in European takeover activity | Niinivaara, Timo |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12313 | Banking Crises; Determinants and Crises' Impact on Fiscal Cost and Economic Output | Zistler, Martin |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12301 | Equity characteristics and investor preferences; empirical evidence from Finland and Sweden | Kantola, Ville |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12300 | Examining the association between personality traits and stock market participation - Evidence from Finnish university students | Jouhikainen, Hannes |
2010 |
Finance |
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12299 | The determinants of default in consumer credit market | Hörkkö, Marjo |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12298 | Norms, catering incentives and nominal share prices: European evidence | Helin, Lasse |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12297 | Expiration day effects of the EURO STOXX 50 index futures and options | Joensuu, Markus |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12296 | Employee stock option valuation in mergers and acquisitions: Story of lost time values | Tynkkynen, Mikko |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12293 | Negative linguistic information embedded in earnings conference calls - evidence from Finland and Sweden | Partanen, Mika |
2010 |
Finance |
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12254 | Unique risk characteristics of Islamic financial institutions – Evidence from the 2007-2009 financial crisis | Tuulos, Eero |
2010 |
Finance |
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12252 | Do credit rating announcements matter? | Brandstack, Timo |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12251 | Ownership structure and choice of issue method in seasoned equity offerings - European evidence | Ruutu, Konsta |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12247 | Idiosyncratic risk, financial distress and the cross
section of stock returns | Kotiaho, Henri |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12245 | Risk tolerance and myopic behavior - evidence from Finnish retail investors | Lehto, Juuso |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12244 | Impact of firm's financial policy, investment opportunities, and the cost of external capital on the value of cash | Taimisto, Paavo |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12234 | The relation of fund characteristics and fund family
membership to equity funds’ risk-taking behavior -
Empirical evidence from the equity fund market in Finland | Molin, Julia |
2009 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12233 | Gender effect, family characteristics and firm performance on succession decisions - Evidence from Finnish family firms | Alestalo, Annika |
2010 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12230 | An analyst-based method for selecting comparable firms and studying corporate peer effects | Rantala, Ville |
2010 |
Finance |
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12228 | Does access to public capital markets and ownership structure affect funding of a firm? – evidence from Finland | Harju, Tuomo |
2010 |
Finance |
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12226 | Debiasing overconfidence of Finnish investment advisors | Perttula, Milla |
2010 |
Finance |
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12221 | Personal values and stock market participation - Evidence from Finnish university students | Luotonen, Niilo |
2009 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12220 | Macro and micro determinants of seasoned equity offerings and issuer stock market performance | Virolainen, Matti |
2009 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12218 | Does economic growth influence financial development.
Case study on Russian economic growth and financial development. | Tishchenko, Ilya |
2009 |
Finance |
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12209 | Implied equity yield curve: a consensus estimate approach | Saarinen, Martti |
2009 |
Finance |
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12205 | Manipulating individuals' risk-taking with financial incentives: a myopic loss aversion experiment | Abramov, Vladimir |
2009 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12204 | Credit, financial crises and the real economy: Could credit-based indicators signal upcoming economic distress? | Hautala, Onni |
2009 |
Finance |
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12196 | Financial integration of stock markets in the selected former Yugoslav countries | Rec, Alma |
2009 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12150 | Behavioral biases of investment advisors - The effect of overconfidence and hindsight bias | Seppälä, Antti |
2009 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12130 | Effective defense methods against hostile takeovers and raiders in Russia | Tishchenko, Kirill |
2009 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12119 | Underpricing in convertible bond offerings - An empirical analysis of pricing determinants, trends and equity-likeness | Koponen, Anssi |
2009 |
Finance |
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12117 | What drives investors' risk appetite - Empirical evidence from private Finnish investors 2007-2008 | Alanko, Elias |
2009 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12114 | Credit rating changes and long-term stock returns | Hurmerinta, Tuomas |
2009 |
Finance |
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12108 | Performance of forward-looking value drivers in stock screening: making automated recommendations based on future forecasts | Puro, Lauri |
2009 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12105 | Reference point formation and investor sentiment | Salovaara, Jussi |
2009 |
Finance |
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12081 | Maximizing shareholder value or management's prestige? An analysis of takeovers of U.S. firms by cross-listed and cross-delisted European acquirers | Pakalén, Niko |
2009 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12047 | Dynamic hedging of copper options | Tuominen, Riikka |
2009 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12046 | A study of European mutual funds' performance persistence and predictability of selected factors | Kukkonen, Viktor |
2009 |
Finance |
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12035 | The firm-level societal and economic impact of private equity in Finland | Männistö, Lasse |
2009 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12028 | Risk transfer in public private partnerships: a case study from a Finnish municipality | Määttä, Tuomas Olavi |
2009 |
Finance |
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12018 | Effect of neglect on stock performance:
a transatlantic comparison on sin stocks | Huhtakangas, Pasi |
2009 |
Finance |
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12017 | Value creation from corporate divestitures: Evidence from European spin-offs over 1994-2006. | Lehtonen, Tuomas |
2008 |
Finance |
[pdf] |
12014 | The impact of government ownership in mergers and acquisitions | Haavisto, Ilkka |
2008 |
Finance |
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13175 | Kuinka vuosikertomusten visuaalinen viestintä representoi strategiaa:
Tapaustutkimus suomalaisista mediakonserneista | Heinlahti, Kai |
2013 |
Finnish and Communication |
[pdf] |
12858 | Promotionaalisuus toimitusjohtajien katsauksissa finanssikriisin kontekstissa | Kataja, Katariina |
2011 |
Finnish and Communication |
[pdf] |
12418 | Työtön suomalaisessa diskurssissa: Korpusavusteinen tutkimus työttömiä koskevista puhetavoista | Lillqvist, Ella |
2010 |
Finnish and Communication |
[pdf] |
12416 | "Eläkepäivät kaikilla, Kissanpäivät yksillä." Verotuetun pitkäaikaissäästämisen mainonnan semioottinen analyysi | Lindell, Auli |
2010 |
Finnish and Communication |
[pdf] |
12366 | Liikenteen energiankäytön mediadiskurssit ja kilpailevat tulevaisuudet | Rinkinen, Jenny |
2010 |
Finnish and Communication |
[pdf] |
12129 | "Ilmastonmuutoksen korjaaminen on helppoa ja halpaa." Argumentointi Ilmastotalkoot-kampanjassa | Kärkkäinen, Suvi |
2009 |
Finnish and Communication |
[pdf] |
12103 | Lämpöä kylmään maailmaan.
Tulikiven mainonta yli kansallisten rajojen | Seppänen, Anni |
2009 |
Finnish and Communication |
[pdf] |
12088 | Sisäinen viestintä ja sen vaikutukset yrityskauppatilanteessa | Laurila, Anne |
2009 |
Finnish and Communication |
[pdf] |
12085 | Strategian yhteydessä esiintyvät aiheet ja toimijat neljän eurooppalaisen teräsyhtiön vuosikertomuksissa | Eskelinen, Anna |
2009 |
Finnish and Communication |
[pdf] |
12068 | Johtajuuden rakentuminen toimitusjohtajan blogiteksteissä
: metafora-analyysi tapauksesta Finnair. | Anttilainen, Susanna |
2009 |
Finnish and Communication |
[pdf] |
14569 | Maineenhallinta - strateginen kysymys | Naakka, Kimmo |
2015 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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14479 | Sidosryhmäteorian esilletulo pörssiyhtiön vuosikertomusteksteissä ja niiden sisällön muutoksissa - Narratiivinen analyysi ja merkityksellistämisen tutkimus KONEen vuosikertomuksista | Lounesto, Kaisu |
2013 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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14411 | The role of visual metaphors in brand personality construction - a semiotic interpretation | Allén, Elmo |
2016 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
14393 | "Meidän tulevaisuudentutkimus on sitä, että seurataan, mitä muualla tapahtuu" - tulevaisuuden ennakoinnin kyvykkyydet ja prosessit mediayhtiöissä | Niinisalo, Tarja |
2016 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
14304 | Ei meidän koulua! Retoriset delegitimaatiostrategiat koulun lakkauttamista vastaan | Laine, Hanna |
2016 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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14298 | Miten esimies onnistuu muutosten keskellä? Viestinnällinen näkökulma | Virkajärvi, Venla |
2015 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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14211 | Legitimacy building and stakeholder identification in circular economy: A case study | Haimelin, Kaisa |
2015 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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14141 | Pelastaja vai tappaja? Metsäyhtiö UPM:n Voikkaan paperitehtaan lakkauttamisen uutisdiskurssit legitimaationäkökulmasta | Laatikainen, Outi |
2015 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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14133 | Mahdollistamisesta sankaritarinoihin - Referenssiviestinnän retoriset strategiat | Stranius, Hanna |
2015 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13964 | Mustia Joutsenia ja vuorovaikutusta: Dialogoksesta diasofiaan epävarmassa maailmassa | Lähdesmäki, Ville |
2015 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13946 | Top management perceptions of linkages between understanding, accepting and executing strategy: A case study | Heikkinen, Sara |
2015 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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13944 | Sosiaalisen median vaikutukset viestinnän käytäntöihin B2B-yrityksissä | Nissinen, Jaana |
2015 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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13826 | Diskursiiviset legitimaatiostrategiat mediateksteissä - Case Valio Oy | Silvennoinen, Sanna |
2014 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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13813 | Työnantajabrändin viestintä organisaation verkkosivuilla - genrenäkökulma | Ora, Jane |
2014 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13674 | "Jos ihan hiljaa oltaisi paikoillaan, menisiköhän muutos ohi?" - Strategisen muutoksen johtaminen ja viestintä muutosagenttien näkökulmasta | Evers, Reetta |
2014 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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13654 | Onnistunut sidosryhmäviestintä menestyksen kulmakivenä - Case X Oy | Stranding, Tytti-Kanerva |
2014 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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13653 | Sensemaking in organizations - Different responses to strategic change | Saari, Christina |
2014 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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13581 | "Mä johtajana tiedän mitä mä teen": Identiteettityötä kehityskeskustelussa | Pekkinen, Pia-Maria |
2014 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13579 | 140 merkkiä retoriikkaa - Retorinen diskurssianalyysi startup-yritysten viestinnästä Twitterissä | Timonen, Jani |
2014 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13577 | The role of strategy tools in implementing corporate strategy | Nevanlinna, Sari |
2014 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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13563 | The role of corporate identity in university branding:
Case Aalto University School of Business | Tähtinen, Eeva |
2014 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13561 | Urheilujournalismin kliseet, kaavat ja vakiintuneet jutunrakentamisen tavat - Tutkimus jääkiekon MM-kisojen 2013 uutisoinnista | Hyppölä, Lauri |
2014 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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13553 | Naisten asema ja osallistumista tukevat käytännöt organisaatioiden hallitustyöskentelyssä | Autio, Johanna |
2014 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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13441 | Moraalinen vastuunjako julkisessa yritysvastuukeskustelussa - Etnometodologinen kategoria-analyysi yritysten vastuun poliittisista implikaatioista | Penttilä, Visa |
2013 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13413 | Järki ja tunteet - Sukupuolen dikotominen representaatio televisiomainonnassa | Louhelainen, Milla |
2013 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13411 | Semioottinen analyysi brändiarkkitehtuurista naistenvaatemainoksissa | Laitinen, Jaana |
2013 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13365 | The practices of media sales in a Finnish multi-channel media organization | Mäki, Mileena |
2013 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13363 | Understanding media consumption in the digital age - social dimensions of everyday practices of entertainment | Ruissalo, Jonna |
2013 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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13345 | Esimiesten roolien metaforinen rakentuminen strategiatyöpajoissa - Videoetnografinen metafora-analyysi suomalaisessa pörssiyhtiössä | Asikainen, Milla |
2013 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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13340 | Sosiaalisen median hyödyntäminen dialogisessa strategiaviestinnässä | Kekkonen, Arja |
2013 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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13339 | Taloudellisen tuloksen oikeuttaminen toimitusjohtajan katsauksessa | Koskinen, Jarno |
2013 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13315 | Employees' organizational identification in a post-merger environment - a multifactor approach | Röyttä, Antti |
2013 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13301 | "What do you guys think?" - blogit yritysten yhteiskuntavastuuviestinnän ja sidosryhmädialogin välineenä | Luukkonen, Heikki |
2013 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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13300 | Ympäristönsuojelusta yrityskansalaisuuteen - suomalaisten yritysten vastuullisuusdiskurssin muutos | Karppinen, Hanna |
2013 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13227 | Eliittidiskurssin mediakehyksen tulkinta uutisten kommenttipalstoilla | Hämäläinen, Tuomas |
2012 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13214 | "Tänään on hyvä päivä ryhtyä vapaaehtoiseksi!"
- Diskursiiviset legitimointikeinot vapaaehtoisjärjestöjen verkkoteksteissä | Joki-Korpela, Maija |
2013 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13208 | Employee perceptions of code of conduct content, purpose and implementation: a case study | Karhujoki, Helena |
2013 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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13200 | Sijoittajasuhteiden funktio markkinatiedon tuottajana - strategisen johtamisen ja tietojohtamisen näkökulmat | Honkanen, Maija |
2013 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13174 | Kenen strategia? Työntekijöiden, keskijohdon ja johdon käsityksiä strategiasta ja sen viestinnästä: tapaustutkimus | Karjalainen, Elisa |
2013 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13161 | Identity work during strategic change: Coping strategies, dynamics and complexities. Case Aalto Univeristy School of Business | Jakobsson, Eeva |
2013 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13145 | The WTO and ambiguous language of development. A rhetorical analysis of the development discourse of the World Trade Organization. | Kangas, Laura |
2013 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13139 | Kuka vastaa?
Metonyyminen tekijyys irtisanomisuutisoinnissa | Koliseva, Kiia |
2013 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13055 | Strategianarratiivin rakentaminen toimitusjohtajan haastattelussa vuosikertomuksessa | Hetemäki, Tuukka |
2012 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12993 | Diskursiiviset legitimaatiostrategiat kestävän matkailun viestinnässä | Aspelin, Hanna |
2012 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12948 | Strategisen muutoksen viestiminen monikansallisessa yrityksessä
Yrityskulttuurin rakentuminen sisäisen viestinnän avulla | Anttila, Sonja |
2012 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12906 | Avainresurssi vai henkilöstökulu: Kategorisointi ja työelämän eriarvoisuuden ilmeneminen suomalaisyritysten henkilöstökertomuksissa | Lappalainen, Seija |
2012 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12894 | Toimijuuden paikat keskijohdon muutospuheessa: diskurssianalyysin kohteena osallistava strateginen muutos | Nuutinen, Riikka |
2012 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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12857 | Strategisen vastuullisuuden viestiminen vuosikertomuksessa - Case Metso Oyj | Hämeenniemi, Mikko |
2012 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12831 | Discourses of ‘servitization’. Strategy as discourse and practice perspective on shipping | Koponen, Riikka |
2012 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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12830 | Intranetin toimivuudesta sisäisen johtamisviestinnän välineenä johdon ja henkilöstön näkökulmista
Case ABB | Salo, Sanna |
2012 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12829 | Aloita eläkesäästäminen nyt.
Pelon diskurssi pitkäaikaissäästämistilien markkinointimateriaaleissa | Toivonen, Kira |
2012 |
Finnish Business Communication |
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12810 | Strategisuus työpaikkailmoituksissa - strategista rekrytointiviestintää etsimässä | Turkulainen, Tiina |
2012 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12809 | Legitimaatio- ja illegitimaatiostrategiat ympäristö- ja turvallisuusriskien viestinnässä - Diskurssianalyysi ydinvoiman riskiviestinnästä | Peltonen, Anu |
2012 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12797 | Yliopiston ja elinkeinoelämän muuttuva suhde
Diskurssianalyyttinen tutkimus Aalto-yliopiston yritysyhteistyösuhteista | Myrberg, Maarit |
2012 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12783 | Valitettavasti valinta ei tällä kertaa kohdistunut sinuun
– Tutkimus kielteisistä rekrytointivastauksista osana rekrytointiprosessia ja työnantajabrändäystä | Rembel, Kristiina |
2012 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12773 | Viestintästrategiat valtaistuneen kuluttajan kohtaamiseen sosiaalisessa mediassa | Hellstén, Linda |
2012 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12593 | Visuaalisen ilmeen strateginen merkitys yritysbrändin rakennuksessa | Seppänen, Leena |
2011 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12592 | Puhekielisyys verkkokeskustelussa | Karppinen, Jouni |
2011 |
Finnish Business Communication |
[pdf] |
14784 | International Expansion through Affiliate Marketing: the Publisher Perspective | Kaaronen, Karla |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
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14757 | Interactive Entertainment and Gender: an Empirical Approach Related to Gender Specific Differences in Gaming together with Attractiveness of Game Products and Promotions to Women | Räsänen, Antti |
2011 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
14685 | Open sourcing programming language - Case Apple Swift | Halmetoja, Eero |
2016 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
14542 | The effects of continuous enterprise system changes: Case study in a global organization | Lindy, Emma |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
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14524 | The business value of good quality in information systems | Talonen, Eero |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
14520 | Multi period balance sheet scenario optimisation | Köymäri, Lari |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
14486 | Business value of XBRL to financial report generators: A dynamic view | Upreti, Bikesh Raj |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
14443 | Early internationalization of technology companies: International channel selection strategies of Finnish B2B software companies | Sipilä, Henri |
2016 |
Information Systems Science |
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14437 | Growth hacking: Defining a digital marketing buzzword | Herttua, Timo |
2016 |
Information Systems Science |
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14427 | Examining the impact of long-term consultant-client relationship in ERP projects | Vuorela, Joonas |
2015 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
14192 | Consumer acceptance of in-vehicle infotainment for the connected car | Fischer, Lene-Marie |
2015 |
Information Systems Science |
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14112 | A longitudinal study on the factors affecting mobile phone switching intensions in the Finnish consumer market | Rantala, Minna |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
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14004 | In search of the Holy Grail of IS project risk management. A case study on risk identification. | Kuusivuori, Juuli |
2015 |
Information Systems Science |
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14000 | Understanding perceived enjoyment and continuance intention in mobile games | Nguyen, Duyen |
2015 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13987 | Developing performance appraisal and payment determination processes in SAP - Case Kela | Saarela, Elisa |
2015 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13833 | Mediation of accumulated knowledge inside IS programs | Aaltonen, Atte |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13823 | The roles of social and network effects in consumer´s mobile service platform switching | Piispanen, Jouni |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13822 | Marketing automation as a catalyst for business transformation in the B2B sector
- A qualitative study | Putkinen, Lauri |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13821 | An empirical study on adoption of mobile money transfer application in Finland | Enkovaara, Miikka |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
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13820 | Motives behind software adoption in Finnish accounting firms: Technology adoption motives in two case firms | Laitinen, Aki |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
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13819 | The hidden pitfalls of Kanban in software development | Anttila, Satu |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13791 | SteamOS - Predicting future success with
two sided markets theory | Ikonen, Juho; Everi, Santeri |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
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13780 | Business Intelligence (BI) strategy development: a grounded action research | Järvinen, Tiia |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13778 | Decision maker's inertia in SMEs: a multiple case study in sales invoicing | Nevalainen, Anssi |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13770 | An overview of Enterprise Social Software adoption in large companies in Finland - Focus on implementation | Nohynek, Milja |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13763 | Perceptions of digital business within the Finnish pension insurance sector | Hyttinen, Heini |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
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13746 | Analyzing suitable revenue model of digital music platforms in China based on the assumption of paid-music | Zhang, Yu |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13740 | IT based environmental program and hindrances of its international diffusion - Case: Green Office -program developed by WWF Finland | Parviainen, Marika |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13737 | Tablet device as a business management tool. Case: fit in a retail company. | Torniainen, Matti |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
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13707 | Recommendation systems - technology and business aspects | Stenberg, Markus |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
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13646 | Combining agile and waterfall methodologies in a single subproject
Case: Property information service | Kukkonen, Tuovi |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
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13596 | Towards Servitization in Finnish SME Machinery Companies
Case: Finnish Mid-Sized Machinery Company | Hakamo, Henri-Erik |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
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13591 | Evaluating the value of web metrics | Riihimäki, Tommi |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13567 | Impact of switching costs and network effects on adoption of mobile platforms | Dzhain, Nikita |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13546 | Factors influencing customers' choices of online merchants | Li, Chenghuan |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13535 | Modelling of a capacitated lot-sizing and scheduling problem | Hartmann, Kathrin |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
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13533 | Senior home care market in Finland | Klemetti, Ate |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
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13526 | The business model and foreign market entry mode choice of crowdsourcing service providers: a case study of a multinational witkey service provider | You, Weimu |
2014 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
13525 | Perceived value of cloud based information systems. Case: accounting information systems. | Zhygalova, Anna |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13424 | Measuring the business value of information technology outsourcing | Toikkanen, Jussi |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
13407 | Aesthetics, affect and user preference - Finding objective measures for subjective experiences | Lipponen, Satu |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13406 | Managing the growing complexity in information system implementation projects -
Case study of Maximo asset management system | Holmborg, Markus |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
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13404 | Defining business models from theoretical perspective and in practice
- In-depth case study of a Finnish software start-up company | Kuisma, Marko |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
13402 | Ubiquitous decision making processes in accounting outsourcing- Case study of four Finnish small and medium sized enterprises | Zhuang, Peng |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13395 | Use of analytics and information technology in sales and operations planning | Paija, Tommi |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
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13392 | Regulatory GRC in the cloud - An explorative comparison of the legal challenges in the European Union and the United States | Rekola, Krista |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
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13391 | Better together? A case study of collaborative internationalization | Obolgogiani, Patrick |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13389 | An overview of e-invoicing in China and the factors affecting individual's intention to B2C e-invoicing adoption | Wu, Rong |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13388 | The purposes of performance dashboard use:
A case of a procurement performance management SaaS provider. | Lofvinga, Viktorija |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13387 | The transition to and the customer-facing processes in the maintenance phase - case replenishment software vendors | Ruuskanen, Mikko |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
13381 | ICT industry in change:
New focus areas for future ICT resources
- Case Metsä Group ICT | Mäkijärvi, Olli |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
13374 | Measuring service quality of online banking in China | Zhang, Yitian |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13373 | Service design of mobile applications in cruise context | Huang, Liping |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13372 | Higher education information technology management benchmarking in Europe | Juult, Janne |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
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13369 | Factors influencing
microtransaction monetization-
model success in digital games | Tuovinen, Kai |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
13368 | Addressing CSR issues in supplier-buyer relationships: Agency theory perspective | Boychenko, Maria |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13364 | The adoption of retail self-service checkout systems
- An empirical study examining the link between intention to use and actual use | Rinta-Kahila, Tapani |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13350 | Business model analysis of interest-based social networking services | Lehtinen, Ilari |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13341 | Data journalism: an outlook for the future processes | Rapeli, Minna |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13334 | Sales force automation system adoption: organisational antecedents for successful implementation | Jerkku, Sami |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
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13333 | Exploring the challenges of assuring CSR information | Anttila, Matilda |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13330 | Risk culture - a descriptive model | Paalanen, Anssi |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13231 | The potential of IHDS to increase the level of energy efficiency and motivation for household residents: a mass pilot comparison | Yassin, Mazin |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
13230 | Understanding reasons behind mobile service platform switching behavior: An inductive analysis from consumer perspective | Nykänen, Jussi |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13211 | New work practices - "Desktop as a Service" and its adoption by the micro enterprise | Weiss, Marta |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13198 | Choosing a website to play Poker - A comparison between utilitarian and hedonic users | Vilén, Ville-Matias |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13196 | Designing data governance model - case study | Vänskä, Ari |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
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13195 | Successful management of ERP implementations: A case study | Korhonen, Otto |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
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13194 | Two tier ERP systems: Combination of on premise and cloud. Cloud ERP manufacturing service outsourcing. | Machal, Marlon |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13191 | A survey of Chinese teenager behaviors on the local social networking sites | Hou, Xiaoyu |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13189 | Future Internet in the European Union
- Case FI-WARE | Tuominen, Lasse |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13186 | Operators' value creation models in electronic invoicing - User company perspective | Tao, Meng |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13180 | Collaboration software adoption: Factors affecting adoption of collaboration software in organizations | Ikäläinen, Sakari |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13170 | Social learning enabled service innovation in consumer online communities | Mattila, Laura |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
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13166 | Open data business models for media industry - Finnish case study | Kinnari, Tomi |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13164 | Diffusion of the international creditor reference standard | Aalto, Aleksi |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13160 | ERP procurement frameworks and implementation in the military environment | Marjomaa, Niko |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
13128 | Post-implementation challenges of utilizing a knowledge management system: An organizational view | Suominen, Julius |
2013 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13091 | The critical success factors of social CRM | Kaski, Katja |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
13079 | Use of external resources to expand boundaries of professional competencies - Case video analysis for football coaching | Tupamäki, Anni |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
13056 | The effect of cognitive biases on organizational purchasing decision making:
Case study of IT infrastructure purchasing in Finnish SMEs | Kotimäki, Veikko |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13054 | Data mining in tax administration -
Using analytics to enhance tax compliance | Martikainen, Jani |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13045 | Assessing changes for implementing Manufacturing Execution Systems.
Case: The Switch Model Factory | Wu, Xiaoxuan |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13029 | Cost estimation in global software
development - Review of estimation techniques | Koskenkylä, Juha |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
13027 | Cognitive absorption in work-related information system usage - Case: Cash flow estimation in private equity financed companies | Aspola, Terhi |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12931 | Managing risk in offshore outsourcing of information systems | Ukkonen, Kari |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
12928 | The impact of communication technologies on individual workers’ productivity | Pekkanen, Kimmo |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12900 | Enabling factors for performance dashboard adoption | Ruuskanen, Jussi |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
12897 | Revenue models in the context of online digital audio companies: Making an optimal choice between advertising and paid subscriptions | Sørensen, Jens |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12895 | Critical success factors in ICT standardization - Assessing internet and communication industries | Valtanen, Atte |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12873 | An autopsy of a sitemaker: An ethnographic account of practices in creating online presence | Nieminen, Jarmo |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
12870 | SME building a platform ecosystem
Case There Corporation | Simula, Jussi |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
12864 | Factors in ICT Innovation's diffusion from an environmental context perspective: The case of XBRL | Norovuori, Sami |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12849 | Challenges of Finnish B2C E-commerce: Achieving competitive advantage through brand and service marketing | Knuuttila, Karri |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12847 | IS & business strategy alignment; the impact on IT integration in M&A.
Case study – technology company | Walker, Sebastian |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12828 | Capturing value from Mobile SNS- Business models analysis of telecommunications operators in China | Wang, Meng |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12807 | Organizational challenges for successful end user adoption of internal enterprise social software | Heiska, Aino |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12804 | Content management in software development transition - Case Tellabs | Koskinen, Jani |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
12801 | Transition management in the supply chain of short lifecycle products – a case study | Hänninen, Paavo |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
12798 | Adoption of smartphones: iPhone. Research of adopting a mobile phone innovation from private consumers' viewpoint. | Ekebom, Eero |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12796 | Business value of XBRL to the financial report receivers in Finland | Asatiani, Aleksandre |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12791 | Installed base information:
Use and practices in industrial capital goods manufacturing companies | Westwood, John |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
12770 | Value investing in the Finnish stock market | Olin, Tomi |
2011 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12758 | A study on the ability of linear time series models to model variables with various distributions | Salonen, Jani |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
12728 | Obstacles of XML-based electronic accounting reference | Juhava, Antti |
2012 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12686 | The implications of a retail offering for the successful multi-channel strategy | Viisteensaari, Samu |
2011 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12663 | Determinants of technology usage in outsourced cash flow forecasting service | Kangas, Antti-Jussi |
2011 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12650 | Exploring factors that hinder the adoption of Mobile Services in China
A qualitative user analysis with special focus on mobile financial services | shi, xiaoguang |
2011 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12635 | Determinant factors in international Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) integration project | Vekkeli, Kimmo |
2011 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
12613 | Creating a consumer-driven business model for the cruise line industry: Case Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines Ltd. | Ahola, Anni |
2011 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12607 | Matchmaking in business park context: case Technopolis | Norros, Timo |
2011 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12606 | Knowledge creation perspective on IT outsourcing: A public sector – private sector context case study | Lehtimäki, Aku-Ville |
2011 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12599 | Building quality indicators for outsourced finance and accounting services | Jukkara, Arttu |
2011 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
12557 | Psychological goal framing in promoting IT-infrastructure services - analysis of goal framing effect between IT-professionals and students | Halmeaho, Vesa-Tapio Tomás |
2011 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12553 | Service provider selection in open standard interorganizational linkages - Case electronic invoicing | Myllynen, Niko |
2011 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12519 | Electronic invoicing in SMEs: Assessing the factors affecting the adoption | Seppä, Marja |
2011 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
12509 | Improving the usability of wikis: Case IT product team of Company X | Karhu, Antti |
2011 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12505 | Conceptualizing and measuring Green IT Readiness in Finnish companies.
Application area: electronic invoice | Tenhunen, Maija |
2011 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12500 | Evaluating financial benefits of an identity management solution – CASE Logica | Heino, Eetu |
2011 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12473 | Using data governance models to improve customer master data management - A case in the technology industry | Diakhaté, Sofia Magdalena Merituuli |
2010 |
Information Systems Science |
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12471 | ERP implementation process and its critical success factors | Ekholm, Jonathan |
2010 |
Information Systems Science |
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12443 | Challenges of outsourcing systems integration
- Lessons learned from the public sector | Immonen, Johanna |
2010 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12441 | Creating business value with strategic IT investments | Pynnönen, Matti |
2010 |
Information Systems Science |
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12440 | Implementation of new IT-systems after company buy-outs - A case study | Filatov, Kirill |
2010 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12438 | SEPA changes and payment process reengineering in Finnish companies. Empirical evidence from six companies | Finne, Emma |
2010 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12436 | Tangibility preference and involvement as predictors of willingness to pay for digitally distributed video games | Kaijanen, Tapani |
2010 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12435 | Financial aspects of cloud computing business models | Jäätmaa, Jaakko |
2010 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12431 | Transition to e-invoicing and post-implementation benefits. Exploratory case studies | Potapenko, Tania |
2010 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12430 | Social media as a medium of word-of-mouth - Investigating movie eWOM dynamics using Tweets | Laurila, Jaakko |
2010 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
12310 | Technology trust antecedents: Building the platform for technology-enabled performance | Leppänen, Akseli |
2010 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12309 | The adoption of social media in reaching and interacting with customers: Case - The Finnish telecommunications industry | Vuolle, Tiia |
2010 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12257 | Tax return filing online – Case Finnish Tax Administration | Kuznetsova, Olga |
2010 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12256 | Supply chain network designing by IT-enabled modelling tools - Case Finnish car tyre business | Mykkänen, Marko |
2010 |
Information Systems Science |
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12255 | Managing organizational change and commitment - A case study in IT industry | Kauppinen, Jukka-Pekka |
2010 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
12203 | Category management and captainship in retail. Case: Baby food in Finland. | Järvinen, Joel |
2010 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12202 | The impact of Electronic Data Interchange and E-invoicing on buyer-seller relationships in business-to-business markets | Maunola, Julia |
2009 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12200 | Creating and sustaining successful business ecosystems | Karhiniemi, Marko |
2009 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12197 | Decision-makers’ information needs - Assessing information needs in strategic management and marketing: Case Outokumpu Oyj | Karpoff, Erno |
2009 |
Information Systems Science |
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12192 | Adoption of social network sites in the entertainment business – Case promotion of urban music events in Helsinki on Facebook | Rugambwa, Gonzaga |
2009 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12045 | Exploring users' knowledge sharing intentions in firm-hosted commercial online communities | Hannuksela, Juha |
2009 |
Information Systems Science |
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12037 | Building metrics for assessing the business value of electronic order-to-payment cycle | Lempinen, Heikki |
2009 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
12009 | Operators value creation in business to business electronic invoicing | Haussila, Timur |
2008 |
Information Systems Science |
- |
12001 | The Changing Role of the CIO. Is CIO an IT Expert or a Business Executive? | Takanen, Tiina |
2008 |
Information Systems Science |
[pdf] |
14797 | Transferring organizational values during internationalization
- case Meltwater | Sundström, Maria |
2014 |
International Business |
- |
14795 | The effects of cultural diversity on project success | Kukkola, Hilda |
2012 |
International Business |
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14777 | Importance and value of airline service attributes.
Routes from Helsinki to Germany in non-business segments | Ylioja, Kari |
2011 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
14776 | Development of Russian Oil Export Infrastructure: a Shipping Company's Perspective | Kuteinikov, Aleksei |
2012 |
International Business |
- |
14702 | Longitudinal study of regional headquarters in Finland | Sampolahti, Jaana |
2016 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
14642 | Use and utility of exogenous strategy frameworks in strategy-making | Junkkari, Jonni |
2015 |
International Business |
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14641 | Global giants and climate change: How do world's largest companies respond to the challenge | Aho, Lotta |
2014 |
International Business |
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14640 | Voluntary employee turnover and retention in Chinese domestic SMEs | Chen, Hao |
2014 |
International Business |
- |
14629 | Perceived attractiveness of foreign subsidiaries of early internationalizing firms: A person-environment fit approach | Liekkilä, Elisa |
2016 |
International Business |
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14611 | Developing international purchases - Case Lemminkäinen Oyj | Juhantalo, Juho |
2016 |
International Business |
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14608 | Effects of employee turnover on service quality and customer satisfaction in contact centers | Tapola, Merituuli |
2016 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
14514 | Foreign language competence as a career enabler: Employee motivation to develop foreign language competence in the technology industry | Vaittinen, Joonas |
2014 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
14512 | Outtweeting the competitors - how social media is used in employer branding in Finland | Montonen, Aleksi |
2014 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
14510 | Investor behavior in crowdfunding | Jalonen, Petteri |
2013 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
14461 | Upgrading the competitive advantage of paired border cities - comparative case study of Nogales-Nogales and Imatra-Svetogorsk | Pietilä, Erika |
2010 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
14459 | Finnish MNC's actice in Brazil: A study about management in the Finnish - Brazilian MNC context | Korhonen Pereira Coutinho, Sónia Alexandra |
2010 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
14458 | Do online social networks help to get a job?
A study on online social networks as a recruitment method in Russia | Drobysheva, Alena |
2010 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
14455 | Impact of external linkages on the innovativeness of multinational companies operating in Finland | Pumpula, Teemu |
2010 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
14450 | Country comparison: Levels of investor relations information within the different countries in the OMX market | Andersson, Olli |
2009 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
14390 | Global HRM: an interview-based case study of recruitment, onboarding and exit practices of a Finnish industrial MNE | Yurbacheva, Olga |
2016 |
International Business |
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14346 | Making the best of licensing partnerships with diverse corporate cultures. A case study. | Vollner, Natalie |
2016 |
International Business |
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14263 | Internationalization of Finnish construction companies: An interview-based study
in the Swedish construction industry | Saloranta, Juuso |
2015 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
14262 | The evolving role of sourcing intermediary and buyer-supplier relationship development in sourcing from China | Virtanen, Yuan |
2015 |
International Business |
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14261 | Outsourced employees' sensemaking process in adjusting to a new organization | Paavola, Mikko |
2015 |
International Business |
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14256 | Effective management of sales channels - A case study of distributor sales channels in international markets | Engström-Häivälä, Sara |
2015 |
International Business |
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14188 | Founders' perspective: Finnish digital learning solutions enterprise in formation | Nurmela, Heidi |
2015 |
International Business |
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14025 | From workrooms to the world: How public funding and institutional practices can support the building of the antecedents for early internationalization. Case: Finnish research based spin-offs | Lehtinen, Olga |
2015 |
International Business |
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14020 | Entry mode choice of travel service firm: The
case of Olympia in China | Zhu, Jian |
2015 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13997 | Which reference to choose? - Reference price conceptualizations and their implications | Schulz, Michael |
2015 |
International Business |
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13996 | Fund manager compensation and the impact on fund performance | Süsse, Astrid |
2015 |
International Business |
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13941 | Overcoming language barriers in health care services in the medical tourism context: Health care companies' perspective | Röysky, Maiju |
2015 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13935 | The development of international entrepreneurs in terms of resources and entrepreneurial capabilities: A case study on a Finnish accelerator program | Tiainen, Timo |
2015 |
International Business |
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13926 | Agency compensation models in search engine advertising - a multiple case study | Heinonen, Karoliina |
2015 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13861 | The employability of highly educated foreigners in Finland: experiences of the foreign degree students of the Aalto University School of Business | Negassa, Jami |
2015 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13860 | Finnish multinationals engagement with non-governmental organizations: from dialogue to CR innovation? | Riutta, Carita |
2015 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13851 | Partnerships for profit and impact: Partner roles in an NGO-led BOP business venture development | Suomalainen, Sini |
2014 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13838 | Does CSR attract us? Empirical evidence from Finnish Business Schools | Englund, Polina |
2014 |
International Business |
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13834 | The impact of equity investments, venture capital, international social capital and public support on the growth and internationalization of Finnish technology start-ups | Korkealaakso, Joonas |
2014 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13832 | How Western SMEs can build partnerships with value-added resellers in Russia. Case MultiTouch Oy. | Georgieva, Veronika |
2014 |
International Business |
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13818 | Desire for balance and impact -
The perception of high involvement work system and its role in building middle managers'
organizational commitment in a Chinese subsidiary | Qin, Bo |
2014 |
International Business |
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13804 | "Language skills have been a must in my job" - The effect of language training and expatriation on language skills and career path: an employee perspective | Huohvanainen, Tanja |
2014 |
International Business |
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13794 | Targeting language markets through Web localization: A case study of a digital cloud service | Taanonen, Mari |
2014 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13788 | Creation and development of marketing networks during internationalization - multiple case study on Nordic fashion companies | Salonen, Jonna |
2014 |
International Business |
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13781 | The role of language in trust-building of international negotiations -
Case: Crisis Management Initiative | Markkanen, Anna-Laura |
2014 |
International Business |
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13767 | AIDS galas and meat free mondays
- a case study on the promotional CSR communication of luxury fashion brands | Hindrén, Noora |
2014 |
International Business |
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13756 | Antecedents of SME internationalization: multiple case study of Finnish SMEs' expansion into Estonia | Öhman, Elena |
2014 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13736 | Participant perceptions of learning
and its transfer from leadership
development programs | Kokoi, Isa |
2014 |
International Business |
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13731 | Value innovations by Finnish SMEs - success stories in global consumer product markets | Starczewski, Toni |
2014 |
International Business |
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13730 | The proliferation of a new-market disruptive innovation: case personal 3D printers | Sauramo, Heljo |
2014 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13655 | The validity of the implied cost of capital method: Mechanical earnings forecasts and the incorporation of clean earnings and total dividend figures | Montag, Andreas |
2013 |
International Business |
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13633 | Foreign language competence in today's working life - An empirical research on the effect of foreign language skills on employees' working life in Finland: employee perspective | Viitala, Jenni |
2014 |
International Business |
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13632 | A Networking Perspective on Intermediary Organizations and Matchmaking - Case: Vantaa Innovation Institute | Mattila, Antti |
2014 |
International Business |
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13594 | Industrial distributor's service strategy - Nordic market perspective | Andersson, Beda |
2014 |
International Business |
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13593 | Exploring the value creation of online microenterprises | Rastas, Antti |
2014 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13565 | Franchise allocation in international sports business: Case of the NHL | Philippe, Marc-André |
2014 |
International Business |
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13564 | Consumer impact on social media marketing. Cases: Finnair and Suomenlinna | Eirola, Lauri |
2014 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13556 | Work well-being preferences of generation Y employees working in MNC. Case: Danske Bank Oyj | Mökkönen, Ronja |
2013 |
International Business |
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13542 | Finnishness as a part of brand communication - A multiple case study of design companies entering the Japanese market. | Meriläinen, Jannaliina |
2013 |
International Business |
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13532 | National and industry trends in GRI based CSR reporting: Case study of eight Finnish and American companies | Kylliäinen, Jukka |
2014 |
International Business |
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13507 | Corporate M&A regulatory strategy - Perspectives on EU merger control / The case of Outokumpu and Inoxum | Juhász, Norbert |
2013 |
International Business |
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13495 | Global distribution of value added - Industrial offshoring perspective | Rauhalahti, Iris |
2013 |
International Business |
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13490 | The valuation effects of global and industrial diversification | Ruffini, Christian |
2013 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13438 | Brand identity absorbance and its effect on marketing collaboration: A case study of a Finnish consumer electronics company | Lepistö, Kaisa |
2013 |
International Business |
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13436 | Exploring the distribution of value in the global nonwovens value chain: where is sustained value created? | Sortti, Iiris |
2012 |
International Business |
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13432 | The role of cluster in innovation process - Case BioTurku Cluster | Lehto, Kristiina |
2013 |
International Business |
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13431 | Study on the utilization rate of EU-Korea free trade agreement and the role of the importer in utilization decision-making | Vuento, Juhani |
2013 |
International Business |
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13430 | The effect of student exchanges on cultural intelligence -
Case: Aalto University School of Business | Kainulainen, Sini |
2013 |
International Business |
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13422 | The ecosystem strategies of born globals:
A case study of two Finnish game firms as participants of global business ecosystems | Åhlgren, Janina |
2013 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13420 | Hedonic and utilitarian Ad attributes in relation to advertising effectiveness - The role of consumer involvement and the context of tablet devices | Lehto, Sarianne |
2013 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13419 | Pay knowledge as a motivator of performance - Case: Neste Oil Corporation | Mikkonen, Juho |
2013 |
International Business |
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13418 | International expansion strategy for an emerging country firm operating in a niche market - Case Russia | Landén, Melina |
2013 |
International Business |
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13416 | Finnish companies in Brazil - Perceptions of Finnish managers of Brazil, its opportunities and entry barriers | Saraste, Mia |
2013 |
International Business |
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13415 | Mobilizing multi-stakeholder network
between Finland and Russia: Case of reviving the health of the Baltic Sea | Lipponen, Sanna |
2013 |
International Business |
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13414 | The drivers to product allocation management:
A managerial perspective to allocation decision-making | Lyytinen Otayza, Paulo |
2013 |
International Business |
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13410 | Managing employee turnover in China | Rinne, Tuua |
2013 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13359 | The battle of the game consoles: Utilizing Chernoff faces in modelling competitive dynamics between MNCs | Soininvaara, Katri |
2013 |
International Business |
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13304 | The corporate brand prominence in global FMCG companies' branding strategy
- A multiple case study of Finnish market perspective | Salmelainen, Noora |
2013 |
International Business |
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13302 | CSR within large Finnish MNCs: causes and effects of voluntary UN global compact participation | Busilla, Anna-Riikka |
2013 |
International Business |
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13295 | The rationales of practices in executive search - A discourse analytic perspective | Peltonen, Lauri |
2013 |
International Business |
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13294 | The role of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation in developing organizational commitment in Russia: case Rautakesko | Fisk, Anna-Riikka |
2013 |
International Business |
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13293 | Zooming in on the foreign degree students of Aalto University School of Economics: A means or an end to internationalization | Mustaniemi, Milla |
2013 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13292 | Whistle blowing schemes in 20 biggest Finnish companies | Lahtinen, Kati |
2013 |
International Business |
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13291 | Communication between a business unit headquarter and country subsidiaries in warranty handling - A case study: ABB Oy | Ekman, Jarmo |
2013 |
International Business |
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13290 | Public sector and international new ventures: The effects of government support on international new venture performance | Laatikainen, Juho |
2013 |
International Business |
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13289 | Business-to-business relationships as a source for advertising success | Määttä, Antti |
2013 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13288 | Measuring country image -case: The country image of Cyprus in Finland | Leino, Helena |
2013 |
International Business |
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13287 | Distribution of value added in a global service production; The case of a Finnish service provider | Serbessa, Tsegahun |
2012 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13286 | Supplier portfolio management of the MNCs and its implications to the Finnish SMEs in the machinery industry | Greis, Aino |
2013 |
International Business |
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13285 | Renting luxuries as an identity project - a hermeneutic approach | Kärkkäinen, Heidi |
2013 |
International Business |
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13284 | Initial steps in extending crisis communication theory
towards social media crisis dialogue: revisiting situational crisis communication framework | Laisi, Suvi |
2013 |
International Business |
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13283 | Facilitating value co-creation in brand communities | Wahlroos, Lauri |
2013 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13282 | Communication and collaboration with a back office in India -
An online survey study on a long-term virtual team | Turjanmaa, Iris Inkeri |
2013 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13281 | An investigation of Finnish business students' stereotypes of Russians in relation to their willingness to do business in Russia | Trofimova, Anastasia |
2013 |
International Business |
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13204 | Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) in China: Barriers and drivers from ESCOs' perspective | Ma, Ding |
2013 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13117 | The value-added of double degree programs to the main stakeholders: A case study of the Aalto University, School of Business' double degree landscape | Holstein, Juuso |
2012 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13116 | A critical comparison of European documentary evidences in the context of intra-Community supplies | Weber, Katharina |
2012 |
International Business |
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13115 | Branding in the Retail Banking Industry in Finland - How to attract and retain young consumers | Kalliala, Joakim |
2012 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13114 | Adapting design to foreign markets - A case study of three Finnish fashion firms | Timonen, Elina |
2012 |
International Business |
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13113 | Enhancing customer relations through special events by professional sports leagues - An exploratory case study of the NHL Premiere | Kurri, Joonas |
2012 |
International Business |
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13112 | Committed expatriates: Psychological contracts of expatriate ccndidates as Cornerstones of idiosyncratic deals | Kuukkanen, Tommi |
2012 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13111 | Internationalization of born globals: A business model perspective of an internet-based service company | Ortiz Palma Junco, Alfonso |
2012 |
International Business |
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13110 | Global sales channel strategies of technology intensive startups | Jokinen, Katja |
2012 |
International Business |
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13109 | Expatriate assignments; The influence of the accompanying family on the perceived outcome of international assignments | Vitasovic, Mila |
2012 |
International Business |
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13108 | Social media ROI as part of marketing strategy work - observations of digital agency viewpoints | Rautio, Anni |
2012 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13107 | Pay-as-you-go electricity - Analysis of product delivery model for RET market penetration amongst rural BOP consumers | Liukas, Charlotta |
2012 |
International Business |
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13106 | University websites as facilitators of international student decision-making | Aarinen, Anni |
2012 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13105 | The linkage between a functioning management system and efficient and value-adding top management meetings in a multibusiness context - Case Vaisala Oyj | Hakkarainen, Jutta |
2012 |
International Business |
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13104 | Perceived quality - An empirical testing of marketing theories: A case study on the imported baby foods market in Bulgaria | Stojanov, Iivo |
2012 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
13065 | Open sourced seed accelerator as a facilitator of startup success
Case Startup Sauna | Karimaa, Jukka |
2012 |
International Business |
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13041 | Organizing and identifying for value innovation in B2B | Makkonen, Sari |
2012 |
International Business |
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13040 | Entry modes for manufacturers internationalizing their service operations - The role of service characteristics | Slotte, Marianne |
2012 |
International Business |
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13039 | Diffusion of innovations in an interaction-intensive B2B network - Case tablet advertising and applications | Henriksson, Sara |
2012 |
International Business |
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13038 | Learning in cross-sectoral cooperation: A comparative case study in saving the Baltic Sea | Kehusmaa, Laura |
2012 |
International Business |
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13037 | New brand creation and category extension as means of entering a product category | Klimscheffskij, Josi |
2012 |
International Business |
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13034 | The internationalization of a C2C e-commerce platform provider, Case: Trendsales ApS | Seppänen, Annariikka |
2012 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12917 | A predominant internationalization mode for new ventures in the App economy | Abril, Vicente |
2012 |
International Business |
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12913 | The rationale and effectiveness of recruitment outsourcing | Heikkonen, Markus |
2012 |
International Business |
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12912 | Mobile application ecosystems from the application developers' perspectives: the cases of App Store and Android Market | Roshan Kokabha, Maryam |
2012 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12886 | Assessment of design factory concept's transferability into the Chinese cultural context | Wang, Ching-Yi |
2012 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12883 | Modeling the sustainability of corporate strategies - An assessment framework for multinational corporations | Riikkinen, Rilana |
2012 |
International Business |
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12882 | The usefulness of purchasing portfolio analysis and the strategic role of purchasing function in Finnish companies | Mahosenaho, Juho |
2012 |
International Business |
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12880 | Global value chain analysis: case of Metalli Inc. in machinery industry | Koponen, Eetu |
2012 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12879 | Engagement of cities in European Union public-private partnerships | Korhonen, Iida |
2012 |
International Business |
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12868 | Who creates value added in a global value chain? A case study | Alakoski, Minja |
2012 |
International Business |
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12856 | Managing customer expectations in global account relationships
- Case: Customer relationship between two multinationals in the IT-industry | Tynkkynen, Johanna |
2012 |
International Business |
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12855 | Transfer of responsible lending practices in an MNC
- Case of a consumer finance company | Ketonen, Wilhelmiina |
2011 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12854 | The Business network development of Swedish Born Globals and its impact on performance | Renteria Bravo, Sergio Adrian |
2011 |
International Business |
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12853 | Optimistic bias in temporal prediction at a MNC: The case of internal development projects at KONE Corporation | Rowell, Chris |
2011 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12852 | Business valuation for mergers and acquisitions in Russia | Zaderienko, Dmitrii |
2012 |
International Business |
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12851 | Creating Value from Innovation.
The analysis of an innovative product value chain | Garcia, Manuel |
2012 |
International Business |
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12711 | Branding strategies for internationalizing functional food companies | Vaara, Riikka |
2011 |
International Business |
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12710 | The channel strategies of born globals -
Sustainability of using MNC as a channel | Willgrén, Ellika |
2011 |
International Business |
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12708 | An integrative approach to strategic frameworks in international expansion.
Case: Ceilhit Group | Samusev, Dmitry |
2011 |
International Business |
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12701 | Relaunching a global brand by a local subsidiary of a MNC for a specific distribution channel after an acquisition
The case of Vichy by L'Oréal Finland | Ylinen, Eeva |
2011 |
International Business |
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12697 | Internationalization of Finnish design-intensive SMEs and the challenge of international marketing communication strategy.
Case: Three Finnish design-intesive SMEs | Lahti, Pekka |
2011 |
International Business |
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12696 | The corporate responsibility management system of the Finnish glasshouse growing industry | Laine, Noora |
2011 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12690 | The cross-border knowledge transfer following a foreign acquisition in the early stages of internationalization (case of a Finnish SME in food industry) | Seytkhalilov, Arif |
2011 |
International Business |
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12689 | Global R&D in telecommunications industry: Managing an establishment process of a research and development site in China | Yrjölä, Kimmo |
2011 |
International Business |
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12688 | Participation in virtual communities of practice
Case: Eaton's Lean CoP | Häkkinen, Sami |
2011 |
International Business |
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12687 | How to incorporate corporate responsibility into global procurement - Case consumer brands company | Tala, Mikko |
2011 |
International Business |
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12668 | Career Boundaries in the Boundaryless World:
Role of Language in Career Success in Finland | Velikodnaya, Natalia |
2011 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12667 | Sports sponsorship as an international marketing communications tool – A multiple case study of Finnish companies | Salo, Hanne |
2011 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12666 | Where is value created in the Finnish food industry? Case: Finnish food company | Karjalainen, Joel |
2011 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12665 | Consumer perceptions and behaviour in respect to ethical, social, and environmental matters in jewellery business | Jokinen, Henri |
2011 |
International Business |
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12664 | CSR discourse in corporate reports - Exploring the socially constructed nature of corporate social responsibility | Itänen, Miia-Emilia |
2011 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12652 | Investigating the elements of a customer industry-focused sales strategy in professional services business - elaborating the strategy framework in the oil, gas, and petrochemicals industry | Heikkilä, Anu |
2011 |
International Business |
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12638 | Analysis of competition in the mobile phone markets of the United States and Europe | Husso, Mika |
2011 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12637 | Sales channel strategies of globalizing internationals - A survey study of Finnish and Swedish ICT companies | Nurmio, Sofia |
2011 |
International Business |
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12631 | Where is value created – value chain mapping and analysis:
A case study based on the food industry | Langenskiöld, Sebastian |
2011 |
International Business |
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12630 | Where is value created within the global value chain? Case: Whitevector Ltd. | Rummukainen, Mikko |
2011 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12629 | Strategic investment motives into Finland
Case: Austria | Väkiparta, Ville |
2011 |
International Business |
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12628 | Restructuring the European post-trading industry - A quest for efficient financial markets | Laininen, Jenni |
2011 |
International Business |
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12627 | International new venture growth strategies - The antecedents and archetypes | Öhman, Heidi |
2011 |
International Business |
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12604 | International organizations in the linguistic context of quebec | Sulonen, Julia |
2011 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12585 | Finnish born globals’ network development – A quantitative study | Apunen, Ilkka |
2011 |
International Business |
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12584 | Motives and location factors of Chinese outward foreign direct investments in a small developed economy | Lintunen, Jyri |
2011 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12583 | Investigating the relationship of inward foreign direct investment and poverty in developing countries | Westerberg, Kristian |
2011 |
International Business |
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12560 | Success factors of mass customization – Cases: Chocri and Shoes of Prey | Altonen, Aiste |
2011 |
International Business |
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12559 | The relationship between language and careers in multinational corporations: A case study of UPM-Kymmene Oyj | Nousiainen, Aija |
2011 |
International Business |
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12556 | Framework for evaluating foreign exchange exposure management practices of non-financial companies: A managerial approach | Luostarinen, Samuli |
2011 |
International Business |
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12555 | Social entrepreneurial activity’s procedures in contributing to sustainable development in rural Sub-Saharan Africa - The cases of Riders for Health, Camfed International and Lifeline Energy | Syvänen, Maria |
2011 |
International Business |
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12554 | Finnish born globals:
Growth and survival through external finance and government support | Ramírez González, César |
2011 |
International Business |
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12530 | Language strategies in Finnish small and medium-sized enterprises | Talja, Katriina |
2011 |
International Business |
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12529 | Partnerships in BOP business | Hietapuro, Marjo |
2011 |
International Business |
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12480 | Growth phases and survival of born globals - Case: Finnish software firms | Hashimoto, Shiho |
2011 |
International Business |
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12474 | Position of employer branding in large Finnish companies - An exploratory study | Aleksi, Simonen |
2011 |
International Business |
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12470 | A comparative study of language strategies in international organizations | Ylinen, Anna-Maria |
2010 |
International Business |
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12469 | Global account management in the industrial service sector | Hallama, Aksel |
2010 |
International Business |
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12468 | Linking business with development - Pharmaceutical manufacturer's contribution to enhancing access to medicines in Kenya | Nieminen, Minja |
2010 |
International Business |
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12467 | The growth phases and survival of product manufacturing B2B and B2C international new ventures from Finland | Grönroos, Sami |
2010 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12457 | Global brand launch in a local subsidiary.
Case: Professional hair cosmetic brand in Finland | Ervelius, Hanna |
2010 |
International Business |
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12456 | Willingness to work abroad: Students at Aalto University School of Economics | Lavonen, Sirje |
2011 |
International Business |
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12453 | Knowledge creation in innovative projects: Comparison between the planning and implementation phases using multiple case studies | Nadayama, Naoto |
2010 |
International Business |
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12451 | Managing employee wellbeing – Why do Finnish organizations provide wellness services? | Vilen, Riina |
2011 |
International Business |
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12380 | Partner as a sales channel in the ICT-Industry - a case of critical success factor development | Gröhn, Johanna |
2010 |
International Business |
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12364 | Strategic sustainability communication in an environmentally sensitive industry - Case: Neste Oil Renewable Fuels | Räisänen, Heikki |
2010 |
International Business |
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12327 | Financial Crisis Impacts on ICT-Sector SME Internationalization | Martikainen, Timo-Pekka |
2010 |
International Business |
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12326 | Marketing to Millennials in Virtual Community - SME Perspective Applied | Tuomela, Satu |
2010 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12325 | The Influence of Entry Mode and Distribution Strategies on Transportation Route Selection of Japanese Electronics Manufacturers in Russia | Reinikainen, Elina |
2010 |
International Business |
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A quantitative study of Finnish and Swedish ICT companies | Mustonen, Jussi |
2010 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12323 | Co-Marketing Alliances in Events Industry - Case IIR Finland Oy | Mäkelä, Anniina |
2010 |
International Business |
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12322 | The Importance of Networks and Founders in Enabling Rapid Internationalization of Born Globals from SMOPECs | Murremäki, Timi |
2010 |
International Business |
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12284 | Complexity as a cost driver in international call center management - Case: The Lufthansa Service Center Network | Heimo, Taina |
2010 |
International Business |
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12263 | The brand management of a Chinese company going global. Case study: Haier group | Wang, Xiaoying |
2010 |
International Business |
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12262 | High oil prices – an assessment of the possible effects to global multinational enterprises | Miinala, Miika |
2010 |
International Business |
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12261 | Globalization of Finnish ICT Born Globals: Creating new market space with disruptive innovation strategy | Myllymäki, Arttu |
2010 |
International Business |
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12236 | Redesigning the design process for India's largest design company | Ford, Edward |
2010 |
International Business |
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12178 | Discourse of international internship from a holistic perspective – Case: CEMS MIM network | Miettinen, Emma |
2009 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12170 | Multinational enterprises, local linkages and resource transfer: the building blocks of radical innovation in Finland | Hilvo, Iiris |
2009 |
International Business |
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12169 | The role of governments in Finno-Taiwanese business relations | Leinonen, Lisa |
2009 |
International Business |
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12168 | Attracting graduates: employer branding in the war for the talent | Geh, Giselda |
2009 |
International Business |
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12167 | Change management as a part of successful ICT project management | Pasanen, Antti |
2009 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12166 | Financing the internationalization of Finnish born globals and globalizing internationals | Villarreal, Marco |
2009 |
International Business |
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12161 | The choice between host country nationals and expatriates to manage a foreign subsidiary of multinational corporation. | Long, Zhuoying |
2009 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12157 | International viral marketing campaign planning and evaluation | Sormunen, Vilja |
2009 |
International Business |
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12156 | Translation activities in MNEs - Case Nordea | Peltonen, Jukka-Pekka |
2009 |
International Business |
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12155 | Translation activities in MNEs - Case Nordea | Vesa, Tiina |
2009 |
International Business |
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12118 | Strategies of multinational enterprises in Finland - linkages, autonomy and roles | Kaikkonen, Kirsi |
2009 |
International Business |
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12104 | Acceptance and usage of information technology in a developing country: Case of a financial cooperative in Uganda | Paajanen, Mimmu |
2009 |
International Business |
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12102 | Internationalization of top management - motivation and effects. Case: Nokia | Vesanen, Taru |
2009 |
International Business |
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12101 | Effects of institutional constraints to foreign market entry strategies of Finnish ICT-companies in Sub-Saharan Africa | Kahla, Elias |
2009 |
International Business |
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12100 | Importance of outcomes Measurement of CSR programmes - Case Nokia | Talvitie-Sirén, Reeta |
2009 |
International Business |
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12099 | Organizational crisis management - crisis communication when IT fails | Glad, Jutta |
2009 |
International Business |
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12098 | Social responsibility and managing global supply chains: Clothing and textile retail companies | Pakarinen, Piia |
2009 |
International Business |
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12075 | The relocation of functional headquarters - on the drivers
and implications of locating corporate functions abroad | Lindholm, Jenny |
2009 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12074 | Internet-enabled internationalization: a study of the online independent gaming industry | Lauri, Joni |
2009 |
International Business |
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12073 | Inter-firm knowledge transfer in international supply chain management | Meyer, Geesche Anna |
2009 |
International Business |
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12072 | The operation mode strategies of Finnish firms in South Korea with a special emphasis on mode switching, mode stretching and mode combination strategies | Huhtanen, Heikki |
2009 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12071 | Greening of organizational culture : Factors influencing the individual's environmental responsibility in a multinational organization – The case of KONE Corporation | Nurkka, Johanna |
2009 |
International Business |
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12038 | Controlling Latin American subsidiaries from Finnish headquarters - the dominant control type and factors affecting the control type choices | Penttilä, Marjo-Riitta |
2009 |
International Business |
[pdf] |
12034 | Making change work: change management practices, objectives, challenges and facilitators in Finnish MNCs | Suutarinen, Kukka-Maaria |
2009 |
International Business |
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12033 | Collecting customer satisfaction data with web surveys | Vuorensola, Lauri |
2009 |
International Business |
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12032 | National and gender diversity in the board of directors - the case of Outokumpu | Inkeroinen, Elina |
2008 |
International Business |
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12031 | Finnish gambling business operational environment and international gambling firms’ offline operations in government monopoly market | Karppinen, Pasi |
2008 |
International Business |
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12012 | Influences of European integration for competition in banking sector and challenges for the case companies in Finland in 21st century | Kultakuusi, Kai |
2008 |
International Business |
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14671 | How do business-to-business companies use Twitter? A case study of global forest and paper product companies' tweets | Viinanen, Tuuli |
2016 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
14616 | Communicating workers' wellbeing through photographs: A study on CSR websites of selected fashion companies | Raitala, Essi |
2016 |
International Business Communication |
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14580 | Corporate branding in Facebook - Communicating strategic vision: A case study | Pihlström, Noora |
2016 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
14556 | Discursive legitimation strategies in the UK media: Case of book e-commerce | Lankinen, Anita |
2015 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
14552 | Trust and communication in a virtual working environment: A case study | Eerikinharju, Meri Meriem |
2015 |
International Business Communication |
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14550 | Internal communication in the implementation phase of an ERP- project | Gråsten, Nea |
2015 |
International Business Communication |
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14544 | Internal communication & employee commitment: A secret ingredient for start-up success? | Harmainen, Leeni |
2014 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
14515 | Mobile marketing communication in museums - Exhibit young adults | Mc Guinness, Steven |
2014 |
International Business Communication |
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14505 | Santa Claus is coming to town: A case study of Santa Claus Park in Mohe, China | Xu, Yang |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
14496 | Evaluation and measurement of strategic corporate communications | Koskimäki, Anna-Maija |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
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14482 | Persuasion in the need of information: Analyzing search engine results page advertisements for low and high involvement products | Ruotsalainen, Roope |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
14457 | Visual communication in CSR reporting - The use of pictures and colors in six car industry CSR reports | Pallasvirta, Tapio |
2010 |
International Business Communication |
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14398 | Factors Influencing Employee Engagement: A case study of Supercell Oy | Granados, Verena |
2016 |
International Business Communication |
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14305 | Self-perceived oral communication competence in English, self-perceived employability and career expectations among non-native English speaking business professionals | Kuokka, Tiia |
2016 |
International Business Communication |
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14152 | Coca-Cola vs. Obesity. Visual communication in CSR advertising and legitimacy management | Nevalainen, Netta |
2015 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
14114 | Building visual identity in start-up companies | Suokas, Elena |
2015 |
International Business Communication |
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14018 | Enhancing communication in service delivery. Case: Property managers. | Sillanpää, Santeri |
2015 |
International Business Communication |
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14003 | Company press sites as online media relations tools | Turku, Friida |
2015 |
International Business Communication |
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13973 | Shaping corporate image and fostering organizational identification: a study of public B2B companies' Facebook pages | Nyberg, Nina |
2015 |
International Business Communication |
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13972 | From "A school to Africa" to "Women are like cars": Analyzing successful and unsuccessful crisis communication cases | Tulonen, Suvi-Maria |
2015 |
International Business Communication |
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13970 | Do you know your supplier? Reviewing buyer-supplier relationship through communication in the dairy industry: Case: Arla Oy. | Ihainen, Sonja |
2015 |
International Business Communication |
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13962 | The role of CSR and CSR Communication in Finnish natural stone industry | Palin, Maria |
2015 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13922 | Dancing on Facebook - A case study of a performing arts organization's social media presence | Nikander, Laura |
2015 |
International Business Communication |
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13897 | Emotions and social currency as a basis for viral success | Rantalankila, Nina |
2015 |
International Business Communication |
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13890 | Government to business stakeholder communication: "From sing and dance to show and tell." | Kähkönen, Nadia |
2014 |
International Business Communication |
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13830 | "I need your help" - crowdfunding a business on Kickstarter | Väkeväinen, Suvi |
2014 |
International Business Communication |
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13752 | CSR communication in B2B business: "It is a bonus, not a priority." | Nieminen, Heidi |
2014 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13723 | #goodread #clickablenews - Understanding what contributes to the popularity of news posts in social media.
Case: Kauppalehti | Nopanen, Sanna-Liisa |
2014 |
International Business Communication |
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13673 | The myth of common corporate language - a case study of a Finnish MNC's customer support team | Forsbom, Anja |
2014 |
International Business Communication |
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13652 | "Do not surprise investors!" - Meeting
investors´ expectations with IR communication | Nummela, Nina |
2014 |
International Business Communication |
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13631 | "I'm sorry" - an analysis on CEO apologies through YouTube as part of corporate crisis communication. Case study: BlackBerry RIM, Skype and Stratfor | Venäläinen, Noora |
2014 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13580 | "Like getting a recommendation from a friend" -
A case study of Bonnier Publications' blog reader perceptions on blog content and commerciality | Tuomi, Jutta |
2014 |
International Business Communication |
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13578 | BORAT, BAIKONUR AND BESBARMAK - A Finnish point of view of business negotiations in Kazakhstan | Nieminen, Mikko |
2014 |
International Business Communication |
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13576 | Corporate branding in social media - Stakeholder involvement in value co-creation: A case study | Pietarinen, Stella |
2014 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13566 | Use of social media in managing customer relationships in a Chinese SME - A communication perspective | Wei, Jie |
2014 |
International Business Communication |
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13554 | Internal communication in an organization utilizing new ways of working | Kalliola, Kia |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
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13541 | Kings or pawns? The role of communication intermediaries in the corporate identity communication of growth companies | Moilanen, Meeri |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13537 | Employer branding in international recruitment communication. Case Opteam | Kainulainen, Maija |
2014 |
International Business Communication |
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13443 | Strategic financial communication in accounting standard changes - Case IFRS 17 Leases | Veltheim, Lauri |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
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13442 | Public relations in China: An exploration of cultural impact on media relations practices, case company: Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, Beijing Office | Chen, Minwen |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
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13439 | Using stories to communicate corporate identity on the web: A study of Nordic fashion companies. | Järnefelt, Noora |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13429 | Beyond language - Cultural characteristics in Finnish-Russian business communication as perceived by Finnish negotiators | Koivuniemi, Sami |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
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13412 | Internal communications through new media - A narrative study of a company's first steps | Sipponen-Damonte, Mirjami |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13371 | Examining online CSR communication within the auditing and consulting industry: the big 4 companies | Larnemaa, Anne |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
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13366 | CEO letters in CSR reports: oil companies in focus | von Berg, Marhaba |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13337 | Communication in supplier relationships: the case of Finnish sourcing in China | Hou, Yanru |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13316 | The nature of internal communication in a knowledge-intensive SME: A case study | Riekkola, Katariina |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
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13298 | Insights into greeting cards to enhance the business communication and relation between Finnish and Chinese companies | You, Xiaolai |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13296 | How to appear responsible? Legitimizing CSR communication on corporate Websites - A study of the 100 largest companies in Finland | Honkanen, Laura |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13210 | Stakeholder perceptions of communication of corporate social responsibility: case Lappset Group | Kiviluoma, Marianne |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13207 | "It is like asking someone: how do you walk?" The role of communication in start-up companies | Skúladóttir, Ásthildur |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13193 | Visual spokespersons and the localisation vs. globalisation of visual elements in communication through narrative images online - An analysis of global and localised websites of multinational pharmaceutical companies | Halttunen, Heidi |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13163 | Goals and measurement of investor relations communication -
perspectives from investor relations officers and sell-side analysts | Oikkonen, Tero |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
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13162 | Value creation through planned communication and interaction in B2B relationships - Case: TDC Oy Finland | Anttila, Vilja |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13144 | Internal corporate communication on strategy and employee commitment | Fenech, Michéle |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13125 | CSR in investor relations: Socially responsible investors and shareholder engagement | Lipponen, Essi |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13124 | CSR communication to consumers in clothing markets -
Mapping consumer interest, awareness, attitudes and expectations | Kivekäs, Lotta |
2013 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
13089 | Corporate blog as a channel for crisis communication: Case Talvivaara | Norros, Eeva |
2012 |
International Business Communication |
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13064 | International CSR communication by Chinese companies: a case study. | Railovaara, Tiia |
2012 |
International Business Communication |
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13063 | Employer image - Creating competitive advantage in human capital markets | Makkonen, Aino |
2012 |
International Business Communication |
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13003 | "Sell the sizzle":Communicating environmental, social, and governance issues to institutional investors | Rytkönen, Säde |
2012 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12946 | What do consumers "like"?
Communicating CSR to consumers in Facebook, views from the airline industry | Tani, Essi |
2012 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12940 | Management and employee perceptions of internal strategy communication: A case study | Herlin, Jussi |
2012 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12926 | Managing web communication. Case: diplomatic missions of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland | Hakaoja, Helena |
2012 |
International Business Communication |
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12918 | Can you picture it? - The use of knowledge visualisation in knowledge transfer | Niskanen, Janika |
2012 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12914 | Perspectives on Internet-based IR communication and corporate reputation: Case KONE Corporation | Leino, Juho |
2012 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12862 | Online media in source-reporter relations between PR
professionals and journalists - Case: Online Press Conference | Kujansuu, Eveliina |
2012 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12827 | Reputation management in the context of an international merger. Case: Logica Finland | Hyrkäs, Heli |
2012 |
International Business Communication |
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12825 | Productization of a communication service -
Case Communicea Oy | Ahokas, Reetta |
2012 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12806 | Communicative challenges in an internationally decentralized nonprofit organization
Case: Finn Church Aid | Leivonen, Jutta |
2012 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12774 | Says who? Stakeholder voices in CSR reports
- A genre approach | Östman, Nina |
2011 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12772 | Cultural synergies and challenges in the context of Supplier Relationship Management: Finnish-Chinese interaction | Penkova, Aleksandra |
2012 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12771 | Communicative Competence in project management: A case study in an agile environment | Siikaluoma, Marie |
2012 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12707 | The role of social media in constructing employer reputation: Finland's "Best places to work" | Taskinen, Milla |
2011 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12706 | The impact of visual format in strategy communication | Ylinen, Riina |
2011 |
International Business Communication |
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12705 | "Strong but stronger together" - Perceptions of communication in cooperation projects by representatives of Finnish sports, wellbeing and design business: case Ready Steady GO! Finland | Leskinen, Lauri-Matti |
2011 |
International Business Communication |
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12704 | The importance of colors and images in visual communication on charity organizations' websites | Koivusalo, Suvi-Kanerva |
2011 |
International Business Communication |
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12602 | The role of responsible investing in reputation management
- A case study of an asset management company | Rankila, Oskari |
2011 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12598 | An approach to crisis communication in a multinational corporation - Case Cotesi | Heinonen, Eino |
2011 |
International Business Communication |
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12597 | Communicating with the media in a public-private partnership - Case Baltic Sea Action Summit (BSAS) | Mustonen, Emilia |
2011 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12591 | Communication around the monthly figures: A case study on management reporting practices | Seppänen, Anni-Maria |
2011 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12590 | The role of the intranet in enhancing communication and knowledge sharing in a multinational company:
“Create, store, retrieve, transfer, use and share information!” | Rajalampi, Marja |
2011 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12589 | “We are passionate about our social performance”
Communicating CSR on the corporate website of a tobacco company | Trama, Diana |
2011 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12588 | Wanted? ’Western’ white-collar women, ’western’ working men - genders and employment in communication for immigrants | Bodström, Erna |
2011 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12502 | Reputation 2.0: The role of social media in corporate reputation - Case Nokia | Grützmacher, Antje |
2011 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12481 | Professional perceptions of the link between social media and reputation management | Sarniola, Andreea |
2011 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12452 | From global to local markets:
The role of communication consultancies in localizing the launch communication of MNCs | Ruotsalainen, Anni |
2010 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
An analysis of the discursive practices and strategies of a multinational corporation in legitimizing a planned organizational change | Näsi, Marja |
2010 |
International Business Communication |
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12404 | The role of investor relations in the STF.
A multi-disciplinary approach. | Salmi, Teemu |
2010 |
International Business Communication |
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12365 | Knowledge sharing in electronic working environments
- experiences and practices of knowledge workers | Merilehto, Antti |
2010 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12352 | CEO perceptions of the strategic importance of communication | Wuolanne, Noora |
2010 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12351 | Employees as stakeholders in international CSR reporting: a case country comparison | Harjanne, Päivi |
2010 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12308 | The role of internal communication in the rolling forecast process | Sorvari, Jiri |
2010 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12307 | Choosing channels while acting as a channel: Perceptions of cross-border managers on mediated and strategy communication | Blom, Päivi |
2010 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12306 | The role of visual identity in a merger context - Case Aalto University | Yrjänäinen, Elina |
2010 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12305 | CSR reports and communication channels from the stakeholder point of view. Do the reports have an effect on consumers? | Cervantes, Rodrigo |
2010 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12187 | "From ad hoc to a planned way of working": Use of processes and process models in corporate communication | Korhonen, Nina |
2009 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12186 | Working in four official languages: The perceptions of OGB employees on the role of language in internal communication | Lehtovaara, Heini |
2009 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12180 | Web 2.0 corporate communications for youngsters as stakeholders - Case: Forest Life website by UPM | Luontama, Saija |
2009 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12158 | A genre perspective into communicating about environmental issues on corporate web sites in the oil and gas industry | Sassone, Davide |
2009 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12093 | The role of a cross-cultural training program in interpersonal communications between Finnish and Chinese partners. Case: Kone Corporation | Cai, Jing |
2009 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12089 | Viestintä kansainvälisessä projektiympäristössä: kanavat ja sidosryhmät | Kemppilä, Laura |
2009 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12084 | The communicational value of the corporate logo
Case: IBM Finland | Forsström, Maria |
2009 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12083 | Internal communication practices during an organizational change. Case: cooperation negotiations in a marketing agency | Isohaaro, Sarianne |
2009 |
International Business Communication |
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12082 | The structure and function of a car industry homepage: a genre approach | Kärkkäinen, Vilma |
2009 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12052 | Developing a communication strategy based on employee perceptions of a non-profit's organisational identity. Case: Crisis Management Initiative | Virta, Pia |
2009 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12048 | Nonaka´s knowledge creation theory revisited: a semiotic analysis of communicating knowledge in a geographically dispersed team | Lehtonen, Miikka |
2009 |
International Business Communication |
[pdf] |
12013 | Funder perceptions of the dimensions of reputation of a nonprofit expert organization, case: crisis management initiative | Kaustinen, Laura |
2009 |
International Business Communication |
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12011 | Russian or English? Examining the role and importance of the Russian Language in the Russian business of Finnish companies | Bloigu, Katia |
2008 |
International Business Communication |
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14707 | "Bet on the Race, not the Horse": Radical Innovation Capability in Established Corporations | Vuorilehto, Pirkko |
2016 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
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14638 | Package holidays and the trends of leisure travelling: A case study of the leading tour operators in the Finnish market | Jokinen, Annu |
2014 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
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14579 | Trend, status or need? A study of men's fashion customer behaviour in Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish markets | Ahlberg, Erika |
2016 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
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14480 | Service experience and service design in the infertility sector: A case study | Kesävuori, Taru |
2013 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
[pdf] |
14475 | The early stage of corporate venturing - activities and effectuation in a corporate context | Abrell, Thomas |
2013 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
[pdf] |
14345 | 3D printing as an enabler for service business design in the digitizing healthcare | Kinnunen, Juho |
2015 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
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14344 | Restaurant offering innovation through service design | Dao Quang, Phuong |
2016 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
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14328 | A study on China digital music channel mode and channel coordination | Huang, Li |
2015 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
[pdf] |
14299 | From communication to collaborative dialogue: How to realise the opportunities of virtual work? Case MONONOKE Oyj | Tuomisto, Juho |
2015 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
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14108 | Expanding entrepreneurial teams in design driven Finnish startups: challenges and opportunities | Granö, Linda |
2015 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
[pdf] |
14096 | Influence of the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem on
university-based startups: A case study of Aalto University. | Mikkonen, Maria |
2015 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
[pdf] |
14092 | The importance of building strategic intent for Finland and the discursive practices to pursue it - A critical discourse analysis of Finnish Government Programmes | Lehmuskoski, Jemina |
2015 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
[pdf] |
14088 | Consumerization of interior design software - New revolution or just another app? | Kontkanen, Erika |
2015 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
[pdf] |
13963 | Service prototyping in the "wild": comparison of location-based and location independent services | Vabre, Victoria |
2015 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
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13955 | Longevity risk securitization of housing reverse mortgages in future China | Sun, Huangying |
2015 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
[pdf] |
13954 | Service blueprinting for identifying the key drivers of customer value: action research in a software company | Heikkilä, Mirja |
2015 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
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13940 | Lifting the curtain on contemporary office: Expected versus actual practices of virtual multispace office | Aranko, Annakerttu |
2015 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
[pdf] |
13847 | Examining reverse innovation and collaboration: a case study in the context of Uganda | Terrio, Mari |
2014 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
[pdf] |
13758 | Linking innovativeness and organizational ideation - Exploring the choice of idea generation tools | Pohtola, Kaisa |
2014 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
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13749 | Multidisciplinary education - Impact on working career, case IDBM | Sihvola, Pekka |
2014 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
[pdf] |
13720 | Changing perception of value as a driver for industry transformation - case music industry | Vainio, Velde |
2014 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
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13696 | User-inclusive service design methods in the development of smart cities - The case of intelligent transportation solutions | Hytti, Anni |
2014 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
[pdf] |
13558 | Consumer experience at lifestyle trade fair: study on themed space as experiential context | Lammintausta, Elina |
2013 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
[pdf] |
13557 | International fashion trade shows as knowledge creation platforms for Finnish microenterprises | Cheng, Heidi |
2014 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
[pdf] |
13531 | Beyond borders: Supporting virtual communities of practice for creating knowledge with stakeholders - Case: Martela Oyj | Vettenranta, Inka |
2014 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
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13398 | The conceptualization of electronic Word-of-Mouth (EWOM) and company practices to monitor, encourage, and commit to EWOM - a service industry perspective | Kaijasilta, Nina |
2013 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
[pdf] |
13336 | Creating value by incorporating design into the materials selection process.
A material manufacturer's perspective. | Benker, Andreas |
2013 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
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13335 | Bridging the equity and entrepreneurial gaps in the Finnish fashion industry: a comparative case study of the Swedish, Danish & Finnish fashion ecosystems | Salonoja, Noora |
2013 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
[pdf] |
12822 | Design: The driving force behind intangible capital?
Case Design Index companies | Harju, Anni |
2012 |
International Design Business Management (IDBM) |
[pdf] |
14794 | Impacts of different trust types on interorganizational systems and switching costs: Multiple case studies | Metsäntähti, Eemeli |
2011 |
Logistics |
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14761 | Newsvendor Model in Capacity Planning: a Case Analysis | Viikeri, Janne |
2016 |
Logistics |
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14704 | Knowledge matters: how new knowledge affects procurement operations | Svanström, Victor |
2015 |
Logistics |
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14658 | Analysis of key factors for market expansion and sales increase - case company | Zhao, Jing |
2016 |
Logistics |
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14554 | Optimization of buffer storage size for radioactive waste in the decommissioning of a nuclear power plant | Eurajoki, Tapani |
2015 |
Logistics |
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14518 | Challenges of virtual and temporary project management
- a case study | Määttänen, Lauri |
2014 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
14509 | Reverse logistics return policies and their possible impacts on customer loyalty in e-retailing environment | Ogunleye, Ayobami |
2013 |
Logistics |
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14497 | Practices and performances in the manufacturing industry - Using the qualitative comparative analysis on data from the Made in Finland longitudinal study | Lamy, Charlotte |
2013 |
Logistics |
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14449 | Logistics of Finnish food companies in Russia. In house development or outsourcing? | Antonov, Nickolay |
2009 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
14447 | Nuorten mediakäyttäytyminen ja sen vaikutus lehtien jakeluprosessin tulevaisuuteen Suomessa | Lindblom, Hanna-Leena |
2008 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
14416 | The requirements of control points in an invoicing system: International compliance and working practice | Gerrits, Kaisa-Leena |
2016 |
Logistics |
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14296 | Markkinointiviestinnän ostopäätöstekijät - merkitys, määrittäminen ja testaus | Westerling, Roni |
2010 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
14295 | Finnish shipping requirements in 2025 - a megatrend approach | Pyhäranta, Eero |
2013 |
Logistics |
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14290 | Capabilities and steps to increase services successfully in manufacturing companies: Analysis of service business development in Nordic process industry companies | Kanninen, Tiina |
2013 |
Logistics |
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14276 | Forecasting for intermittent spare parts in single-echelon multi-location and multi-item logistics network:
Case KONE Global Spares Supply | Oguji, Nnamdi |
2013 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
14273 | Collaboration with customers in innovation processes:
Case study: M/S Viking Grace,
Viking Line Abp | Ahvenainen, Virpi |
2014 |
Logistics |
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14029 | Modeling supply chain costs in the automotive manufacturing industry: The case of Valmet Automotive | Koivula, Lauri |
2015 |
Logistics |
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14022 | Assessing supply chain collaboration, firm capabilities and performance: An empirical study of third-party logistics industry in Finland | Chen, Leifu |
2015 |
Logistics |
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13764 | Analysis of the Finnish impact assessments of the 2015 sulphur regulations of marine fuels | Koiranen, Tomi |
2014 |
Logistics |
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13762 | Modularity in services and travel supply chains: travel agency perspective | Hartikainen, Heidi |
2014 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
13732 | E-tourism - Applying structural pricing strategies to tour operator industry | Horelli, Lauri |
2014 |
Logistics |
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13727 | Kustannusmalli Suomen rautatietavaraliikenteeseen, Itäinen yhdysliikenne | Rajapuro, Ilpo |
2014 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
13677 | Evaluating the effects of logistic costs in accounting to improve reliability and efficiency
- Case Stora Enso Logistics | Karri, Jenni |
2014 |
Logistics |
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13670 | Integration of sales channels in multichannel retail organizations - Controlling intra-organizational channel conflict | Jukola, Anton |
2014 |
Logistics |
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13656 | Embedding sustainability into operations of SMEs in logistics industry | Gayfutdinov, Artur |
2014 |
Logistics |
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13589 | Key determinants and future implications on Mexican market entry - Case study on Finnish companies | Lees, Patrick |
2014 |
Logistics |
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13572 | Resilience as a way to improve business continuity: a multiple case study with large Nordic companies | Mäkilä, Miikka |
2014 |
Logistics |
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13527 | Greening the supply chain - evaluating sustainability in supply chain for Chinese electronics industry | Wang, Jue |
2014 |
Logistics |
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13489 | Using Theory of Constraints to increase control in a complex manufacturing environment - Case CandyCo: Make-to-stock production with a broad product offering and hundreds of components | Nieminen, Jorma |
2014 |
Logistics |
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13446 | Hankinnasta maksuun -prosessin tehostaminen tietojärjestelmien avulla - Case Senaatti-kiinteistöt | Kuikka, Esapekka |
2013 |
Logistics |
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13444 | Scalability of urban innovations - Case: the role of network management in business transformation | Kotamäki, Elisa |
2013 |
Logistics |
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13437 | Developing an optimal selective procurement matrix for resale business - Case Studiotec Oy | Forssén, Anton |
2013 |
Logistics |
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13417 | A framework for evaluating inventory management in healthcare
Case: HUS Logistics | Saraste, Severi |
2013 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
13405 | Capacity management and production allocation in the pulp & paper industry:
Decision-making drivers and process in multiple production Site Environment | Talvitie, Mika |
2013 |
Logistics |
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13380 | Vehicle routing optimization for fast-moving consumer goods deliveries in Finland: case Kovanen Logistics | Piiroinen, Juho |
2013 |
Logistics |
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13343 | Integrating purchasing with order fulfillment process in engineer to order manufacturing | Inkinen, Matti |
2013 |
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13331 | Redesigning physical distribution network structure for Asia-Pacific market - Case Suunto Oy | Westrén-Doll, Nita |
2013 |
Logistics |
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13266 | Sourcing style - Global sourcing strategies in the Finnish
fashion industry | Tornberg, Aliisa |
2013 |
Logistics |
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13202 | Identifying reasons for non-compliancy in materials management - case food industry | Keskitalo, Elisa |
2013 |
Logistics |
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13190 | The influence of motivation, social interaction and space on individual experience:
Case m2cell cruise ship concept in three group events | Wu, Yali |
2013 |
Logistics |
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13188 | Kaupunkikiinteistön jätehuollon kehittäminen - Case Kiinteistö Oy Luna | Hulkkonen, Elina |
2013 |
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13187 | Service delivery process design and efficiency in financial services: Case study on Š | Penttinen, Tommi |
2013 |
Logistics |
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13165 | Enhancing customer perceived value in home deliveries -
Case: Customer company X | Beilinson, Joni |
2013 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
13127 | Teknologian hyväksyminen ja käyttö kotihoidossa: Kotihoidon asiakkaiden näkemyksiä videoneuvotteluteknologian käytöstä | Pietikäinen, Jorma |
2013 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12999 | Apteekkipalveluiden kehittäminen: Case Suomen Apteekkariliitto | Salonen, Jaana |
2012 |
Logistics |
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12898 | Measuring customer expectations of service quality: case airline industry | Tolpa, Ekaterina |
2012 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12865 | Aligning production-inventory strategy according to seasonality | Kauppi, Sanni |
2012 |
Logistics |
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12850 | Future prospects of the Finnish environment industry | Kajander, Tero |
2012 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12835 | Defining and quantifying customer value in industrial Solution sales - Case Metso Automation Services | Klemola, Kirsi |
2012 |
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12803 | The effects of service quality perceptions on satisfaction, loyalty and willingness to recommend – A study of delinquent bank customers | Raitasuo, Pinja |
2012 |
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12786 | Vähittäismyymälöiden varmuusvarastotasojen, kuljetuksien ja hyllysaatavuuden optimointi | Vuori, Emma |
2011 |
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12784 | Financial hedging practices and processes as a part of oil refining company's supply chain Case: Neste Oil | Puumalainen, Saana |
2012 |
Logistics |
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12782 | Pienten päivittäistavarakauppojen ryhmitteleminen kannattavuuden parantamiseksi - Case Suomen Lähikauppa Oy
Small Retail Store Clustering for Profit Improvement - Case Suomen Lähikauppa Oy | Usmi, Pekka |
2012 |
Logistics |
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12781 | Servitization of manufacturing companies - Framework for analyzing servitization capabilities | Kinnunen, Reetta-Elina |
2011 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12754 | The possibilities of one-time project collaboration in company challenge resolution - A study of IDBM KONE and PDP KONE project collaborations | Pirkanniemi, Inna |
2012 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12691 | Tiedonhallinnan kehittäminen liiketoimintaprosessissa –
Case konepaja x:n tilaus-toimitusprosessi | Sandén, Heini |
2011 |
Logistics |
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12678 | Total cost based decision support model for strategic sourcing – Case sourcing of MRO equipment in a process industry company | Kemppainen, Petri |
2011 |
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12675 | Tietojärjestelmissä tarvittavien menestystekijöiden kartoitus osana liiketoiminnan ja IT:n strategista yhteensovittamista. Case VR-Yhtymä Oy | Hietanen, Ville |
2011 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12670 | Application of service modularity in consulting industry | Ovtchinnikova, Anastassia |
2011 |
Logistics |
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12651 | The rationalization of expert organization’s marketing and sales (M&S) process in B2B context: Case PR-Logisticar Oy | Hanninen, Jyri |
2011 |
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12569 | New product forecasting - Empirical evidence from Finnish textile companies | Kaperi, Johanna |
2011 |
Logistics |
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12552 | Modulaarisuuden soveltaminen hätäavun logistiikassa -Case SPR | Railio, Katri |
2011 |
Logistics |
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12544 | Social media business model analysis - Case Tencent, Facebook, and Myspace | Hu, Xiaoyan |
2011 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12531 | ”Arvaa ja korjaa” – IT –hallintotavan muodostaminen ja sen merkitys fuusion jälkeisen IT –integraation onnistumisessa | Hyppönen, Kasper |
2011 |
Logistics |
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12508 | Designing management accounting system to support Lean management in multiple supply chain strategy - Case Vaisala Oyj | Koukkula, Lari |
2011 |
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12506 | Sustainability in consumer's purchasing behavior - Case mobile phones | Pihkala, Janne |
2011 |
Logistics |
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12501 | Technology acceptance factors in e-commerce environment - Case DHL Express | Säntti, Roosa-Maria |
2011 |
Logistics |
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12472 | Apply quality function deployment model in after-sales service improvements: case company X | Tian, Ye |
2011 |
Logistics |
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12442 | A warehouse design framework for order processing and materials handling improvement - Case Etra Oy | Blomqvist, Tommy |
2010 |
Logistics |
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12439 | Projektien ja resurssien hallinta moniprojektiympäristössä - case vesihuollon urakointi | Kotilainen, Juha-Pekka |
2010 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12437 | Läpimenoajat lasten päivystyspoliklinikalla - mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat? Case Lastenklinikka | Pitkänen, Laura |
2010 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12434 | Creating a collaboration based SCM framework. Case Digita Oy | Kaija, Anssi |
2010 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12433 | Environmental quality management in hospitality industry - Case Hotel K5 Levi | Vähätiitto, Jenni |
2010 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12428 | Servicescapes in cruise ship design - Case xpTray design concept | Lampinen, Pekka |
2010 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12311 | Evaluating the benefits and ROI of a comprehensive CRM service - Case Itella Asiakkuusmarkkinointi | Aalto, Mari |
2010 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12260 | Governance in business process outsourcing:
case study on call center outsourcing | Rantakari, Lauri |
2010 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12258 | The impacts of incorrect sales orders on the purchase order processing, continuous improvement of the purchase process | Jakobsson, Laura |
2010 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12199 | Evaluating sustainability in materials management – case mobile handset manufacturers | Kulmala, Maarika |
2009 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12195 | Prosessilähtöinen toiminnan kehittäminen julkishallinnon organisaatiossa
- Case Tulli | Moilala, Jarkko |
2009 |
Logistics |
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12194 | Toimitustäsmällisyyden kehittäminen rakennustyömaan tuottavuuden nostamiseksi - Case Skanska Oy | Kiljunen, Juha-Matti |
2009 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12193 | Uusi maaseutualueiden palvelukeskusmalli maaseutuyrittäjyyden ja -palvelujen kehittäjänä - Case Vuolenkosken kyläkeskus | Fieldhouse, Laura |
2009 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12191 | Business model analysis of a case company in knowledge intensive business sector
Case: Oy Integro Finland Ab | Kong, Xiangqian |
2009 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12190 | Business model analysis for online social shopping companies. Case study: RunToShop Oy. | Zhang, Liang |
2009 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
12041 | The influence of volatile raw material prices on inventory valuation and product costing | Suviolahti, Hannu |
2009 |
Logistics |
[pdf] |
14639 | Improving manufacturing capability in an SME environment | Jaatinen, Visa |
2014 |
Management Science |
[pdf] |
14504 | Riskiretoriikat suomalaisissa yrityksessä | Brunou, Jyri |
2013 |
Management Science |
[pdf] |
14091 | Sukupuolittuneet kuvat liike-elämän lehdessä | Lahti, Katriina |
2015 |
Management Science |
- |
13889 | Cloud computing ecosystem: Insights from an exploratory study in SaaS and PaaS value networks | Valkonen, Antti |
2013 |
Management Science |
[pdf] |
13842 | Strategy of commercialization of Russian innovations in Finland | Koryakina, Natalia |
2014 |
Management Science |
[pdf] |
13777 | Mobile marketing in retail | Kuisma, Jari |
2014 |
Management Science |
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13592 | Value investing with rule-based stock selection and data mining | Sistonen, Ilkka |
2014 |
Management Science |
[pdf] |
13435 | Management capabilities, business models and investment targets / An exploratory study on the future of the Finnish manufacturing industry | Isotalo, Tatu |
2012 |
Management Science |
[pdf] |
13408 | Pricing strategy and revenue models:
A multiple case study from the IT service sector in Finland | Wuollet, Joonas |
2013 |
Management Science |
[pdf] |
13312 | Towards understanding nascent entrepreneurship: a theory of planned behavior perspective | Saade, Fouad |
2013 |
Management Science |
[pdf] |
12715 | Optimizing service part inventory and
lateral transshipments in single-echelon,
multi-item supply chain | Heikkilä, Tuomas |
2011 |
Management Science |
- |
12429 | Valuation of emerging economy investments: Applying real options analysis to Brazilian Timberland investment valuaton | Oinonen, Sami |
2010 |
Management Science |
[pdf] |
12259 | Pulp supply optimization – Case M-real | Ilmonen, Kai |
2010 |
Management Science |
- |
14793 | Journeys: lived experiences of tattooed people | Pakarinen, Jan |
2016 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14787 | Icons becoming brands: how can brands emerge as the result of culture - case Sauna as the iconic brand of Finland | Helaniemi, Katariina |
2016 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14762 | Job dimensions of brand managers in the tobacco industry | Katkoff, Michail |
2010 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14760 | Corporate reputation in social media - empirical study of consumers' perceptions of Marimekko's corporate reputation based on company and consumer communication on Facebook | Halme, Merja |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14759 | Coordination of strategy formation process in a decentralized organization - a process study of a Finnish department store chain | Jylhä, Emmi |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14733 | VR ja rautateiden tavaraliikenteen kilpailun käynnistyminen Suomessa | Sirola, Markku |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14723 | The Type of Value Consumers Seek from Branded Apps | Kauhanen, Sanna-Maria |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14722 | Business Model Sensemaking in Early Stage Knowledge-Intensive Firms | Khrupa, Igor |
2016 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14719 | The role of internal factors in knowledge transfer: case study of a Finnish start-up | Girs, Mirella |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14715 | How Do Consumers Living Abroad Talk about Including Finnishness to their Identities? Social Identity Theory in the Acculturation Process of Expatriate Finns in Madrid | Mäntylä, Katariina |
2016 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14714 | A visual social semiotic analysis of heteronormativity and LGBT representation in advertising | Leino, Leena |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14711 | Patient centricity and business networks in the pharmaceutical industry | Halila, Sara |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14708 | Trust in collaborative consumption - exploring the implications of website quality and feedback mechanisms | Kuusisto, Niina |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14706 | The role of digital channels in initiation of business relationships from the customer perspective | Koval, Daria |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14700 | Pay-what-you-want campaign: effects on/of customer behavior | Hissa, Tiina |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14698 | Exploring value alignment in shopping center mobile solutions: A case study of Citycon | Vakkila, Fanny |
2016 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14694 | University image and its effect on applying intentions - Case: Aalto University School of Business | Purolinna, Pirjo |
2016 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14693 | The impact of employer attractiveness to employee and firm productivity | Wigg, Eemeli |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14674 | The price of free online services: Shedding light to Finnish consumers' beliefs about their privacy in online services | Simpanen, Eetu |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14669 | Farmaseuttisen henkilökunnan suhtautuminen apteekissa tapahtuvaan lisämyyntiin | Rämä, Kaisa |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14668 | Japanese perceptions of packaging designs for Western foodstuff products: Case Finpro's Food From Finland export program | Luotola, Niina |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14654 | The role of emotional intelligence in B2B customer relationships: An analysis of a Finnish recruitment company | Simonen, Mia |
2016 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14644 | The effect of different configurations of mobile advertisement components to the advertisement performance. Case: Dairy Foods | Koskinen, Elina |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14637 | Ekologisuuden merkitys urbaanin kuluttajan arjen käytännöissä: Videografia tutkimusmetodina | Lindroos, Niklas |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14630 | Motivations and deterrents for participating in video games crowdfunding | Högman, Emmi |
2016 |
Marketing |
- |
14627 | Kuinka sponsorit käyttävät urheiluseuran tarjoamia markkinointiviestinnän kanavia suhteessa muuhun integroituun markkinointiviestintäänsä? Case-tutkimus Helsingin IFK ja yhteistyökumppanit | Rosvall, Mikko |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14612 | Brand management system in service context | Tuikka, Sini |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14610 | The role of social elements in e-retailer's business model | Vertanen, Ilkka |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14583 | Branding residential areas: A comparative analysis of two new living areas | Ropponen, Anna-Eerika |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14582 | Consumer evaluations of green brand extensions: The role of parent brand quality and perceived fit | Korpela, Karoliina |
2016 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14575 | Exploring consumers' experiences of self and body through embodying activity: Case partnered dancing | Rehkolainen, Maria |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14566 | An integrative approach to the role of the internet and electronic commerce within SME internationalisation: Case Globe Hope | Saario, Taru |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14562 | Making sense of Green Office | Pellinen, Ulla |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14558 | Buying live vs online - Case: art and antiques auction | Raatikainen, Joel |
2015 |
Marketing |
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14549 | Conceptualizing customer-company patronizing behavior: Nostalgia-charged experiences driving prosocial behavior and commitment | Filippovits, Diana & Jokela, Iiris |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14543 | Internationalization in retail - Challenges and possibilities in Finland | Vapaavuori, Iina |
2014 |
Marketing |
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14538 | Consumer behavior toward counterfeiting: Exploring consumer's purchase intention after design piracy - Case Marimekko | Kajo, Zinaida |
2014 |
Marketing |
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14529 | "Ainahan sen voi palauttaa" - Palautusmahdollisuuden vaikutus ostopäätökseen ja palautuskäyttäytymiseen vaatemyymälöissä ja verkkokaupoissa | Hampspinnare, Henrietta |
2014 |
Marketing |
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14523 | Social media as an idiosyncratic investment and enhancer of relationship quality and long-term orientation in buyer-supplier relationships | Zogg, Stephanie |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14522 | Factors influencing insurance customers' channel preferences in a multichannel environment - An empirical study in a Finnish insurance company | Koivisto, Erno |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14517 | Value co-creation in consumer-to-consumer context: Case Restaurant Day | Ketola, Katariina |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14516 | Riskit ja niiden hallinta kaupan kansainvälistyessä - Venäjän liiketoimintaympäristön riskien ja riskienhallinnan tarkastelu | Ahlfors, Mikael |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14513 | Me, my brands and I - Self-presentation through brand-related UGC | Sairanen, Ilkka |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14495 | Privacy construction on social media | Arhipova, Galina |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14494 | The importance of brand performance on mutual fund launch: An investigation of the Finnish mutual fund market in 1997-2010 | Lindroos, Hanna |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14488 | Co-branding in a non-corporate context: A case study of the Guggenheim Helsinki museum initiative | Matilainen, Kristine |
2013 |
Marketing |
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14481 | Erikoiskaupan myymäläsuunnittelulla olosuhteet kokemusten syntymiselle | Salo, Anna |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14477 | Factors affecting entertainment mobile application adoption | Nevasalo, Eeva |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14472 | Next steps in SERVQUAL - Adjusting to digitalization of services | Pöyry, Maija |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14414 | Wearable health technology supporting a rheumatoid arthritis patient in shared decision-making with a physician | Rauramaa, Anni |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14413 | How do technology-oriented startups establish market orientation for their businesses? A case study of five Finnish technology-oriented startups | Le Thi Kim, Tuyen |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14412 | Tunteiden rooli B2B-yritysten markkinoinnissa sekä asiakassuhteiden rakentamisessa | Harjula, Minna |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14410 | Co-producing digital service innovations | Kalme, Anna |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14409 | Vuorovaikutus osana asiakkaan arvonluontia - ICT-palvelut pienille ja keskisuurille yrityksille | Myllynen, Antti |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14408 | Consumers' intentions to subscribe to music streaming services | Helkkula, Aapeli |
2016 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14407 | Personal branding as a career advancing method - the importance of self-marketing on social media within the fashion industry | Kujala, Kirsi |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14404 | Measuring marketing productivity: A comparative study between fuzzy-set and regression analysis | Korhonen, Kalle |
2016 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14399 | The effect of value-based selling activities on sales success | Sjöblom, Jami |
2016 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14397 | Consumer purchase journeys in multiple channels: A consumer-centric approach | Vilppula, Mari |
2016 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14392 | Contemporary urban skateboarding practices | Sillanpää, Ville |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14384 | The meaningful everyday - Understanding the
meaning of shopping in a daily consumer goods
environment | Ali-Kovero, Johanna |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14377 | Myyttien vaikutus vinyylilevyjen kulutustrendiin digiaikakautena | Määttänen, Santeri |
2016 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14376 | Big data and its effects on marketing in the Finnish business context | Rahman, Daniel |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14371 | Tunnistavatko kuluttajat eri hinnoittelustrategioita? | Ryynälä, Pasi |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14356 | Consumer psychographic surveys as part of the decision-making
in customer relationship management in omni-channel retail
environments -Case Tokmanni | Laurila, Louna |
2016 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14354 | Caught in an avalanche: Key aspects of consumer identity work through seasonal sports | Viiala, Tommi |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14329 | Industrial buyers' utilisation of customer references in the context of purchasing digital solutions | Nuutinen, Ella |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14307 | CRM:n hyödyntäminen yrityksen ratkaisumyynnin tukena: Tapaustutkimus | Brandt, Robert |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14306 | The consumption of well-being: Developing consumption practices of well-being in the context of medicalized water | Huikari, Nelli |
2016 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14303 | Management of the process of country brand planning - case analysis on branding Norway | Lindeman, Kaisa |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14302 | Cycle of desire: Understanding consumption behavior of an urban cycling community | Peltonen, Meri |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14292 | Implications of task environment and corporate context on marketing measurement systems in shopping centers - a constructive case study | Lehtonen, Lotta |
2013 |
Marketing |
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14287 | The meanings of collective experiences in alternative marketplaces: Case Cleaning Day | Ylismaa, Melinda |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14286 | How managers evoke the creation of customer experiences in a business to business consultancy company | Ylikoski, Tuomas |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14283 | Practices of consuming trotting: How a community of devoted enthusiasts forms around a leisure activity | Aro, Atte |
2016 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14280 | What is the ideal movie-going experience? Using autodriven photo-elicitation to explore the elements of consumers' cinema visits | Savolainen, Laura |
2016 |
Marketing |
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14274 | Passive fans experiences and insights into engagement in ice hockey organizations Facebook pages | Utriainen, Tuomas |
2015 |
Marketing |
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14254 | Exploring the relationship between customer experience and customer value in grocery retailing. Case: A K-Citymarket Grocery Store | Hänninen, Mikko |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14253 | Utilization of social media in market entry strategies: A case study of multinational companies in China | Long, Feiya |
2015 |
Marketing |
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14252 | Categorization of Finnish B2C marketers' views and approaches to sexual minorities as a target consumer segment in marketing | Kauste, Amanda |
2015 |
Marketing |
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14250 | Reference group influence on digital advertising effectiveness | Taube, Valtteri |
2015 |
Marketing |
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14230 | How women play mobile games: Studying the consumer culture of mobile games among young adult females | Liimatainen, Harri |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14213 | How does a Facebook flea market create value? Value co-creation and value outcomes in a digital platform | Toivanen, Heini |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14203 | International fashion trade shows as brand identity enhancement platforms for Finnish microenterprises | Engelvuori, Kristina |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14199 | Drivers of spreading in-group and out-of-group electronic word-of-mouth: Maintaining a positive self-concept by engaging in eWOM behavior | Kontiola, Julius |
2015 |
Marketing |
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14196 | Mobiiliapplikaatioiden tuotekehitysprosessin asiakaslähtöisyys | Råman, Miikka |
2015 |
Marketing |
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14191 | Liquid art: embracing temporary aesthetics | Valkealahti, Janni |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14161 | Hunting or farming? Salesperson's perceptions on customer orientation in new business acquisition. Case study in a Finnish sales organisation | Lautala, Hillamari |
2015 |
Marketing |
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14160 | Finnish man's identity work through luxury fashion discourses | Uimonen, Terhi |
2015 |
Marketing |
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14159 | Occupational attitudes. A cross-cultural perspective on gender differences among university students | Kekkonen, Miia |
2015 |
Marketing |
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14158 | Exploring motivations to engage in collaborative consumption - Case: Facebook recycling groups | Kymäläinen, Aino |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14151 | Why do people share online? Online disinhibition effect in the context of the virtual community of Reddit | Koivu, Salla |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14142 | Palveluorientoitumisen soveltaminen turvallisuusalan liiketoiminnassa | Kangas, Arto |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14140 | Ammatillisen yhteisön tunnuspiirteet markkinoinnin näkökulmasta: Kuinka ammatillista yhteisöä tulisi markkinoida? | Ora, Tommi |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14136 | Studying self-presentation in online social
network sites Facebook & Instagram | Isosomppi, Laura |
2015 |
Marketing |
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14131 | Sponsorship leverage as a part of company's integrated marketing communications strategy - Case Fazer | Lepistö, Laura |
2015 |
Marketing |
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14130 | The Real Thing: A discourse analysis of authenticity in private fashion and lifestyle blogs | Kristola, Julia |
2015 |
Marketing |
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14127 | Destination branding as a tool for destination marketing organizations | Ukkola, Matti |
2015 |
Marketing |
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14119 | Understanding consumers' channel choice in omni-channel retail environments - case Tokmanni | Lehikoinen, Iida-Maria |
2015 |
Marketing |
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14118 | How companies perceive the value of trade fairs: Reasons for companies' unwillingness to exhibit | Kotila, Jaakko |
2015 |
Marketing |
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14111 | The role of channel integration and interactivity in the customer loyalty creation in an omnichannel fashion retail environment: case Bik Bok | Kinnunen, Noora |
2015 |
Marketing |
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14110 | Effect of consumers' ethic perceptions to convenience perceptions and purchasing intention in online stores | Orpana, Mari |
2015 |
Marketing |
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14024 | Medicalization of the consumer | Suuronen, Lotta |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14016 | Learned optimism in sales teams: An illustration of optimistic explanatory style and its application in three different contexts | Kalske, Antti |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
14008 | Re-appropriation of urban space through consumption | Merenheimo, Janina |
2015 |
Marketing |
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13982 | Liiketoimintastrategian tehokas jalkauttaminen myyntiorganisaatiossa - tapaustutkimus | Tervonen, Mikael |
2015 |
Marketing |
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13978 | Accuracy of noncomplex customer lifetime value models in the medical service context | Harju, Tuomas |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13977 | Salibandyyn liittyvät merkitykselliset resurssit identiteetin ja minäkuvan rakentumisessa. | Kultamaa, Antti |
2015 |
Marketing |
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13969 | Asiakasarvon luominen henkilökohtaisella myyntityöllä - case K-kauppias | Anhava, Maunu |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13968 | Trustworthiness and trust in the context of technology-aided financial services | Kuusela, Heidi |
2015 |
Marketing |
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13967 | Defining factors that are affecting acceptance and adoption of mobile cloud-based CRM service: a pilot case study | Kemppainen, Heli |
2015 |
Marketing |
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13965 | Adapting information in online brand communities: Protest framing in a neutral setting and the dissolution of person-brand relationships | Kaskirinne, Aki |
2015 |
Marketing |
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13958 | Organisatoristen tekijöiden vaikutus pankin johdon ja asiakaspalveluhenkilöstön näkemyksiin asiakashyödyistä. Case: S-pankki | Rajaniemi, Joni |
2015 |
Marketing |
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13950 | The role of social media in enhancing spectator sports fan phenomenon - Case Finnish men's national basketball team Susijengi | Ikäheimonen, Erika |
2015 |
Marketing |
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13949 | Blogs as navigation platforms: A study of narrative directionality in the identity construction process of the contemporary consumer | Nikkinen, Maiju |
2015 |
Marketing |
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13948 | Branding media with event marketing | Tuppurainen, Laura |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13947 | Evaluating blogger credibility - How blog readers perceive the credibility of fashion and lifestyle bloggers and blog content | Mielonen, Ninja |
2015 |
Marketing |
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13938 | Online video consumption practices: Studying Finnish viral video mavens | Tammisto, Noora |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13937 | The effect of sales force control systems and sales experience on salesperson performance | Chaichee, Aamer |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13932 | From brick-and-mortar to Click-and-Mortar: a comparative case study on multichannel retail strategy implementation as a practice | Lönnblad, Susanna |
2015 |
Marketing |
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13931 | Understanding strategic corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Finnish consumer goods industry | Kuusela, Nina |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13930 | Building the dream online: Does participation in luxury brand's social media affect brand experience, brand affect, brand trust, and brand loyalty? | Parikka, Ainomaria |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13924 | Evaluating the blog as an arena of word of mouth marketing.
A consumer investigation of how consumers evaluate organic and amplified electronic word of mouth communication in Finnish consumer fashion blogs | Mustonen, Johanna |
2015 |
Marketing |
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13914 | Participation in professional communities: antecedents and outcomes of interpersonal exchange | Kajan, Jukka |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13909 | The impacts of customer empowerment on new product and firm performance: performance effects and contextual considerations of involving customers in new product development | Silverang, Tuomas |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13902 | Measuring housing community customers' digital service usage: the effect of community identity | Savolainen, Jaakko |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13893 | Understanding the legitimation efforts and persuasion tactics of food bloggers | Ahokas, Leena |
2015 |
Marketing |
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13857 | Wellness media: Consumption motives and relation to wellness orientation | Laine, Katariina |
2015 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13856 | Kuluttajan kokema verkkomarkkinointi osana kustannustehokkaan päivittäistavarakaupan markkinointiviestintästrategiaa - case Lidl | Mäkinen, Niina |
2014 |
Marketing |
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13854 | Kuluttajien elinteemat osana merkityspohjaisen mainonnan ja ikonibrändien rakentamista | Rosenberg, Laura |
2015 |
Marketing |
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13837 | Omni-channel retail in SMEs:
How do SMEs employ omni-channel retail strategies? | Fingerroos, Patrik |
2014 |
Marketing |
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13827 | Humble man's pursuit of prestige: A narrative approach to the interplay of cultural virtues and luxury desires in Finnish post-postmodern man's identity construction process | Malminen, Salla |
2014 |
Marketing |
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13761 | Exploring Russian dairy consumption culture | Alanen, Eeva |
2014 |
Marketing |
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13759 | Contributing to mobile gamer loyalty with game design | Nenonen, Elina |
2014 |
Marketing |
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13753 | Scarcity effects on consumer purchase intention in the context of E-commerce | Trinh, Anh |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13748 | Identifying value mismatches in B2B relationships:
A case study in the recruitment industry | Barndik, Sari |
2014 |
Marketing |
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13744 | Sales approach to customer service in e-commerce - A case study within a specialty retailer's customer service chat | Iso-Peura, Tapio |
2014 |
Marketing |
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13742 | An empirical study on the e-learning acceptance among the Finnish labor | Rissa, Juha |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13729 | What motivates consumers to co-create value in online communities? | Aspinen, Taru |
2014 |
Marketing |
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13728 | National brand importers' strategic reactions towards private labels | Miikkulainen, Julius |
2014 |
Marketing |
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13721 | Does a successful consumer movement require being cohesive and have a unified goal? Ethnography of Restaurant Day | Hauru, Elisa |
2014 |
Marketing |
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13719 | Play in Finnish students' experiences of alcohol consumption | Eriksson, Joonas |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13718 | The Wonder of fanaticism in football | Valjakka, Julius |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13716 | Improving inter-organizational internal communication and collaboration with the help of enterprise social media.
Case study: A multinational corporation | Avanidis, Sabrina |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13699 | Experiencing nature through consumption: studying sailors' experiences | Mäenpää, Emma |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13687 | The effects of sports sponsorship on
the sponsor firm´s customer-based
brand equity in the context of
Finnish team sports | Tchernych, Mikael |
2014 |
Marketing |
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13685 | Expanding understanding of value co-creation: A cultural approach | Honkanen, Maria |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13684 | Understanding consumer motives in social media community participation - Case Quality Hunters | Merivirta, Antti |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13683 | Musiikkipiraattien kuluttajavastarinta suomalaisessa musiikki-teollisuudessa | Paloheimo, Veikko |
2014 |
Marketing |
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13682 | Consumer adoption of access-based consumption services - Case AirBnB | Satama, Sampo |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13663 | Identifying, quantifying, communicating and selling customer value in industrial context - Case: Supplier Alpha | Keski-Pukkila, Panu |
2014 |
Marketing |
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13662 | Market orientation in Finnish pharmacies | Lähdevuori, Mikko |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13661 | Creation of a place brand - Involving residents in branding processes | Ahonen, Vilma |
2014 |
Marketing |
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13660 | Trade fairs role as part of the firms' marketing communication - an integrated trade fair participation process | Engblom, Rilla |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13659 | Consumers' Alternative Diets as Identity Projects - a Narrative Approach | Luukkonen, Anniina |
2014 |
Marketing |
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13658 | Elements of brand loyalty in lifestyle brand context | Rapala, Anna |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13630 | Storytelling in emotional branding - How to create a story that has a significant impact on consumers | Autio, Heini |
2014 |
Marketing |
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13627 | Palvelujen automatisoinnin vaikutus asiakastyytyväisyyteen | Larjovaara, Sanna |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13588 | Authenticity of self through travel; examination of backpackers in South East Asia - an ethnographic approach | Smart, Sebastian |
2014 |
Marketing |
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13587 | Don't give me attitude: Can perceptions of social norms, behavioral control and moral intensity help bridge the attitude-behavior gap in ethical consumer behavior? | Gloukhovtsev, Alexei |
2014 |
Marketing |
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13560 | Lived experience of a place - A phenomenological exploration of place brand creation by consumers | Leskelä, Laura |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13528 | Discursive legitimation strategies in the media.
Case study of the UK retail planning policy | Lavrusheva, Olga |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13523 | Towards market oriented customer relationship management | Mönkkönen, Marjaana |
2011 |
Marketing |
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13522 | Miten kuluttajat arvioivat private label -tuotteita?
Tuotteen ulkoisten vihjeiden merkitys laatumielikuvien muodostumisessa | Jutila, Janne |
2010 |
Marketing |
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13521 | The role of creatives' everyday work in the creation of a competitive advantage in the advertising industry | Louhelainen, Karla |
2010 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13520 | Barriers to business model innovation - A comparative case study of the Finnish paper and telecom industries | Storbacka, Emma |
2010 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13518 | Timestyle profiles - a quantitative study exploring consumer segmentation based on timestyle dimensions | Kilpi, Tuuli |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13517 | Sähköisen liiketoimintamallin komponentit ja kehityssuunnat -Tapaustutkimuksia Suomen verkkoruokakaupoista | Kangas, Jarkko |
2014 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13516 | The new era of corporate marketing: Building and managing corporate identity in social media | Kostamo, Uuna |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13515 | Scrabble liberation - Research poet/ry creating being | Hietala, Iida |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13514 | Exploring organizational service orientation: A preliminary analysis in the retail industry | Lehto, Antti |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13513 | Kohti vastuullista terveysruokamarkkinointia - netnografinen analyysi terveellisen syömisen merkityksistä hyvinvointiblogien kerronnassa | Spohr, Sanna |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13512 | Associations between life satisfaction, time use and exploratory buying behavior - Quantitative exploratory study among Finnish business students | Huttunen, Eriika |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13511 | The influence of competition environment and strategic orientation on investments:
Survey of companies operating in Finland | Söderström, Jami |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13510 | Co-marketing and its perceived influence on business performance - Evidence from the strategic alliances of IBM Finland | Holm, Petra |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13509 | Yhtenäisen yritysbrändin rakentaminen ja johtaminen yritysmarkkinoilla tulosyksikköorganisaatiossa - Yritysbrändistä lisäarvoa differoinnin kautta | Pietarinen, Suvi |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13508 | Negotiating authenticity in consuming the hyperreal | Kuronen, Noora |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13506 | Behave yourself - Identity power of consumption, a contemporary view | Peltonen, Jukka |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13505 | Consumer attitudes towards online advertising - Comparison of display and search advertising | Roponen, Pauliina |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13503 | Production of authenticity: video discourses in the consumer/producer interface of YouTube | Kassari, Maija |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13502 | Negotiating the meanings Of blogging practices in the blogosphere | Lovio, Jaakko |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13501 | Risteilykokemus ja turvattomuuden tunne - Analyysi toimijaverkkoteorian avulla | Salovuori, Heini |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13500 | Word-of-mouth-viestinnän motiivit muotiblogeissa | Kotilainen, Katja |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13499 | Market emergence through marketization lens: Case Restaurant Day | Jumppanen, Nina |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13497 | Identity construction through women's magazines:
A narrative life story approach | Välimaa, Milla |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13348 | The role of effective advertising appeals in generating approach behavior in consumers -DMP-Linnanmäki | Tynkkynen, Heidi |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13347 | The role of desire in self construction: city and identity narratives | Popova, Yulia |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13346 | Pakkausmuotoilu brandin laatumielikuvan vahvistajana kampaamotuotteissa
- Case: Schwarzkopf Professional | Dermedesiotis, Emilia |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13332 | Managing and balancing individual's alcohol consumption in the short and long run - narratives from students' lived experiences | Näsi, Nina |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13317 | Attracting international degree students to Finnish higher education institutions: a study on decision making processes of Chinese and South Korean students | Vierimaa, Ville |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13308 | Configurational analysis as an alternative way of modeling sales response | Aarnio, Susanna |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13307 | A study of the factors influencing customer satisfaction and efficiency in contact centers: the combined effect | Rekilä, Terhi |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13306 | Identity projects of design professionals - Identity construction using social media | Jukuri, Kimmo |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13299 | 'Homo Sapiens = Homo Ludens?' Autoetnografinen tutkimus rahapelaamisen moniulotteisista merkityksistä | Priha, Timo |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13271 | Vihreät kulutuspäätökset - Narratiivinen analyysi vihreiden kulutuspäätösten teemoista | Karilainen, Hanna |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13242 | Consumers' privacy construction in sharing location information through smartphones | Tikkanen, Jaakko |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13236 | Determinants of sales training success -
How to increase the perceived value? | Ignatius, Eeva |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13233 | Linking brand equity to information sharing over different channels | Saastamoinen, Mikko |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13229 | Reasons for marketing metric importance in Finnish B2B markets - Twin-study approach | Haavisto, Juuso |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13226 | Depicting sales and distribution channels from the network perspective - A case study from the Finnish wood product industry | Naumanen, Petri |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13225 | Motivation of crowd participation in hybrid ideation competitions | Zischler, Christian |
2013 |
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13224 | Understanding brand relationships with OTC pharmaceutical products and corporate brand experienced by the consumers: Case Orion Oyj | Honkanen, Emma |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13223 | Engaging and sustaining brand community on Facebook:
Study of Finnish shopping malls. | Alestalo, Joona |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13222 | Entrepreneurial opportunity development -How entrepreneurs turn ideas into viable business concepts | Henriksson, Kristian Vilhelm |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13221 | Measuring value drivers of e-business - An empirical study | Del Rio Olivares, Maria Jose |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13220 | Community-forward campuses: fostering the sense of community at universities through placemaking | Sahramaa, Tuomas |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13219 | An empirical study on the adoption of mobile location-based advertising | Järnefelt, Patrik |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13218 | Competitive behavior and the upper echelons perspective | Vaniala, Iiro |
2013 |
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13217 | Employer branding - Living the brand | Rebrovic, Luna |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13216 | Raider of the lost art - What kind of a product is film? | Rinne, Niklas |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13215 | Ekologisuuden rakentuminen huonekalukaupan alalla. Tietämyksen ja vallan jakautumisen epäsymmetria. | Eeronheimo, Miia |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13183 | Helsingin paikkabrandimielikuva ulkomaisen matkailun näkökulmasta | Lönnrot, Suvi |
2013 |
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13182 | Tanssitaiteiden sponsorointi Suomessa | Saarela, Nanna |
2013 |
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13181 | Organic food consumption from consumers' perspective
- A consumer narrative approach | Ryynälä, Anu |
2013 |
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13149 | Participation in professional communities: Exploring community orientations among highly-educated professionals | Hänninen, Anna |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13143 | Understanding drivers of social transmission of information on the internet | Rodic, Nemanja |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13137 | Mitigating consumers' barriers to exercise:
A short-term intervention approach | Enqvist, Elina |
2012 |
Marketing |
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13134 | Remarks from the backstage: Blogging performances, blogger identity and privacy strategies | Jänkälä, Saara |
2013 |
Marketing |
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13123 | Women and body culture -
Life stories, advertising experiences and cultural context in women's identity construction processes | Kujala, Petra |
2012 |
Marketing |
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13122 | Kauppaan vai verkkokauppaan? Suomalaisen kuluttajan valintaorientaatio monikanavaisessa ympäristössä | Korhonen, Helka |
2012 |
Marketing |
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13121 | Creating value with ship life-cycle services selling - Case STX Finland Oy | Kähönen, Arttu |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13120 | Beyond risk: Communitas, flow and embodiment in the practices of paragliding | Leskelä, Diana |
2012 |
Marketing |
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13119 | Consumers' brand origin perceptions through visual appeals in international fashion advertisement | Valin, Iida |
2012 |
Marketing |
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13118 | Myths of masculinity in luxury advertising - constructing an ideal male consumer | Säkäjärvi, Sini |
2013 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13062 | Selling e-commerce innovations:
How do CMOs and CIOs describe their roles and relationships in the e-commerce adoption process? | Lehtinen, Lasse |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13032 | Organizational practices and praxes in the implementation, execution and governance of enterprise architecture - A strategic management perspective | Pallaspuro, Toni |
2012 |
Marketing |
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13031 | Barriers to entry in a regulated industry: Tackling barriers to entry with limited resources - The entrant perspective | Asikainen, Karla |
2012 |
Marketing |
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13026 | Facebook and extension of social ties: Implications on group norms and purchasing behavior | Laaksonen, Lasse |
2012 |
Marketing |
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13025 | Netnography on virtual travel community | Mäkelä, Satu |
2012 |
Marketing |
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13024 | The consumer's experiences and explanations of the concentrated retail grocery market and meaningful actions | Junkkarinen, Katja |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13023 | Sponsoroinnin motiivit, tavoitteet ja arvo - Arvopohjainen myynti osana voittoa tavoittelemattoman organisaation sponsorihankintaa | Vottonen, Janne |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13022 | E-product development for mass customization in a manufacturing SME | Huikko, Linda |
2012 |
Marketing |
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13021 | Perceived customer value and software usability: a multiple case study in electronic invoicing | Westwood, Eveliina |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13020 | Design for public services - The fourth way:
Fostering public service design though multi-organizational entities | Ollila, Susanna |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13019 | Marketing performance assessment in the digital age - a constructive case study | Reponen, Niina |
2012 |
Marketing |
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13018 | Kuluttajien suklaabrändisuhteet | Raatikainen, Annika |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13017 | The impact of multiple framing cues on promotion success: Evidence from an experiment in an online Pay What You Want context | Flagan, Mikko |
2012 |
Marketing |
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13016 | The use of advertising claims in hedonic and functional food ads | Siirilä, Sarianne |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
13015 | Using crowdfunding in early stage co-creative startup business development
-A case study | Lehtonen, Markus |
2012 |
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13014 | Exploration at the individual level - Enhancing the employee level ambidexterity by moving the employees' exploitation-exploration balance towards exploration | Halonen, Mira |
2012 |
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13013 | Role of the financial due diligence in Merger & Acquisition. How do findings in due diligence affect transactions in M&A? | Lehtinen, Sirpa |
2012 |
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13012 | Marketing, market-based assets and capabilities, core business processes, and financial performance in Finnish companies | Kiesi, Anssi |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12992 | Identity work of Chinese university students: Interpreting local and global discourses | Qu, Zhaorui |
2012 |
Marketing |
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12991 | Applying cross-functional teams in the service innovation process | Pylväs, Matti |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12990 | Employee perceived benefits of prime retail location: a view from within | Kaime, Kevin |
2012 |
Marketing |
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12989 | Food, family and women:
Constructing identity through food-related discourses | Pärssinen, Noora |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12988 | Hoarder's stories of loss and disposing of possessions | Tiimo, Maija |
2012 |
Marketing |
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12987 | Tunneälyn merkitys henkilökohtaisen myyntityön myyntiprosessin eri myynnin vaiheissa
-Case Sampo Pankki Oyj | Alen, Kim |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12986 | Does brand origin influence consumer-based brand equity? A study of Finnish consumers' perceptions of premium cars | Jalkanen, Juhani |
2012 |
Marketing |
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12985 | Interacting performance effects of marketing and sales activities: Case Aalto EE Open programs and Forums | Sauna-aho, Vaito |
2012 |
Marketing |
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12984 | Mobiilipalveluiden laatu ja sen mittaaminen finanssialalla | Petäjäinen, Henna |
2012 |
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12983 | Value co-creation in service relationships: a study of customer and service provider role responsibilities in KIBS | Heinola, Elina |
2012 |
Marketing |
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12982 | Reklamaatiojohtaminen: Ohjeistus ja organisaatiokulttuuri työntekijän toiminnan ohjaajina | Wirman, Joni |
2012 |
Marketing |
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12981 | Entertained to excess: the contemporary practices of boredom | Myöhänen, Henri |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12980 | A new evolving possibility in serice design case: | Kaakinen, Lauri |
2011 |
Marketing |
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12979 | Erikoiskaupan tuotesortimentin muodostaminen kestävän kehityksen kontekstissa | Araluoma, Hilkka |
2011 |
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12978 | Implications of hedonic and utilitarian information search and social media browsing on purchase value | Nurmikko, Sakari |
2011 |
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[pdf] |
12977 | Etujärjestöjen vaikutusstrategiat itsehoitolääkemarkkinoiden sääntelyssä | Jaatinen, Taiju |
2011 |
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12976 | Myymälä herää henkiin - Ihmiset paikan tuottajina | Malm, Mikko |
2011 |
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12975 | Asiakaskokemuksen johtamisen merkitys yritykselle | Virtanen, Jussi |
2011 |
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12974 | Utilization of media monitoring | Tiihonen, Anne |
2011 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12973 | Vastuullinen kuluttajakäyttäytyminen päivittäistavaroiden ostopäätösprosessissa | Varonen, Laura |
2011 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12972 | Vihreä lisäarvo yrityssektorin asiakassuhteissa
- Case Puukeskus Oy | Aarninsalo, Susanna |
2011 |
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12971 | Resurssit osana asiakkaan arvonluontia palveluliiketoiminnassa - Pankkien lainapalvelut kuluttajille | Seppinen, Asta |
2011 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12952 | Kieltoja vai valistusta? Alkoholimainonnan lainsäädännön asettamat haasteet panimoiden markkinointistrategioille | Seppälä, Harri |
2012 |
Marketing |
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12932 | The effect of innovative activity on performance in nascent Finnish mutual fund market in 1997-2010 | Väistö, Timo |
2012 |
Marketing |
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12916 | Place consumption: the Sauna, the Finns and their practices | Harjulin, Nina |
2012 |
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12896 | Dynaaminen aikatyyli mukana arjen jokapäiväisissä kulutusvalinnoissa - ajan merkityksen muuttuminen kotiäitiyden myötä | Ettala, Outi |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12892 | Koettu arvo sähköisessä asiointiympäristössä
-Haastattelututkimus nuorten kuluttajien kokemuksista | Luukkonen, Erika |
2012 |
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[pdf] |
12872 | Factors affecting consumers’ perceptions of digital sales promotion – An experimental investigation | Airisto, Antti |
2012 |
Marketing |
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12824 | Kosmetiikkaa kuluttava nainen nyky-yhteiskunnassa - Narratiiveja naiskuluttajien elämästä | Pöyhönen, Laura |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12818 | Brand image as an indicator of brand relationships and architecture in Helsinki Music Center - Case study of three merging brands: Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra and Sibelius Academy | Mäkinen, Anni |
2012 |
Marketing |
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12817 | Design performance measures in the context of Finnish design consultancies and their client companies | Jonkka, Jenny |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12815 | eReading advertising as a part of integrated marketing communications: advertiser's perspective | Kännö, Hanna |
2012 |
Marketing |
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12814 | Country of origin and customer-based brand equity: A quantitative study on Chinese cars going global | Liu, Ye |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12813 | The untapped value of strategic CSR in contemporary business to government relationship marketing.
Case: Industrial B2G Environment in the EU | Santalainen, Juhana |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12812 | Factors in B2B e-Commerce Marketing Channel Adoption - A Case Study | Rogers, Mikael |
2012 |
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12808 | Sosiaalisen median hyödyntäminen asiakasuskollisuuteen vaikuttamisessa | Huikko, Stiina |
2012 |
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12792 | Musiikin vaikutus kuluttajan tunteisiin, ostoaikomuksiin ja käytökseen H&M myymälässä | Räisänen, Anna |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12789 | Diskursiivinen analyysi luomuruoasta | Jatkola, Maija |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12778 | Facilitating inter-organizational collaboration and knowledge creation in the context of the Finnish physical exercise sector - Case Ready Steady GO! Finland cluster Program | Nikkanen, Anu |
2012 |
Marketing |
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12769 | The effect of traditional advertising campaigns on online affiliate channel performance - a case of a leading international hotel booking website | Rinta-Kanto, Salla |
2012 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12767 | Corporate branding in SMEs - Differences between Finland and USA | Lappalainen, Leeni |
2011 |
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12743 | Ruuan laadun signaalistrategiat elintarvikeyritysten markkinoinnissa. Case Valio, Fazer, Atria ja Raisio | Paronen, Aissa |
2011 |
Marketing |
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12742 | Ydinliiketoimintaprosesseissa suoriutumisen vaikutus yrityksen menestykseen: markkina-asema ja taantuma moderoivina tekijöinä | Walther, Jarmo |
2011 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12741 | Iän ja keskittämistason vaikutus asiakaspysyvyyteen finanssialan yrityksessä – Resurssien kohdentamisen näkökulma | Linda, Visa |
2011 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12740 | Is there more to it than posting a status update?
Customer relationships in social media; context of Finnish art museums | Kronström, Heidi |
2011 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12739 | Media as multitasking: An exploratory study on capturing audiences’ media multitasking and multiple media use behaviours | Tokan, Fatih |
2011 |
Marketing |
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12738 | Fanaticism - Its development and meanings in consumers' lives | Seregina, Anastasia |
2011 |
Marketing |
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12726 | The role of ASEAN regional economic integration in Finnish companies' operations in Southeast Asia | Hyttinen, Anne |
2011 |
Marketing |
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12725 | Vähittäiskaupan sääntely ja sen vaikutukset: Bibliometrinen analyysi vuosilta 1990-2010. | Hakala, Laura |
2011 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12724 | Asiakassuhteen luottamustekijöitä B2B-liiketoiminnassa: Case Vintor Oy | Myller, Carla |
2011 |
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12723 | Markkinointi sosiaalisessa mediassa osana markkinoinnin tuottavuutta: Case Valio Facebook | Mielityinen, Anni |
2011 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12722 | New product development in professional communities: using members to help innovate | Yang, Yiming |
2011 |
Marketing |
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12721 | Häiriökäyttäytyminen myymäläympäristössä - kuluttajien narratiiveja häiritsevän tai uhkaavan käyttäytymisen ja turvattomien asiointipaikkojen kokemisesta | Ye, Xiang |
2011 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12719 | Motivations behind liking: Implications of Facebook brand community behavior on purchase intentions | Malmivaara, Tuuli |
2011 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12659 | On-site sponsorship activities: the
meanings and perceptions for the
three key interest groups.
Case: Uplause Crowd Games in Karjala Cup 2010 | Majakero, Mikko |
2011 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12656 | Factors affecting mobile gaming adoption - A study of Chinese users and contexts | Pan, Tianyi |
2011 |
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12655 | Organizational buying behavior for combined online and offline ELearning-services | Niiranen, Helinä |
2011 |
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12649 | Urheilusponsoroinnin tehostaminen digitaalisen markkinoinnin avulla | Pohjonen, Heikki |
2011 |
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12643 | The effects of retail design on customer perceived value | Ullakonoja, Juho |
2011 |
Marketing |
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12634 | Mielikuvien rooli kannattajien uskollisuudessa: Mitä miettii tosifani? | Lindholm, Mika |
2011 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12620 | The effect of a market orientation and employee
learning orientation on organizational commitment | Alén, Sari |
2011 |
Marketing |
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12617 | Value creation and value capture in software product business: Analyzing product development, B2B sales and software process methodologies | Juneja, Antti |
2011 |
Marketing |
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12615 | Institutional strategy and corporate social responsibility of the new entrant in the grocery retail market: Case Lidl Finland | Parviainen, Kimmo |
2011 |
Marketing |
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12610 | "Differing everydays"
practices of planning and coordinating daily life | Viitala, Karolus |
2011 |
Marketing |
[pdf] |
12609 | Työntekijäpääoma työntekijäkannan kehittämisen välineenä-
Case: Suomen sairaanhoitajat | Venho, Aura |
2011 |
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12576 | Voimavarojen ja kyvykkyyksien rooli kestävän kilpailuedun tavoittelussa: resurssiperustainen näkemys erikoiskauppojen kilpailutilanteesta Suomessa | Partanen, Tiia |
2011 |
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12561 | Strategic framework for utilization of social media: establishing link between strategic marketing and social media | Flinck, Pia |
2011 |
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12536 | Enhancing customer relations in team sport business | Piipponen, Henri |
2011 |
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12534 | Brand loyalty and involvement in different customer levels of a service concept brand | Dahlgren, Susanna |
2011 |
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12532 | Kuluttajien kokemukset ja kuluttajien kokema hyöty itsepalvelukassoista | Uitto, Janni |
2011 |
Marketing |
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12527 | Hedonic and utilitarian search for electronic word-of-mouth and implications on purchase value | Pöyry, Essi |
2011 |
Marketing |
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12526 | Delivering retail banking service in a physical context
Case X-Pankki Oy / X-Bank Ltd | Uski, Anna |
2011 |
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12525 | Muotoilun vienninedistämishankkeiden onnistumisen tekijät: Case Design Forum Finland | Mäntylä, Maria |
2011 |
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12521 | Reader-responses to synthetic word-of-mouth communications: A narrative study of lifestyle blog readers | Toveri, Heidi |
2011 |
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12518 | Market orientation, innovation capability and business performance: insights from different phases of the business cycle | Huhtala, Juho-Petteri |
2011 |
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12516 | Kauppakeskusrakenteen vaikutus hypermarketin vaikutusalueeseen, asiakaskuntaan ja myyntiin | Aspholm, Antti |
2011 |
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12515 | E-reading devices as a new medium for newspaper reading | Halme, Olivia |
2011 |
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12511 | Taideyhteistyön verkostot kaupunkirakentamisessa - Arabianranta ja Kalasatama | Timperi, Henri |
2011 |
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12510 | Auton ostamiseen ja ostopaikan valintaan vaikuttavat tekijät naisten keskuudessa | Kuoksa-Jalonen, Liisa |
2011 |
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12504 | Electronic collaborative mass customization as a competitive strategy – Exploring the key success factors | Palmu, Krista |
2011 |
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12503 | Sähköinen kauppa osana mikroyrittäjien liiketoimintamallia kuluttajakaupassa | Kiviniemi, Timo |
2011 |
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12477 | Communication media choices in a knowledge-work
A case study on the factors hindering efficient communication | Aaltonen, Laura |
2010 |
Marketing |
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12476 | Parempi maailma vai paremmat tuotteet? Eksploratiivinen narratiivitutkimus käyttäjälähtöisestä innovoinnista | Aalto, Anna-Maija |
2011 |
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12466 | Asiakkaan kokeman arvon muodostuminen aikakauslehden Internet-sivuilla | Huotarinen, Annina |
2011 |
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12459 | Online fantasy league business models | Hautanen, Jaakko |
2010 |
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12458 | Corporate branding through employees - An ethnographic study on employee brand-supportive behaviors among frontline employees of a Finnish telecommunications company | Koskinen, Jaakko |
2011 |
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12454 | The role of creative industries in national innovation system - The creative clusters of Moscow | Panfilo, Aleksander |
2011 |
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12406 | Establishing an international service network in industrial context - capability perspective | Nuojua, Sanna |
2010 |
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12389 | Arvojen välittyminen asiakkaille - Case: tekstiilialan designyritys Nanso | Wuoristo, Martina |
2010 |
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12384 | Consumer motivations for providing electronic word-of-mouth in virtual pet communities | Pursiainen, Essi |
2010 |
Marketing |
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12383 | Value creation in political marketing | Kaskeala, Anna |
2010 |
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12363 | Firm core business processes and the effect on performance | Laite, Kaarlo |
2010 |
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12362 | Kaupan koettu turvallisuus: Tutkimus myymälävartijan vaikutuksesta kaupassa asioivaan kuluttajaan | Puustinen, Marilla |
2010 |
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12360 | Wellness-palveluliiketoiminnan laatutekijät | Hammarén, Reeta |
2010 |
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12359 | Trade Finance -palvelujen laatu ja sen mittaaminen yritysten ulkomaankaupassa | Aalto, Anne |
2010 |
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12358 | Tapahtumamarkkinointi musiikkiviennin menekinedistämiskeinona. Case Berliini. | Susiluoto, Selja |
2010 |
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12357 | Markkinaorientaation vaikutus pakkausuudistusprosessiin | Rousi, Perttu Samuli |
2010 |
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12356 | Kohti asiakaslähtöistä palveluverkostoa kaupunkiorganisaatiossa / Case: Helsinki - yritysmyönteinen kumppani -hankkeen palvelupolut
Case: Helsinki - yritysmyönteinen kumppani -hankkeen palvelupolut | Rautvuori, Monika |
2010 |
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12355 | Humanitarian non-profit organizations’ marketing’s effects on donor behavior in social media | Lassila, Hannareeta |
2010 |
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12348 | Asiakaskokemuksen johtamisjärjestelmän (CEM) myynnin erityispiirteet - Case Itella Asiakkuusmarkkinointi | Davidkin, Samuel |
2010 |
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12346 | Verkostoituminen Muutosvoimaa vanhustyön osaamiseen -hankeessa | Hakolampi, Tiia |
2010 |
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12345 | Yrityksen mediavalinta ja televisiomainonnan rooli muuttuvassa mediakentässä | Herkamaa, Helena |
2010 |
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12344 | Viraalimarkkinoinnin hyödyntäminen poliittisessa markkinoinnissa
Case: Sauli Niinistön presidentinvaalikampanja 2006 | Nahkala, Andrei |
2010 |
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12342 | Social media applications in marketing communications Of the marketing oriented companies | Haataja, Markus |
2010 |
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12338 | Closing the gap between customer requirements and company's current product offering - Managing customer knowledge in the front-end of innovations. Case: Metso Automation Inc. | Husu, Marianne |
2010 |
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12337 | Consumer attitudes toward mobile advertising | Friman, Julia |
2010 |
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12336 | Toimintaympäristölähtöisten tekijöiden vaikutus Suomessa yritysmarkkinoilla toimivien high-tech -yritysten markkinointiin liiketoiminnan alkuvaiheessa | Virta, Anna |
2010 |
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12335 | Palvelumuotoilu palveluiden kehittämisprosessissa - Case-tutkimus Itella Oyj:stä | Nilsson, Laura |
2010 |
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12334 | Academy-Industry Cooperation: Case Solar Decathlon Competition | Arhipova, Anna |
2010 |
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12333 | Internetin hyödyntäminen kvalitatiivisessa markkinatutkimuksessa | Vasala, Vernariikka |
2010 |
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12332 | Marketing investment courage and financial performance
- A study of profiles and financial implications among Finnish firms | Karvonen, Vilma |
2010 |
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12331 | Tarinat emotionaalisen markkinoinnin välineenä kuluttajamarkkinoilla | Hiisilä, Iina |
2010 |
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12330 | Successful global launch of solution offerings - the process and key considerations | Kinnunen, Kati |
2010 |
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12329 | Asiakkaan tiloissa myytävien finanssituotteiden markkinointistrategian muodostaminen –
Case-tutkimus Alexandria Consulting Group | Kymäläinen, Lauri |
2010 |
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12283 | The impact of marketing-sales relationship on business performance | Kyckling, Katariina |
2010 |
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12281 | Package cues and their influence on the perception of Premium quality of Premium private label products | Immonen, Lotta |
2010 |
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12280 | Tiedolla johtaminen kaupan ja teollisuuden yhteistyössä | Mauno, Elina |
2010 |
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12279 | Personoidun markkinoinnin kriittiset menestystekijät | Kovanen, Hanna-Leena |
2010 |
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12278 | Exchange of market information in retail trade - Insights on the termination of ScanTrack in Finland | Leppänen, Pauliina |
2010 |
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12276 | Character customization in video games as symbolic consumption
- how characters are customized | Mertsalmi, Juhani |
2010 |
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12275 | Elämyksellistä, inspiroivaa ja monikulttuurista vuorovaikutusta: harrastusmessujen markkinakulttuurin rakentuminen Matka 2009 -messuilla | Schlobohm, Harri |
2010 |
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